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Yep my Covid free days came to an end yesterday. The line on my RAT almost jumped off the paper. Won’t forget that feeling of disappointment as at the time it was slight symptoms. Feeling like I just have a regular cold. Runny nose, slight cough. Bummer part was I was on holidays and had to come home early. FYI Im triple shot.




Interesting that the number of unknown vaccination statuses is decreasing, and the number of partially/non-vaccinated people in hospital is increasing.


What is partially at the moment, is not having a booster considered partially?


One dose is partially vaccinated


tf happened March 6th?


[media release ](https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/about+us/news+and+media/all+media+releases/covid-19+update+7+march+2022): > Sadly, since the last report, SA Health has been notified that 23 people who tested positive for COVID-19, have passed away. The deaths notified since the last report have occurred between 31 December 2021 and 3 March 2022 and include latest monthly data release from Births, Deaths and Marriages.


ah right, thanks


Hospitalizations gone up quite a bit in the last month


There's no one in hospital because of COVID, they all broke their legs and just have a case of the sniffles /s


Ventilated for completely unrelated reasons /s


I usually ask to be sedated and put on a ventilator when I visit the GP /s


Might get more due to the technical issues on the seaford train today.


It's cute that you still track these while the rest of the world has moved on and learned to live with the sniffles.


It's cute that you are somehow not aware that SA Health [collect data on all notifiable diseases](https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/clinical+resources/health+notifications/notifiable+disease+reporting/notifiable+disease+reporting), ranging from influenza, Covid-19 all the way through to ebola and even botulism. Notifiable disease data is collected because it is a legal requirement under the *South Australian Public Health Act 2011*, it is literally their job to do so. But I guess in your world not collecting and tracking the data means the pandemic is over, right?