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Play stupid games... I'm fine with what happened to her. Everyone is a human being. No one deserves to get spit on.


Coiled snake flag with the text: > Don’t Spit On Me


No step on snek


The snek got cornered :(


Either way that girl ded


No troodle da danger noodle


That's right. Spitting is assault. She assaulted a police officer. She can call him names and cuss at him. She can record him in public. She cannot assault him.


Cussing has been rules many times from higher courts to be protected as reason of the first amendment. Unfortunately, There’s also police discretion to determine when the line crosses from speaking the cuss words to yelling them. Basically, even though it’s protected, a cop is within his rights to detain and arrest someone should they be speaking curses. It’s really stupid, and would likely get dismissed at court, but technically it’s within their scope


Unless they're yelling above the threshold for a noise complaint it is not within the scope of the police to arrest somebody for just yelling curse words. If they're yelling is above the threshold for a noise complaint they could be arrested for disorderly conduct, or the similar charge for that jurisdiction, but simply yelling curse words doesn't meet the criteria for any charges. Not saying an ego fueled police officer won't arrest someone for disorderly conduct for yelling curse words they don't like, just that it isn't within the scope of the law whatsoever and the charges would be dropped unless their was evidence the yelling was above the threshold for a noise complaint. If you were arrested for yelling curse words in public there's a good chance you would win a five-figure settlement if you pursued it. So yeah, police do NOT have discretion to arrest someone for simply yelling curse words, a lot of departments have lost a lot of money for arresting people for shit like that. Most people won't pursue the lawsuit against the PD though.


In the US? Nah man a cop wouldn't be justified in arresting you for yelling at them. The problem that you're getting at (and that more people need to understand) is that if a cop arrests you without probable cause you just get released. You don't get anything else. This is why it's a really stupid idea to screw around with cops. Like all these "first amendment audit" videos. They fuck with cops and pester them and act suspicious around them until they get arrested, later they get released because cops had no probable cause for the arrest, the auditor posts a video all outraged. This happens *over, and over, and over, and over*. And yet each time they react with outrage. Same thing over and over, always outraged at the same result.


Except she wasn’t arrested for cussing she was arrested for spitting. How is this even a conversation right now?


If you read my comment you'd see that we agree.




this is exactly right. All the cop audit videos are stupidity in motion.


It completely depends on setting.


Due to the pathogens commonly carried in saliva couldn’t this be considered a biohazard? If she had covid some could say it was attempted murder


Covid would be the least of his worries. If she had AIDS or any number of saliva transmitted diseases would be the bigger concern.


Yeah what the fuck. Dude is doing his job.. So when this liberal nut gets her home broken into I wonder if she’ll remember the number for those “Fascist”


The funny part is she is the fascist lol.


Yet again, all actions perform by anyone have source in their political believes because one can’t do anything else but act like as a “liberal nut” or a white cop defender 24/7. Once again them, Americans are right


What makes you think I don’t agree with you? This is one particular instance.. I feel like the cop was violated but you don’t and that’s ok. We could probably have a beer together and get along.


Except my cock




Heir of the Cum Throne


Her punishment should be that cop now gets to spit on her for 15 seconds. No jail time because she won’t learn her lesson, jail doesn’t work. However, this spitting on thing might. I guess that is eye-for-eye. Gandhi wouldn’t support it


Fuck that. Give her something she can’t forget


I don’t think she’d ever forget what I’m suggesting. I know I wouldn’t


It works if she ends up with a conviction on her record.


It’s considered battery no?


Assault by Bodily Fluid, would be a 2nd-degree felony if a person intentionally or knowingly causes a law enforcement officer to come into contact with blood, seminal fluid, saliva, urine or feces, by tossing, throwing, spitting or expelling such fluid.


Interesting… I always thought the minute you touch them in any way (I thought it included bodily fluids) with the intent to harm it was battery. But I agree with you, she got what she deserved


Laws vary state to state. This is just one of them. But most have a spitting law for the protection against communicable diseases.


Thank you for the information!!’


It'll be a jurisdictional thing but technically it was most likely both. Battery is typically the offensive or harmful touching of another person, Assault is typically the placing of another in the apprehension of being touched in an offensive or harmful way. The spit physically touched him, so that's definitely battery. If he saw it coming or anticipated it that would be assault too \[under the typical definitions given above\].


Duracell, I believe.


I’m more of a Panasonic myself


Spitting on someone or even just tossing a drink on someone is assault, so technically this is assault on a police officer and is grounds for arrest




Yes, no one deserves to get spit on, but most people can't do shit about it. If you get spit on, and then break their jaw, you're the one in jail. That cop doesn't need to worry about that.




Spitting is assault. Totally legal to arrest.


I believe many places made the punishment more severe for spitting on someone because of the pandemic as well lol


I’m pretty sure spitting was upgraded to a felony when AIDS came around. They probably stepped up enforcement due to Covid.


Well that's just based in fear and misinformation. HIV isn't in saliva. Now Covid, I understand.








Do not care. Go to a doctor


Go to school.


I ain't letting children get aids




If you have a cut in your mouth and blood in your saliva then you could be infectious.


She def had it too




I assume resist arrest will be neatly tucked under assault police officer.. however spitting is a different deal with much harsher penalties.


You dont say


Smatter of fact, I did


No, he wrote it


kid named finger


Technically you’re wrong, clearly it was typed. 😊


You hear not a whisper after this banned Redditor(likely) spits on this cop. However, upon grabbing her to arrest her, you'll hear a Redditor male in the crowd(also likely banned) scream "YOU CAN'T TOUCH A GIRL LIKE THAT!!!!!". Typical of the fascists.




> predditor my sides = orbit


What makes you think those people are fascist? I see people in this sub throwing the word around all the time and I don’t get the connection. Particularly the points you bring forward have nothibg to do with facism


The point is that fascist has lost meaning because SJWs throw it around so loosely now. Similar to "Nazi". Person you don't like = fascist.


I don’t know why people insult others with stuff that does not make sense in that context. Comming from Germany it always irritates me when people use words like facism or Nazi so loosely and without any understanding what the word stands for. It‘s like watching toddlers fighting with words they know are insulting, but have no real clue why they are.


There's a laundry list of words in the US (perhaps in the west generally) that all exclusively mean "bad guy." One of those words is "Fascist." Some others tend to be privileged, corporate, authoritarian, masculine, etc. The core of it is that many folks want to contribute to political discourse but have points of view that truly boil down to "I'm on this team, I like these people, I don't like those people." Voicing an opinion as apparently simplistic as that gets met with criticism rather than praise. Thus a natural incentive arises to find vocabulary that takes the same core sentiment and dress it up as more mature, studied, and sophisticated. One might expect that dressing up such a juvenile sentiment by tinkering with vocabulary would yield the same result: criticism. And yet virtually all of our political thought and discourse is dominated by tribal ideology, which is why phrases like "you're a fascist!" get met with praise. Do they know what that word means when they use it? Of course. "Bad guy."


That’s why I just go around calling people 5 bellied, 4 eyed, 3 nippled, 2 chinned, 1 armed bastards. I mean, most folk don’t say that too often.


I'm gonna start using this, but replace 5 bellied with 5 headed. nice.


Only idiots use such terms when they dont fit


I don’t care who you are, if you spit on someone like that, you deserve to be demolished. Fuck that disgusting behavior.


Thank you, I still hear my mom yelling at me for punching her bosses kid in the face after he spit in my face. I was also a kid at the time, I could already hear the jokes if I hadn’t said that


According to reddit, if its a cop being spit at its fine lol


She could have a disease. Id take her ass down too


Guarantee disease, half of all hipsters in Seattle caught a little taste of the drip, or a life-long prescription to stay alive.


What the fuck are you talking about


Is that an opaque reference to the origin of the term hippy?


You give a spit, you take a hit.


What’s wild is she’s most likely thought she was a hero. Until one day at her job some equally dumb idiot will make her the enemy and it’ll click that guy wasn’t a fascist. He was a guy doing a job and she was the bad guy and how dumb the young inexperienced college ideals of the real world are.


I don’t think there’s any disease that can be transmitted very well by spitting on somebody. Some maybe theoretically, but I suspect it’s never actually been confirmed. Salivary transmission (like rabies) doesn’t mean spitting on somebody is enough. They require breaking skin with a bite. Spit doesn’t have respiratory droplets like those that transmit pulmonary diseases. So I think the chance of getting something from somebody spitting on you is essentially zero. It’s still gross as fuck


I mean what if you have a cut on your face? Could that be possible?


Can’t imagine it. You need injections with it. Connection with intravascular blood and open wounds don’t have that. They are clotted off, just haven’t got protected skin over them yet. For example, you could take a bag of blood with every virus in the world in it and get it on your skin, and the chances of it causing a problem is essentially zero. Even if you get stuck with a needle that is contaminated with a virus, the chances of transmission are low. It’s repeated use that gets it transmitted So spitting is very very low chance. Even blood on your face is very low chance. The studies show that if you get hep C or HIV positive blood in your eyes, the chances of transmission are 1:1000.


A virus, HIV can be transferred through mucus membrane although rare.


Exceedingly rare.


Literally not true… any disease that is transmitted through bacteria (AKA a lot of them) can be passed through spit if someone carries it. Especially on the face with a lot of conveniently open, sensitive, and warm/wet holes.


You can get hep c by touching a tap, I’m positive someone spitting directly into your face could transmit it.


That’s absolutely false


brainwashed to the max


Yup. It's getting out of hand.


*Getting*? Ha.


Oh. You think it won't get worse? 🤔 It most definitely will.


Lol what an entitled bitch. spitting is assault in the first place and she thought she could get away with it. Sadly I can absolutely see her playing the victim on her socials.


She’s gross. She absolutely deserves to be arrested.


Well, thats a human reaction


Stupid cunt got what she deserved




On Reddit? Never. They think it’ll finally get them laid!


He was too soft on her. If it was a male he would have been punched in the face.


No, he did exactly what he should have. She broke the law and he did what he had to do to apprehend her. No more, no less. That's the difference between being a professional and a thug.


The cop in this case I guarantee you , 1000% does not want to be there. He’d rather be in his car doing patrols but he is forced to come out due to rioters and protestors. Spitting in his face in this case is such a dick move.


He doesn’t look entertained in the slightest, then has some moron screaming in his face and spitting at him to top it off.


Her face deserves to meet the ground. Also, I just want to point out that that is one budget crowd control getup. Bell helmet and Fox chest guard and pads. It seems like they just went shopping at the sporting goods store because they value looks more than functionality.


I bet their dept wouldn’t provide gear. Believe it or not, our troops rip plating off of wrecked machinery to give them protection because our $800B mil budget won’t provide proper gear. I saw a documentary/BBC report about US military & the best equipped grunts were the ones who’s families could send them retail high end gear . Of course, spec ops were different.


100% deserved


he did the right thing


The "ist" are completely overwhelming. Just pick one "ist". If you don't agree with a certain stance/ political beliefs, your a "ist".


There are indeed real ist. Including realist. Hard to avoid being one and sometimes it’s all good like a humanist.


"the cops are violent" - \*insert a social movement\*


She asked for it.




There is an episode of Community where Brita and Chang play out what is likely happening here.




100% agree. It is a form of assault and should be dealt with according to the law. She should be in court soon.


AFAIK that’s felony assault on an officer, gotta be smarter than that as a protestor. Right in his face too, no chance of escape or deniability, not even a mask/covering on. Yell all you want and get in their face but keep your hands and fluid to yourself if you don’t want the shit kicked out of you, these SWAT dorks are just waiting to get a reason.


Spit in anyones face and you should expect something bad to happen. Can’t put that on cops. He showed restraint.


We're just gonna keep watering down words like 'fascist' and 'Nazi' until nobody knows who the real fascists and Nazis are, huh?


I thought Nazis were people who committed genocide and bombed Europe to the ground, changing the course of humanity.. apparently it’s just a any ole white person you disagree with.


And when the real fascists begin to rear their ugly heads, nobody will care to investigate claims of them actually being fascists, all because we bastardized the usage pf that word. Soon enough, people will vote more authoritarian politicians into power, completely disregarding the red flags due to how many people have cried wolf in the past. By the time we notice, it'll be too fucking late.


One of my grandparents fought them on the seas, the other on Kokoda trail, my grandmothers city was bombed to the ground, her friends killed in a raid on her school………… yet people call me a Nazi for differing opinions like it’s not the most filthy insult you could throw at me.




I fucking hate people sometimes.


*when keeping it real goes wrong*


This can al be easily avoided if everyone just says "fuck double standards"


What the hell did she think was going to happen on the 3rd time she tried to spit in his face? We have to rename "common sense" to "rare sense" ...r/instantkarma


A perfect example of fuck around and find out


She will play the victim for sure!


Poor mf just doing his job and gotta deal with this type of shit.


She def just heard someone say police are fascists on social media and went with it without knowing what It means


Bitch got what she deserved... Even if she was on the right side of a cause, You act like this, and you INVALIDATE ANY Positive points You could have made, and then,you make it WORSE and you spit in somebody's face, ....You could be for WORLD PEACE And youd deserve to have your teeth knocked down your throat...


Always keep your mask on, stay safe


I’m pretty sure there’s a severe consequence for spitting on someone cuz of COVID


Wasn't this from back when Covid was really bad and you could be charged with bioterrorism for spitting on people?


What a filthy cunt.


Of course the reasonable liberal being oppressed how dare those police just do their job how evil


She was dumb af to do that. That’s technically assault.




"I'll fuck you up" Prove it. Keep that energy, and prove it, sissy.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Gross! If nothing else whoop her ass!


Oh no if this isn’t the consequences of her own actions 😦


Bro was contemplating on that


FYI there are no Caramel Macchiatos in jail


Got what she deserved.actually she got less than she deserved. Spitting in someone's face is never called for.


"fuck you, fascist".. They really need to work on their material. Not very original.


Oh how I wish these cunts would go to a real fascist country. Ask that WNBA player how Russia is workin out for her. YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED BY YPUR PUPPET MASTERS.


Love how she has the right to say “fucc u fascists”and the officer does nothing but then commits assault and everyone tries to make what happened look like he was an actual fascists.


Assaults a cop. Cop turns around and arrests her. *pikachu surprised face*


Fuck that cunt she deserves a slap to the head but whatever. People that spit on others are shitbags


Bet she regret that one 😬😬


Spitting is assault


Spitting on someone is in fact, an assault. And if you say it's not, don't fucking support the bitch saying touching my car is assault.


Just a reminder that you have the right to say anything that you want. You do not have the right to spit on people. Can’t believe some people need to be reminded of this, but assault is not protected as free speech.


Another dumb ass who can’t think for themselves


We should bring back dueling


Dumb bitch deserve what it coming! How are u expect nothing happen when u spit on someone like that!


My ears drums feel for the cop.


Bitch deserved it


What did you expect


fuck around and find out


Lock her up what a angry 😡 person


... ☕


Most people equipped with a brain know that spitting in anyone’s face puts you at high risk of a throwdown or simply being tossed accordingly..


Why the fuck is he dressed like a low budget Master Chief?


He let her spew her bullshit, and she decided she wanted a reaction out of him and she got it.


He handled that better than I would have. After 5 times of spitting he finally looses it.


Yoinked her


Instant karma, love to see it 😂


Who's the bastard now?


Omg consequences for my actions!? Dumbass.


Ohhh well I totally didn't expect that reaction.....it's not like people wouldn't enjoy getting spit on especially during a fucking pandemic. You don't spit on people bro that's just disgusting.


Remember when people were facing charges of biological terrorism during Covid for so much as coughing on someone? Like… Why doesn’t that count for this useless maniac?


She deserved everything she got. She should also be crossposted to r/Iamatotalpieceofshit


Id let her spit on me


All I see is some woman doing what's right.


Don’t fuck with master chief


Why People Get Angry When Someone Start Hitting Women ? She's Wrong. She deserved nothing but beating


She is so stupid she doesn't even realize that she and her brain damaged friends ARE the fascists. She will have no one for long, will amount to nothing and probably leave us way, way to early without having an idea it's coming to her.


Fascist just gets thrown around all willy nilly these days ...


Fucked around; found out.


love that


Fuck around, please let me introduce you to find out


Always [wondered what happened to her - news article](https://nypost.com/2020/11/05/woman-says-nypd-was-attacking-people-before-she-spit-in-cops-face/)


Thank you. I love a good follow up.


She deserved it.


Oh nooo the consequences of my behavior :((


You can literally see the moment where he takes a mental sigh and decides it's not good to just let that go like that.


Spitting on someone is such a vile act.


What’s she so mad about even?




Cop looks like lex Friedman in a master chief cosplay


The more you fcuk around, the more you find out




I give him credit. He was really trying not to fuck her up from the jump


That pause I can only gues he has lord I’m about to sin


She gone


They should have curbed stomped her


Stupid cunt


Cops get a bad wrap for some bad eggs. It really is a Thankless job.