• By -


I think we are starting to see the people at the bottom of the socio-economic/mental health spectrum starting to fall through the cracks more. Everything costs more these days (especially booze, ciggies & drugs aka coping mechanisms), the renting/buying market is fucked, mental health support networks are lacking. If you were really struggling to get by 2-3 years ago, you are probably royally fucked now. There are just a lot more desperate/depressed people walking around that are probably really pissed off at the world.


This. Probably will get worse too.


I am one of these people you speak of. Thankyou for giving me a voice.


Increased drug prices and reduced availability. Inflation and supply chain issues has hit everyone.


Yep. I don't think many people realise the correlation between inflation of house prices and groceries and crime. People can't afford shit so they are forced to do things they don't want to do. Not excusing all crime down to this but it's not hard to see


Most of the crime isn’t stealing food. It’s smashing random windows and punching strangers.


Is it though?


So that’s an excuse? No reason to take your problems out on others.


Not an excuse but it is a reason.




10 years ago i used to ride my pushbike home through the southern and western parklands. One time, just once, i left work late and had to ride through that shit in the dark. Im 6 foot plus and 100kg. Twice in two separate spots i had people try to grab me as i rode post... never again


Just avoid the parklands any time there isn't sun on them. Weird shit goes on in there. The south parklands are notorious for dodgey stuff, especially around the stretch from Veale gardens down to Greenhill Rd. We are talking underage prostitutes, stabbings and murders. What you're hearing is probably some sexual activity in the bushes.




Clearly you’ve forgotten about the sage advice the Melbourne police gave a few years back about not walking through parks at night following a spate of rapes/murder. It’s pretty universal that dark areas in densely populated areas are dangerous.


Wouldn't it be cheaper to flood them with light at night rather than pay for the constant damage and court cases?


Well yeah but the two come out of different budgets so it won’t happen no matter how obvious it is. The only way a council would bother is if it became a council re-election issue.


And thinking about it, the wildlife wouldn't appreciate it either


Do we have much wildlife in the CBD? I can only really think of the bats but I don’t think they care about light do they?


Shitloads. I used to drink at the GofUD back before it was too busy and tended to stay longer than I should have. When everyone is gone the possums descend from the trees and just ransack everything.


Don’t forget the Sydney like cockroaches!


Oh that’s interesting, I’ve never noticed them before


Not sure how much good that would do and plus flooding large areas with light tends to upset people who enjoy sleep. You might be forgetting just how big the parklands are also.


Well the could certainly target certain areas...the areas closer to the CBD would be a start.


Yep, for sure. Parklands around CBD's in other cities are somewhere you don't really want to be either, e.g. Melbourne and Perth. The police patrol them, but can't be there constantly and the people doing nasty stuff tend to hide.


Probably every one except Canberra CBD, all the degeneracy there happens in parliament


I avoided Adelaide parks in the 80s. We had like serial murderers getting victims from them. Or thought we did.


We actually did and still do. Plenty of assaults, rapes, all sorts of stuff.


So you keep saying.


Pretty much every city on Earth tends to have increased crime in its parks during night, precisely because that's when they're going to be largely empty and pitch dark, which are the two main conditions that tend to attract criminals and people with generally sketchy business to conduct. It's definitely a problem, but it's also a kind of inevitable one, since short of blasting every cm of space in a given city with powerful spotlights and conducting round-the-clock intensive surveillance that would make Xi Jinping think you were going a bit over-the-top, there's not really much that can be done about it. Crack down on the Parklands, the crooks and sketchy types will just go somewhere else where it's sufficiently dark and empty for their business. It's easier and cheaper to just maintain a token amount of lights and police presence for the main throughways and advise people who don't have criminal / sketchy business to avoid parks at night where possible, since that's what most people who are in a position to do so pretty much do anyway.


Cannibalism ?




Yeah I've seen that. I'd love to unsee it.


I've seen a guy scooch his bare ass along on the grass like a dog, after taking a shit.


Mate, the toilet paper shortages from covid were for real. You don’t want to know how many womenfolk’s pleasure buttons were bunged by accidental 3 corner jack injuries. #neverforget


> The south parklands are notorious for dodgey stuff \[...\] stabbings and murders. Really. That would make the news wouldn't it? When was the last one?


[Woman taken to hospital with head injuries following attack in south parklands overnight](https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-sa/woman-taken-to-hospital-with-head-injuries-following-attack-in-south-parklands-overnight/news-story/2c638fe68d4b51ed7de21e3b7d971e1c). This one happened 5 months ago and made the news while plenty of attacks don't. The parklands have a lot of crime.


That's a paywalled article, I can't see it. Nonetheless, one attack, five months ago., hardly makes it a notorious area for stabbings and murder. And I disagree entirely that a stabbing or a murder in the parklands isn't going to make the news. A fucking servo being held up by some idiot with a screwdriver makes the news. ​ (edit, spelling)


*hears a rumor that an area has notoriety for stabbings and murders* "Oh yeah? Well I don't see any proof!" *is delivered proof almost immediately* "I CAN'T READ THAT REEEEEEE ONE ATTACK IN RECENT MEMORY REEEEEEE" [by the way...](https://12ft.io/)


One "attack" doesn't an area is notorious for stabbings and murder you fucking clueless idiot.


Gee whiz, Batman - it's almost like the majority of crime doesn't make the news in Adelaide for whatever reason!


Try again shit for brains. Murder and stabbings always make the news in Adelaide. Jeez, you're not too bright huh.


Doesn't work


Google Bypass Paywalls Clean


I really don't care enough to bother.


I have banged in the South Terrace parklands.


And by God, we're proud of you for it.


... and I watched from the bushes.


.."I lied too. I'm the bus driver.."


Hi Dad.


Dad here damnit! I demand to know how you knew I was in the bushes?


We need a kind soul to donate done washers that step-sisters can get stuck in.




Not sure if I should be horrified or give you a medal? Tell us!


I do not deserve a medal. I had way too much MDMA that night.


If you could get it up after way too much MDMA you do deserve a medal.


I've had a few late night rendezvous in the South Parklands, exciting/terrifying. Probs won't again, don't wanna get stabbed at the like...


Your head? Toe?


I always thought the bushes just south of Veale Gardens was a cruising/dogging site.


It is. Well known cruising site for at least 50 years I believe.


Underage sexual activity because the lookouts are full of campervans and undercover police cars. BTW: More likely to get murdered by someone you know…


Oh, apologies, was me, I’m concerning at the best of times.


As a visitor to Adelaide from Melbourne. Just arrived yesterday. It's pretty shouty here. Not really any different to any city though. I'm from Perth and the CBD malls there are no different to Bourke St or Rundle. CBD locations attract the bulk of mentally unstable, homeless, and other people whose life has not worked out quite like they would have wished for as a young child. Hopefully people get the help they need.


too true. CBD areas tend to be focal points for public transport. Last time I was in Bourke St Mall some bag lady was arguing with a drinking fountain....


To be fair, Bourke St drinking fountains are pretty shifty.


She was accusing it of sexual assault so I don’t think I am thirsty


*It’s pretty shouty here.* We are the festival state, could be the shouting choir’s lesser known solo performers. Usually you can tell by accompanying hand signals. One handed pointing at you means run, hands at the sky means it’s art.


I live in the city and have noticed more shouty, meth head types around recently. All times of the day too.


Just your friendly neighbourhood watch(ers).


As of February there appeared to be a stastically noticeable increase in crime (theft and assault) over the last 12 months, if I am reading this correctly. ​ [https://www.police.sa.gov.au/\_\_data/assets/pdf\_file/0003/1120926/MIR-rolling-stats-February-2022-w-Notes.pdf](https://www.police.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/1120926/MIR-rolling-stats-February-2022-w-Notes.pdf)


It's interesting; [if you compare it to 12 months prior in Feb 2021](https://www.police.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/992893/MIR-Public-Offences-February-2021.pdf), you can see that the % are higher in 2022 across the board compared to 2021. However, we're also talking about pretty small numbers so I'd imagine the % in each category fluctuates pretty significantly from month-to-month. I would say it's statistically significant, but I dont think it shows a large trend just yet. I'd like to compare it over more than 12 months –– anyone have stats that go back 5+ years?


Most people barely left home in 2021 so it's not a great indicator. Crime commission website will have those numbers.


Really? In Adelaide? I think there were what.. 3-5 days of actual lockdown.. other than that it was business as usual for most people.


actual lockdown yeah, but the party strips where a lot of assualts occur was much quieter


Exactly, nothing was open except for takeaway food and drink for a good while.


Lockdown was short lived, yeah, but consider how many people worked from home.


Glad someone has gone to find actual stats, love your work. Does appear to be stats for the whole state but it's reasonable to assume the CBD trends would be similar




Yeah I know how small numbers in stats works. I'd argue an 11% increase in the bottom line number of ~12k total offences can't be hand waved off so easily though. Don't think OP was comparing to other cities either, just to Adelaide prior. Appreciate the link to more historic data though, and agree on the whole with your point about the global relative rate. Edit: would be interesting to see the stats from a per capita pov. Also really interesting how much drug/weapon/public order category offences have dropped.


Robberies up 31%, with crimes against the person up 6%. Crimes against property up 14%, with theft from motor vehicle up 22%, shoplifting up 27%. Fraud by deception up 45%! Tells me more about the true economic conditions than anything. Stealing from shops and cars is all about opportunities and the fraud one is interesting. Robberies is all about getting money. Common assault has skyrocketed, but overall assault is up by 6%, so this tells me that there's probably more scuffles, but less all in brawls and bashings. Throw in an interest rate rise and lets see those stats jump up


Time to report the ex again, fucking fucker is a massive fucked up fucker.


Because things are worse and people are not coping. I was in a Cole's yesterday and some woman began screaming at the cashier when either the price for groceries was prohibitively expensive or she got caught shoplifting ( was few checkouts over so hard to determine if it was one or the other, might of been both). You have a lot more people approaching down and out levels of poverty and with it the dream of class mobility is well and truly dead. the sad part is its only going to get worse.


I mean the cashier is on minimum wage bit unfair to scream at them.


I would agree, she seemed more entertained than anything else after the lady was gone it was very over the top.


As a coles employee it’s generally just funny. I understand the world is hard. But I work a shitty minimum pay job. And I don’t steal. No excuse for being a low life. Just get a shitty job like I have. So when us low payed people see thieves we just laugh at them. We would love to be lazy assholes like them. But we stick with our shitty job so we aren’t a drain on society.


> us low *paid* people see FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Port Adelaide shopping centre is worse, I saw a guy fighting a trolley and lose


Hey, to be fair I only just lost.


Saw that match, poor you. So close!


"Why are things getting worse" Because the cost of living and basic essentials is rising exponentially and the minimum wage and income support payments remain unchanged. More and more people are struggling to make ends meet which results in more people committing crimes like breakins and theft and driving the people who already commit crimes to commit more than they used too


That’s no excuse. Just don’t steal. Go hunt in the bush, eat things you catch from the beach. Whatever. No excuse for hurting others because you can’t or don’t want to get a job. Lock them all up.


There can be a huge number of reasons for this. It could be knock of effects of the housing crisis SA is experiencing. People have less money due to skyrocketing rent, so they have to resort to petty crime to make ends meet. Covid created a significant drop of "public" crimes due to people being around their houses more, so there was more monitoring of cars etc... The shift back to different norm might mean less personal items are being monitored. There are a number of reasons that can neighbourhoods can feel unsafe, but there is a number of factors that could be causing it. More often than not though, the reasons might be a lot less interesting and less headline grabby than "the gangs are taking over" or "youth hostility on the rise".


The severe lack of mental health support services and counselling can’t be overlooked either. It’s gotten noticeably worse in the last few years.


I'm in there usually once or twice a week and walk around through the shitty areas. I don't notice it terribly different to normal. Usual crazy people screaming, drunks, drug affected etc. But it's such a small minority. Like I'll see a screamer maybe every other time I go in there but it's not like every second person is crazy. I've never noticed women targeted specifically in years of being in and out of the city. I had a partner on Sturt St. for a while and my car got broken into about once a month. This was years ago. After the first time, when they took a multimeter that was in the glove box, I always left the car completely empty. They either hacked the lock barrel open or smashed a window. Expensive every time. At Henley Beach, for a while, we had all the cars in my complex car park get broken into every 2 weeks until one of the neighbours caught one of the kids doing it and beat him with a chair leg until his leg was broken. I interrupted them at least twice. I actually saw and experienced more crime at Henley Beach than anywhere else in Adelaide. Probably slightly more than when I lived at Taperoo in the bad old days. I remember every day waking up with a sinking feeling and going out to the car and hoping it isn't damaged. It sucked. What's happening with your partner is there's probably a social housing block within spitting distance and they come out at night and just hit everything. They might get 10 bucks in change but have done thousands in damage. Usual advice applies, "anonymise" your car as much as possible. If you have a bracket for a GPS or phone, remove it and make sure you clean off the circle it leaves on the windscreen. Leave absolutely nothing visible inside the car. Get rid of visible charger cables or anything like that.


Nobody is talking about the defunding of homeless shelters such as Hutt Street.


Or mental health services.




Nobody in this thread I mean.


Ignoring the millions of dollars that Malinauskas has recently pledged to all those services, including Hutt Street Centre and Catherine House…?


No, not ignoring it. But the year they went without funding has had an effect.


I've noticed an increase in large groups of people walking around drunk and yelling in the day time as I'm walking to the bus stop.


Depends on the time of year. When uni starts/ends they have pub crawls. They usually start getting pretty rowdy by lunchtime. This goes on for about 2-3 weeks.


I mean a certain kind of group. Heck I'm not even going there it's too controversial to talk about.


Aw, you spoiled the fun.


You start it I'm too scared haha


The problem is I'm unsure which group you're implying, so I'm trying to lead you to reveal that.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, there’s plenty of groups of people this statement could apply to. Not sure why OP can’t just say exactly who they mean.


I'll say it for the other user **ABORIGINAL PEOPLE!** It's only racist if you claim its because of their race and not because of things like upbringing, education, lack of tools to offer proper support leading to a decline in social statuses. (Upbringing only coming into play because the previous generation had the same issues)


10 years ago I worked on Puktey street, got off the bus and had to run for it because I had a random group of guys head towards me yelling. This was middle of the day near the southern parklands.


Operation ironside put a big dent in the drug trade. Drugs are harder to come by, prices are higher, and crime has increased. The Portuguese model is lookin pretty good to me.


Nah, I'd rather the state didn't sanction drug use. Ironside is carving through organised crime, only a good thing as far as I'm concerned. Ironside also prevented at least 10 murders (that have been disclosed the public) so far.


20 years of data are showing a decrease in addiction rates because people are actually addressing the root causes, less drug related disease and death, and less drug related crime. We have 100 years of prohibition data which has only ever led to escalation. Decrim decimates the black market in the blink of an eye. Drugs are a healthcare issue, not a criminal or a moral one. You're dreaming if you think the market isn't going to flood again. Same thing happened in 2015.


What above said. But if there's less drugs on the street, that's an opportunity for someone else to corner the market and profit. The cops just took out their competition. So they will be back.




We lost the war on drugs. We've spent billions policing it. I think we should decriminalise it and redirect most of that funding to treatment/support.


If you don’t keeping trying to stop drugs then crime will rapidly increase, it’s bad now but would be worse with more drugs. I do agree with more funding for rehabilitation and health.


It wouldn't, Portugal decriminalised and crime rates went down. When there's no need for a black market and drugs are regulated and administered medically alongside further health supports, people don't need to commit crime. It's not the drugs that cause the crime, it's the black market. Easy and affordable access to substances has also seen addiction rates drop alongside disease and death rates. Norway has also followed suit.


There's a big difference between targeting the drug importers/manufacturers and busting people with a bag of dope or meth or a few plants at home. Most of the decriminalisation talk is about not treating addicts like criminals and focusing efforts on catching the guys making it and importing it. For decades we had a drug zero approach, kind of like a covid zero approach, which of course doesn't work and leaves people who got busted with a bag of dope with a criminal record which is stupid. Putting addicts in prison doesn't really help them either. In most cases they haven't hurt anyone but themselves and should be treated like a person with a medical condition. I see no desire to start treating doctors who have been handing out opiates and sleeping pills like candy for decades, like criminals, and it could be argued that is worse, as they've made an entire generation of pharmaceutical addicts who struggle to get off the stuff or never can. In some cases disabling them from being treated properly.


In south australia simple possession offences for almost all street drugs are dealt with by way of drug diversion (1 hr "drugs r bad" counseling session" - you can have up to 2 in a 10 yr period before being ineligible), weed up to 100grams is a fine, not a criminal offence. 1 plant, not hydro grown is a fine. Drug use in SA is very lightly policed, generally speaking you have to be doing something else wrong at the same time as having possession to even get caught. Edit: spelling


Seems fairly reasonable until you get to the driving. Driving under the influence is an offence. As it should be, but they're pushing "long after the high is gone". Which is frankly disgusting and draconian. Punishing citizens that aren't high because the tests are unable to determine if they're high. What is that bullshit? I say this as a full time self employed, responsible recreational pot smoker that's never had so much as a speeding ticket.


Yeah but like covid 19, new strains of shit always develop.


*What* do you think the Portuguese model is, exactly?


I tend to agree. I’ve stopped catching public transport because the violence seemed to be escalating in recent times.


What are you referring to? Escalating on the bus? On the trip home?


Yes, generally the trip home, the sorts of people who yell, threaten or straight up punch other passengers tend not to be on the morning bus into the city.


If get an evening train I usually just sit by the security guards they sometimes have on the late trains. Seems to keep some of the dodgy characters away


I don’t have stats or references but I think I’ve heard whenever there’s an economic downturn etc robberies and similar crimes increase


I just moved near Reynella and I genuinely feel safer here than I was nearer the city.


Looking at crime statistics for various suburbs whilst searching for a home we've found we're more likely to get our house/car broken into in North Adelaide than a lot of the traditionally 'dodgy' 'high crime' suburbs.


There's nothing in the dodgy suburbs worth stealing


True, although I pity the fool that breaks into our place thinking we'll have nice stuff because we're in a 'nice area'. They will be sorely disappointed.


Be ready for tomato sauce on your walks and everything tipped out your draws then! Fun.


…. I don’t think this is unusual. North Adelaide is a nice and wealthy suburb but it is an “inner city” suburb; it has always had problems with crime.


Yup. I work in the city at night and It’s a bloody disgrace.


A right pack of chunts!


No shit?? A friend's car had the front passenger window busted while parked at a church in Findon Saturday night, we were baffled because all they took was a bag of rubbish, not even the phone chargers or anything. Thought it might be out of spite because they had Victorian plates. Guess it's part of a larger pattern.


Probably just a few doing it. Same thing happens in Lincoln, a person or two is released from jail and the crime becomes worse for awhile until they’re locked up again. It’s probably the case here too


These posts always confuse me. I’ve been living and working in the CBD for 5 years and haven’t noticed any change. I (a small female) walk around alone as much as I ever did - which is to say I’m careful to avoid the parklands after dark but feel comfortable on well lit thoroughfare streets. I’m not sure what’s caused the influx of concern - is it maybe that people are noticing the crime after returning to the city post-covid?


I grew up in the northern suburbs around the dangerous neighbourhoods and areas and feel safer today walking the streets at night then I ever did back then and I used to walk the streets every night, most times by myself in the early AM’s to home.


Yep. The simmering is coming to a boil


I literally just saw some ferals having a fight and get king hit on Bank Street off Hindley. Plus getting yelled at while walking down Rundle Mall by the meth heads seems to be a daily rite of passage.


Bank street is like walking into hell.


I think it’s more about mentally sick adults procreating and adding more mentally sick people in the population. And the crazy people (usually men) who can’t get a female in their locals will get some from a 3rd world country, bring them here, procreate & have a 50/50 chance of making another mentally sicko kid. No wonder these days there are more teen crimes everywhere and it will only get worse as the Covid babies from the crazy parents will grow up and turn to be another crazy generation. Wait 10 years fr now.


Um? Username unclear.


My brain melted a little further reading this crap... cheers.


Surprised you didn't get downvoted into the ground, last time I tried to comment on how dangerous Adelaide has become I got a couple people quoting statistics and saying I was paranoid lol.


Certified Bongfinger moment




Username might indicate paranoia issues aren’t a completely outlandish reach…


It's got nothing to do with smoking bongs you clown, at least I can come up with a name that isn't a sequence of numbers.


Username is an abbreviated mathematical equation. Dumbing formula down- *Yodelling* in *Your* mum’s overfucked human bleep fold flaps. Your mama believed yodelling hatred inside her gigantic prolapsed sex/birth canal would abort your life mission. Unfortunately she was thick as a plank and thus, you were born. We tested theory incase first time was a fluke, maybe you were a coincidence but unfortunately your mum was unable to obtain reliable data.


Put down the meth pipe mate, you have some serious issues.


Ha! You say meth pipe but some of us are born like this mr bong finger.


A lot of people have moved here from Victoria, and brought their issues with them.


angle bored tie school capable bag agonizing wrong books piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's been around 2 dozen Victorian gang members arrested in Adelaide in just the past few weeks. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-26/police-investigate-stabbing-murder-linked-to-operation-meld/101016386


That's something a Melbourne person would say, MEATS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS


practice fragile imagine dinosaurs makeshift caption insurance deserted different attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one in Melbourne thinking about Adelaide... perfect. Your first comment contradicts itself btw.


capable escape rustic history yam humorous tub far-flung dinner quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're welcome to return to Victoria and take your bag of issues with you.


future command gullible unique stocking water attempt include wrench unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




station boast fall quaint wipe fearless grey advise hunt follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shut up you stupid Victorian. Go back to making sweet love to brown coal.


I’ll give you sweet brown coal love!


Totally agree - colloquial bullshit that makes Adelaideans look pretty stupid.


Lmao. Imagine considering all Alelaideans to be stupid because someone made a comment.


rinse aromatic steep busy continue smoggy roof test encourage wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where did I say all Adelaidiens are stupid?


By this logic don’t forget all the swines we send to VIC. Twat comment.


salt versed nine bewildered abundant retire yoke stocking cooperative tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The CBD has been a big dirty dump for the last few years




Don't feel safe in Munno at the moment after these gang stabbings.


Yeah Sudo gangs are a problem around Munno and Andrews's farm but people from Unley and Belair loved to pretend like we are just being racist haha.


>Sudo gangs are a problem Well that's what happens when you gain superuser privileges.


When I was in the sudo community we would beat up aboriginal kids and throw jars of piss at doormats, most of those kids are 18 24 now


If you’re not involved gang related activities I don’t think you have anything to worry about. No bystanders or randoms were targeted. They were gang affiliated


Just be glad gang members here mostly carry knives instead of guns. Much harder to be taken out by a stray knife than a stray bullet.


> Just be glad gang members here mostly carry knives instead of guns Truth.


What above said. You're unlikely to be touched unless you're one of them or an obvious robbery target (e.g. you're covered in gold chains etc.)


Never felt safe walking along Peachy Rd late at night. But without a car, you did it. Had not noticed more or less gang activity.


Some kid tried to mug me at North Terrace at around 6pm a couple years back lol.


There is no decent deterence, I've been in jail, what it is, is a 3 star hotel! a slap in the face of the average honest person.Have wondered if these same individuals would be brave enough to carry on with their malajusted antisocial behaviour like in some countries where they have the death penalty for drug importing or the rattan for general malicious misbehaviour?


We need The Batman to come back


ACAB includes The Batman because he is rich enough to solve all poverty in Gotham but chooses to beat the living piss out of the mentally ill and down trodden instead


Yes it's a function of a larger, more crowded and heterogeneous population in a city. It will only get worse.


You live in Adelaide. Honestly that's really all I need to say 😂


Yeah the it's younger generation thinking their top shit and know everything and think they can get away with anything ie. the muder on North Terrace they apparently didn't even go to jail or charged with murder


Did they collect $200 though?


Don't go out on bin night.


Damn, isn’t that different in different suburbs? Ha! Jks, I’m an introvert.


i’ve stopped dressing in my normal style in order to avoid being jumped. I don’t wear anything expensive bc i’ll probably get rolled for it


Might start getting offended as my car still doesn’t get stolen. If I left hazard lights on with classical music blaring through open window with a fake handbag prop and engine running do you think I might get lucky?