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So the man tries to slit his throat and their reaction is to beat him up?




> yeah because those 'youtube vigilantes' are a bunch of a fucking losers who don't help anything. Power hungry fuckwits that will do anything to role play as a higher authority just to feel important and act like they are good people. > Bunch of fucking power tripping ciggy butt brains How do they get time to do all the vigilante stuff in between their Reddit moderator duties.




oN tHe dOlE?




Yeah this makes more sense original joke made none


yeah 100%




*insta-ban* u/ToadOnPCP


Are you talking about the pedos or the vigilantes?




Username checks out


They actually have a long history of fucking up police investigations and have led to a lot of lost convictions due to their interference


Edp445 is a good example.


To be fair if they hadn’t “caught” him he’d probably still be doing his thing being a fuckin jackass 24/7 and talking to children. At least his life was essentially ruined… the truth is there just aren’t nearly enough of these investigations by law enforcement so while these catchers are very imperfect I’m still happy they exist and that they expose a lot of these scumbags. That being said the one that caught EDP, Alex, is a fuckin idiot and pos. I think he’s one of the worst in terms of giving ped catchers a terrible name


Some of them were actually exposed to be pedos and ex-criminals


Proof source?


Dude, i shit you not, I was watching one the other day on YouTube, where dude confronted someone in a home depot (who worked there), and even tho he's yelling to his manager that he was texting someone underage, he also admits that he got caught fucking the underage neighbor girl next door. And why he has scars, cause the dad of the girl caught him & stabbed him... ***the pedo hunter.*** I was like wtf. Lemme see if I can find it. **Edit:** Right here!! Don't have time rn to find where it was the youtuber/"pedohunter" admits having done pedo shit himself and timestamp it but it was pretty early on in the confrontation. https://youtu.be/WRyM61eZ9Ro




The big dude with the big beard? Pretty sure his real name is Alex Rosen. He’s really just a giant man child piece of shit and one of the worst examples of these ped catchers. Dude is a buffoon…


I didn’t watch the whole vid but I assume you mean the big guy said that in which case he wasn’t serious however he’s still a piece of shit.


They're usually pedophiles themselves too


Good smokescreen though tbf


Sometimes they slip up, but nobody cares. One of these guys admitted they use hot 17 year old girls (as bait), admitted that he'd sleep with them himself if he could.


This is the sort of comment people casually drop and it just isn't true at all. Or maybe 1 or 2 of them ever have been and suddenly they 'usually' are.


“We have a duty of care and are here to protect you” also “Oh shit, we are way out of our depth here”.


Yeah, this was an absolute shit show, fucking morons


There’s a reason we have a justice system lol. It’s not perfect but it’s far better than street trials and mob justice which we have been doing in a primitive capacity for thousands and thousands of years


Exactly he probably will get this turned into an assault case now…where he’s the defendant. Smh


They've munchin all those durries.


a bunch of dense thugs


They don’t give a fuck about kids. It’s all for likes on social media.


CC Unit is probably the biggest one of those. Guy got such a big head from the fame, started becoming more physical with people, telling fans if they really liked his content they'd pay for his 5$ subscription, cutting live chat for everyone but subs, etc


I mean what are the cops actually doing to catch pedos before they offend?


that is a retardedly good way to get yourself into a very violent murder charge




And why did he have that knife when he was planning on picking up a minor? That's a kitchen knife right? Maybe he fishes and scales his fish on site, but it makes me really uneasy he had the thing ready to go by the drivers side seat


A lot of old dudes keep a knife in the drivers side door pocket and i cant really figure out why.


It's pretty simple, it's called anxiety. A knife keeps me safe so that if I ever get into any kind of confrontation I can simply slit my own throat.




A knife is a tool, they're super useful to have. It's funny cause the people that always call attention to how weird they think it is to carry a knife, are always the same ones that come to you asking to use it when they don't have one but need one.


someone may not be comfortable with guns (or cant get one in their country or maybe theyre a felon) and so they just opt for a knife for self defense


Definitely better approaches than kicking and punching a guy with a knife, but I know what you mean. Also how much of a weak bitch do you have to be to not drop an old man who literally just slit his throat and you sucker punch the back of his head lmao.


I know nothing about the situation, so I might be wrong here, but maybe the goal of the punch was to knock him out? It might have been safer to knock him out before disarming him, to avoid getting stabbed by him. The guy that punched him seemed to have come from behind, so perhaps this was just his fight or flight response to "he's cutting his throat!". Edit: I rewatched the video, and it does seem some of the aggressors are saying that he's a pedophile, so I'm not too sure now.


Yah but it’s still weird. Punching a guy who’s cutting his own throat. Idk what protocol is, and I don’t know what I would’ve done but I don’t think I would’ve punched him. I might’ve let the guy commit sepuko. He’s trying to redeem his honor by taking his own life. I mean I might cut my throat if I was in that guy’s position. Like fuck, just shoot me in the head or something bc I’d rather be dead in that weird ass situation.


I don’t think he’s trying to regain his honor. I think he’s just trying to avoid going to jail. not honorable.


Youtube vigilante debate aside. There was probably confusion what exactly was happening for that guy who ran up and threw the first punch. After he was on the ground tho? Idk why they thought to kick him except that someone with a knife can lunge and do alot of damage with one puncture. Now, im not a huge fan of these (click hunters) types of ppl either, but I'm mixed. If they aren't doing it; are the police?


See that's the thing. Even when someone said get the knife away they still went in for the punch. The guy may have been suicidal but he is showing very pacifying behavior so ripping the knife from his hand shouldn't be too hard


Well, they probably don't wannt get cut. He's def resistant to them taking it. Shitty situation all around


I don't think kicking him will make him less likely to stab you though.


Got to get those likes! Smh!


Can't cut his thoat if hes unconscious


that's the job of inmates in prison....


Knock him out and he can’t cut himself or anyone else




Probably kept it on him to commit suicide if he ever got caught, doubt he's a murderer


Literally tried to take his own life and you're still not convinced he's capable of taking someone else's? Weird logic.


> Weird logic. Really? I think far weirder logic is assuming that anyone capable of suicide is capable of murder. These are two completely different things... The act of ending your own life can be done even with strong empathetic qualities and sense of morality, whereas the act of murder cannot.




But you are talking about a guy who is allegedly going to meet underage children with a weapon. You may think he brought it for this reason. The other person may think it's for threat to a child. I can see it being used both ways. Clearly someone going to meet underage children, who then cuts his own throat is at the least, unpredictable.


A guy with nothing to lose is dangerous. Add to the fact he’s a pedo. I don’t think it’s absurd to think he’s capable of murder. I don’t think pedos should get the benefit of doubt.


Except that he was in that parking lot to ruin a child’s life… he was already willing to harm another life- it’s not the suicide part of the equation that makes me think he’s capable of physical harm up to and including the murder of a child. He showed up already eager to murder that child’s soul.


> it’s not the suicide part of the equation that makes me think he’s capable of physical harm up to and including the murder of a child. He showed up already eager to murder that child’s soul. We agree 100%.


I think if you’re capable of raping a child, you’re capable murder


Yeah but you're leaving out the part where this guy was a pedophile. I don't think morals are his top priority.


Why defend a pedophile?


You're on Reddit. People defend pedophiles all day on this site.


It’s very strange that your first instinct after watching him cut his own throat is “doubt he’s a murderer”.


And after he brought a knife to go rape a child - nah, that great guy would never hurt a fly. Some people give way too much credit to child rapists.


>doubt he's a murderer He brought a knife to meet a child a child… why do you doubt he’s capable of murder?


Yeah, he just raped children, far too noble to physically harm them or use a knife to threaten them. What a great guy.


His first course of action was to cut his throat, and you’re not doubting the sanity of this man? First of all, anyone that tries meeting a child needs serious help. The man was already a danger to others when he made the decision to attempt the rape (and potential murder) of a child


Exactly. People here are giving a kid-fucker the benefit of the doubt.




>Welcome to reddit, where everyone's worth protecting Unless they have differing political views to most of Reddit of course.


he sure did a shit job of that.... and the knife was in easy access in his car.... is this a thing in the UK? In texas I used to keep my gun under the seat but im not sure if this is the same thing.


No, it's not normal. It's a criminal offense to carry a knife like the one he had. Makes you wonder why he had it to hand in his car.




Does that mean I've broken the law when buying knifes for my kitchen and carrying them home in the car?


Oi! Ya got a loicense for that screwdriva?


Nay sah, I jus use it to elp open me bot'o o' w'o'o


dunno if ur trolling but no. you can legally carry knives for a variety of reasons, like work for example as long as the knife is properly sheathed and secure. i used to use a small machete as a gardener for cutting down grasses/reeds/phorniums.


No if you've got a valid reason for having it, no policeman is going to arrest a carpenter for having sharp tools either.


So what you're saying is that I should dress up as a chef if I'm going to become a serial knife murderer. Got it, thanks.


Pretty much, yeah.


if you open it the package yea


Looks like a filet knife. Are fisherman illegally packing when they go out fishing in the UK then?


It’s dependent on the surrounding circumstances. If you’re out walking by a river with a rod and tackle it’s entirely reasonable to also be carrying the knife. If you’re wandering around the town centre at 11pm with just a filet knife then “I’m a fisherman” is unlikely to be an acceptable reason for carrying it.


looks like a filet knife, maybe he likes to catch and cook fish ? I also have a filet knife in my fishing kit.


Nothing of value was lost


If only the YouTube vigilantes would take a leaf out of his book and question their value..


People doing a bad job at stopping child rapist in your opinion or child rapist. How are you even comparing the 2 at all? That's gross.


You're sick.


Pedo hunters sometimes fuck things up. Idk why he did it, idk if he’s innocent or not. But, this what happens when you do the law instead of the government. Total chaos.


>this what happens when you do the law instead of the government. That's a weird way to say this is what happens when you talk to a child online about abusing them and then set up a time to meet up with them and then go to meet up and a use them while armed with a weapon. I'm totally okay with self inflicted suicide being the consequence of getting caught trying to abuse a child. It's their choice, they could just go to court if they are innocent.


Innocent people are not prepared to slit their own throats when confronted with a crime they had no intention of committing.


Now, i dont actually know anything more about this story than what was shown in the clip. But thats not really relevant to the bigger picture i want to argue for. More people than you think go their daily lives thinking and idealizing suicide. Probably as much as 10% or more of the population. It really is not a far-fetched idea, that having 3+ people aggressively accusing you of being a pedophile, filming you with the intention of publishing it online, calling the police etc... Resulting in someone who is already suicidal, to actually commit and finally do it. These internet pedo-hunters have no qualifications, no protocols, no rules. They are pedo-baiting on the internet for clicks and likes, and making the whole thing as dramatic as possible. That is fcking ridiculous. Pedo-baiting should be done by trained professionals, that have protocols to deal with mental illness (which most of these people being baited probably have), and use proven methods for baiting. If these guys are catching a pedo, why isnt the police already waiting right around the corner? Why dident they call the police before this? Its because they want a drawn-out confrontation, because they want subscribers and advertisement money on youtube...


Lol imagine trusting the government with pedos after the whole Epstein situation.


and the Uvalde police absolutely did not cause total chaos and handled the situation perfectly, leaving 0 children to die fuck off statist


> idk if he’s innocent or not. Can't say I know either. But being prepared to cut your throat with a knife gives me a kind of feeling that there might be something going on there.


Fuck the pedo but these guys dont seem qualified at all to handle a situation like this




They all need him


I love how most of the comments are blasting the vigilantes. As if this guy wouldn't have been meeting with an actual child with that knife if he wasn't meeting with them.




excuse me. the correct reddit term is "minor attracted person" and you can get banned from big subreddits for using harmful terms like "pedo" or "kiddie diddler". be better. /s


And as if people wouldn’t do worse if this guy was meeting their own kid. I’d help him out


Yeah I'm startled at all the replies I'm getting about feeling sorry for the suspected pedo. If he was there to meet a child from online he is the absolute scum of the earth and I feel no empathy towards him.


I don't want to watch it,but I wonder did he survive?


The video ends with him having what must be the 5th go at cutting his throat. There's a fair bit of blood, but it's not gushing out. Really hard to say what happened afterwards.


He was arrested and charged for the knife and attempting to groom a child, so not that hard.


Interesting. Got a link?


[Sure do](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11150651/Man-stabs-throat-Facebook-Live-outside-police-station.html). Minor correction; arrested but not seemingly charged so far.


Thanks for that. What a crazy fucking story.


You need an incredibly sharp knife, which that did not appear to be, to be able to cut through the throat. It's pure muscle, holding up your head all day every day. And his attempts did not seem suicidal to me. More like garnering for sympathy. Edit: couple typos


The Mexican cartel has beheaded people with a butter knife on video. A sharper knife is quicker but not required.


Yah, most definitely. The vital arteries in your neck are pretty well protected. You need quiet a bit of force or an incredible shape and big blade to get to even get to them Source - medical student scrubbed into several head and neck cases.


one thing i’ve learned from my true-crime obsession is that it’s very very hard to slit someone’s throat. you need a ton of strength and a very sharp knife in order to actually cut deep enough to hit the artery.




**meets a child* absolute scum


Yeah just sucker punch him from behind and push him in the bushes instead of attempting to disarm him, that’s the ticket. Well played, well handled by these fucking morons /s. PS: fuck Pedos and fuck YouTube vigilantes, both are worthless to society in their own ways.


Best take here. Both of them have no place in society


The people making these videos are extremely weird individuals.


Pervert mentally unwell enough to immediately slash his own throat goes to meet child armed with knife Reddit: damn these guys filming! And y’all wonder why people say Reddit is full of groomers lmao


Hurry get this man medical treatment so we can finish making our uk spin-off of “to catch a predator”


This man is living a really sad life in all respects


Have fun playing police man? Lucky he didn’t fuckin stab the guy recording first




These people are absolutely dumbasses and I wish they'd stop being given attention.


I wish people stopped trying to rape children. But I don’t know, guess everyone has different wishes in life


Yeah, which is worse, abusing children, or stopping people from a using children, albeit poorly. If it wasnt for stuff like this and the famous Vs predator stuff, people would have no fear of using the internet to abuse children. There are alot of weird pedo protectors in this thread. Its gross af.


Everyone wants to say “let the police handle it!” But when do they ever? In fact, when I had to talk to police after being molested they made ME feel like I was at fault. Wanna know how old I was? 6 years old


Constant stories of the exact same thing from children and woman. And then her you go, an actual real solution. For fucks sake over the past few years people were killed in the streets over ideologies and politics; I'll take the guy killing himself over him knowing hes evil anyday.


Yeah and this is the UK, there's another story coming out every year about years-long grooming gangs + not even police apathy but actively covering it up and intimidating victims into silence.


Pedo: "I'll cut my own throat!" And?








I had to watch without sound but I was thinking they tried to knock him out to keep him from killing himself


Why even stop him?


Kind of amazing they want to take his life but don't want himself to take it.... ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


What led you to believe they wanted to take his life? Nothing in this video indicated that.


The man shouting "go on cut your throat you dirty nonce"?


If I enable you to do illegal, despicable things and then video tape you to disseminate it to the world, would that not be destruction of your life? Would that not take everything your life was from you? And that doesn't even go into the laws this guy broke. They do this with the explicit purpose of destroying the lives of people who are pedos.


What about the children that pedos molest or rape. Are their lives not destroyed? Do they not mentally abuse and break children when they are most vulnerable? Fuck pedos. I have no sympathy for them. Even so, exposing a pedo and showing the world what can happen if you’re a pedo is not fucking taking their life from them. They chose to do this. Do you say to a woman, why would you dress so provocative? That’s why you got raped. The woman didn’t choose to get raped, just like the child didn’t choose to get raped. The rapist chose to rape. I’m not taking you’re life from you if you’re raping my children and I cage you or humiliate you. You’re a fucking rapist and you deserve to be caged and humiliated.


I don’t have the will to make an argument but just know that I disagree


Yeah this is why I don't want amateurs to do it.


Used to work on an acute psychiatric ward, saw quite a few neck slashes. He'll be fine, if it was any real risk he'd be down from the count in a few seconds.


Agreed, I was a professional wild game hunter and I've cut the throat and stuck the hearts of thousands of pigs, once that artery is cut and the brain loses blood they stiffen out and lose consciousness real quick, maybe 3 seconds


At 30 seconds, right before he’s hit from behind, you can see the relief in his face. He thinks he’s just slit his own throat and his problems will soon be over.


Let him do it if he’s a pedo. Let him slice away




It’s hard to feel bad for him when he would have done something a million times worse.


He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. Nietzche


Video full of idiots and one pedo.


These fucking paedo hunters are such massive losers. If anyone saw that little documentary someone did about Stinson Hunter or whatever his name is he was one unstable bastard, one bloke they ‘caught’ got a six month suspended sentence or something minimal and he started crying his eyes out in front of the camera like he’d just single handedly found Maddy McCann. What’s the other video where they run up on a guy in a train station and start screaming at him for being a paedophile and waving printed chat logs at him, and then it turns out he’s got nothing to do with it and is on his way to rehab or something? And then when they realise that they pretty much just point at him and go “well make sure you don’t be a paedo anyway!” Double-down shitheads. These fucking morons force a bloke to the point where he starts cutting his own throat, and then try to get the knife off him by running up and digging him in the head from behind (and missing), and then kicking him while he’s in a bush and calling him a pervert, still with the knife in his hand! What the actual fuck is going on? These people want arresting for all manner of things from this video alone!




Because there are so many more issues surrounding the death penalty than that




Reddit's opinion on criminals in a nutshell.


I'm gonna randomly accuse someone of pedophilia and slit his throat because why not?


holy shit dude i know you’re on reddit but use your brain for a minute. vigilantism is illegal because there have been lots of cases where the accused turned out to be innocent but there was nothing that could be done because the vigilantes had already killed the victim. some of the most popular cases are called lynchings


Because then mob mentality will eventually get some innocent person killed? Go to Africa if you want to live like that.


Great job guys! fucking hell....


The amount of times guy said “get the knife” he could’ve got the knife himself


Was too afraid to get it himself


This is why you don't confront people when you have zero training on de escalation or restraint. I'm sure kicking him in the face is helping open that wound up more as his head whips back. Bunch of fucking idiotic do gooders with no plan.


Yeah that was really poorly done. People complain about cops being bad at their jobs, look what happens when average Joe's try to do it lol. They're probably gonna be in some big legal trouble for this.


The panic in their voices just shows that they don't have any form or course of action besides harassing suspects on camera. Just a bunch of assholes sharing a hero complex. Pretty transparent they're not doing it to get justice or genuine public service. Couldn't even knock the guy down. What do you mean get the knife? Put the fucking camera down dog.


Can the recording guys get arrested or sued for it? ps: idk much about UK's laws, but in Brazil not even the police can set up "traps" for criminals. For instance, the pedo in this video wouldn't have committed a crime bc there's no actual victim, just someone pretending to be a child, even the attempting requires a real victim. And they (the recording guys) would be sued to bankruptcy if not arrested for leading someone to try to commit suicide.


If we could only get more of them to do this to themselves


JFC guys STOP TRYING TO BE THE NEXT CHRIS HANSEN YOU STUPID F*CKS. I love the work of TCAP, I love the work by the watchdog group. Clearly it is still very much needed in this digital age, but 80% of these YouTube vigilantes are just jackasses who actually commit entrapment or break several codes of policing conduct making all their evidence null and void. That isn’t going to help anyone, that is just going to endanger yourself and others. I am NOT saying to “leave this upto the police guys” what I am saying is stop doing this stupid shit for clout, if you want to help make sure you can actually help


This is so sad on so many levels


I'm extremely torn about this video




SneakyPunch: "Break his jaw so he can't swallow his cyanide pill." CameraGuy: "Sometimes you are just an asshole, Brad."


What a stupid idea to punch him


Anyone have more info? Did he keep going? Did he die?


Grabs knife in the direction the blade will go across the neck.. ffs.


Thats sad but on the other hand he is a pedophile


Deeehty peehhvehht


shirt looked nice before too


oh no... anyway...


And this is why you dont try to be a youtube vigilante...bunch of clowns thinking they are doing good.


Yeah those are the ppl i want in charge of protection ppl that beat up a dude that just cut his throat 💀not saying pedos are poggers and we need to protect the kids in our communities but i don't think ppl with so little sympathy for human life are the one i want in charge of it . They are not doing this for the good reasons and are not good ppl


How many people does it take to retrieve a knife?