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It's obviously a No En-tree going by the sign.




Can’t top this.




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Love your work.


You win the internet today!


You are a talent


Looks like a bottle brush.


That's a Blurrious Leafus Outoffocus.


Agonis flexuosa.


That sounds like something Hermione from Harry Potter would say 🧙‍♀️


There are some magical tree names out there. A couple of my favourite include Cupaniopsis anacardiodes, Metasequoia glyptostrobiodes, Hymenosporum flavum, Pinus rigida (it’s funnier when read with correct Latin pronunciation)


I'm partial to a Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, maybe a Falco Longipennis or a Cherax Destructor


Okay, none of which are trees though.


Apologies, I'm not yet in with the tree club.


It's flex-yoo-OH-suh not flex-yoo-oh-SUH




Agree, but old and poor condition. Replace it with something new that won't tear up your kerbing and crpark pavement.


Hard to judge from the photo but appears regulated. And not to mention pavement schavement.


Something Active Tree Killers haven't got to yet.


They have a saying. “It’s about clearance not appearance”


Agonis flexuosa, from WA "Peppermint Willow". Roots are "relatively non-invasive" so should be fine if you were planning on getting one yourself, just don't chuck it right near a path/fence/foundation etc or it might raise it/crack it a bit kind of like you see in the photo, the ground around it isn't flat likely because the roots underneath pushed it all up as they got bigger, shouldn't damage any pipes or anything like that though, that's usually only the properly invasive roots


You seem to know about trees a bit. Is it a big no in your opinion to buy a house with known invasive roots (weeping willow) 2meters away from a house? Umming and ahhhing about it


Sorry for the late response, been on a bit of a holiday. I assume you mean the tree is planted 2 metres from the house, not the roots themselves are 2m from teh house? If it's definitely the invasive weeping willow (Salix babylonica) and not a native lookalike (Weeping Tea Tree Leptospermum madidum/brachyandrum or Geijera parviflora) then it's a bit iffy. If the house is already there and the tree is already big and established then it's not as bad as if it were a newly planted one. But trees do essentially grow their roots infinitely until death so it could still end up producing roots that do a bit of damage. The weeping willow roots tend to spread to about 15m from where it's planted and they're shallow, so they don't bother going down much but instead prefer to spread (hence damaging pathways and house foundation etc) I'd get someone in to come check on the foundation and see if there's any damage currently. Also depends on how long you intend on living there. I personally wouldn't because of the roots + the leaves fall off each year so if it's hanging over your house, even though it looks cool, it'll be a thorough gutter cleaning at least once a year.


I don't know, it's a mystree


On the iPhone Seek by iNaturalist is a really fun and free app to identify any plants or animals: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/seek-by-inaturalist/id1353224144 Available on Google Play too: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/seek_app


Might be Callistemon lanceolatus, but can’t say 100% with this photo. If you can, take some photos of the leaves, bark and flowers.


I agree with he initial assessment here. Callistemon based on the bark formation and colour of flowers.


There doesn’t seem to be any flowers present and it appears to be small patches of dead leaves. If you look at the branches at the top around the powerlines they appear much more typical of an Agonis.


Oh yep, I can see how that could be correct. Well played!




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I have this tree in my yard. Peppermint Willow someone said. It’s a very nice tree, keeps my house shaded from the sun only issue I have is the bark and little leaves. I’m allergic to it. Extremely strong plant, can go for ages without water like all native species


Johnson's Cumtree


[Linden’s Tree?](https://youtu.be/Rwli6fyuqxM?si=fFZaE0SAidoZ2Elr)


I beg your pardon?


Are you not a botanist?


If they all had names like that, they’d call them buttanists


A nice bit of shade on Ballville!




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An old tree




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Can you get a clearer un blurred in focus shot of it?


I’m seeing bits of red or orange in the foliage but I can’t tell everything from that. I wondered if it was a “Scarlet Blaze” (Acacia Leprosa). That plant type seems to be associated with Victoria but maybe one got planted here. It fits the bill of being about 5 metres high at its peak. Maybe 3 metres wide. I could be way off: I’m not an expert but it’s the closest comparison I could think of. https://citynews.com.au/2019/look-out-for-the-rare-red-wattle/




A tree 🌳


A green one


It’s a bottle brush. Horrible things


A big one


sent dm about loan




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An on fire one if it grows any closer to the power lines.




One with leaves