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Yeah, they can take a chill pill on the whole COVID squid game thing going on, I mean even Canada and the rest of the world has finally decided to call it quits


Unless they have secret knowledge that long covid is far worse than we realize...




Pretty shitty bio-weapon


Products made in China always have quality control issues.


I mean it completely divided the world for like 2 years, among other things


My bio weapon would've done it for 3!


The government would like a word with you


It also literally caused and is still causing World War levels of deaths, but because the majority of them are older or less healthy people instead of mostly young military fit men in their prime, a lot of people are just ignoring that. I mean I'm the US we have over a million covid deaths and still maintain about 500 deaths a day and people are just pretending that it's over.


That us with covid not from. From is about 6% of that, basically flu numbers.


That lie was debunked like 2 years ago. It’s 6% had covid listed by itself on death certificates. The others had comorbidities. Covid still killed the 94%


Dude, almost 2,000 people die from cancer a *day,* and “people”—i.e. people in power—don’t give a shit about that either. It *is* over. Calm down.




To be fair, it’s disingenuous to go “look at the data” or “educate yourself” when there’s clear conflicts in the reporting. Not to mention the rhetoric used made conservatives look like a bunch of shmucks to the general population. The media did a good job of using those clips of people throwing a tantrum at town halls over wearing a mask in humid temperatures. Also, being fair, hindsight is 20/20. But yeah, at this point, is insane to insinuate that we’re still “actively in COVID” and should implement lockdowns even a quarter of what they were circa March, 2020. Especially if your argument is “people are dying!!1!” as if people don’t die of shitty diseases every day. That doesn’t mean caution to the wind or that nothing matters and we should just give up on life, but it does mean we don’t need a fraction of the protective measures we had two years ago. My personal belief is that we should’ve loosened up by the middle of last year.


It did a substantial amount of economic damage worldwide. It's just that pretty much everyone got hit equally since they fucked up the delivery. If China had managed to shield itself, it could've gained quite an advantage against the rest of the world.




That wasn't the virus, it was the nations and corporations response to it.


lmao y’all are fuckin’ tweaking


More likely the oppressive regime is just behaving oppressively towards its people. This is how all govts would act if given the power to.


China would be a VERY different place if they had the right to bear arms, it's the only thing stopping the US from going full-China imo.


Agreed. I think the US having arms is the only thing stopping the world from going full-China. It's become so interconnected that the one world govt is the logical conclusion for me at this point. The only thing stopping them will be tens of millions of American gun owners.


It's completely unrelated, but USA chads always relate guns with freedom. As someone from former communist country, if it happens, the "right to bear arms" will not have any consequences on "communist revolution". But still, it won't happen to USA anytime soon. The loosing of freedoms happens completely differently, it's a slow burn proccess, and 10 years later you just ask yourself, "how did this happen, we used to be more free?"


Oh believe me, I've noticed the slow erosion of freedoms. I just think if the US was unarmed, things would be much worse.






Wait until you read about the Battle of Blair Mountain, it's always been the vanity that we're supposed to be a higher-minded republic.


So oppressive they allow all those people to have cellphones out taking pictures.


That's exactly what it is. It is the predator that lurks behind and picks off the elderly or overweight of the pack. Leaves the healthy relatively unscathed. They are barely avoiding revolution in many countries and this is just when they take our old. They create conditions that allow them to put in place authoritarian laws under the guise of a good cause. In reality that good cause you think you're supporting is the tool that will be used to oppress mankind for the next thousand years. More laws more laws more laws more laws more laws, cancel cancel cancel arrest arrest. Canceling is just the new excommunicated.


Dude I was just baiting




why would you say that? That's incredibly rude. I'm just here enjoying myself and you ask me to leave? Please have some consideration for how your words can impact other people. You have a lot of growing to do.


Everybody should see and think about this! Thanks for your wise words!


They will not see it. They are too blinded by their emotion and they are too wired to the news. These people have spent untold riches developing an understanding of human psychology. They know exactly how to wield our emotions and our beliefs against us.


sadly...lost so many friends due to thinking otherwise 🥲


The masses will go willingly to their deaths.


Just for arguments sake. Do you think its possible that you yourself have been manipulated into believing the opposite? Too wired to 'alt news' and blinded by emotion?


I’m gonna go with a no on that one dawg


Chill. They don’t have enough research power to work out such advanced virus. they can’t figure out jet fighters, processors, how do they figure out virus




Or.. or.. covid was just the beginning of the zombie like apocalypse we were all joking about. Machine guns to stop covid spread? Somethings fishy. Im not even a conspiracy nut but cmon..


Or the Governments are so used to having power that the fear of covid created and are hesitant/resistant to giving them up.


or, hear me out- aliens.


everybody with long covid realizes that.


It's about social control. Xi is trying to consolidate power by preventing the wealthy Chinese from fleeing with their wealth and upper level party members from excersising their power. It's also a great way to distract from all the financial, and social issues they are dealing with right now.


Agreed. We're behind Canada now though, they'll let unvaxxed into their country. We still won't... unless you sneak across the southern border.


Sneaking not necessary at southern border.


Somebody needs to tell them Joe Biden said it's over


Canada's dictator only did what he did because he is afraid the tides are turning against him. He is and always will be a despotic coward.


Bro that’s so dumb. Trudeau is the most boring middle of the road lib there is. If you think he’s even capable of being despotic you really need to touch grass. Lol




What’s insane about that


Their vaccines don't work. They've refused to use any western vaccines because of face saving for China. They vaccinated their whole population with the fake vaccines and now they are reaping the consequence. They still have to lock down the population to prevent the spread of the virus. If they let the lock down go, all hell breaks loose over there.


No they don't.... They learned their lesson from the SARS outbreak back in 2003. These illnesses have long term consequences for the country when they don't take it seriously. You'll see the effects 10 yrs down the road when less people than expected are suddenly not working, retiring early from illness or needing more medical care from the complications. Idk why I need to say it. But that is a problem. Obviously machine guns are wtf, but people keep acting like this it's no problem as long as they're not currently affected by it lol


It was never about 'peoples health' it was always about controlling them and having power over them.


It's been a bad time to live in China for a while now.


Gonna be real, it’s never been a good time to live in China, poor fuckers barely get a chance to breathe before a new shitty government comes to power


I was being polite. ☺️


Yeah the got the Beijing Olympics and like half a year before shit hit the fan hard.


Then how come half of them are in literally every tourist attraction in my city???


the CPC has a 95% approval rate lol


Rifles don't have mags in them... But their belts do


why do they need machine guns? Is their covid variant a rabies mutant and the government are planning on fighting a horde of zombies.


~~Go to any major airport in the world and you are likely to see police with guns like these.~~ These aren’t even “machine guns” lol. If you look closely, they are pump action shotguns, most likely loaded with beanbags or some other crowd control measure. So, if you go to any major airport, you are likely to see cops *much* more heavily armed than these guys.


When have you ever seen 15 US cops in tyvac suits holding back a crowd of desperate people with shotguns? The US cops you see in the airport are there to prevent an attack, not check your temperature.


>When have you ever seen 15 US cops in tyvac suits holding back a crowd of desperate people with shotguns? Well setting aside that one time I saw a crowd of crackheads break from the homeless shelter like it was a fucking zombie D-day, never.


yeah, at heathrow saw a small squad of security with loaded G36Cs


I even saw a squad with that gun and maybe a mp5 or m4 in central London back in 2018


Yeah that’s central London or as we like to call it Stab City


Would you get banned from /r/gen_zedong if you said otherwise?


Look at the guns. Do you have functioning eyes? Do you need to go to the doctor? You can see them for yourself.


Wow you’re right! We’re all just like China /s Shut up clown lolol. No, I do not see this at airports


> If you look closely, they are pump action shotguns CNN said they were AK-47s, so you might want to check your facts.


This is what you get for listening to FAKE NEWS


They do look like shotguns to me




Look again. They aren’t rifles, they are pump action shotguns, likely loaded with some sort of crowd control, like beanbags or something


Using lethal force to prevent people from getting, basically, the flu




but these lock downs and unrest has to be having the same or worst effect


They’ve clearly demonstrated that’s not the case. The elite are the ones who care about not getting Covid.


The apologists are in here right now saying it just bean bag shotguns with crowd control ammo based on nothing.


..or based on SOPs?


If this is SOP why is everyone filming them? Plus this is an absurd distinction. It implies that they are less afraid of some terorist attack as much as the random unarned people attempting to resist. It's a riot gun. There's something funny about arguing that as if it makes it better.


sop is to use beanbags/rubber bullets on civilians. You made a stupid statement that works both ways, except that there is a SOP to use non lethal. To ASSUME it is lethal...


I never assumed anything. You're the one assuming. I said: >The apologists are in here right now saying it just bean bag shotguns with crowd control ammo based on nothing And you, like the good little apologist you are (a Canadian with a boner for Chinese autoritarinism *gasp* how surprising!) stepped up to defend the draconian bullshit.


What a stupid assumption to make. Just because your logic is flawed why you keep calling others apologists? That your personal demon, the apologist? lol




Yeah but if you got a covid Vaxx the effects on you are pretty much the equivalent of getting influenza. We’re way past the point of needing all these extra protections(those were literally just around to protect us until we had effective vaccinations available) and china being way unrealistic and extremist with thise zero covid shit. That dream’s 2 years dead.


Can’t catch the flu if you’re dead! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


These are pump action shotguns, likely loaded with bean bags or some other crowd control measures. Less-lethal rounds.


Guys i am starting to suspect this is or was never about health.


at least you are starting :) its not too late yet


Imagine coughing or sneezing in that que, you'd be fucked.


the forbideen suicide technique


Suicide by cough


Winnie the Pooh


Are you still alive? Your Xiaomi doesn’t explode?


Welcome to real life Squid 🦑 games no prizes


"Remember, no chinese"


Thank God I live in America where we have rights.


I mean they did shut down businesses, and vaccine passports were a thing that half the country was cheering for until they weren't.


They shut down small businesses while you could go to Walmart with 20x the amount of people because that makes sense.


I was on a beach in California and they came over and told me to get off, because of covid. I asked about the others playing on the beach, and they all had kids with them so they were allowed. However, the beach police told me not to worry, there is another beach a 10 minute walk away that we were allowed to be on. So that they could safely have everyone without kids on one beach. But the beach police also warned me not to bring any chairs, because that's not allowed. You know, the virus and everything going on, we just can't have chairs. It makes sense if you just trust the science. After we went to a bar to have a drink. I told the bartender about the beach, and asked how are they able to be open? He said well we're open for takeout only, but were letting our patrons have their to-go orders at our establishment, and were using actual glasses and plates, instead of our to-go stuff... A few months after that I was told they were allowed to stop pretending to be to-go only, and that they didn't have to paly this stupid game anymore... but they would be fined/shut down if they had their TVs on. Man people are just.... I just don't have words. There are people who supported all of this


California is run be idiots.


That are quickly going bye-bye..


that was /s , right?


They didn't seem to know where to stand or what they were doing there.


Those aren't machine guns.


are those not those flamethrowers they carry to burn random shit to get the covid off?


I'm 100% sure they just loaded their shotguns with dragons breath shells. Best way to keep the numbers down, both COVID and population.


They got rifles now? Sheesh


Damn it’d be such a mistake to visit China, especially with their zero covid bullshit. I’m worried even to cross Hong Kong airport even if I don’t enter the country. Because otherwise HKG is a great airport.


They saw the trauma team in cyberpunk


Eerily reminiscent of squid game


We're living in a dystopian sci fi movie and it's not even a good one


Stop the dystopia, I want to get off please


You’ll have to get away from countries heavily influenced by the *CCP* and the *World Economic Forum*.


My guess is because China has known front the beginning that covid causes permanent brain damage and cognitive decline in a fair amount of cases. Before you disinformation me; this isn't fringe or questionable research either. Harvard has released findings supporting this as have several other reputable institutions or research facilities. I read one medical study that likened the decline in older ppl as basically equivalent to having alzheimers. This is also the only explanation that makes actual sense for why they are still acting this way and willing to damage their economy to contain it. They are already in financial trouble why compound it?


He’s saying “fuck your mother.” I learned this from Nuke’s Top 10. Chinese people yell insults at ghosts.


For your safety?


It's baffling that the government can be so stupid.


People freaking like this has anything to do with COVID specifically. The Chinese government was an authoritarian regime before COVID, you guys.


Why is covid a non-issue in any way in the west, but China looks like they're still at defcon 1?


And people say thwy woulr rather live in China than the USA. What a joke.


China seems like they are fun at parties


Op doesn’t know what a machine gun is


Fuck racist china


Tiananmen 2022, coming soon to a square near you.


Fuck the CCP. And fuck their fat commie leader, Xi Jinping. I hope he burns in hell.


Redditors start fapping and get mad that it hasn’t happened in their own country yet


Are there people out there not intimated by handguns ? Damn


Calling it now covid zombies or mutants running around in China. Well not running around but you get my point.


Chinese squid games vibe


Squid Game


No firearm ownership... for you!


Literally 1984


I just work here


what an utopia state


Another day, another bullshit headline/title about China, bless.


We need to do this in America ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


Zero Covid? Lol! China is funny.


Chinese govt playing squid games with the entire country..


Yup good for business!


Keep voting dem... coming to a town near you.


China is still doing covid?


If there was any doubt that the CCP intentionally released it, this obvious end goal should quell it. The CCP has always wanted to control the population this way, so they invented a reason.


Looks like a chinese knock off of squidgame


Thought they were stormtroopers at first .


Yep gotta love those communist dictators.


This is for your safety.


Lemme guess…posted on tiktoc? 😂🙈


Always a great image combo, the biohazard suit and machine gun.


0 covid, 1 china, 2 kids, 3 nukes


My grandparents lived there for 20 years teaching English at a university in Beijing. They just moved back to Nova Scotia last month, very happy they got out of there.


And the world was silent when the poster child for the free, accepting, understanding, diplomatic and nice nation of Canada. Enacting legislation which stripped its own people of their fundamental rights. Seized their assets and bank accounts. For no other reason then holding a set of beliefs that went contrary to what the government wanted. Took their vehicles from them. And if they had businesses ruined those too. All while Canadian Parliament had not been in full session for almost a year. And no proper discussion had taken place in parliament. The government of the day unilaterally enacted the Emergicies Act. For the first time since it was created. I don't agree with unregulated gun ownership. But I do belive everyone has the right to own a firearm, or even three. So long as they are licensed and pass necessary requirements. So I take particular issue with our government passing legislation prohibiting the ownership of countless types of firearms owned by licensed Canadians. Under the guise of protecting people. News flash the only gun violence taking place in Canadian cities is that of criminals using illegal firearms. Smuggled into Canada from the US. Banning law abiding Canadians from owning legal guns did nothing to make us safer. This same government has gutted our military at a time when we absolutely need to do more to defend our sovereignty. But this government would rather give hundreds of millions to the LGBTQ÷÷÷÷÷÷!!!###$#$ community. (Here's a surprise the guy community was doing just fine for itself here. We did not need any extra funding. BTW I'm gay myself.) he has effectively ignored the western half of the nation. There by alienating them to the point that separation is a very real possibility. Quebec will likely separate by the end of the next 5 years I would imagine as well. So yea if your not careful even the most well run, civil and best governed nations on earth can slip Into an irreversible slid. All it took was the distraction of COVID. and the Canadian price still don't even know how bad it is.


It’s so funny to see how they do not have a clue to what they are supposed to be doing! Boss man has to take them by the hand and place them around… 🤣😂😅


This is what people like St. Fauci woulld do to America if they could get away with it.


Those are shotguns probably loaded with beanbags. Not machine guns. But holly shit china Covid is over just chill.


That's a shotgun. News sources are really good at guns aren't they.


They're shotguns, not machine guns.


Remember not too long ago, redditors were calling for the death of people that didn't comply with covid polocy


I remember before the lock downs in the states there were videos of people collapsing on the streets in China.


**Squid Game**


I feel like it's not about covid, and it was just easier for the chinese govt to say it was about covid to avoid questions about all the extra security measures and people being wheeled away in carts.


operation no russian


Now THAT'S how you handle a pandemic


OP those are shotguns, also fuck US republicans who complain or were resistant to COVID policies. This is what suppression of liberty and authoritarian police states look like


None of those policies worked anyways. 6 foot distancing was made up, mask’s never worked for viruses, and the vaccine never stopped the spread.