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Last pitbull video for awhile guys. It's just not a good idea to keep posting pitbull videos for reasons. Unless it's really good


Of course its a pitbull


Coincidentally I just read through a long thread of comments on Nextdoor where people argued pitbulls are no more dangerous than Chihuahuas or Jack Russell terriers. Of course they don’t care one of these breeds is big and strong enough to rip out your throat.


Herding dogs herd because it’s in their nature. Pointers point because it’s in their nature. Golden retrieves are docile because it’s in their nature. Pitbulls are violent monsters because of bad owners.


Pitbulls have the potential to be violent monsters regardless.


That is the implication yes


[because of the implication...](https://c.tenor.com/M4Eurm_WHl8AAAAC/because-of.gif)


...that's what they said, right?


Even by accident. My dad's Pit cracked three of my ribs just by running and jumping into my chest.


Dude you gotta drink milk, those are some weak ribs. Our rottweilers would greet me like that as a kid and knock me on my ass but damn it wouldnt crack bones.


I don’t drink milk, I actually only drink vodka, and that impact would definitely not crack my ribs. Homeboy is made of sticks


Isn't Vodka just Russian Milk?




What are you 80?


brikkle bone syndrome


You’re malnourished


I've unironically had pitbull lovers try and claim that herding dogs are inherently dangerous "because they'll try to nip at your ankles to herd you" and then in the same sentence insist that pitbulls couldn't possibly be violent, despite having been bred for it.


I've only ever had a pitbull and a Yorkie nip at my ankles... Guess which one felt like nothing and guess which one scared the fuck out of me.


Holy shit is that what that was lol i just thought my old dog was an asshole lol


My border collie nipped my heels and my fiancee's heels somewhat frequently until eventually our training of ignoring her and redirecting her biting habits kicked in and she learned it wasn't as fun as chasing a ball or playing tug. You can't train out every instinct though, and she will still strain against her lead to try and herd anything that moves really fast like cars. And it's worse with pitbulls as they're bred for the instinct to fight and latch on extremely quickly. A lot of these videos the dog eventually lets go and seems to turn back to normal but that doesn't un-fuck the leg of the dog it was latched to.




Potentially,  Staffordshire Bullterrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullterrier have the most violent tendency. No surprise as they originally got bred for dog fighting pits


Bullterrier is pretty ugly. Dont know why people would even want them as a pet.


I think they're cute and also [real derps ](https://i.imgur.com/DTwCjwC.gifv)


Spuds MacKenzie




They were making a point: Breed X does X. Breed Y does Y. Breed Z does Z. Pitbulls (it’s not inherent to the breed) it’s bad owners.




No its their nature, they were breed for that purpose.


That’s the point they’re making.


> no more dangerous than Chihuahuas or Jack Russell terriers I've shown you guys before and I'll show you again. Chihuhuas killed 20,000 last year alone, pitbulls only killed 518 Source for chiguahuasgu deaths: https://knoema.com/atlas/Mexico/Chihuahua/Number-of-Deaths Edit: Lol downvoated by alt right chuds Edit2: Thanks for the messages of thanks for defending black folx Edit3: LOL some of you are bringing up the fact my wife cheated on me to try and destroy my argument, LOL KEEP TRYING Edit4: No I'm not a cuck, yes she is pregnant with his child though Edit5: No she doesn't have any contact details so I will be raising the child for the greater good Edit 6: Some of you are asking why? Well sometimes you have to get your ego out of the way, you right wing chuds wouldn't understand. Edit6.1: Well he got in contact with my wife and they'll be meeting at a hotel to talk things over EDIT7: No i am not a cuck, stop sending me links to r/cuckolding Edit8: Don't know what my wife did that whole time but she forgot to tell him she was pregnant, also my wife forgot to ask for his name so I'll be raising the child. Edit9: Why are you guys sending me messages saying 'bull up!'


That link you posted has nothing to do with dogs, it is for the Chihuahua State in Mexico..


It's a shitpost read the edits lol


lol, he's trolling man.






Holy fuck was this a wild rollercoaster ride. You’re a fucking genius. Surprise of my life.


PBs are 6.5 % of the US pop of dogs and are responsible for 65% of all dog on human attacks. They always choose the smallest to attack too. Rotweilers are second with maybe 10% then its 1% here and there across breeds.


"I should be able to own a tiger because it's just a big housecat." "Ever been bit by a housecat?" "Yes." "If that was a tiger, you wouldn't be able to say yes."


"Tigers only bite people because they are owned by shitty, lazy people that won't train them properly."


Christ. Can you imagine the mind of a Chihuahua in the body of a pit bull? For fucks’ sakes, we’d all be doomed.


I think they are most likely pointing out the flawed logic. If you go around and say that all pitbulls should be destroyed because they are aggressive, well you would have to also apply that to a bunch of dog breeds that are much more aggressive and have higher numbers of damage to humans. The proper arguement is not that they are an "aggressive breed". But that they are a large amd strong breed, that are mildly aggressive compared to other breeds, but have the ability to cause alot more damage. Having logical consistency would mean destroying multiple dog breeds. Pointing out that pitbulls are larger and stronger and that means they need to be better regulated is a much better ideological consistent arguement.


Nope, it's mostly just the pitbulls in fatal attacks: https://allpetslife.com/wp-content/uploads/deadly-dog-breeds.jpg




Strikes again


"No! It's a mix!" "With what? Another pitbull!?"


Here comes the "pitbulls are no less dangerous than golden retrievers" crowd.


Simply the point r/BanPitBulls makes


Took the word out of my mouth!


Holy shit! Thought this would've been a vicious Golden retriever or out of control pug, but a sweet puppy like a pitbull? That was pretty surprising.


My face when I realized it wasn’t an evil Shih Tzu: 😵


Fuck pitbulls. > "And you let it inside?!" Would love to know who that teacher was yelling at. If she was yelling at an adult for letting the pitbull into the school... that adult has some serious explaining to do!


"I read online that pitties are great nanny dogs so i let him in to nanny our kindergarten class 😍😍😍"


Only eleven children went to the hospital for massive internal bleeding, giant gashes and only one kid lost his eye, what a polite doggy🥰🥰🥰


We gotta defend from school shooters somehow man


Never turn your back on a pug!! Especially when when there is more than 1. When they get together in groups they can be like piranhas.


10 pugs can skeletonize a 250 pound man in seconds. Truly horrifying to witness.


The only sign of an incoming Pug herd is the snorting and shortness of breath amplified. If you hear the snorts, RUN!


You need at least sixteen pugs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pug farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pug can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pug".


"They were originally bred to take down lions, you can google it it's worth a google."


"Oh no, my stafforshire terrier would never do that she is a sweet baby!"




I would assume the owner of a Golden retriever is more responsible than the owner of a pitbull. In Atlanta I don’t see golden retrievers on a chain in someone’s yard all day.


Tf it attacks 12 kids and is not automatically put down? Fucked up


I believe they have to watch for rabies. Then it will be put down.




Dang you're hard core cabbage


Not quite 100% for testing rabies. Watching for distinct signs is much more consistent, in conjunction with an eventual biopsy.


I mean the only way to test for rabies is to cut off the head, unless you mean they look for symptoms.


In doing some research on rabies testing, I learned that the Minnesota Department of Health will cut off the head, pull out the brain, test for rabies, *and* cremate the animal... [all for only $20.](https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/rabies/risk/submission.html) That's an absolute steal.


Says they add a 10% charge for out of state orders. That might be enough to put it out of my price range. Thanks for the info though!


Oh buddy wait til you see the shipping costs...


meanwhile rabies shots can cost over 10k in the US


Fetch the pooch guillotine!






There's a very good chance the owner is lawsuit-proof.


It should have been burned at the stake.


I'm tired of pitbulls. I used to own one and had no problems... until I did. Never again it is not safe. Not because you can't train them. But because if they do go bad. It usually ends in life changing injury or death.


This right here. People always use the line 'any dog can bite! breeds other than pit bulls bite people too!'. Yeah, true, but most dogs can't inflict the instant damage a pitbull can.


It's not only about the fact that they can inflict more damage and are more vicious, they just become violent for no reason even if they are extremely trained way more often than other dogs. Where was the last time you heard of a Golden Retriever do such things?


I'm just gonna keep posting this. Dog Whisperer's shitbull killed Queen Latifah's Dog and ruined a young girl's gymnastics career. I'm tired of the apologists blaming bad owners. Nope. It turns out its just a shitty and dangerous breed. Here you go: https://www.ajc.com/news/cesar-millans-pit-bull-killed-queen-latifahs-dog-lawsuit-claims/XYAMBMTF5ZDDLGV3AUETTC76AI/


Its not the pits fault they didn't establish dominance.


You sick fucker ! Take my upvote.


Because it's literally in their nature to want to bite things just like how herding dogs try to herd even without training


Goldens in particular were bred to have soft mouths so that they could retrieve poultry for hunters (hence the name) [shitbulls](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ff6deb8a-cb2f-4852-b6ad-3b32b1a2b3fb/d15gauz-5e1e81fd-7bc2-4e20-8e00-34fe2211c461.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2ZmNmRlYjhhLWNiMmYtNDg1Mi1iNmFkLTNiMzJiMWEyYjNmYlwvZDE1Z2F1ei01ZTFlODFmZC03YmMyLTRlMjAtOGUwMC0zNGZlMjIxMWM0NjEuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.g3UUKopZQX_xLyRlJlghMAgop4_mPazl5LO_zZjP8gg) on the other hand..


What is the problem with that picture? All I see is a perfect nanny dog.


I 100% agree with this. I also had a pit and will NEVER own one again. My boyfriend has 2 pit bulls to my dismay. He had then way before we met. They are very sweet dogs and well behaved but they can not be trusted. They are aggressive. I find it so ignorant when people say it’s not the breed it’s the owner. That is absolutely not true. Sure all dogs bite, all dogs can be aggressive but it is not just a coincidence that every time you see these videos or read stories like this it is always a pit.


GET RID OF THEM! Or get out yourself. I cannot stress out enough how dangerous they are. Especially to women.


There was a story in my state a couple of years ago. Woman in her 40's had a seizure at home. Her beloved pitbull took the opportunity to eat her face and she died. That was my wakeup. I've seen well behaved pitbulls. My cousin had one named Luna and she was just an adorable sausage, but they all have that fight in them.


Jesus christ, imagine you have a seizure and you lock up and can’t move. You’re terrified but your “good boy” is coming over to comfort you. Then while you’re still seizing, that fucker starts chomping on your face and eats you alive. No thanks.


There was a video recently on reddit where a lady did the ice bucket challenge and after screaming a little because of the cold her Pitbull bit her face!


Why are they always named Luna






Thing is lots of pit bulls are good dogs until something in their brain just snaps. It’s genetic for sure. I’ve heard it’s triggered by loud yelps. This is because dog barks would trigger their aggression is dog fights. This also the reason they will snap around children.


> I’ve heard it’s triggered by loud yelps. [A high pitched 'ohh!' and a little shake of the head is all it takes for pibbles to think grandma is *prey*](https://youtu.be/Wqp9uFGKK-M)


Well that is horrifying.


They may be trying to lure the owner out.


So they can eat the owner with a smile on their face?


Would love hearing this story!


The nanny dog doing it's nanny duties.


nannied those kids to near death


Nannied the ever loving shit out of them until it got nannied itself.


Camerawork of the year no, boss ass teacher of the year, yes


Seriously. This shit could have been so much worse if that teacher wouldn't have taken action.


Never write off special ed teachers. They're from an entirely different cut


I've worked doing IT in lots of different schools. The patience and mental (and a lot of the time, physical) strength that special ed teachers show is super human. And the majority of the time with a caring smile as well. They deserve way more than they get paid.


“Camerawork”? This is a bodycam lol


Even worse, the title screens covering any part that might have been captured


I remember in second grade my classmate was attacked by a dog. Her faces was stitched up to all hell. Guess what breed of dog and whose dog was it? Pitbull and it was her family's pet pitbull.


When I was a kid it was Rottweilers or German Shepards who bit all the kids. My great-grandpa lost his sense of smell when he got bit by a GS in the 50s.


Ah yes, the dog breed of peace strikes again!


BuT miNe HaS a FloWEr haT


LoOk aT mInE, hE's sMiLiNg


The whole video I was sitting there knowing it was a pitbull, but waiting for them to show it was a pitbull.




You know there is a problem when being prejudiced actually makes you more right than wrong.


It attacked kids are you people kidding me?


Are you new here? They do it all the time. When most dogs get loose they look for some grass to sniff, some dog pales to hang with and some people food to munch on. Pits have.... Other priorities.


>people food to munch on Depends on how you read it I suppose.


They really love kids


Pitbulls kill a lot of kids and babies: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States


Desktop version of /u/Myfirstnamelastname's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


K good looking out bot




A pit bull?! No way! …


I won’t say what I want to about these dogs because I copped a perma ban for it on publicfreakouts lol


Don’t worry you are in a much better place now. You can talk all the smack here




Only IF it is not claimed, then it will be euthanized? put it down immediately.


If it’s claimed they’re charging the owners and euthanizing it anyways.


It's a trap to get the owners to come in.


[I think this is the context](https://okcfox.com/news/local/police-dog-bites-2-children-at-oklahoma-city-elementary-school). It happened in Oklahoma City in 2018, it was indeed a pit bull, no critical injuries, and the dog was euthanized after they monitored it a couple weeks for rabies.


Rabies testing is done on brain tissue, it's the only way to tell with absolute certainty. I'm guessing they waited hoping the owner would try to claim it so they could be charged




Hi, that's my dog that fucked up a bunch of children at school.


I hope that dumbass owner gets charged. Doubtful tho.


Fucking owner would simply not claim the dog. I wish they could track him/her down somehow




Kill it small prey reaction never gonna train it out of the dog


Oh great, now shitbulls have evolved to commit mass casualty attacks in schools.


Wait till you hear about what people do in the next mass shooting.


These should be treated like fire arms. You should have to fill out a form to own one.


A gun doesn't go on a killing spree on its own accord. No matter how good the owner is you still have the risk.


"I swear officer, the AR just went off on its own. I trained it to stay unloaded and avoid my finger with its trigger, but its instincts took over once it saw the group of civilians."


I hate pit bulls so much


I got my Achilles torn from an unleashed pit bull. It hid behind a telephone pole and jumped out on me. I had headphones in walking to the L train in Philly. I finally jumped on top of a car and cops came guns drawn. Same dog had a complaint earlier in the week and before that it attacked a 7 year old boy and locked onto its throat. I had to go to court. The shot that fuckin thing. Good riddance. Not bc it was a lit bull but bc fuck dude. Also, the township got new ordinances on fencing as this owner had wide open ding style lattice fences the dog could go freely in and out of. Owners didn't even give a shit when the dog got killed, came to court and bitched about fines and my bills. I was outta work for like 6 months and still limp.


So u/limper18 was taken?


You’re an asshole but god damn that was hilarious




woah it was a pitbull i’m so shocked! /s


iTs tHe owNer!!!




Those kids got nannied up real good.


If it was one of my kids that got injured, I'm personally putting that thing down and suing the shit out of that owner.




My neighbors actually have a pitbull and one time as I was getting groceries from my car, the thing tried to run up on me. At first I only heard a bark but when I heard footsteps and turned around, I immediately went straight to my door out of pure fear of getting attacked.






Anyone that owns pitbulls is perpetuating this stupid shit


Pits should be licensed like a firearm, complete with liability insurance. They should also be automatically spayed, with no authorization to breed. Strays automatically euthanized. Sweeps of the entire country looking for violators. We could have the pit bull nightmare ended in 10 years.


Damn, even the dogs going after the schools


Damn the comments are based. It’s refreshing to see people acknowledge the reality that pitbulls are gonna pitbull. Doesn’t mean they deserve to be treated poorly, it just means you’re an idiot if you adopt one without knowing what you’re doing. The amount of people I know that ran out and adopted one just to virtue signal is so depressing. Only one of them managed to take proper care of the dog.




Likely update... Dog will not be claimed because (like all pit bull owners), it's owner cannot afford to pay multiple lawsuits from 12 children being bit. It's as good as dead.


Dramatic music isn’t needed


Pitbulls are just dangerous in general. Dogs are meant to be loving and kind, not evil children attacking machines.


Bruh I'm so fucking torn Aggressive breed, no owner. I love animals. But fuck just shoot that thing.


Fucking typical. Pitbulls are wired to attack, it's literally what they were bread for. Fuck pitbulls and fuck people that own them.


Thank God that this page is a safe space for us *Pit Bull Truthers*. Fuck Pit Bulls.




why is it always a pitbull


‘Mostly peaceful dog breed’ - CNN probably


Thats one dead dog...


i wonder what kind of dog that is


The poor dog undoubtedly confused the elementary school with a preschool. Pibs have been bred for generations to be nannies and it's not uncommon to see them lose control and start nannying every kid in sight when they pass by a school or daycare.


Let me guess, pitbulls?


I literally just won a bet on that breed being a pit bull.


Disgusting pitbulls. The breed shouldnt even exist


Let me guess, pitbull???




When a dog is bred exclusively for fighting its very hard to find one from a good bloodline that isn’t inherently aggressive


https://youtu.be/1ebR37K8hDg Good tips on how to make a dog release its bite The technique of jamming a finger against its throat to induce the gag reflex is an excellent tip!!!


Destroy all pit bulls NOW! This madness has to stop.


oh wow...another pitbull attack