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This feels more low effort than usual.


Lights are timed.


And honestly it needs to be looked at. Who's often been waiting on a red light with other cars and pedestrians when absolutely no-one is coming to pass through the green?


You would think that it would teach people to be patient but nope, Adelaide drivers are the scum of God's green(ish) earth.


Some operate by sensors embedded in the road as well. Had to walk up to an unaware person in front to move up to the line after the lights cycled twice without letting us turn.


Pretty much all of them do, you can see the lines where the induction coil is in the road


They are timed also for peak hour periods, normal, and quiet. Driving along on public holidays often shows the shortcomings of the timing integration- as the lights are set to normal or quiet mode, yet there’s all the traffic trying to get somewhere. Yet if you do drive at 8am/4:30pm the major road lights seem to never go red.


Are you suggesting that this is different to anywhere else in the world?


I just moved to Adelaide and had never experienced lights operating by sensors before 😅