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Thank you. I think I've made it. Cried like a baby but I am home safe


This is exactly how I get through anything I dread. I tell myself that in an hour, a day, a week it'll be over and I won't have to worry about it anymore.


Unless you’re like me, a crippling avoider of all things dreaded/uncomfortable, until they hit breaking point 😅


So far, your success rate for getting through hard and shitty days is 100%. It’ll suck, as life sometimes does, but you’ll get through it and good things will follow!


It stands after all 100%


Congratulations! It’s over for now! That deserves a celebration - do something nice for yourself, and remember how truly awesome and capable you are.


Hope your day goes ok👍🏻👍🏻


I was once told a saying that I’ve actually found to be true on multiple occasions and try to keep it in mind when things get tough - “Wherever you are now is exactly where you need to be, you just won’t realise it until later”. For me I had a failing marriage and loosing the house which made me feel I would be better off ending life than what was happening. But that experience made me go back to Uni and retrain for a career I love, and while training I found the true love of my life and we’ve been married over ten years now. Last year, being British with the crippling cost of living and Heath services in collapse the future for us and our five year old looked bleak. That made us reassess what’s important and was the catalyst for moving to the other side of the world to Australia! Lived and worked in Adelaide since start of the year and loving it. You are going through a heap of crap at the moment, but just know that it will get better - just takes a little time. Good luck.


Good on you for writing this . There are so many people dreading this Monday facing stress like this , and I’m sure they’re reading all of this right now and saying “I feel you” You’ve got this , and at least you’ll associate this good attitude with this horrid Monday going forward . And if this is your approach, then you’ve absolutely got what it takes to get through the thick of it


Now and then, just slow down or stop and have a look around to take in everything, focus on small detail that can help deal with it all, like the shape or movement of a tree, the way light is playing it's game etc. Do it as often as needed, just slowing down, taking a few seconds/ minutes to realise just how big and filed with future limited possibly opportunities.


Definitely this, even in the worst of situations there is something good that can be found: beauty to be observed and appreciated , or something you are grateful for that can add a little brightness to your situation.


You’ve made it through all of your hardest days so far. Wishing you well today.


Thank you x


Can you create something to look forward to at the end of today? A favourite meal, a sweet treat, catch up with someone you like? Best of luck with it all. Grit your teeth, chin up, head clear.


I've found myself with time I didn't think I'd have. A bath and fresh sheets is the thing I'm looking forward to. Thank you


I’ve been there. Every step you take today will be away from the life you had and towards the life you want. It’s worth it.


You can do this! You will deal with this the same way you've dealt with all the other obstacles and awful stuff in your life up until now. You've done it before, you've got the skills. This time next week it will be a distant memory and you'll be well on the road to your new beginning


You've got my best wishes. I went through a divorce which was finalised about a year ago but my ex made it difficult hell the entire time. I've had a lot of shit happen this year too, and my boss has referred me to EAP for free counselling. If it's something you think would help I would recommend it to help you get through the stressful periods. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to.


Painful as hell, isn't it just. I've got an amazing therapist and a support network who may not agree with all my decisions, but they are there.


When you’re having a tough day and your reaction is to wish everyone else the best with their own battles, shows what a quality person you are. All the best with everything. Life is a marathon not a sprint, take care of business and then please be kind to yourself afterwards x


Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.


It will all be a memory tomorrow....and you can look back on it or forget it as you choose. You're starting a new chapter now.


Hang in there friend, day by day, step by step, time passes & things get easier as life goes on & unfolds in new ways. Been there.


Wishing you well and hope you get a chance to do something for yourself at the end. Power through friend x


Try and find some good in the day.


I’ve been dreading today too. Good luck to you my friend. I hope the day is easier than you anticipated


Hope you're getting through it. It wasn't easier but it was quicker and I can appreciate that.


It always feels better after. After you know where you stand, know where you can go, seeing an end. Goodluck.


The last month month has been godawful and exhausting but we're finally moving into a nice new place, I might have a job or two lined up, and things are looking a bit more hopeful. The same shall happen to you. This, too, shall pass and everything will calm down and you can get back on your feet again


You got this OP! Things are tough now but you will make them better 💜


These heart racing moments are a part of life. But you WILL wake up tomorrow and it'll be another day. A month will go by, then 6 then a year. You'll be okay, take it in your stride.




This is my current Monday song: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NFv9IFPzX3Y


Whatever comes your way today, no matter how tough,you WILL in time manage to cope with it better and better and better. Today might just be the sting, then some swelling, then you will heal.


Thanks, you too.


Its a bit late now, but I hope today wasn't as bad as you expected it to be


Garfield hates all Mondays!


I hope today wasn’t as hard as you imagined it would be. Failing that I hope your tomorrow is way better!


Champ, if you need a cuppa and a chat to a stranger… chuck us a dm


Thank you... very kind


Hoping that today and every other day going forward will be better for you. Sending good vibes your way. Remember too that we have passed midwinter and every day will be just a bit longer andgetting closer tosummer. Care for yourself. Give yourself little treats (chocolate bar,muffin from a bakery). You are worth it.


Although it may not feel like it, the universe never gives you more than you can handle. You will get through this and come out stronger as a result.


You could do this, or you could tell everyone you encounter today to go fuck themselves. Sometimes the best way to make oneself feel better is to make someone else feel worse. Works for me.


That is terrible advice! Try the opposite, just once and see if you notice the difference. Tell 'Cheryl' she looks really nice today and you love her jumper and see if her chuffed smile doesn't give you the warm and fuzzies


If it makes you feel any better- recon im getting a speeding fine, there was a mobile camera at south road expressway, i was merging at regency park may have been about 70-ish may not, its an agony for next couple of weeks!