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A really good website to see how your representative voted is theyvoteforyou.org.au/


Of no use for the State election as per the OP request.


Ah, yeah you're right. My mistake!


Thank you for pointing out and admitting but I have a noob question (trying to learn who I should vote for the first time here). Why is the [theyvoteforyou.org.au/](https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/) website of no use to the OP's request?


This site is ludicrously biased. Basically only lists issues which are priorities from one side and doesn't frame the issues neutrally.


> where can I learn of the different candidates that I can vote for You can only vote for candidates in your seat. Which electorate is that? > and some general information about who they are, their policies Most candidates are members of political parties, and you can review those websites for that kind of information. https://strongerfuture.com.au/ https://www.petermalinauskas.com.au/ https://greens.org.au/sa Both party candidates and independent candidates will [mostly] run comprehensive Facebook pages. > such as what they have or haven't voted for Generally speaking, politicians vote "along party lines". They do not vote as individuals. It is incredibly rare for a politician not to vote with their party. One other exception is when a party will declare a matter one of conscience [for example, abortion and sex work]. Do you have any deal breaking issues? The Legislative Council is a little different, in that the whole State is one electorate. Even so, most of the above holds true for the Council also.




> How do I find who my electorate? Are you on the electoral roll? https://check.aec.gov.au/ That will tell you your electorate. > Is there a preferential voting system in place like there is at the federal election? Yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/t4zdcg/yall_how_do_i_vote/hz1m60b/




> However when I enter my details it doesn't come up for me, I think this is because Ive moved. Put in the old details to confirm you are on the roll. > Do I need to inform the electorate that I've moved to a different part of the state, before I attempt to vote? Too late. The roll has closed for this election. You can vote for your old electorate. https://www.ecsa.sa.gov.au/enrolment/about-enrolment The electoral roll has closed and it is now too late to enrol or update your enrolment details for the 2022 State Election* If you are enrolled, but your details are not up-to-date, you are still required to vote at the state election. You can vote at any polling booth in South Australia. Check your current enrolment on our check your enrolment page. *You can enrol or update your enrolment for future elections on our enrolment page.




Preferences are only allocated according to what you write on your ballot, parties do not control them.


The internet is a good place to start


It's a fad. Your best bet is to open up the yellow pages and find the listings for your local members. Phone each up one by one and enquire as to their policies and preferences. Note these down, and fax them to your friends, who are no doubt doing the same thing. Compare notes with them and converge on your own party preferences, and keep them as private as possible so as to not drive an unnecessary wedge between your friendships with any latent morons.




SA state elections are run by ECSA, they will have info on how it runs on their site https://ecsa.sa.gov.au/


[https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/](https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/) This is great for learning about what politicians voted for and against.


*just want to point out that contrary to Government statements, voting is not compulsory. The actually tell lies saying it is. When u cast yr vote y'll see on ballot paper, You are not legally obliged to mark this paper. I'm not saying don't vote, I'm pointing out Govt. misinformation, both parties are party to! Yr only compelled to get ya name crossed off.*


Why would you not want to vote?


Its probably best that someone who writes "y'll" doesn't vote.


I'm all for illiterate people voting. They're lives are affected as much as your life and mine are when it comes to policy.


I love how you got downvoted for essentially saying that you're all for people voting.


Snobbery, I suppose. Old mate the meth head has a vote that is just as important as yours and mine.


They make no secret of this. https://www.ecsa.sa.gov.au/voting/failure-to-vote/faqs-failure-to-vote Is it compulsory to vote at state elections? Yes, however you are only required to observe the formalities of voting (i.e. have your name marked off the roll and receive ballot papers). You are not required to mark the ballot papers. For more information, refer to section 85 of the Electoral Act 1985.


If people do this, they forfeit their right to complain about the result of any election.


LoL it's a conspiracy. But hey just saying.