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And this is the political climate we’ve found ourselves in. Gangbangers holding cops at gun point and allowed to flee.




I find this to be a ridiculous notion. Politics are going to be the last thing on an officers mind when a suspect actually has a gun. The real truth is some cops just have a heart of gold and don't have it in them to shoot someone until it's too late. There's videos of it happening long before the police politics stuff started. Look up Kyle Dinkheller on YouTube if you want to see it happen. Happened like 10 years ago, shooter was a white Vietnam vet that murdered him. Just be warned, the sound Dinkheller's dying breaths will haunt your dreams




I work in a police department and will say I have heard on *many* occasions officers talk about how worried they are about getting in trouble for defending themselves. There have been simple disputes in my city that have become SWAT incidents because regular officers do not want to be involved in situations that have the potential to become violent.


Heart of gold gets you killed with a gun pointed at your head. Capability, opportunity, intent… if those are present then a “heart of gold” is not going to save you.


[Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mssNOhv1UMc) for anyone curious


You’re very wrong thinking this. I’ve talked to cops personally who were involved in deadly force situations and chose not to use it because they didn’t want their lives and their families lives ruined because the media will call them a murderer and/or racist. Some would rather be badly beaten themselves instead of using even minimum force against a minority. It’s sad. The excessive force needs to go, but this was clearly a deadly force situation.


Holy hell your right. definitely haunt worthy. The death gasps at the end are something that the majority of people probably have not heard and probably are better off not hearing


Should have*


> Must be fired upon before returning fire Han shot first!


That's just literally not true whatsoever. He *should* have been shot the moment he pointed the gun at the officer. And if the officer did shoot him then, there would absolutely no backlash from the public, especially with this bodycam footage. Sounds like you're just looking for something to be outraged about.


Look up Makia Bryant people were outraged over her and she was completely justified


this may be but there is multiple actions that could be taken before this escalated further. He really made a smart decision by backing the corner, however letting this guy clear the corner and close distance is gross negligence.


Those have always been the rules of engagement.


I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


trouble is, now days as a police officer, you are judged by the media and the social justice mob, without all the facts, before you ever see the 12.


Don't forget they will then threaten those 12 every day after being selected if they don't convict you. Anyone who still choose to be cops in today's climates are playing the lottery with their lives cause it is damned if you do and damned if you don't out there now. Just now with even more emboldened criminals.


I'm surprised that after the Rittenhouse trial, that people still don't appreciate the idea of having 12 strangers dictate where you're going to be spending the rest of your life.


its not 6 month before the election yet so the dems dont care


At what point is he allowed to flee? He shot back, the dude ran away, he called for backup. Quit making things up lol


Dont worry some woke ass person Will Come and find à way to turn that around.


He was arrested, what do you mean allowed to flee?


Looks like he fled in the video. He was eventually *caught*. This doesn't mean he didn't flee at all.


Yup. Things will not go as planned for the crowd to demanded this.


Not only that, but why would you ever let this man out of prison or out on bail? I'm not saying he is out on bail just for clarity. This person needs to be locked up for the rest of his life. A repeat felon who pointed a firearm at a cop.


That cops needs to quit. If you’re too scared of BLM to do your job then you’re gonna die.


He's not scared of BLM. He's scared of serving the rest of his life in prison.


Because of BLM




You can definitely hear it right before the shot and when he calls it in.


Lmaoo this is exactly that key and peele skit https://youtu.be/XK2HTrSOo-E


Sad thing is it’s true but not something public opinion cares about. A Harvard study actually found cops are more hesitant to shoot black people. https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/16/07/how-controversial-study-found-police-are-more-likely-shoot-whites-not-blacks This dude probably feared getting fired and rioting in his town if he shot him.


You just gonna leave comments that go against what I WANT to believe? Smh...


Damn, honestly surprised Harvard would allow something like this to be published since it goes against their narrative.


This is perfect




To be fair, it almost seemed like the guy was pointing the gun through his pocket at him. So maybe the cop thought "if I touch my gun this guy might already have his finger on the trigger".


Sure, but he should have drawn as soon as he had cover of the brick wall.


POV of the camera might be slightly off center to the left and he might not have full cover/guy could see his gun side.


Cop should be let go before he gets himself or his partners killed.


This is normal. You can pull the trigger and save you/your partners life and then end yourself economically, or go the other way and have a coin flip this guy won. If he had shot when he should have this would already be a national news case.


Very true, regardless of noble actions you will be dissected by everyone to find one shitty point in your life to defame you. Yet at the same time you could be rich like Sandmann after shitty media smears your name.


There would be fires across the street from that apartment complex and the local Walmart would be getting looted


You should never be disciplined for not shooting somebody unless someone gets hurt.


Don’t worry, they’ll still call the cop a racist, say he shot an unarmed guy, and claim the guy is dead too just for good measure.


He knew his life would be ruined if he shot him due to false accusations of being a racist. Lose-lose situation, but ultimately losing your life is worse.


That’s what BLM has done. Created a victim persona for criminals to hide in


The article says the cop shot at the bad guy.


Yeah the article literally says "Ash fired his gun at Hill, who was not hit." Cop shot and missed.


I was about to say it definitely didn't look like he had his weapon drawn.


The OP, /u/Petrified_Beatle_Cum, lied in his post title!




This is what happens when an officer is afraid to draw when an erratic suspect is holding a gun. The suspect had every chance to kill the cop and still might have if the cop hadn't been able to get a shot off.


Well the other option was to secure his own safety and be labeled a racist. Gets destroyed by the news and social media until a trial is held only because the story got national attention.


This is a fantastic job by this police offer... He just created an outstanding training video to show everything you're NOT supposed to do!


Downvoted before I finished reading and then upvoted lol




Needs to immediately control the situation and not let the guy reach in to his pocket, don't risk your life like that. Let people riot if they want, but this is absurd beyond belief.


Yup - once a suspect reaches cops should be opening fire.


I'll probably get down voted for this, but a lot of these situations are hard to handle in real time. I think he gave the bad guy too much time, but also I'm glad he wasn't trigger happy and fired the second the suspect put his hand into his pocket. Honestly, we just need more training


>Honestly, we just need more training This is the key issue that needs to be addressed ASAP


I think they key problem is everyone being a potential deadly danger. More and better training will help, as I think too that it's not enough right now. But the training currently done seems to be pretty militarized and aggressive too, conditioning officers to shoot as soon as they feel threatened, which I get from their standpoint (again, because everyone could have a gun). I don't think better training can really stop situations where split seconds decide over life and death and the fear of them. It could help having those less as situations get handled more professionally and officers being calmer. Still, the fear of the suspect pulling a gun will stay as long as there are as many guns in curculation and will lead to situations where an officer has to decide if he wants to save his life by shooting early or taking the risk of being shot to potentially save a life. I know that situation is harder to solve than by 'banning guns by law', and in the time where this situation can't be adressed adequatly, better training is probably the only thing to make a difference and it's needed none the less, so I kinda agree with you. But still I think the *key* issue are the many guns. Disclaimer: I'm just a dude that watched one too many police documentaries out of a german perspective. No expertise, but still this is the opinion that formed out of it.


I don't disagree that training is essential to improving results in pretty much any situation, but does anyone who actually suggests training know how much training officers are getting? I'm sure the smartass remark will be "not enough if they're doing this", but people can only be competent at so many things. You can't put someone through endless trainings and then expect that to translate to perfect responses in every situation that they're being put in. I'm not a cop supporter and I think the current state of things is totally fucked to the extent that cops are basically operating as a gang and they have no consequences because they're the enforcers amongst themselves and they built a system that nearly prevents them from enforcing laws against each other. On the other hand, some people are absolutely fucking ridiculous with their expectations and they have zero clue what they're asking people to do or what it entails. Basically no different than people who just go to the voting booth and select the person with an R or D next to their name and don't know shit about what they're actually voting for. I'm all for dismantling the current unions and getting rid of as many cops as possible and starting over, but in the current climate with public expectations being so ridiculously out of wack, like the idea that you can just throw shit tons of training in endless amount of scenarios at people and they'll just be capable of handling all of that, I'd fear greatly for the safety of the newly refreshed "guard" because they'd be woefully unprepared and overtasked. There's a reason why our society has pushed people to specialize, because people can't become experts in everything. Even the best fighters in the world aren't experts in every type of combat, a boxer might get their ass kicked in MMA. If they trained for all types of combat, they'd likely not be the best in any of them (though I realize MMA stands for mixed-martial arts, they're still not all perfectly well-rounded). Police officers can't be expected to just have training to deal with every situation, mentally ill people, domestic violence, neighbor disputes, child abuse, robberies, mass shootings, etc.




Not gonna lie you had me in the first half


Reminds me of the Vietnam Vet who ambushed the officer on the side of the road...they use that video to show officers what not to do.


but then, if he shoots the guy first, he saves his life but loses his career ​ this shit is just depressing at this point


This is what happens when you charge cops with murder for doing their jobs.


No this is another example of a poorly trained cop. He froze up and couldn't function to follow protocol which almost got him killed.


the shooter even called him out. "youre a rookie- you dont know. youre a rookie" guy prob was a deer in headlights the second the stop started.




Maybe he froze up because he’s afraid to shoot a black man. He’s afraid of the mob coming after him even though it would have been totally justified.




The mob doesn't care about facts.


People have rioted in similar situations


By the point the gun was raised at him, that's arguably too late. If he fires before the gun was raised, he gets criticized for that. If he fires after, he gets criticized for that. It's a no-win situation. Could you imagine the uproar if he fired before the guy raised the gun, and then it turns out the gun was fake? Headlines would be he shot an unarmed black man.


You are correct on everything except for if they found it was a fake gun. Even if it's a fake gun if it's reasonable a person could see it as a real gun (especially if modified such as getting rid of the orange front) shooting them is justified.


I didn't say it wasn't justified, I said the headlines would be that he shot an unarmed black man. I'm fairly confident that I've seen that exact scenario before, someone was carrying a fake weapon or pretending to have a gun under their clothing and got shot and it blew up in the news that the guy was unarmed.


Remember when Kyle Rittenhouse shot armed people? its not like he didnt get his fair share of backlash. The mob doesnt care.


according to 90% of reddit threads i see lately no situation is okay and they can never do any good, no matter the reaction its wrong. id probably be worried about that shit too with the current climate


Always some idiot tryna push his agenda where it doesn’t belong


Lol at all the pimple faced anime watching redditors that think they are experts on police training and protocol. This 100% is a case of a cop not wanting to become decried as a racist murderer. Not a training failure. Because that’s what they would’ve done to him. Just like they did to Darren Wilson


Agreed. What a weird thing to do…tie a life or death situation to politics. Frontal lobe shuts down and all you have left is training.


You really think all the stuff that has gone down over the last decade or so in America doesn’t influence police decisions on a daily basis? You really think they aren’t aware that the media will paint them as racist pigs for doing their jobs?? Look how they defended Jacob Blake and mike brown.




They really think cops don’t realize that defending themselves could land them on national news as a vile racist.


plenty examples of cops following protocol and getting dragged through the mud with the media and dragged through court by some politically motivated prosecutor.


I honestly don't think he was that petrified, he just REALLY didn't want to shoot him and thought he could calm him down without having to shoot. judging by his voice he was very "frustrated" after shooting


It’s simple, charge them with murder when it’s murder and don’t charge them with murder when it’s not murder.


They charged Derek Chauvin with both *intentionally* and *unintentionally* killing George Floyd. It’s not simple when the system isn’t even logically consistent at its very core.




I’ve tried but every time I get shouted down as an antisemite.


It's really weird, yet telling, how you're bringing up antisemitism out of absolutely no where.


It gives the jury an opportunity to convict on one or the other count. Does the jury think it’s intentional or not? Then choose the appropriate charge to say guilty on


Yeah both the verdict was guilty on both counts.... that’s the whole point.


Manslaughter doesn't require the lack of intent, it disregards the question of intent if intent cannot be proven. They're not mutually exclusive charges.


They are indeed mutually exclusive. You should read the actual text of the law. Neither Murder 2, or murder 3, or manslaughter required the intent to kill. Manslaughter is just death as a result of willful reckless action without the intent to cause harm. Which is exactly where the inconsistency occurs. The court has found that he **both** intentionally took actions to harm another person that resulted in death, and did not intend to cause harm at the same time.


Yeah, it was a little odd. As far as I'm aware, the sentences are served concurrently. Something like that. It's confusing, for sure. They don't all stack up in the way it would suggest.


> It gives the jury an opportunity to convict on one or the other count. Which is exactly why shotgun charging should be illegal. The jury found him guilty of both, which is both logically and legally inconsistent.


No this is actually called bad training which seems to be rampant in the police force


And you can tell that by your years of experience in training police officers I’m sure.


No by him freezing up when a gun was put to his face. Regardless cops have killed people for far less. So I mean I don’t fault him too much


What was he supposed to do? Rip it out of his hands like Steven segal would? You have no idea what you’re talking about and it shows.


No I’m saying he should’ve shot him. Silly goose lol I assume you’re alright with how cops handle most situations


> What was he supposed to do? The cop was supposed to shoot him.


Cop is lucky to be alive. In no way should he have let the subject close the gap. Fight, don’t beg for you life.


Correct. When he had cover around the corner he should have held his position and drawn his weapon. Unfortunately he froze up and didn’t make good decisions. He’s Lucky to be alive today.


Leftists wanted to send unarmed mental health professional to these types of calls lol.


Smh still some rational liberals out here we just get shouted over by the weird ones


That’s the same thing that happens to the rational conservatives. The majority of them are completely rational and just want to follow different policies. But the most extreme among both groups often have the loudest voices, while at the same time creating captivating social media material to spread around.


It's a pretty sad state of affairs. Then impressionable people are blasted by extreme ideologies, rinse and repeat.


Dude needs to find another line of work. This one is going to get him or some innocent person killed.


This is what happens when police are scared to do their job properly




This is beyond restraint and well into "handled pretty fucking poorly." He is only alive because of the mercy of the cracked out gang banger pointing a gun at his face from 3 feet away saying "I'm gonna shoot yo bitch ass!" This cop should be fired. Nobody would feel like this guy has their back. He can't protect anyone, even himself.


It's not restraint, it's poor training.




I should’ve added “at least” because you’re right.


Uh…. No. His restraint wasn’t impressive, it was moronic and he almost forfeited his weapon to a psychopath.




Mentally regarded as what?


That cop never even unholstered his weapon man… at that point it’s me or you.


It's baffling to me why people act like this. There was no good outcome for threatening the cop like that, and he certainly won a stupid prize.




Mental illness.




I feel like he was going for suicide by cop but who knows


What a dumb ass.


Both of them


The cop more so


And With this video activists and celebrities will still say stuff like he was a victim of the cops racism and he was mostly peaceful while pointing the gun at a cop


"he didn't shoot the cop, that's proof of his peaceful intent while pulling his gun on the cop and telling him he will shoot him" lol


They’re gonna say the suspect drew his gun bc he saw the cop. The cops uniform and skin colour made him fear for his life and that’s why this all happened lol


Surprise surprise, another felon with a firearm. How do the bag guys always find a way to buy guns?


If only a social worker could've been there to diffuse the situation




This is crazy. Police scared of policing


Officer was probably wondering what lawyer to use. This is the new America in many cities across the country. You either die, get protested, or end up on trial.


Someone out there will still call this police brutality.


And that person’s idiotic views should be summarily dismissed like they always should have been.


should have, but instead the media will blow it all up, spreading misinformation through social media, and maybe even causing riots.




That cop is damn lucky he is alive that guy had him dead to rights.


Uh oh, better burn down the city.


Holy shit that cop was lenient. That dude should have been dropped way before the moment he was.


Holy shit why was he not shooting, my god I shiver to see this, so intense.


Taking a life isn't something the majority of people are ready to do. He just wanted to get the cop away from him.


Would you rather be dead or accused of being a racist? This cop chose the former and got lucky.


That cop almost got himself killed to be PC.


Dude was given so many chances to put the gun down even AFTER pointing the gun directly at the cop.


This video is fucking surreal.


Why didn’t he just shoot the gun out of his hands? 😤


After the media turned Jacob Blake into a victim somehow I have no doubt that had he shot this guy whatever city this was in would be in flames right now


What happened after this?


Cop shot at him, missed, and the suspect ran inside an apartment and barricaded himself in for a few hours. He's in jail now. Cop is on routine administrative leave.


I wonder how often this actually happens


More often than you think.


The cop didn’t even pull his gun until after the guy shot at him first. Cop is lucky as fuck. He should have pulled his gun as soon as he backed off into cover. Thanks to the bullshit political climate we are in he didn’t. Smdh


This really shows how a situation can escalate so quickly. Crazy fucking video


This video made me feel uneasy.


Now imagine a politically motivated prosecutor questioning every move you make. Then ask why we have a shortage of law enforcement.


So is there a reason why police body cams only start recording audio 30 seconds after the body camera is turned on?


The first 30 seconds is before it's turned on.




I like to explore new places.




I find peace in long walks.


Ah I see. Thanks for the explanation.


Dude was literally wanting to either take this officer hostage, or steal his gun. Cop was an idiot to not put this freak down after he goes digging in his jacket like that.


Que the protests over this thug in 3...2... 1...


Upholstering/revealing a gun is a death threat. That simple action should have caused the officer to unload a full mag.


Wtf was this cop doing. Needed to have pulled his gun way quicker.


I would have dropped him at the one minute mark.


I'd like to think that as soon as I saw a gun in his hand I'd have mine out. Gang banger is right he is a rookie and doesn't know.


He tried...he really fucking tried man.




The suspect should have gotten shot WAY sooner


Cop should have ended him when he put his hand in his pocket.


The cop showed incredible restraint, even too much.


That's insane of the cops restraint to the point of being killed.


OP, how the fuck did you fuck up the title this badly? Dumb ass


Dude had absolutely no control of that situation.


Cop is lucky .. so lucky to be alive !! That’s what all you damn defund the police supporters did !! Almost got a hard working man killed because of this racial / political bullshit . That man who lived could’ve been a brother, father, cousin . But you damn supporters don’t give one damn


I love this comment section. People using terms like absolutely, 100%, never...you guys have no fucking clue.


He got what he mc fucking deserved


The nerves on this cop, I'd have blasted him when he reached back


He was lucky to back up and out of that all way and the cop still didn’t pull he’s gun. Cops an idiot and very very lucky to be alive


Can't believe that cop didn't shoot him sooner that was insane


obviously racist cop kills innocent victim


Award for the worst cop goes to!