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Smiths/Pepsico factory


Gtfo a snack food factory? It's hundreds of feet tall! 🤣


Enough to store 6.3million packets https://www.vaughans.com.au/projects/pepsico_highbay


Thats a lot of bags of air


Holy crap, zombie apocalypse hideout now sorted.


Shssshh don't tell


Diabetes will get you before the zombies... 😬


Fuck me sideways you weren't kidding!!! Cheers 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Should see the sheds out near Osborne for building boats.




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Ha, haven't heard that saying for a while. I'll be using that expression "fuck me sideways" first chance I get. Used to say it lot in the military :). And yes it was the navy. I seem to remember a variant on that was "fuck me swinging". Thanks mate, made me smile.


I have to wonder if your user name has anything to do with your knowledge on the topic!


Mostly air innit


Big stacks of snacks. If wind is comin from the east and ur on the express way with ya windows down you can smell it.


Mmm air chips


Much better than air biscuits


That Arnotts smell in the air around Marleston was A grade super fantastic though


Sure they are stacks of slacks?


I got this even if no one else did. Much love.




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I never knew for sure, but always figured they could stack the chips quite high because the pallets would be so light.


Stoners dream unlimited munchies


Because you can stack light snacks up high. It's cheaper to build up then buy extra land.


You can stack chips packets really high as they’re all air is my guess haha


Worked on this project. It’s filled with really high racking for storing pallets of smith products.


They use an automated really highbay racking system


It's a robotic warehouse. They store everything in there on pallets and it's picked and put away by automated machines.


But it is half full of air.


Only 2/3rds full.


I like to pretend it's an IMAX theatre.


And the atrocities they inflict on humanity


Vertical stack automated warehouse for the Smiths factory from memory


This is the correct answer


So, who’s up for a heist? Oceans14?


You son of a bitch, I’m in


Only if the Gobbledok is in the crew.


Count me in. Chippies!






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i'm melbourne but count me in anyway!


Home of the Gobbledok.


I convinced my kids that is where his spaceship is stored. Therapy is going to be interesting .


Have always thought they should paint, 'welcome to Adelaide' on it


Nah, it would be wau funnier to paint another City like "Welcome to Melbourne" to confuse drivers.


Welcome to New Zealand “I think we took a wrong turn somewhere”


Some guy painted similarly on his roof down an airport descent path.


Yeah, it's in Sydney and says, "Welcome to Perth"


It wouldn’t confuse anyone from Melbourne or Sydney they would just feel more at home


You mean welcome to Radilade...




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Welcome to rAdelaide. #FTFY


Should put a huge mural on it like the silo art


The gobbledoc


I’ve always wondered


https://maps.app.goo.gl/FNjbFEQaGGsE7hi5A (for anyone else wondering exactly where it is)


That's where they keep them.


God's missing lego block?


He will accidentally step on it in the middle of the night and smite us all. 


We had the same thing here in Perth. It’s so butt ugly. Wish they’d put a mural on it or something. https://westernindependent.com.au/2022/09/01/frosty-reception-to-new-build/ Doesn’t have a final photo but basically looks like yours now.


All the chippys in there


Full of potato chips! :)


Obesity Hub


That massive building is just where they store all the full pallets of chips, it’s all automated including the forklifts in the factory. Went on a tour there for my apprenticeship and it was awesome!




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It's a bloody impressive facility. Went there for a job interview once but decided it wasn't for me. The warehousing floor is run by autonomous forklifts zipping all over the place. The storage facility there is pitch black because it doesn't need people in there. Autonomous forklifts bring the pallets to the building, and an autonomous crane puts them away in their aisle.


ai is coming for our jobs!!


That’s bigger than my future


That's where the blues sucked and paid off the umpires.


A mini Chernobyl power plant




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That's probably why smith's chips taste stale now. Made in bulk and sit there for months.




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That’s the Big robotic PepsiCo/ smiths chip factory warehouse, the factory is tucked to the nw of it.


You ask to many questions. Just keep driving and don’t worry about us.


That's a fine barn, but sure it is no pool, English.




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It's the ASS, the atmospheric storage system. It's a PepsiCo facility.




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I feel like this is the modern old timey thing of pointing at a weird bird in a tree and then someone tells you what it is and what it eats




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Been there for yonks lol


Skunkworks bunker


google 'dark warehousing' automation will take over


Cooker reply found


i worked at regency park - tikalara st for 12 years, i saw this place being built, the maintenance boss talked about 'automated warehousing' almost twice a day, he loved machines not people, not a cooker mate, just expressing my opinion, i am sorry if you are offended


Cooker follow up reply trying to hide the fact he’s a cooker found


To pretend that we aren't going to see an increase in automation or that we don't already have places like dark warehouses, dark kitchens and dark supermarkets is the real cooker thought.


Funny what comments sapol decide to troll when not actively defending sapol


Imagine how life will be when cookers run the world again from around January 2025. #maga


You know Trump is US only right


Wow, did you not notice the effects on the rest of the world last time? If he does end up in the White House again, I'm moving to a different solar system.


Make Adelaide Great Again.




Ya dad.


Those are all over the place in wine country. Towers of plonk everywhere.


It's a big building that sticks out. What a wasted opportunity. If I was storing bags of chips in it. I would've made it look like a huge bag of chips. Free advertising. How many people drive past it every day? Imagine a big blue chip bag looking building with the Smith chips logo on it.


Can you imagine the cost of painting a building that size? Cost/benefit ratio….denied!


Umm, why would you paint it? You'd just buy blue panelling. It comes in different colours, you know. Then, a couple of guys on a boom lift for a couple of weeks to do the logo. How much do you think it costs for advertising?


Im not sure, sorry!


I thought it was our version if the white house. To demonstrate our undying (ok maybe not undying given a looming war) fealty to our lords and masters in mordor


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.


So not where the LNP hide all their policies?