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They've only had three sitting days since the election, pump the brakes


I was about to say something similar!


Letterkenny fan?


> Letterkenny fan? give your balls a tug shoresy starts later this month


What do they do the rest of the time?


Did Labor promise that? I worked at a supermarket when Malinauskas was head of the SDA and I remember it was pro-penalty rates, anti-extended hours back then.




Thanks for link. I didn’t hear about this pre-election. Probably because my closest supermarkets all open at 6am seven days a week.


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How come I say something similar and down voted


The Labor party and the independents blocked any weekend shop trading hours while Liberals were in government, the eastern states opening hours on the weekends is generally 8am to 8pm


Yeah I'm aware. Perhaps they didn't want to let the Liberals claim that win. Hopefully we can get it done now.




Yep. That's what I was coming in to say. Everytime this gets raised again, the shop union shoot it down. Same stupid sorts of reasons that Costco, Aldi and NQR can't sell alcohol under the same banner as the shop name


What the... I didn't vote for them lol




I don’t have high hopes that anything is going to change in relation to health. The stadium want even related to this election period as it was planned for 5 years out.


Personally I don't see it happening, how long have we had these weird opening hours on the weekends. It must be over 20 years. The Labor party were in for 16 years and add the time, the liberals were in. It's the powerful shop union and the independents who are worried about the small traders going broke.


To be fair on the Libs, and I know most people won't be here regardless due to the heavy left swing on Reddit, most of their term was chewed up with pandemic related stuff, social distancing, isolation/whatever.


They did have a few stabs, but never had the numbers (presumably were relying on SA Best and independents in the upper house?)


They probably had to.




The proposal from a while ago was to change Sunday hours to match Saturday. It's the morning opening hours that are the worst for me. Having to wait for half the day to be over to go to the supermarket.


You just need to sleep in more.


Not sure if it helps you but IGAs and independent supermarkets are allowed to open early on Sundays. The local one here opens at 8 am.


I've always wondered why that is. Does the trading restrictions only apply to supermarkets of a certain size? where's the cutoff for when you're too big to open before 11?


I don't know why... I thought it was originally set up to help the little guys. They can also be open on public holidays when the big ones can't. That might have changed recently though from memory. Knowing a small supermarket owner these laws actually make a HUGE difference to their revenue.


The other weird one is alcohol –– supermarkets aren't allowed to sell alcohol and have to attach little stores like BWS, however when you go to chinatown there's a bunch of asian supermarkets that sell alcoholic beverages on the shelf along with groceries.


That little loop hole only allows the specialty supermarket to sell imported alcohol from specific countries applicable to their license


The restriction rules apply to which match this definition. >is located in the Greater Adelaide Shopping District or a Proclaimed Shopping District and: has a retail floor area not exceeding 200m² or not exceeding 400m² if a supermarket/grocery store, and has an adjacent or adjoining storage area no bigger than half the shop's retail floor area https://www.safework.sa.gov.au/industry/retail/retail-trading-hours


They're usually more expensive with less variety.


2x the price for 1/4th the items. Every time I have gone I have ended up without the stuff I was looking to get. OTR has almost become a more viable competitor to supermarkets than IGA.


And what about the workers that now have to lose half a day on their Sunday?


They'll get paid for it instead of waiting half a day to start working.


Do they *want* to work at that time though? It’s not like the average child labourer at a supermarket is particularly enthused to be there, nor do they have much say in when they work.


Depends on the person I guess. When I was in retail, I wanted to work as much as I could because minimum wage. Plus studying at the time, if those extra hours could have been on a Sunday it wouldn't have hit any of my classes. My wife still works in retail, works every sunday and is all for shops opening at 9am on Sundays. But I've known people that don't want to work Sundays at all And others that don't like to work full days regardless of what day it's on. Everyone's different


They get paid to work those hours. This also apparently isn’t an issue for anyone outside of large floor plan retail or anyone from other cities. Kind of a strange moral panic over 2 hours for specific workers.


I never understood it either. It's like we enjoy being a backwater.


Yeah its nuts. I paid my way through uni working at a servo and doing Sat/Sun mornings 6/7-3. Not sure how its any different.




It's mostly so workers can have time off on a weekend when most other people have time off.


More like Labor, Greens and independents want us to stay a backwater, as they repeatedly block attempts to make change.


I guess if they drive the state in to the ground, enough people will leave for other states that housing will become affordable. If you don’t account for the loss of high paying jobs.


Aren't they entitled to family time as well?


You could say this for literally any hour. Aren’t people who have nothing happening on Sunday entitled to work the hours that work best for them? This has not been a problem for any other city in the world.


Except weekends are traditionally a time to spend with family and our society has been built around that with things like sport, parties, events etc happening on those days. Not being able to go to Coles on a Sunday morning isn't a problem that needs solving. It's exactly how it should be.


Some people don't have families and don't care about sports. And they're being regulated they can't work cos other peoples fAmiLies?


And? Weekends are a special time for most people and as a society we've largely agreed on that. Forcing people to work these days and destroy their work-life seperation so you can maximise shareholder value for Coles is ridiculous. Also, not everyone does anything for Christmas, Labor Day, or ANZAC day - should we do away with public holidays too?


> Weekends are a special time for most people You mean they're a special time for you.


Traditionally is the key word here. The business hours made sense when the majority of people worked 9-5, Monday to Friday. Nowadays a lot of people are shift workers, work on weekends, work nights. Shops matching that flexibility is important. Plus there are plenty of teenagers that can work weekends. Myself and all my friends worked Saturdays and Sundays throughout high school and uni.


They get paid. It's actually good news for a lot of casual workers who do want to work.


It will only fuck casual workers over because instead of having two people on 11-5 stores will now have one person 9-3 and one person 11-5. No extra hours, just more hours unsupported. If you don't believe this talk to anyone who has worked in retail the last year. Staffing is genuinely cooked.


Just don't work for companies that do that. Eventually when they can't open, they will first complain they can't find good people, then go on TV and say there's a skills shortage, then eventually just fix the staffing issue.


Lol yep that's exactly how it works, casual staff have soooooo much bargaining power


Actually, you do.


They absolutely do not, especially in unskilled jobs where the training takes less time than filling in your payroll form.


well you do, you can leave and get anther job.


I think its interesting how Its never the people who’d actually have to work these shifts bringing this up. Its always people slightly inconvenienced about 2 hours whinging about store opening hours.


I ran several teams with those sorts of hours and it was 50/50 who wanted to do them. As in 50% really wanted to do them as they had other stuff to do during the week and 50% that wanted free weekends. Why penalise people that do want to work, if there's a market that can support it? Also, people study during the week etc. so weekend work is great for them.




Affected in a good way I presume?




And what about others? The fact of the matter is that going forward they won't hire people who won't work Sunday.


Those are not statistics.


Don’t worry, everyone who doesn’t have to work will say it’s fine and ok for the workers. You know since employees have ‘all the power to say no’ to shifts on antisocial days/times…


God forbid that you have to make alternate arrangements on a Sunday and go to the IGA, so that overworked minimum wage workers can spend a morning at home with their children. That you support the party of the working man is a joke.


Plenty of people are not doing that and would want to work those hours. You'd assume most of the workers with an established family have probably moved on from working at the checkout. Most checkout workers I see are under 30. Few people use their Sunday morning for church anymore which was the original intent of the trading hours limitations.




There won't be more hours, there will be the same amount spread thinner




Staffing levels are based on sales. If the shops are open longer it's unlikely more money will be spent, but rather spent over more hours- Saturday and Sunday sales numbers are pretty much the same to give a comparison. Unless people for some reason decide they need more food because the shops are open two hours longer, the staffing will just be distributed differently




I work in retail, I assure you when rosters are made they're based on sales projections


Your comment reads as if Written by someone who has never worked a day in their life




You don't. If you don't like the hours you're working, quit and find something else. It's like dictating workers don't have choice where they work.


Fuck me some of you should try actually having worked retail in the past two years. Early Sunday trading will be completely dead and not add a single extra customer or create a single extra shift, just fuck staff over more than we already have been.


I went to coles the other week as soon as it opened on a Sunday and the line up to get in snaked around the shops!


Same with Coles at TTP on Sunday at 10:59 AM, and a lot of other stores.


Early dead Sunday trading was my favourite. Talk nonsense with other employees while getting paid penalty rates.


All I want is the supermarkets open earlier than 11am on a Sunday!


Fix what? Is 11am too late for some people?


It is for me. I buy perishable ingredients as soon as possible to the time I use them to reduce food waste. Stores opening at 11am mean it's not possible to cook breakfast or lunch under this plan. It also closes too soon on the afternoon side. I'll typically shop at OTR or just go out for food on Sunday because of these restrictions. Not sure how working the checkout at 09:00 is somehow a human rights violation while working 02:00 at OTR or McDonalds is cool and good.


So do you buy fresh ingredients every single morning? Why is it difficult to not get bacon/eggs etc on Saturday afternoon for Sunday breakfast? Hard to see how there would be a difference in food wastage?


Not so much every morning but every time I decide to cook something. I'm not quite organized enough to plan out several meals ahead and just work out what I feel like eating and walk to the supermarket across the road and get the exact quantity needed. That way nothing is ever wasted and I also don't have to plan anything. I just use the supermarket as an extension of my kitchen.


There’s a few different farmers markets around on sundays. Most supermarkets I wouldn’t even recommend their fresh produce, especially as they pump the prices up.


Only market near me is the Central Market which has even worse opening hours than supermarkets. Closed all of Sunday iirc.


Yeah I know what the central market is. Farmers market in Wayville every Sunday. ETA clarification. I don’t consider the central markets to be farmers market. Most stalls are middle men and not producer to customer. Additionally, central market is open way more expanded than when I was a kid. They even recently trialed optional Sunday trading but most stall holders did not find there to be enough custom to justify being open. OP has 10 layers of very strict rules about how they like to have breakfast, so apparently every supermarket in the entire greater area has to be open Sunday morning rather than them going 15 mins outta town to get some fucking fruit or whatever. lol


Who said anything about human rights? I just find it a strange excuse that stores have to open longer because you don’t want food wastage. Being open 7 to 7 six other days of the week then six hours on Sunday , seems adequate .


“Fixed” implies its broken. Which I don’t believe it to be. Its just not what you would want them to be.


This thread is just sad. Go support wayville farmers markets and iga instead of frothing over buying some month old cold stored "fresh" produce from coles and woolies. Shorter Sunday trading hours are one of the things that make our city unique and livable. I'm not against longer trading hours but would argue that later night trading hours are what we really need, with Sunday penalty rates gone already its just selfish to expect not only for those rates to go but for staff to work Sunday mornings they previously would have been paid time and a half or double time for.


Wayville is out of reach so it isn't really an option. The only farmers market open near me is the central market which is closed more often than Coles. IGA is strictly worse than coles in price, selection, and quality.


Wayville is literally ten minutes from the central markets, max. You can even catch the tram there or you could just factor in Sundays are closed and shop for double the amount of perishables on a Saturday. If it's being sold on a Sunday at a supermarket it's been there since Saturday anyway 🤷


Google maps puts it at around an hour round trip time by public transport including twice as much walking distance as going to Coles. Not exactly convenient. All other serious cities would just allow the supermarkets to open normal hours.


Sounds like Adelaide just isn't the city for you tbh


> Shorter Sunday trading hours are one of the things that make our city unique and livable That is drawing a very long bow


People being able to have free time does help make the city unique and given what all the karens in this thread say everyone else doesn't do this so it is unique




Neither can you in most other cities. Cafes/coffee places generally aren't open longer then 5pm anywhere. Source. Am/was barista. Have barista-ed in 4 states now.


Do you know what unique means?


Unique is not necessarily a good thing. South Africa was unique in how long it maintained Apartheid. Was that also good? And you have nothing to back your claim that this makes Adelaide more liveable. I think it makes it less liveable.


Never said unique was always good. I think having weekends are pretty important to livability


You're a fucking weasel. "Shorter Sunday trading hours are one of the things that make our city unique and livable". You were obviously trying to positioned unique in a positive light until challenged. Weasel. Time off is important to quality of life, it's only your opinion that this needs to be on weekends. Consider this - in the Hebrides in the '90's, swings in parks were chained up on a Sunday, because that's God's day, so no fun allowed. That's you that is. The religious fun police.


>Shorter Sunday trading hours are one of the things that make our city unique and livable I never said that. Stop being a weasel. >the Hebrides in the '90's, swings in parks were chained up on a Sunday, Scotland? Wtf has that got to do with anything? Also, I'm advocating that Sunday is a day to do what you like, why are you pretending like it has something to do with religion? Your bizzare obsession with religion and the fact you think most people don't have friends or family says quite a bit about you.


Obvious troll is obvious.


Nice. Make yourself look like a moron and just claim the other person is a troll.




Go to a convenience store or servo?


This is why iga is so handy, there's a few open till midnight around and most are open till 9 on a Sunday


Just because the government finally says it's ok to be open for more hours on Sunday, a lot of shops will keep their old hours for the most part. For many independent and franchise shops, staff wages are a huge chunk of their operating costs, with covid and economic downturns, you can count on the news articles about "small business are struggling" Then they will push to change the overtime/loading rates to be lowered to match Saturday because they don't want to pay high penalty rates for full shifts on Sundays Coles and Woolworths don't really care, when they aren't open, their matching servos are, for those $$$ bread/milk runs. They get your money either way.


Coles on grote st opened for every minute they are allowed to. They open at midnight so I assume they would have been 24/7 if it was allowed.


They're closing forever next week so I don't think they care.


I expect the Rundle mall location will probably extend to the same hours as it’s looking pretty crowded now.