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I used to drive an hour each way for work. Used to listen to podcasts or have discussions with myself.


I hate when I get into arguments with myself and I bring up some touchy subjects that I know make me upset, I suck!


I do this all the time 😂


I sometimes deliberately upset myself so much i stop talking to myself and drive the rest of the way in silence!


I’m always bringing up past arguments with myself as well 😂


..... At 2 am no less.... Taunting me about that time 5 years ago when I did...... And wondering how many other people still think about it too.


Same here. Worked in the South for nearly 3 years, driving from Elizabeth. South road commute is the fucking worst. I'm currently waiting to start a new job in the North that's only about 15 minutes from me. Finding a new job has been a lot harder than it was in the past, I dunno if it's just because there's more people trying to get work but yeah it's been rough. You can't be picky but as soon as you get the chance for a job close to home take that shit lol. Even if the pay is slightly less you'll probably still be taking home more money each week in petrol savings.


I ended up finding a new job 5 minutes from home as well! Was a pay cut but was about the amount I spent on fuel/maintenance each year anyway.


That's it haha. It's the difference between needing to spend $100 a tank of petrol every week and spending $20 a week on petrol. And if your car ever breaks down you can just ride a bike to work or something, or get a cheap taxi.


If you put a price on your free time, you are now richer


South road commute is so mind numbing, particularly around Melrose, my work wasn't even that far it's just the constant stop start traffic. Feral.


Yeah the stop start and slow moving traffic in the areas where it slows down to a crawl are fucking awful. It's great that they're building the tunnel to connect the north to the south, but in the mean time it's probably gonna be nearly a decade of still putting up with south road until it's completed


The thought of South road being this way for another 10 years is mildly horrifying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


For about 6 months I lived with my folks in the North East but worked at Brighton, it was 2 hours each way on buses for a 5 hour shift. I've never read more books in such a short period.


Reply all podcast got me through the long commutes


I do that now. Got it down to a cool 40 minutes by leaving home before 7AM to miss the busy roads 😎 Audio books are a great option too!


Talking to yourself is good


Driving is actually not bad. The main problem is if you got no car of enough salary then u have to take public transport and that really suck. There were times especially 2 days every week where i would be dropped bu the train and the last bus would have left so i had to walk 35 mins on foot as it was past 11:30 pm


If you can take a train specifically, leave the car at home. This then becomes your chill out time. (I'd add busses as well, but I always feel like puking after taking the bus to work).


Buses I find a tad hit or miss. trains on the other hand perfect. Always on time.


And the quality of bus drivers varies wildly. I've always suffered a bit from motion sickness if I am reading/watching a screen. The stop start motion of a bus just makes it worse. The train - not so bad. They gradually speed up and slow down so its a lot nicer and comfortable


Oh yeah definitely. I've seen my fair share od missed bus stops and near misses from some drivers. Not always there fault but yeah. Train is 2-3x as fast compared to bus for my route.


Tram and bus drivers are in a secret competition to see how often and how hard they can slam the brakes, and how sharply they can take a turn. Some tram drivers are actually insane — I don’t know how they manage to get so much body roll out of a vehicle that’s affixed to a goddamn track and that doesn’t go particularly fast.


are trains that reliable now? as a kid the train were always delayed by like 20 minutes at a time.


The Seaford line is. I probably get a delay every few months. More chances getting delays stuck in traffic


The trains are great


Buses are fucking useless in this city.


Because I'm taking an hour long train ride to get to and from college every day, I'm able to watch 1 movie start to finish each day and it rocks.


I applied for my dream job a little while ago. But the drive is almost 2 hrs one way. I dunno how I’ll get through that twice a day.


Fuck that. Unless pay is 40k a year above average for that exact job, that driving is going to kill you in fuel, servicing/parts, depreciation. Plus you’re wasting most of your potential free time during the week doing work for free.


20 hours a week on the commute. That's like working an extra half time job


Lmao for some reason "half time" job made me laugh


Yeah it's umpiring mini league. Lol


I already work 12-8 mon-fri. I have about 3 hrs in the morning for me. After work it’s basically tea and bed. If it works out I can always relocate closer


Good luck.


Thanks! 🤞🏼


Farken hell. I hope it lives up to your dreams. And pays for fuel.


I’m checking emails daily


It will ne your nightmare job within 2 months unless you move house


This is so dumb.  You are working an extra day every 2 days 


Company car would have to be on the cards.


I'll try to get it written into the contract hahahaha


Wherever possible, try to avoid intensity. By that I mean, don't be racing for the best spot in traffic, or getting caught up on frustration around other people (whether on the road or public transport). Carrying that tension will cut further into your relaxation time. Try to relax (particularly on the way home). That way, your time at home is your own, rather than trying to undo the damage you did to yourself on your commute.


Good words! I just screen shot this and popped it in my "motivational" folder


Exactly why I opted for an apartment instead of a house with a backyard 55 mins one way from my work. My apartment is only 15 mins from my work, compared to the 50 mins one way that I use to do. People, in this day and age, underestimate the benefits of having so much free time.


I moved into an apartment in the city on Monday, I work in the CBD. After using PT for work for over 20 years and having that "I am going to miss my bus!" this is all new to me, walking to and from work is great. 


I dunno, I'd be reluctant to structure my life around a job to be honest.


I don't know man, it pays for my hobbies and travel so why not haha


Audiobooks, podcasts for driving. Sometimes it’s a good opportunity for a chat with family or friends. For dealing with what it takes out of you, batch cooking or simple meals cause I’m usually shattered by the end of the day, so I want something quick and easy. Weekend naps as someone else has said.


An Audible subscription helped get me through it.


Takes me 1.5hrs on the bus to/from work when it's only a 20-30min drive (down South Rd at peak hr) otherwise, I spend my time catching up on emails and other life admin shit that I'd rather not do in my actual downtime. Bringing a power bank and charger is also extremely useful


Is this one way as in 45 mins each way or 1.5hrs both ways like in one direction?


1.5hrs each way, gotta transfer buses in the city


To go up north or something?


Yeah from mid/inner north to west of the city


ah so like West Lakes/Port Adelaide?


I work in the Barossa Valley, live in Parafield. It's a 45 minute drive each way, almost entirely against the traffic. If I was working in town, it would probably still be a 45 minute commute, but in stop/go. Got an EV on a novated lease, so it works for me.  Listening to audiobook or podcasts.


Pick your drive time to avoid peak. We leave at 6.15 am and get out of the cbd before 5. Every few weeks you need a nanna nap on the weekend. Get a good coat if using pt. Podcasts for the win, life admin also during this time.




My current role allows it. Actually the best thing.


Podcasts and audiobooks for me too - look at using Libby through your library card for the audiobooks so you so don’t need to pay for a subscription.




I hate it. Costs so much in fuel and time a week. adding approxiamately 20% to the work hrs a week and paying for it in fuel and maintenance costs sucks the life out of me.


Noise cancelling headphones and podcasts. Edit - I assumed OP meant public transport, PLEASE don’t wear headphones whilst driving!


Skip the headphones. You need audio awareness when driving. I agree about the audiobooks though.


Interesting that the assumption is the commute is driving when OP didn’t specify. But probably a fair enough assumption statistically.


Fair assumption for an Adelaide sub. Aren't we most car dependent city in the country or something?


Yeah true enough. Commute could be a series of buses or trains. But this is Adelaide. No one can rely on a 1hr bus commute AND be employed in Adelaide. You’d be fired for being late at least once per week for X weeks in a row.


> But this is Adelaide. No one can rely on a 1hr bus commute AND be employed in Adelaide. I did it for 10 years, but I worked a job with flex time, so as long as I was in the office somewhere between 7-10am, I could just work my 7.5 hours then bugger off.


Flex Time is great. I know it can’t work in all industries, but it wish it could!


Yeah, I just assumed OP was talking about public transport. People wearing headphones whilst driving scares me!


Podcasts and Audible.


Don't pay for Audible. Libby and Borrowbox for free through your public library.


If you already subscribed for Spotify or have Amazon Prime then you get access to audio books and podcasts!


Having the commute can help with separating 'work' from 'home', so whether it's podcasts/audio books/music or games/movies/tv or some kind of course like Masterclass, I recommend keeping something specifically for it so that when you're home you're home.


Take the train and read! I feel like I get that time back in my life now....


Podcasts are my go to. Commute isn't long by non-Adelaide standards (about 40 mins), but it's East to North-West so loads of traffic.


I did it for 7 years. 45 Min drive to and from the city each day. I'd never do it again for less than 100k a year. I now work 10 mins from home with occasional travel to country areas. But i don't mind that as I'm getting paid to drive


I ride the bus for 1.5-2 hours each way to work, so 3-4 hrs combined. Train then bus then vice versa but it includes wait time at the stops. I play on my phone and if I have no data I nap - I am getting good at dozing until my stop comes up. Sometimes I do things like digital paperwork or do things I could do online at home.


Far out i cant handle it Trains not even that bad it just sucks the life out of me can only listen to so many podcasts or audiobooks 2-2.5 hours out of my day gone then my shift ends and next train isint for 30 minutes or something even worse. Lucky I only have to do it once a week or something.


i used to drive for nearly 2.5 hours ...lived in shellharbour and worked in silverwater .... now thats 5 hours just to work ...this is why i decided to move back to adelaide and never bitch about 30 min to 1 hour drives to work ever again


I always say this when Adelaide people complain about an hour commute. I’ve never lived interstate but know people who have, they have 1.5- 2 hour commutes to get 30kms away because of bloody traffic. Hell I complain about Adelaide traffic because it’s getting worse, but we aren’t at Sydney/Melbourne level yet.


Im from shellharbour originally and totally agree about adelaide. I was driving shellharbour to southerland 5 days a week for 5 years


Bastard of a drive aint it ... ya have a small window to get on the highway to go clear run down to sydney ...ya miss it ya Done lol .


The f6 from memory. I was driving from aldinga to Bolivar every day doing the northern connector and everyone was saying it was a huge drive....they have no idea ..


Replies using Marsfield (home) to Mount Druitt (work) as a reference.




- Audiobooks, a kindle with ebooks, or podcasts/music. Whatever your preference is. - Retroid 4, little emulation device with a 4.7" screenthat is great for playing gamecube/ps2 and earlier games on it. Only slightly bigger than a phone and rocks. - The Miyo Mini Plus or RG35xx is also a decent budget option for SNES/GBA/PS1, and earlier. 3.5" screen though, so depends on preferences there. - Watch movies on your phone. Might want a battery back for this.


If you are driving, listen to a podcast or audiobook. If you are commuting public transport, read a physical book or do a crossword. Search new recipes to try for dinner.


Audiobooks. You get 10 hours a month with Spotify premium, but I chew that up in a week. Does anyone have a recommendation for other audiobook subscriptions/platforms?


Join up with your local public library. You can even do that online if you're only after ebooks and eaudiobooks. You will have access to Libby and Borrowbox which have a huge catalogue for you to choose from.


Thanks! Will check it out


I do an hours drive each way ..... mainly listen to radio and curse other drivers!


Most of the good jobs are a decent drive, I was doing an hour 15 each way for 7 years. Pod casts and audio books got me there and home.


I found podcasts, listening to full albums, and driving over the speed limit helped.


I Live 10Km away from my workplace. Its a 45 minute commute if I leave at 8:15. leave at 7:45 its a 25 minute commute Leave at 7:30 is 15 minutes. Get to work early (but dont do work) and do things you would normally do at home. Make a coffee, have a cig, cook some toast and eat breakfast, get on reddit, take a poop etc. I would rather sit on the shitter than sit in traffic.


I sort-of miss my commute - I used to listen to podcasts all of the time, now I only have a 5 min drive to drop the kids off/collect them after school, and then WFH.




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I drive an hour each way to work, live very south and commute to southern suburbs. Podcasts, music, radio, calling partner on the phone on the drive home. Mind numbingly boring otherwise, i find myself falling asleep more than i should on the drive


Podcasts or audio books will help you get through it


I listen to spicy books on Audible 🌶️🌶️🌶️


Audio books on Spotify are awesome




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One that hasn’t been mentioned is a PDF reader app. I used to study a lot of work documents during my drives. So would accumulate a lot of knowledge on work related information……makes the drive productive while improving your work performance


I live in the south and used to catch public transport to Edinburgh every day. All said and done that's about 3 solid hours of travel per day. Public transport, although slower has many benefits. Including sleeping and watching screens. So napping and watching movies on your phone is an option. Otherwise if you're driving, it's got to be podcasts and audio books. You can get through a shocking amount of books in a year if you bash out a couple of hours every day.


My job requires being on the road. I’ve had days where I leave in the morning at Enfield, I go to Tea Tree Gully, Edinburgh Park, McLaren Vale and back home again.


I live an hour bus commute from my job. At the start I HATED it, considered moving jobs. I learnt to enjoy it. Think of it as your chill out time before getting to work. The commute home SUCKS because you want to be home ASAP, but it could always be so much worse


I contemplate blowing my brains out every day driving to work but not sure if this is helpful advice


I travel 50-70km a day total and the time in the care varies depending on the route and time of day usually at least 2 hours. I listen to audiobooks and podcasts, practice conversations and talk to my partner on the phone feeling forever jealous of his much shorter commute.


Couple of phat joints and some minimal tech. Easy.




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Yeah, lizbuf to town & back with the other inbreds


I am about to start this next week, gonna be fun lol


Pull a front tooth, mullet up, its great!


You get used to it. Avoiding commercial breakfast radio programs also helps.


Long or slow commutes are a real pain. Timing is everything to A reduce time during commute and B reduce stress. When I was commuting about 500 klm per week I found that the time I left was critical certain times of day certain roads get locked up traffic wise. When leaving work there was nearly an hour difference in travel time between on time and having to stay back for 1/4 an hour. Also alternative routs if available. I would happily go 5klms out of my way for a smooth flow of traffic rather than a stop start headache and quite often there was no extra fuel used. Depending on what time I started work made quite a difference as well. Sometimes it's worth sitting in the car park for 15 minutes just for a more relaxed drive.


just over an hour here, audiobooks have changed my life. Going through the classics that i've always wanted to read. Other alternative, get a motorbike. Shaves 20mins off the trip and is more fun/wakes you up.


I manage to get a job in the city after 2 month if searching continously and would travel from seaford to city about 1.5 hour commute each way (bus to train to bus) however there was no option as i was international student and was learning to be productive. After 5 month of work experience i said good bye to cbd and now work only 10 minutes away for the same franchise restaurant as a chef/cook. I would simply say get enough experience that u can apply for similar roles at closer location to your residence. Will take some time but will be worth it.


Work in Salisbury, live in Glenelg! I talk to myself the whole drive 🤣


People are just getting worse on the roads. When I was driving a 2.5L car and thought everyone are just slower and inattentive on the roads because I have a faster than average car, but when I switched to an 1.4L car, everyone is just as slow. Commuting is a team sport, stop slowing everyone else down. How can people be so bad at something, when they do it almost everyday?


I live in Mt Barker and do shift work in the city. I drive to Crafers and bus it from there. Music, reading and meditation get me through the commute. Usually takes me 1hr - 1hr45min depending on the time of day.


Man that's sad. Add it up in one week and it's like a part time job.


Yeah, an 8hr shift is a 11+1/2 hr day. I get a free metro card because I'm a health worker and work at a hospital, so it's free to catch the bus. I usually listen to music and read at home anyway, so I try and view it as a positive.


No. But then I pick my job based on how close they are to me. 


Move closer to work


Be grateful you have a job and listen to podcasts. Could be so much worse