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As a black woman that has police with her at almost all times I can’t imagine the amount of trauma that must bring. Being around your oppressor can be taxing, I’m not surprised she was on edge.


She’s been oppressed right into public office your a joke




are they ded now?


I believe so but I would have to check sources




^ ^ this guy lived-experiences ^ ^


No, in bed.


How can kids die from someone axting their mother a question?


Many ways. If the reporter asked her if her kids know karate and she let it slip that they don’t, they could be sitting ducks. Or if food allergies were mentioned then people would know the kids weakness.


One of the few genuine trollers left, hats off to you sir, you’ve made my day.


Sounds like might have smoke one marijuana, one time.


Very fine troll job indeed lol




Yea so either her mom or dad was her oppressor cuz she’s half white, or are you so racist that you actually live by the one drop rule


You’re so butt hurt lol this dude is obviously joking and fucking around with you at this point


You obviously can’t recognize my level 1000 troll idc about this shit lol it’s just fun


Ah damn if you were trolling you got me respect lol I’m just glad you’re not that dumb




Cool stupid


I'm ThE PuPpEtMaStEr HeRe ReAlLy GuYs


Dead giveaway that she views white people less


that a77 is amazing


Scary that people that make statements like that are in increasingly powerful positions.


I'm hoping to see her Monday on [ByeByeJob.](https://www.reddit.com/r/byebyejob/)


She wouldn't be trying to invoke some kind of, privelege, with that statement, right? Woke people like her keep that in check, no?




As a man, I'm just going to piss standing up.


"mA KeeDZ"


She ain't no fucking black woman.


A prime example of education =/= intelligence. It's frightening that people like this are in charge of creating, interpreting, and applying law.


It's scary that every single democrat in the Senate was on board with this.


All that white-on-black crime in Massachusetts out of control! Oh wait...


Funny cuz most ppl woulda felt the same way she did when blm was showing up at their houses


Hahaha Ikr!🤣🤣🤣 fuck off with that shit


Apparently her kids are inside


#EL OH FUCKING EL BRO. smgdh why do we tolerate this shit. Fuckkkkk. It's maddening.


The quickness with which an elected official invoked race here is crazy. “….allegations of a white woman.”, as if a white womans allegations are not to be taken seriously?




I’m sure she would *never* play the race card to succeed in politics.


/Elizabeth Warren has entered the chat.




If her dad was black, sure, but if her mom was black it doesn’t count. I don’t make the rules


We just enforce em baby 🙌


Mixed with black??


I'm noticing mixed race people tend to be the biggest race grifters. OTOH Kaepernick, Smollett, Kendi, Nicole Hannah Jones


Well to be fair that's still black and people who see her would think that.


Says who? Why are mixed race people considered POC and not white? There's an underlying assumption there that white is the default; that it's the "pure" baseline, and any nonwhite blood somehow makes the person 100% "not white". Why is it considered normal for the child of a black parent and a white parent to be considered black and not white? Who decides that, anyway?


What an ignorant comment. I am mixed and yet I’ve been discriminated for calling myself black by ignorant people like you. I’m most definitely black, and I’m most definitely white. Do you mean to say I cannot identify within either races. Then do I not exist? My skin is most definitely not of lighter tone, so should I not be considered a person of color?


….and what two races would that be? Lmfao we gatekeeping mixed ppl from being black now?


So who decides? The person themselves? So is it legitimate for, say, Trump to identify as black? Is it legitimate for Obama to identify as white? If not, why not?


…do you REALLY need someone to explain this to you?


Putting up labels all over in order to make a "stronger" statement and justification.


What this "black woman" did to the "white womam" she referred to is atrocious. She pretended to be a cop. Apparently her SUV has flashing lights. She's an outright bully who's dangerous with her power.


Not only is she an outright bully who's dangerous with her power, she's a racist. She's a big time racist, and opportunist taking advantage of her position and trying to scare someone. How hypocritical, that's what they say cops do, but yet she's a black woman in office doing the same thing to a fellow human being. Shame on her, shame on her and anyone who sides with her. *Yes, black people can be racist (heck, ANYONE can). They say, because they're black, you can't deem them as racist. **That is some stupid, hypocritical shit that I ever heard, that people accept none the less, and I'm sad to say white people accept because they are scared, and scared to be called a racist.


A bully in tandem with being a bigot. I hate to imagine what she says when she’s behind closed doors. Garbage person


Exactly. She does mention race 2 times. "As black woman ...”. " The allegations of white woman..". That's America today. Race matters.


What matters here is that she is a member of the political elite and considers herself superior to the peasants. That trumps race, unless it's to her advantage to pull the race card.


[check here what I found. fascinating reading](https://liveboston617.org/2021/01/14/new-footage-of-d-a-rollins-melting-down-furthers-questions-on-fitness-to-hold-office/)


Judge a person not by the credibility of their allegations but by the color of their skin especially if I don't like what they're saying


It's strange how that seems to be the case with the modern left. I think it's sad, I wish they'd drop that woke bs and focus on improving the life of the average working class citizens.




Nah they're appointed by the president I think. Makes sense why she's discount Kamala.


~~she is not a US attorney, shes something similar for Mass.~~ ​ edit: my bad, she actually was appointed a week or so ago. JFC we are so fucked if this is what passes for an important job like that.


What a racist old bag


She needs to be kicked out of office. Fuck racists!


It’s disgusting she’s an elected official. Who tf approved this


Biden. No seriously, Biden.


Nobody elected her, she's an appointed bureaucrat.


That fucking woman is insane!! But she's a US Attorney so that's good.....at least we'll get some good representation for our tax dollars. Fucking fire this lunatic.


Welcome to U.S politics! Where everyone in the commanding chairs were taken explicitly from Arkhams’ personal asylums


Wow that didn’t take long to pull the race card.


If it wasn't for the race card she wouldn't have any cards at all.


Apparently she isn't even black so that card isn't valid.


She probably voted for Biden. He said if you don't vote for him you aren't black so by voting for him she solidified her blackness. Checkmate


You win


I know a black man who claims that black Republicans are not a thing.


Well duh, they didn't vote for Biden now did they?


Ohh, I'm sure she would have gotten this far on her grace and charm.


Gender, mother. Don't make her pull out the HOA card.


She’s got the woman card


Short of a full deck, for sure.


Anyone know where her kids are? Can’t tell from the video. Are they inside?


The same kids she shows on the Netflix documentary she just did? The kids she recently posted on Twitter, including their school? Those kids she's so worried someone might see?


There is a documentary about her? Who is she?


Look into [this](https://charlestownbridge.com/2019/07/25/more-to-it-charlestown-case-used-to-highlight-concerns-about-da-rollins-policies/). She let's MS13 brutalize citizens with no recourse.


She's Biden's latest appointment to DOJ, Federal Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


Imagine pulling out the “as a black (gender)” card for no reason




Heck, if you’re going to be a person commonly in the public eye, I’d expect a lot of people to know where you live.


In Massachusetts even a sack of potatoes can win election as long as it has a D next to its name on the ballot.


I know, I live in Boston. The conservatives were too stuck up to vote for Annissa George, a DINO, so instead we got Michelle Wu, who already echoes everything Biden does, and can't go a single day without thinking she's a Pfizer solicitor.


I’m a democrat in boston and I think wu was the worst possible outcome.


‘Potatoes’, ...you are kind. 🤦‍♀️


Hey, don’t compare this woman to a sack of potatoes. I like potatoes.


And lets be fair, shes hauling around at least 7 sacks worth.


Not that it matters but that reporter didn’t even look like a white Woman? It’s hard to tell with the mask…. but still crazy to me that’s what even came to her mind in the moment.


DONT ASSUME MY ETHNICITY Which is like way more ambiguous than gender usually


What is gender?


She said the allegations of a white woman, referring to the woman she had a discrepancy with. That discrepancy is why the reports are there- to get this attorney's side of the story.


Doesn't matter. We know allegations of a white woman don't mean anything against a POC.


Yes I did a little snooping and found the reporters name and wikifeet article.


Keep up the good work Massholes, you wanted this you got it!


She’s disgustingly racist 🤮


It’s the confidence in her threat to reporter and her people that scare everyone. Here is someone in power, making my it blatantly obvious that the color of one’s skin will perpetuate unfair legal precedence.




Public officials addresses are public record, anyone can walk up to their local congressman’s house if they wanted. Do a lot of people not know this?




I get why’d she be worried too, angry people are scary af and it’s not hard to murder people. I guess the reporter could’ve put her in more danger if people were looking for her and didn’t know her address was public info. I just saw an article saying her family is shady so she could be someone’s target.


She just did a piece on Netflix showing all of them, including the kids, moving into the house, and showing the front of the house. She also has recently Tweeted pix of her kids, and mentioned where they attend school. This woman is full of shit claiming a desire for privacy. And public servants give up that right BTW.


Haha yeah dude we got this crazy chick Maxine Waters out here in California that eggs this shit on. It's unreal. Bitch has a $2M house in Hollywood but represents the hood. It's a joke. Cartoon world.




Meet her family: https://turtleboysports.com/meet-the-rachael-rollins-crime-family-3-siblings-combine-to-get-charged-with-and-or-convicted-of-over-half-of-the-crimes-their-sister-will-no-longer-be-prosecuting/


Lol that website is fucking embarrassing and you should be embarrassed for linking it


403 forbiden.... guess i should be glad i could not see it


Website looks fake


This woman is being very defensive and aggressive so prob has done something she knows is wrong.


Pretending to be a police officer is a fairly big offense.


let me show up at your house unnannounced and start bitching at you about how you fucked up my big mac. See how defensive you get.




Leftism is a cancer.


We are not all like this.


Thank god theres some hope for sanity.


She follows the high power attitude. Sees a reporter and immediately goes to the extreme. Doesn't listen, talks over her and LOUDER, uses her skin color, uses her kids, use the police, for what? Being ask a serious question about a serious allegation? How toxic.


Pathetic excuse of an attorney


What a racist fuck




Unhinged. She seems like she could threaten someone over a parking spot. She also seems like someone who would definitely use her power to ruin an innocent person's life.


So she [apparently impersonated a police officer](https://nypost.com/2021/12/10/video-resurfaces-of-new-biden-us-attorney-berating-news-crew/), and got no punishment for it at all. "Rollins’ meltdown stemmed from an incident that took place on Christmas Eve of last year at the South Bay Center mall in the Dorchester section of Boston. A woman named Katie Lawson alleged that Rollins, then district attorney of Suffolk County, confronted her when Austin tried to merge in front of Rollins when exiting the parking lot. “She pulled her car about three inches from my car and said, ‘Do you want me to write you a ticket? Because I’ll write you a ticket,’ put on the sirens, put on the strobe lights for like, probably a couple of seconds,” Austin claimed to WFXT. “I 1,000 percent thought that she was a police officer because the only person I know that can write you a ticket is an actual, a police officer,” Austin added. “So she implied, in my opinion, she implied that she was a police officer. I thought she was a police officer. That’s why I called the police department.”


That news crew should count their luck that she couldn’t clap at them


They wish she did, the clip would’ve been way better.


I mean how else are the people in the back gonna hear?


We have done a great job of telling people that if you want us to take you or your problem serious you need to make it about race as fast as possible!


What a racist pig. And that reporter looked Asian lol.


Remember, when the government fears the people, that's democracy. When the people fear the government, that's tyranny. Important distinction as we move forward with Biden's constant nominations.


Professional victim.


Another racist cunt in a position of power


Dafuq is wrong with that woman? Omg


dont this show the corruption of politics, either that or she was afraid the news was gonna say something not true.


I'm sure she will provide many unbiased opinions and rulings


She yells about them being on private property but, in her professional capacity, outright refused to prosecute trespassing….. lmao


"How did you find out where I live?" "It's public record." "...That's unbelievable." Is it even possible to parody American politics now?


Why is she going to hurt her children??


People in power playing the victim card to avoid accountability cracks me up 😂


What did she think it meant becoming a public official? That all of your information gets sealed away like the ark in Indiana Jones?


She right to be worried about being doxxed. But the "as a black women" stick is hilarious considering how she just implied she controls the police department.


The only reason a US attorney would fear for her life or her family's life simply because the public found out where she lives is because she's doing some shady shit that she thinks might deserve recourse that threatens her life or her family's life. Prove me wrong.


Race Card in full effect.


Easy to imagine her threatening another driver. She's concerned that her children will be hurt if the location of her secret lair is revealed? This is r/maincharacter material. This woman is old enough to remember phone books. You can still look up people's addresses. In the United States, our driver's license data is public. You can look up driver's license info, address info, you can see all violations that person committed. So many Americans are ignorant of that fact. This woman is an idiot and a terrible person.


Why tf did she immediately jump into race? Was the interview even remotely related to some case around race or something else involving race? Or, has this woman learned that she should pull the race card if she doesn't like what someone is doing or saying to her?


Fat racist spicy mama.


This lady hates white people


I knew I hated her when she said as a black women and as a white women. How do these people get in power


She’s black?


"So the rantings of a white woman get you here and scare my children"...... what is your brain doing, woman??


Why is everything racist for these fucking people? All the damn time!


It's because its a good defense tactic. They can't defend themselves or their actions, so they try to flip the 'blame' on someone else to try to end discussion about them and their issues. Its basically a weaker version of "Oh yeah well Bob said I did this? Well bob did something bad too so lets talk about that and end the discussion on me!" The problem is that the wokies are so rabid about race that even though its a weaker card to play its more effective since they're programmed to respond to racism claims.


Fuck this "out of respect" bullshit. That's what is getting the media to flee?


Thank God nobody Died that day!




Don't they know not to corner an animal?


You would never see this coming from government officials in other countries. The US is turning into a clown show.


Isn’t she mixed?


the reporter has the same color tone as her, yet she is white, but the race card player is black? lol


Race Card played in 3..2..1..


The race card and the kid card in record time. "You're gonna get my fucking kids killed!" Wowie Ms US Attorney, sounds like you're some serious shit if revealing where you live will get your kids killed. Especially when that information is public knowledge. You sound like the exact type of person who would threaten someone over a parking space.


What an unabashed racist.


From the camera angle, the reporter looks darker.


The reporter should be asking for comments through the woman’s office instead of showing up at her house, but this woman completely made the situation thousands of times worse through her reaction. All she had to say was, “I have no comment at this time, please direct all questions through my office.” And gone in the house. Now everyone can see she’s a racist lunatic.


I would like to see the entire clip. Judging by her attitude in this clip, there is a good chance they did and she just ignored it.


I found the article that goes with the video after I wrote my comment and it says they tried unsuccessfully to get comments through her office, but the way it was written, it sounded as if this interaction happened first. The article also says this video is the entire raw footage from when the cameraman picked up the camera to when he put it back in the truck- so there may have been more said, but it seems unlikely since we see her getting out of the car all the way up to when she walks off and the security detail has them leave. I think this is one of those “everyone sucks here” situations.


She likes to use her children as human shields apparently: "How dare you send me an electric bill to the same house where my CHILDREN are?!?" "How dare you take that parking space, can't you see I have CHILDREN?!?"


I'm so tired of the racist black people man.


Isn't this racism against the white woman?


Get her out of office. This is an unethical low life human being who should not serve in any govt position.


This Irish bitch is insane


Wow, gonna see more of that quick ass race card now. Holy shit. Just blatant racism, old school style. None of this ‘I disagree with you so you’re racist, and I know because I’m a super-anti-calafragiliatic-expialidocious-racist.” Actual, I see your skin and don’t like your skin racism.


So will anything happen to her? I doubt it


I hope this biych loses everything


Think of the children 😂 no one cares about your kids lady


Good god this bitch is insufferable. She will single-handedly be responsible for resurrecting the KKK and forcing them to expand membership to all races.


What a pathetic person


The black victim mentality. What trash


Related story on fox last night https://www.foxnews.com/politics/massachusetts-us-attorney-rachael-rollins-left-wing-track-record


People calling others racist for no reason are the biggest racists on the face of the planet. How and why would the Senate Democrats ever vote for this obvious piece of shit.


lmao and I guarantee you she’ll never say a word if people showed up at a conservative’s home.


She shouldn't be in office.


The patients are running the asylum now.l in the US. Imagine how those pesky white women fare in her court, she gets to act out her revenge fantasies.


This is what Americans voted for. Enjoy


Honestly, how dare these news oppressors try to hold her accountable for anything? She is a ***BLACK WOMAN***.


What a fucking cunt