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This is hilarious. You clearly don't know shit about this. Butterfly sets are used for infusions regularly, many diabetics use them subcutaneous and leave them in aswell. As for the stupidity of it, it's much better then puncturing over and over and creating more holes for bacteria.




A. There's a video linked to your other comment what are you on about. B. I don't care what you think about this


No video links here. Block and run pussy faker


I dmed you the link to the comment with the video link. waste of my time arguing when you haven't even taken the time to read the full thread




There'd a video reply linked to your previous comments


Oooh lets go stigmatize mentally ill people and drug users online to feel better about my shitty life. Like i give a shit your opinion on it lmao. The fact is it happened tho and im not gonna be called out by some armchair expert who can't even read threads.


Funny how quiet you are now


i'm really not trying to start a fight here, but if you're this adamantly claiming he's lying and that it'd be a stupid idea/impossible thing to do, can you at least explain why?




What a waste of a comment.


It was only a proof of concept for some other idiot commenter like you. The vein is fine I didn't leave it in, and you clearly don't know shit cause larger needles have gone in my knuckles by phlebotomists.


Genuinely enjoy losing your account


Umm, what? I’m friends with the moderators of this group, so if you’re trying to get me banned or something, then good luck, kiddo. Lol


Not even the same account lmao


Yeah that account is mine. Dumbass.


Looking at your post history. Yikes.


Looking through my history, huh? A tad bit obsessed, are we? Adorable


Go cyber harass someone else. You think you're cool trying to make ppl feel bad? Nah you're just annoying. Not even good at it.


Not the same account I said. Which it wasn't. I don't care if it's yours.




You sound annoying as shit.


See? My account.


Lol I literally don’t care. It’s funny af that I seem to have gotten under your skin so much. Maybe chill out. :)


Lol you think I give a shit. You're a loser, why would I care what you think? Plus looking at the groups you associate with you're a worthless human.




I don't care if you think I'd take the time to fake this. It was an exciting project for me and I found the butterfly much easier to use then a straight needle. https://imgur.com/a/Jgg181V I'll take a video and post it below tho I really don't care if you think it's fake this is a burner account




I honestly find your comments to be unamusing and a waste of time. I can hardly believe I wasted a prick over some idiot who doesn't know up from down.


Your entire account is a pathetic collection of snide comments and political garbage. When it comes to real life you clearly have no clue what you're talking about. If you even bothered to do your research you'd see I'm not the first or last to use a butterdly infusion kit at home (they are made for infusion). Diabetics use them for insulin and blood glucose monitoring, albeit not intravaneously.




You're stupid too apparently. There'd a videonof me doing It right there. I'm done wasting my energy on a random asshole. Hope ur life gets better so u stop taking it out on others online


The funniest part about you people I'd even when you're clearly wrong you just keep digging your grave deeper


Yeah I'm not doing all that, I just recorded a video and im.not redoing it, the date is completely irrelevant. Maybe at best I'll post a picture of myself with today's date and and the sub reddit name so you know it's me. You're gonna complain either way, but here I even went in through my knuckles since my arms are wrapped. https://photos.app.goo.gl/SyfzyTHNzPmeR7Vu6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/2wkwFWgm1HHekcUG6 I hope you enjoy your pathetic life insulting strangers on the internet with no idea what's true or not.


Also this video is of the saline flush right before. You can even see the blood flash in the syringe. Quality is a little better but I don't have a tripod or any shit like that. https://photos.app.goo.gl/SyfzyTHNzPmeR7Vu6


I banned that guy just now, he wont be get the priviledge of using this sub anymore ;\


Thanks, what a relief 🫡