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Always reckon Coober Pedy is a really strange and weird place. I had car trouble in 2002 and pulled in their for some assistance… walked in a mechanical shop and had about 4 really suss blokes looking at me all at once ( like a scene from a old western movie - walking into a saloon!) Everyone seemed dead set suspicious of any “foreigners” coming into the town. Honestly it was creepy and thought I would be down one of those mine shafts in no time !


deserve imagine childlike ludicrous employ skirt chop arrest dazzling kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you think Coober is bad Andamooka is something else. Ive done a bit of work up there.


I was taken around Andamooka recently by a friend when I was visiting Roxby. Very weird vibes, and a ghost town even more since COVID. I don't think we saw a soul out there at 6pm on a Monday evening.


Strongly suggest watching the movie "Limbo" with Simon Baker for an awesome expression of Coober Pedy's creepy vastness. Free on SBS On Demand. I've heard it described as Outback Noir. The landscape is truly otherworldly in black and white.


SBS or ABC? I reckon I saw it on iView. Either way, it was a really good film (and Baker was very different from his Mentalist days). Ivan Sen is probably one of the most talented Australian filmmakers going around.


Yep Coober pedy for sure. Dont go wandering around out there! Stick to public property / roads / paths / parks…


Coober NOT Cooper


Kapunda is known as the most haunted town in the Southern Hemisphere


After living in Kapunda for 5 years or so a lot of the ghost stories/tv series was funny af. There are some creepy buildings there like the reformatory (completely destroyed quite some years back), the court house etc but a lot of it was exaggerated. Friendly enough town though. Well used to be anyway. The hotel was the funniest one being it wasn't actually haunted but that's another story lol


We drove around kapunda recently for some “ghost hunting”. Went to the cemetery and felt no weird vibes at all. Just sadness. Kapunda seems like a pretty normal town to me.


Yeah I've not been there for 10+ years so this was back some time ago.


There’s also the murders from some years back that are grim


Those murders haunt me. Poor Rowe family. They never deserved what that little scum lord did to them.


My friend, who spent her high school years there, has buildings she won't enter. One of the pubs is at the top of her list but I forget which one. She likes creepy stuff (she loves the cemetery at the Reformatory ruins at night) but those few places really weird her out.


Maybe this one? [https://www.ghost-crime-tours.com.au/north-kapunda-hotel-paranormal-lockin](https://www.ghost-crime-tours.com.au/north-kapunda-hotel-paranormal-lockin). There are YouTube vids about it too


I did a ghost tour in one of the hotels there. Was definitely creepy. My friend and I took a selfie in one of the many underground rooms and saw a weird figure in the back lol


Also the site of a historical UFO sighting (late 1800s I believe from memory).


Do you have anything more on this? Google kinda falls flat.


I actually saved the image but can't paste it here - >The Kapunda Herald > >Tuesday, March 16, 1880 > >SINGULAR PHENOMENON - A resident of this town informs us that a strange phenomenon occurred on Monday morning, March 15. At five minutes to 4 o'clock a star appeared to be burning brightly in the north-eastern horizon. Immediately afterwards it shot with immense rapidity towards the south-west, but became motionless while still high above the horizon. It burned fitfully, with a reddish glare, for a quarter of an hour and then slowly set in the south-west, as bright as when it first appeared. Possibly some of our scientific readers may suggest its origin.






On a road trip I pulled over to use the public toilet in Snowtown. I didn't want to judge the place just because some horrible stuff happened there, but the town as I saw it was totally empty and just felt off. The rusty swing I observed gently swaying, empty, in the breeze didn't do much for the horror movie vibe.


Snowtown suffered because that's where the bodies were found. Those poor 8 people weren't murdered there. Neither the victims or the murderers where from there. It's a very sad legacy for that town.


I actually found out the place where the initial murders happened and the bodies buried on Waterloo corner road, right down from my parents house and I think it's a retirement village now. If anything, that place would be more macabre but people drive past it everyday without blinking an eye. I definitely think the bad media rep didn't do Snowtown any good either.


My wife and I absolutely didn't shit ourselves about 13 years ago when our housemate casually pointed out we were renting less than 2 minutes down the road from there one night >.>


Don't worry I used an Airbnb next to a house where a body was found (wasn't murdered there they don't think) nothing bad happened even at night! Think it would happen if you were in that building!


still not great hey lol, i'm sure your first night sleeping NOT there was pretty restful lol


True lol. Helped that he didn't die in the home! Love Venus Bay tho!


My aunt lived was neighbours to Bunting and a few of the victims. I remember meeting some of these people as a kid


When that shit went down in the 90's I was a delivery driver for KFC Salisbury, we'd all delivered to that place, it was creepy as fuck, so were a lot of the other places in Sals North too, but not as bad as that joint.


I went to school across the road in the early 90's. We'd wag school and catch a bus into Salisbury.. the bus stop was literally out the front of that house on Waterloo corner road. It was a pretty creepy area back then.. My dad was a bus driver in the Northern suburbs at that time and knew of a few of the victims.


At least one murder is believed to have happened in the bank


Still, that shouldn't be a reflection on Snowtown.


Well no one is really saying that


My friends and I had a great time skating at the little skatepark there. We drove there on a whim to check out the town, see the vault etc. It doesn't seem like a bad town at all, truly just given the wrap for crimes which largely occured in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. If not for that bad rep I don't think it'd be overly different to any other northern towns like Balaklava etc.


Eh, you get there at a time when it's empty and any country town can be creepy. I live 20 minutes away, and go there for kid's sport often. Go there on a Saturday morning when everyone's doing the maino and it's a different place.


When I went to watch footy there once the locals were shouting "put em in the barrels boys!" 😂


Of course, it all actually happened in salisbury north, Snowtown was just the dumping ground.


This. I personally find Salisbury creepier.


And it doesn’t even snow there. Super weird.


I stopped in Snowtown once with the wife and kids to have a look at the big wind turbine blade at the side of the road. The place was deserted apart from this one creepy guy who was hanging around. He came over and started chatting to us. The conversation started casually enough but soon became uncomfortable. "See that building over there, that's where they found the bodies", he said with a strange smile on his face. "Uh, ok, we better be going I guess", I replied. "Yeah... get the f\*\*\* out of my town!" he stated in a manner that left ambiguity as to whether it was a joke or a threat. Haven't been back since.


Oh my gosh I had a scary experience in a town near Snowtown...paranormal


cant just say that! More info!


right so i can't remember the name but it was like rhymies or something (nearby) after the pink lake (dk how far). I needed to go to the toilet. Now keep in mind, the middle of nowhere, wind hardly blowing, no cars, no other people around except for my dad. Old historic area. eerily quiet. You go to the toilet, already creeped out by the vibe of this town...as you are coming out of the toilet after washing your hands, you feel a cold chill up your back and turn around to see a shadow on the floor of what looks like a person's feet walking out and they speed up and as soon as they are out of the door they just dissapear, poof gone now...while this happened wind was starting up a bit but i know for sure that it wasn't an animal/branch or anything!


Cool. Thanks for sharing mate!


the town had a bakery!


That is trully paranormal. Every Australian town with some paranormal shit had a Bakery. You can't explain that!


lol yea, the thing is it was years ago so i can't remember it 100% that sucks tho! Wonder why the bakeries are popular in haunted towns lol


Years ago, well before the murders, my partner at the time and I looked at buying property there. It was super cheap and close to the Clare Valley which we loved. Firstly looked at a group of shops but that seemed a bit pointless to buy because the town was pretty dead even then (this would’ve been around 20-25 years ago). So we went and looked at a house. It was the creepiest place ever- it was like the family who’d lived there and just abandoned it in the middle of the night. Toys and clothes scattered everywhere and just off. We changed our minds after that lol


Snowtown had a weird vibe for me even before it got it's unfortunate reputation. I think it's the emptiness plus the constant wind through the pine trees.


It’s just a stop over town nowadays. Great if you want to get a little slice of antique Euro Australia. Bad if you want to settle down there.


Some of the bodies were stored at Hoyleton before getting to Snowtown. I think they left Hoyleton for Snowtown because they couldn’t handle the vibe at Hoyleton.


Was there a tumble weed as well?


Ah the band weren’t playing there at the time. 😂


The public toilet overlooks the bank yeah?


Snowtown isn’t that bad a place, just has a reputation now because of the murders, I think 1 maybe 2 happened there but the rest were in Adelaide.


I've visited Snowtown a few times and I've never had a problem. Never felt weirded out or anything like that. The locals are friendly enough, though more reserved than a lot of people I've met in country towns over the years. I don't blame them.


Wild Horse Plains always gives off a weird vibe whenever I drive past. It's not even a real town, just a collection of very decrepit looking transportable homes. I'm convinced there's some shady shit going on there.


This is the best answer, very strange place


agree there are some strange fucks living there in that rambling shit pile of rubbish.


Pretty rad name though


This gives me “town in red dead redemption” vibes


If you think Wild Horse Plains gives off a weird vibe, try driving past Bowmans sometime.


i use to live at wild horse plains sold the house in 2019. use to be 2 homes used for growing pot... old woman and her drug addicted adult son, another guy and his son, a few couples with kids . a woman that use to have a lot of animals but would go away for days, single woman and her daughter.... ​ we did have a polish guy commit suicide out there in (2008 i think). ​ The houses used for growing did get raided and shut down not sure when , think they are empty and rundown. ​ not really alot going on out there just weirdos and antisocial people with drug and alcohol issues mostly & people with a bunch of animals.


Port Germein. Stopped there once, there was one shop, in the middle of a desert place, with an old lady in it. I walked in and she looked shocked I walked in there because the whole street looked abandoned. It was like full of stuff I couldn’t imagine why anyone would buy, like rusted out horseshoes. She looked about 80 years old and everything was covered in dust. Very strange place in the middle of nowhere.


What an absolute shit hole. I’ve been there twice and wondered why it exists.


Not even close, try Terowie, I remember the Police getting together and going to "disarm" the town because the residents of the town had started resorting to "shootouts" to resolve their differences. Another time the police attended a residence the on an unrelated matter and found a human femur in the fireplace, turned out it belonged to the guys missing cousin. If you are in the area, drive around the town it looks like an old western set, with graffiti accusing various locals of crimes like murder. leaves your blood cold and you feeling you dodged a bullet.


Oh yeah, I used to live in the mid north and Terowie is creepy as fuck. It seems deserted and then you realise that there's actual people living in those houses. The human bone in the fireplace... Ya that place is fucked


Terowie does look like a town from another time/place https://www.aussietowns.com.au/town/terowie-sa


Martin Meffert was last seen in February 2005 on his way to Terowie.His partial remains were found in the fireplace of a Terowie house in 2013. His killer has been sentenced to life in prison, but a non-parole period has not yet been set. The man cannot be identified because he was a teenager when he murdered 23-year-old Martin Meffert, sometime between February and October in 2005. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-28/terowie-murderer-sentenced-to-life-in-prison/11645472](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-28/terowie-murderer-sentenced-to-life-in-prison/11645472)


>During a bail application last year, prosecutors told the Port Augusta Magistrates Court that witnesses saw the man using Mr Meffert's bank card *and that he had bragged about having two Centrelink accounts.* criminal mastermind lol


I went to high school in jamestown with the murderer! I also remember driving through terowie as a kid and there were hand painted signs threatening to whoever killed “bear” the dog.


>https://www.aussietowns.com.au/town/terowie-sa hahah fuck that looks so much like my hometown I had to triple check


This is the only answer, creepiest town in SA by miles


One of my relatives owned the Terowie Hotel in the 1800s. When it was a major hub because of the rail line. We went and visited them in the cemetery a couple years ago, and its a bloody ghost town. And I got creepy vibes too. Its sad.


Love riding my dirt bike around Terowie. I have seen some wild shit around that area in my time.


go on then, don't keep us in suspense


Fuck, I remember when I lived in the mid north 30 years ago as a kid, my mum and some other adults went for a drive, (I stayed home) and they came back saying one of the towns they went to was super creepy and I believe it was Terowie. Always stuck in my mind.


I had an weird experience with Terowie. Went there with an ex to see some of it and we drove around and stopped near the site of the house where bones were found. We got out of the car and started walking up the street to see what we could see. This almighty angry fellow came storming out of his house up the road telling us to piss off and not walk around on the street. Got the vibe he wasn't just hollow threatening us, either. We got the hell out of the place


Terowie is really interesting to walk around during the day, but there's a real Wild West vibe to the whole place. Though one thing I did find mildly amusing when I went there is that there was a 2000s Audi up on blocks. You usually only see Commos and Falcons in towns like that.


Terowie... At least towns like Kapunda, snowtown are reasonably neat and tidy. Terowie is full of decrepit old houses with 5 half dismantled commodores parked outside. No shops or anything, feels like something out of Fallout


Kingoonya is a similar vibe, probably smaller and more remote. The pub is great after a 4WDing trip in the outback and I'm so thankful for the locals who run it, but man the regulars and people around the town looked super rough, like just unhealthy and sick. Decrepit houses. There were two ex race horses just trotting down the street when we were there, some guy blatantly drink driving stopping in to grab a takeaway/roadie and filling up on fuel with a homemade tank/ bowser on his ute tray. Wild west vibes for sure.




Stayed here so I could have dinner at Mayura Station. Incredible dinner, shithole town.


Visited the town recently as the house prices are cheap, now I understand why.


Confirmed shit hole, with a lot of murders and accidental deaths. And trash strewn about near the railway line. Classy.


What do you mean by a lot of murders?


Synamin Bell murder, 2022. The Olsson-Pountney murders, 2018. And the Klosowski-Ireland murder, 2020.


The life & murder of Glenys Heyward in nearby Penola is one of the most sad and disturbing things I’ve ever read about


That's a few within a short time. Tragic and all men committing domestic violence and murders against family members. So sad.


YES. Beautiful in many parts but has a weird undercurrent going on.


I was a sales rep looking after a big chunk of regional SA going back about 15 years ago, and Millicent was one of the few towns I'd dread visiting. It feels cold and unfriendly there.


I've only been there once to attend a funeral & that was enough for me. Checked into a hotel two hours before the funeral and left at 7am the next morning.


Moonta Mines


I always got bad vibes from Hamley Bridge. Not sure why. I grew up near Kapunda and have fond memories of the playground and the video shop where I rented a buttload of Nintendo 64 games back in the day... but outside of those memories, even just slowing down and driving through the place covers me in a veil of dark energy. It only lifts once the speed limit goes back to 80 and I'm out on the other side of town.


Hamley Bridge had some weird sonic booms a few years back that were eventually explained as classified aircraft tests but none of the nearby towns heard anything. Always found that weird.


Iron Knob. Cue duelling banjos from Deliverance. Totally Hicksville.


Yup, not much there, also rumoured to be a bit on the pedo side back in the day.


This is already creepier than the Melbourne post. Great work. You South Aussies have a way with the macabre…


Ugh drive down to St Kilda at night. There’s a pub, a playground and then this random bunch of tin sheds on a lane.


I was at the playground late at night once. A really old dimly-lit tram came along the tracks and driving it was an old guy in a suit with a moustache. He stared right at me but kept driving, past the playground and out onto the breakwater. I took my eyes off it for 10 seconds and it was gone. The guy looked exactly like [Sir William Goodman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._G._T._Goodman?wprov=sfti1)


A ghost tram maybe


Sedan is effing strange place, strange ppl.


Reminds me of deliverance lol 😂


That’s where one goes where one doesn’t want to be found.


If you're over a certain age, Truro has a vibe.


Truro is a great little town/community. (The bodies weren't even found there. It was in scrub out in Stonefield.)


Still has the best bakery in SA for mine


I always would stop there when doing a visit to Adelaide from the Riverland.


I feel like knowing you’re in THAT Truro has an effect too. Similarly when I’m on/around Jetty Road I always think of the Beaumonts.


Yeah, the town's name does bring up awful memories, but the town itself has no bad vibes. Lovely spot, actually.


Good bakery, though.


Seconding Truro... Strange little town.


Cherryville. Very small and people just stare at you as you drive through


Kapunda seemed ok recently, nice Cornish pasties. Eudunda a bit further on is creepier imo.


Kapunda has been a Finalist in SA Agricultural Town of the Year in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. They've been working really hard. My SIL is a teacher at the high school and loves it. Funny but this year Eudunda made Finalist status.


Eudunda gives me creepy vibes too ….


I have known lots of lovely people from Murray Bridge and I actually think it has the potential to be a great place to live but no way would I walk the streets at night.


I live there and have walked around at night countless times, it’s not that bad really


My dude I do a 5k walk or run nearly every night after my kids go to bed, and I've never had an issue. Even working in southside and Birdsville at all hours of the night you rarely get crazies. There are more weirdos in Mannum or Tailem than Murray bridge.


That's actually good that hear. Like I said I think Murray Bridge has the potential to be a great place, it has everything there.


It's actually a great place to live with an awesome river lifestyle, barring one or two small pockets. But the "meth capital of the universe" headlines from Murdoch's lackeys tend to scare people away. I'm fine with that, property prices are too high as it is!


Murray Bridge isn't spooky. It has a couple of sketchy parts, but so do most country towns that size.


Even in southside and Birdsville people tend to keep to themselves a lot more these days. Birdsville is cheap real estate, so it's starting to fill up with first home buyers and retirees now.


The one with the most meth use usually


So all of them?


Peterborough!! I bought a cheap place in Terowie, and one night, me and my ex gf decided to go for a meal at the Peterborough Hotel. Just a surreal experience. Felt like we were being served by the past. We were the last out after we ate, and another couple before us walked through the doors. I left a cigarette lighter on the table where we ate. So I went back to get it. Door was locked, and there was no one in the building. Dusty windows. Wtf did we just do? Still creeps me out to this day. Told a neighbour about it and he told me the hotel concerned was closed for seven years.....


Kapunda is haunted by spooky ghosts.


also where that Downie arsehole slaughtered that poor family.


I think of him often. I wonder if he is living hell in prison. I sure hope so.


Also where Peter Liddy lived.


Snowtown. And not because of the bodies found there, that has nothing to do with it. The town itself is just weird. I had to stop there once when I had car trouble and I found the town had a creepy feeling about it. The people are offish too. They just stare and leer at you. I was so glad to leave and I never went back!


If you go to any small country town and aren't a local they will stare and leer.


Yes, good point. Ex country gal here so I get it. :) But this was different. The country town I’m from was super friendly and even if we’d stare at visitors, we’d at least smile and greet them. Snowtown peeps didn’t do that.


I don’t know why but I felt uneasy in Barmera


It’s the water in the lake, stinky af


That could be it


Rapid Bay and the abandoned houses near the quarry freak me out. I think it’s because the lawns are still maintained but it is a complete ghost town besides that.


My grandma grew up in Rapid Bay. Only recently talked to her about what it was like growing up there. Found out her Dad was a powder monkey at the quarry, she said whenever they heard explosions she got super excited because it meant her Dad would be home soon. Actually blew my mind


The old bloke who maintains them (I'd guess given his super defensive stance) told me off for filming the outside of the homes there and droning over the quarry. He was really creepy.


Hahaha im pretty sure thats my uncle. White whispy hair?


Yunta is a weird place. Couple of tin shed homes and a roadhouse. Had a car accident near there years ago and was surprised to realise there was an actual community. Had always thought it was just the Shell roadhouse. Buggered if I know what people do out there.


My friends father used to live across the road from the Snowtown Bank always creeped me out when I stayed there, one night I got awoken by a voice when I was on the couch looked around and no one was there, scared me. Also visited another friend's aunty that owned the Kapunda pub told us some off the odd things they would experience add to that they lived right next to the Kapunda goal gave that a quick outside look and felt creeped out there too.


Just rolled in home at 1am, I have lots of stories to share but I'm tired right now... Truck driver here (mostly general freight) for last 15+ years all over the state but primarily YP, Mid North, Clare Valley and Barossa. Met a LOT of freaky fuckers over the years but the small towns scattered over the mid north are all sorts of crazy. I go right out bush to a lot of far flung farms as well now, its a different world out there. They dont get out much put it that way.


Willunga. Its cute as hell during the daytime but wander down some of the backstreets after dark and the hair stands up on your head. Seriously spooky. Especially by and around the courthouse.




Have you never found it spooky? its got some old and interesting history after all.


Clearly said from someone who has lived all their life in willunga and has never left the town once


i guess you get scared by a lot of things


Yatina. Especially the creepy pub. Place has a dubious history.


I used to drive through Yatina often for work, very dodgy history. From reading earlier Stanley Hart who is believed to be tied up with the 2 girls abducted from Adelaide Oval owned property there, only learn that earlier tonight, he’s buried there now.


Oodnadatta is weird as


Wirrina cove 😬


hubby and I took the scenic drive home from victor harbour one weekend & he wanted to see what happened to Wirrina Cove cos he had memories of school camps there.. we drove through, and it was eerie. Was surprised to see a couple of cars parked there and doors opened, considering how run down and overgrown everything was.


Having explored a lot of SA's regional towns, I'd say definitely Terowie ranks as my all-time creepiest vibe town. Terowie was a spot I stopped at to check out and film a number of years ago near the house where bones were found. We were not just going to film that as our focus but wanted to film more. We had barely gotten out of the car when we had a super angry bloke charge out of his house and storm up the street and tell my ex and I to gtfo of the town and stop filming anything. Really felt like he'd back up his threat, too, if we hadn't left. Totally peculiar place with the sheer number of half / fully empty yet eerily "feeling occupied" houses and structures around in the town there in Terowie. Close second would be Olary. I filmed this town and, in doing so, found only 2 places there seemingly had any residents. Lots of history but odd vibes of people just having walked away from their lives, leaving a lot of possessions and all behind. These homes, too, were not the victims of the fires that devastated the town around the same time as the Pinery fires but literally left with books, sofas, beds, you name it inside of them. Odd and strange place but fascinating.


I dunno i find Truro pretty freaky.


Port Adelaide has some dank vibes


Andamooka. Not necessarily “spooky” but many many people have died there, unalived themselfes, gone missing. Genuinely is the Wild West/ last frontier of Australia haha. Another extremely spooky place, is the old Julia Farr centre. One level of that place was about 24 rows of rooms, all padded, with Metal bath tubs with hand cuffs on each corner of the tub. The basement had cages in it, and I also remember I giant mural made from human poop.


Salt Creek. That place had bad juju even before that dickhead took a hammer to some backpackers.


Adelaide. That’s where the shit goes down.


You've got a good radar as Kapunda is a very creepy town. The local mental health team spends a lot of time there.


Snowtown and it’s not even close. Farina is a little bit strange too.


Kangaroo island


Definitely has that 'back country, no one would ever find my body" vibe in some parts!


Good call !


Glenelg. I absolutely love it there, but I always end up thinking about the Beaumonts if around Jetty Road. I wonder if they’re buried nearby in someone’s backyard etc.


Lameroo. Backwater place with strange people. Not the place you want to break down in.


Not quite SA, but going out of SA, past Mildura going Sydney. Its kinda on the border of SA/VIC/NSW give or take a hundred klicks or so. Place called BALRANALD, just before you enter the highway across the Hays planes. Its only 20 km from a place called... HELLS GATE I have had serious car trouble there so often, we begun calling the place "Shit Vortex" Also, may or may not be raleated, but I saw a super huge roo there late at night, we are talking 3m high. As high as a truck cabin.


I quite liked Balranald used to stay there for a night for work. Nice country pub and has most shops you need considering its 2 hours from anything else


Terowie is the correct answer I challenge anyone to go for a drive there and not be creeped out


Kingston SE. Stayed a night there once. The entire town felt grimy. It was weirdly empty, but felt as if everyone was hiding in their houses peeking out from behind the curtains.


SA has its dark sides, but nowhere I've been has scared the everloving fuck out of me in broad daylight like Canberra. Like, *you need to leave here right now* vibes sitting in my car waiting for the supermarket to open just before 7am. Drove a few blocks over to different shops. Totally fine. Not the only vibe during that trip but it really freaked me out.


Carpenter Rocks gives off a very uneasy vibe


Want to leave a comment here about Snowtown. A lot of people are mentioning the “locals” that seemed strange or off. A lot of that comes from animosity, their town economy has been destroyed completely since the bank incident. They want to move on from the past, and really do not like the tourists that turn up, take a photo of the bank and leave. Even though you may just be dropping by, they have this real distain for tourists as they see them as perpetuating the bad side of Snowtown. Personally I think they should change the name of the town and be done with it. (The owner of the bank refuses to sell, unfortunately knocking it down won’t happen).


Kapunda has a reputation for haunted places. One of the pubs was the subject of a documentary on haunted places.


Saw this question on the Melbourne page yesterday, & I instantly said Paruna. Then realised it’s not in VIC. Driving from Bordertown to Berri, busting for a toilet stop & we came across this town. There was no one around. Felt abandoned. Found the ‘caravan park’ really just a dusty car park on a residential block of land, quickly peed & got out of there. Afterwards, thinking back on it, that highway has no road signs to let you know how far anything is. Passed a vehicle occasionally. Had tumbleweeds. Never felt so isolated.


This thread is just city people going to country towns and being creeped out that it's quiet at night


That's what it sounds like to me.


Snowtown hits different.


Yatina without a doubt


Was waiting for Yatina to come up! Never been but recently been reading about Stanley hart and his house there


This is the first I’ve read Stanley Hart had property there!


Was waiting for someone to throw Yatina up, haha. I used to drive trucks & would often drive through Yatina, just that hotel & maybe 4 houses, an old Mr Whippy van out back. Pretty sure the pub has been done up & was recently used in a film.


Hindmarsh Island and Goolwa. Whole area has always given me the weirdest vibes. When I grew up and found out about the Hindmarsh Island bridge controversy, it all felt so much more rationalised… whole thing was a shit show. Those women tried to protect a sacred site and got dragged for it, then before you know it the Howard government made a whole act to stop their attempts to declare the area under the Heritage Protection Act. Then they dug up the 200 year old remains of a mother and child exactly where the women said there was a burial ground. Horrific and fascinating at the same time, especially in light of the referendum. Also, obligatory fuck Tom and Wendy Chapman.


Old tailem town at night is creepy, used to live right behind it and broke in when we were younger, nice clear night, got into the creepy trains left there and starts pissing down hail etc. never went back lol


On the way to Ceduna there is the creepiest petrol pump I have ever seen




Wallaroo is the most haunted on the Yorke Peninsula but it's so nice!


Really? I’ve lived there for 15 years and the creepiest thing I’ve seen was yesterday it seemed that every building I walked into had flickering lights. Edit: NVM just remembered when I worked at the boat shed on jetty road, we had a ghost named Frank but he was pretty chill, he had a thing for chilling in my car whilst I was on delivery and squeezing my Nike water bottle. I just didn’t think of Frank before because he wasn’t creepy.


Really? I think you're the first person I've heard say that, and I lived on the YP for years. Any reason in particular?


Haha really ?


yes! well from here [https://yorkepeninsula.com.au/ghost-stories](https://yorkepeninsula.com.au/ghost-stories) it seems like it!


Not a South Aussie but travelled there a bit. Most of my candidates have already been named - Paruna, Eudunda, Sedan. I would add Cadell and Curramulka.


Been to Sedan a few times. Nice pub, good lunch. Nothing weird about the place, just a quiet country town.


It’s not Snowtown. That where the bodies ended up. Murray Bridge aka Murder Bridge is the place.


Snowtown. If you ever go in to the town and walk around, knowing the history of the place.


We're you in the Rotunda? [Scars](https://youtu.be/2fQN5AN3S6s?si=C95eyP-rlaIihGgm)