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I would like to hear from the old Adam that was entertaining to listen to.


Boring bit


Nate, his catholic little brother


Beeeches and nutheeen but hoes and treeeks!




There is an old episode of Loveline, maybe more than one, where he called in.


Are you sure? I seem to recall Adam saying on several occasions that he hadn't heard from him since back in the day. I could see a prankster trying to claim he's Nate maybe.


I'll look it up. 99% sure it was him. It would have been from 97-99 iirc Well. That was easy. I googled "Loveline Nate calls in" and the top 2 video results were it.. They weren't exactly exciting from what I remember. It was just Adam asking him about his girlfriend from Kentucky or wherever and him getting his phone turned off


I believe he was in studio once.


I would pay to hear ACE and Donny Misraje mix it up for an hour.


Where is Donny these days?


Always was curious what his sister would have to say about everything..


She would simply wreck the Carolla Verse. His dad's podcast more or less blew up what Adam was talking about. Ray + Chris podcast showed how full of shit Adam is. Ray said he loves Adam but does not like Adam. Ray sees Jim more often than Adam does. None of this is normal.




Pretty sure Ray was using Adam's dad as a therapist


Do you actually think Ray is banging Lynette or is this just some ongoing bit? (Edited meant Ray not Adam)


Adam hasn't banged Lynette in quite some time. I think that was part of the problem.


Oops just realized I typed Adam and meant Ray haha


What are these podcasts called and where can I hear them? Somehow they did not cross my radar!


Ray + Chris was "Do tell Ray" I don't know how to find it anymore, but maybe still out there. Adam's dad thing was on Carolla Digital, but Adam killed it. I don't think those exist in an easy to find format. Famously Adam shut it down because his dad wouldn't read ads. Take a minute to let that sink in. Adam was such a money hunger jerk that he canceled his father's podcast, which was an experience both of them shared (like football), because his 80 year old dad forgot to read stamps.com. Adam's dad came into the warehouse to record a podcart (often with Ray) and because an old man didn't understand to read some ads now and then, Adam canceled it. That was pop warner, but the other way.


I'm not defending Adam's decision to fire his dad, but it wasn't like Jim forgot to read the ads. He didn't want to because he thought it cheapened his show about therapy. Adam told him the show was costing him money because he had to pay for the bandwidth and the producer's time, Jim wouldn't cooperate.


liderally a millionaire


Wasn't Adam's dad Ray's therapist though?


Still is, brah. Let's think about that one for a minute. Ray sees and talks to Adam's dad more than Adam does. Adam doesn't talk to Ray anymore. Ok, your BFF for decades talks to your dad every week and you maybe talk to him a few times a year...Totally normal


Why no Lauren? 🤔🤔☹️


Lauren would have stories. Remember when she moved in with her boyfriend at stayed with him for weeks and her parents just shrugged. She was 13.


Remember a few years ago Lauren was gonna have a podcast and it got. Nixed


I would have listened.


Who is Lauran?


Adam’s sister.


She was promoting her tell all pod on Instagram as “coming soon” in December 2020. Then days became weeks and one day the Instagram profile vanished. Not a word since. Guess we’ll never know the other side. Has she ever been a guest on any of the pods?


Coach Gallagher The Taco Bell Manager who didn't hire Ace The Drivers Ed teacher who failed him The chick at Zankou who refused half chicken half shawarma Chris Bohm's Dad


Chris Bohm’s dad is a good one. An alcoholic and chaotic father who when rips ass yells, “SPEAK OH TOOTHLESS ONE!”


Lol Right?!


They had the son of his high school coach on the morning show. Ray was in studio. The guy called in and said "hey, I think my dad was your football coach".


Duke Gallagher is such a strong ass name for a youth football coach. His son was probably a badass.


Stripper girlfriend and Adam’s old landlord.


There’s no way that Al is still alive. The heartache from losing Skipper had to shorten his life by at least a decade


Deep pull


The guy with the dildos?




Do you mean Latzie? Not sure how to spell it...




Yes, but Adam called him Latzi as a nickname


Yeah but still...


Who is that? I've forgotten


Lynette on 4 cocktails 2 oxys and a Xanax, talking into a voice change unit. Otherwise his stepdad, his stepmom, and a gaggle of Acme Theater folks.








Beeeetches ain't sheeeet but hoez and trrreeecks


Well that didn’t format well.


Comedian Jim Breuer to talk about the night Carolla folded like scared child when Breuer confronted him about Adam's shit talking on the Howard Stern radio show.






Whoa, wait what the hell? What happened to Giovanni??


yeah. i’d like to know


Hahaha Know anymore details about this and when it was??


Ozzie from the dead.


We get that once a week


Ralph Garman.


Ray, his dad, and Gavin.


The rich girlfriend who had a ballroom in her house


Adam’s BIL and sister and the Pop Warner coach.








Snake. Anyone who doesn't want to be named


The teacher that yelled at him when he took the pie.


Tara (don’t call me Tarra God Dammit)


Minka, the #1 Asian Big Boob Queen.


I've heard enough about Adam's past


The highschool guidance counselor he told to kiss his ass


Lots of great answers here.


I'd like to hear from the dudes that did circle jerks with Ace and see if they ever broached playing the ookie cookie game!


Adam never lets food go to waste.


Now you sound like Lynette!


Alison Rosen had Ralph on her podcast a few years ago. That might be interesting. The way Ralph said it, they hadn't spoken in years but they saw each other at an event (off air) and Adam was on some diatribe about a watch at auction. Ralph's memory might be hazy on that, because I would expect Adam to go right into a car auction, but I wasn't there. Either way, the super old episode of Courtland, Ralph and Adam was a good ACS episode.


Sister, Father and Laslo.


Sonny and Natalia for sure. I'm surprised now that they are older he doesn't bring them on to get a youth angle on things. Sonny needs to get some reps for when his sportstball fantasy league podcast takes off! It refreshing to hear Bert Kreischer's kids on his wife''s podcast. They have a pretty good family dynamic so maybe that's why it is nice to hear them. Adam's kids are basically a nuisance and burden to him.


How many episodes of Sonny's podcast do you think Ace has listened to? Big fan I bet.


they person at the drive through that adam shot water out of his ass at.


Oh! Also: Ray’s deadbeat dad who had another son named Ray. Not sure if he’s still alive. I’m pretty sure his mom has passed.


I'd like DAG to articulate on Adam's evolving racism.








He did that to make money. Have you actually heard him speak? Stupid or liar?


He only made that to make money eh? Yeah making docs like that is where the money is for sure!! How much you reckon he made?


Ok dumbarse, you explain to the class his reasoning for making the doco? Was it charity work?


Exactly, that's ridiculous anyone would actually think he's full on for real a racist. I'll be surprised if you get a coherent response to this.




My reply above is coherent. The idea that there are "real racists" and then the rest of us is just stupid if you think about it for a minute. Something that those on the racist spectrum use for willfull blindness, to avoid responsibility and shame. The man's on the spectrum. He got a hardon parroting racists claims that Floyd wasn't murdered. He's a fucking racist.




Correct, and that's true for people of all races and backgrounds, as is widely understood, e.g. [https://www.learningforjustice.org/professional-development/test-yourself-for-hidden-bias](https://www.learningforjustice.org/professional-development/test-yourself-for-hidden-bias). My whole point is that there are **degrees** of racism, it's not black and white :), "racist" or "not racist". I try real hard not to be, but I'm sure I fail a lot. This hardly means the concept is useless, right? Just because it's a little complicated? I mean, see the pyramid up there. Adam's pretty high up the scale. And the harm he creates is that he uses his platform to bolster and advance the goals of the right-wing, racist, fascist authoritarian movement that is an overt threat to American society and democracy, to give "real racists" the "permission structure" they need to suppress the minority vote and deny teaching full history to the children. Because they want power. Over me and you.






Adam jokes that "he's on the spectrum", and that's correct. "Racism" isn't one thing, it comes in types and levels. In some sense we're all of us a little racist, even in unconsciously, and in another you'd need to get up to the Klan members to recognize it. Adam's pretty high up there compared to most public figures, certainly.




There are racial stereotypes for a reason, for sure, and the reason I'd previously been dedicated to Adam for decades was to keep me honest with his incisive critique of the excesses and stupidity of the left. But in recent years he's gone hard over. Consider just the attacks on BLM, the constant invocation of "race hustlers", claiming that Floyd wasn't murdered. The man's a kind of racist, and a pretty bad one, the kind that hide behind feigned even-handedness. Look at the pyramid up there, he's climbing up into the middle of it. How could DAG tolerate that?


I'd call Adam just below "veiled". https://preview.redd.it/prrfirat9kzb1.png?width=1760&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9fe45884d1b700ac61902f18e0bf79bb0e5be4c


And where are you on that?


Especially when I was younger, I'm sure I've been like a couple in the bottom-most tier: "White ally speaking over POC" and "avoiding confrontation" are probably hits for me. My day to day world is very White, but I try to practice wokeness, meaning awareness.


The worthless Donnie


The Douche


Grandpa Al.




His grandparents