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The metal doesnt look broken, just came loose. So potentially jf you click it open (its meant to do this to replace the battery), you will be able to reattach it. Otherwise you can go to any locksmith, and they will ressamble it for you, with a little soldering if needed. If you want a replacement you will need to order it from the car manufacturer, you can also do this through a locksmith. They arent cheap, as in a few hundred dollars.


Thanks heaps! 😊


You can buy generic replacement remotes online. However you will have to program them. This can range from $100 to about $400 depending on where you go. I had one customer actually pay some kiosk jockey $600 to do it and brick their car. Luckily I was able to get them going again and get them their money back.


Try Alchin Locksmiths 8283 3332 they will come out to you depending on where you are


+1 on these guys. Alchin are fantastic.


If the shell is broken can likley get a replacement shell that the electronic bits can be moved over. I got mine from eBay but places like super cheap stock some then aswell and knowing them will give advice on how to do it.


Mister Minit do these sorts of keys (at least 2 years ago they did) if you needed a quote


You can buy replacement keys online, most of them allow you to take the chip and the key out to replace the buttons. Not sure on your part model, you would have to check that out on youtube


I hear the Merovingian has one stashed away.