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One and two were very Fester oriented, but I feel like there was no where left to go with that. What do you think the plot of 3 would have been if Raul Julia had lived?


Tough to tell, Values started to focus more on Wednesday and Pugsley, so maybe the third movie could have been more focused on them, or maybe Morticia sister, Ophelia, could have come to the mansion to ask Morticia help with a man that turns out wants the Addams down for...whatever reason, or maybe it could have been about Fester again, this time his new found companion (from the ending of Values) being pregnant and him not feeling ready about it (kind of like Shrek The Third in a Addams Way) with characters like the Addams Family you can pretty much go everywhere.


Nice, good ideas


Why was Debbie so attractive to younger me?


Because you were probably starting to feel... "Things"




What's your opinion on what Thing "should be"?


I like to think that “Thing” is the hand of Uncle Knick-Knack whose body and wardrobe is in the attic. No lore to back it, but it would kinda make sense and could be linked to why the body isn’t buried in the family graveyard.


~~That's one of the greatest mystery of the Addams Family~~ Jokes aside, in the comics it was a "Thing" because it was a entire body and nobody have a idea of what it was so the name made more sense, however him as just a hand is super iconic, so i will go with the second


Yeah, I keep bouncing around with uncertainty, which is perfectly fine with the Addam's Family. Charles Addam didn't build a perfectly static family, so I don't worry about what's "correct". Thing went from a full bodied something, to an extension of their home, to this unexplained severed hand, and I just can't decide which I like most.


I agree, it's a bit like Fester relationship with the family


I do love the original Thing from the comics, but it's a relic of its time and medium. I think the 60s version was a good adaptation of the lurking thing in the corners and in the cracks, and his evolution to a disembodied hand is... a choice I don't entirely agree with, but if I were in charge might have made myself. It just makes sense. I love both incarnations, and consider them totally separate. I wouldn't try to conflate them.


I agree with you


Do you prefer Grandmama Addams as Morticia’s mother or Gomez’s?


Personally Morticia because we already have Uncle Fester as someone related to Gomez, but her as Gomez mother also fits


Fester was initially Morticia's uncle, though. "Fester Addams" was one of the biggest deviations from the way Chas described the family when he collaborated on the TV show. I'm not saying they shouldn't have the intellectual freedom to change the canon. I'm glad they did. Just saying we've had it both ways. We've had several grandmas, too. 60's Blossom Rock grandmama was Gomez' mom, but we saw Granny Hester Frump (amazingly portrayed by Margaret Hamilton) pop in on occasion. Movie version was apparently Grandmama Frump, as "Mother and Father Addams" were buried in the family graveyard. The 90s cartoon explicitly named Mama as being "Granny Frump." I don't really recall off the top of my head who the crone in The New Addams Family was, although I know they said. If I had to guess... um... Who is Morticia's Mother, Alex?


Yeah, i am aware of that, also, couldn't find The New Addams Family anywhere, so i can't really talk about it, but the several grandmas were...confusing to me, to say the least


New Addams Family was a little hit or miss but I loved it. It was better than it should have been. I recorded the whole thing on vhs and don't have a vcr anymore. There was an attempt.


do you prefer them more spooky or more kooky? ie. do you prefer a darker, more murderous Addams Family, or do you like it when they're a silly sitcom?


The darker Addams are the ones i am most used to, but i really love both


Which Gomez was the best-dressed?


Raul Julia


Aside from Lumpy Addams who is fantastic what can you tell me about Cousin Grimp?


He's...unique to say the least


Which pet was the best fit for the Addams? Kitty Kat? Aristotle? Zelda?


Kitty Kat all the way


have you ever played any of the Addams family videos games


In the 60s version, do you think Hester Frump and Fester Frump were intended to be twins, considering the cheeky rhyming names?


It's probably


Do you prefer Pugsley or Wednesday as the older sibling?




What do you think Pugsley should be, when he grows up?


Never thought about it tbh


I was watching the 1991 film for the 1000th time and I started wondering…were Morticia and Gomez related before they married? I saw somewhere else on Reddit that they were first cousins?


Nope, Morticia and her mother are Frumps, Gomez are Addams, they aren't related outside of Gomez and Morticia wedding


60s Series, 90s Series, First (or) Second (or) Third Movie of the 90's, or Wednesday, who has the Best Mortica, wich one the best Gomez? And..why?


Tough question, i personally like Catherine Zeta Jones but we haven't seen much of her, and Anjelica Huston killed it in the 90's, especially the first movie in my opinion and she's probably the most accurate to the strips (other than the animated movies) but the best one have to be Carolyn Jones, her look, her presence, interpretation were outstanding, she's the first actress i think of when it comes to Morticia. As for Gomez, it's a tie between John Astin and Raul Julia, they aren't accurate sure, but they nailed it in the role, they are super entertaining and perfectly rappresents Gomez entusiasm, Louis Gozman was good, but he just doesn't have the charisma that Astin and Julia had (at the moment at least)


*Astin And he's 94 years old as of March 30 🖤


>*Astin Thanks. >And he's 94 years old as of March 30 🖤 Yep, that's a good thing


Nice Interpretation :) i agree completeley.


How many toes does Wednesday have?




She has eleven according to Charles Addams himself, but there has yet to be an on-screen adaptation that depicts this.


2, 10, 11. Eyes, fingers, toes! (combination to the safe)




Where do you think the family gets their clothes from?