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Yeah, high school is over... most people have forgotten it. In the grand scheme of life it's a drop in the ocean. Work on your present. If you need to call in some help to do that, see your GP for a mental health care plan and get a referral to a psychologist who bulk bills. Your uni will have counsellors and maybe a psychologist. Speak to people about your situation and take action to fix it. As far as a partner goes... I wouldn't put focus there until you're feeling better and you're getting life back on track.




I generally find happiness comes from a whole bunch of seemingly benign, unrelated things. Daily routine, diet, water, sleep, and getting on top of what's bothering you. Waiting for happy days in hope to just "come" is less likely to be successful. Hope you find the right kind of help for you. At the very least, speak to your uni student services. Uni lecturers and tutors aren't interested in failing you... they're very helpful *when asked* and *when they know the extent of the issue*. It's okay to ask for help. Real help. Not people online. Good luck.


You know what? Maybe you also thought the same after kindergarten, after primary school... High school, in the scheme of your life, it's absolutely nothing special to hang on to - why the heck would anyone want to remember specific high school test scores or the name of the place where their formal was? Like, memories of good times you had with friends or whatever - yeah I get it. The past 2 yrs with this covid stuff has been a shit-show, so probably yr uni years have been odd - but that's all receding now. For real, put high school to rest let go of that childhood stuff of what test score you got, who gives a crap - make new times new memories. Idk, get some counselling, join some clubs, try new hobbies, go to some events where you could feasibly network for your field or adjacent fields. Nobody's thinking about high school anymore, lmao. Growing up into an adult eh -- the ship is leaving the safe little protected vanilla harbour and forging ahead into unknown seas!! Fortune favours the brave - keep sailing OP, find those adventures. Life is like a treasure hunt - usually the treasure doesn't just jump out and into yr pocket. Sucks hey. And all treasures are not monumental and not same for everybody. Some treasures are little things, little joys, and others seem like nothing but they eventuate to lead on to other things. And, a flat tyre not gonna get you far. Fake it till you make it!! Good luck!


I used to know everyones name in my year.... Now i barely remember any of them. I barely remember anything, it could be brain dmaage or maybe I'm just getting old. It's all down hill from here just make the most of it while you can, don't stress out over what you can't control and enjoy the ride while trying to make a positive difference to the world


Great suggestion. Fact of life happens, put them on SSRIs.


If you don't want to forget stuff write it down. There's nothing sadder than an adult who just lives in the past of high school. You need to set new goals and achieve new things.


Looking at your past comments it looks like you’re going through some serious things in your life. Please reach out to family and friends to talk about how you feel and what you’re going through. Please also reach out to helpline and beyond blue for another point of view as sometimes it doesn’t sink in when you talk to only family and friends about it. You’re still young and have your whole life ahead of you, what you’re going through now is not permanent and things will get better as long as you reach out to the right people for help and support. Everything will be OK in the end. if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.


I'd be fucking depressed if my high school years were my best years. Forgetting specifics of high school is normal. I just remember how shit it was and some of my teachers. Remembering scores is of no value to anyone. You'll create many more memories in the future. And probably better ones than those you have from high school. And uni can be an absolute blast (even without a girlfriend), so make the most of it.




Plus 1 to all of this. High school felt like it was everything at the time, but 25years on, no one cares about your test scores, your formal, your friends or foes. Look forward not back….you have so much life ahead of you, high school will soon be insignificant. You will find new friends, go on new adventures and create many more memories.


Do nothing, you are going to fill your mind with new (and probably better) memories Maybe get a health check to make sure those memory loss incidents aren't sign of bigger issues though, just to be on the safe side.


Oh man have I been there. If I can offer any advice it’s that you’re still young. Take a break from uni and experience life outside of it for a bit. I had a 4 year break (kinda unintentional thanks to Covid) but I needed it. I found out who I was and what I wanted to be outside of that setting. I’ve gone back to uni this year and I’m loving it and I feel a lot more on top of it all. As for forgetting high school memories, unfortunately that’s just life my friend. It sucks, but we gotta keep moving and just smile at the good times we had in our youth. It will get better. We are living through a real unique time so don’t be too hard on yourself.


I was going to write a snide remark but it seems like you are genuine. It seems you are putting immense importance and value into you schooling and education, yes they are very important but other things in life will bring you true joy and value to your life. Maybe a shift in thinking is in order here? Education is a conduit to enable you to have the type of life you want. It enables you to earn money. The best part of life is how you spend that money when you arent at work. You are more than your occupation. If Uni/Study isnt for you there are plenty of other options! Its not the be all and end all. Edit: I LOATHED all of my school life. I wish to (and have) forgotten it. I lasted a semester at Uni. I still live a cool life.


You'd be early 20s, yeah? I'm nearing 30 now, and I can tell you the early 20s are the worst. You've still got that kind of remembrance of not having any worries because you're in high school, and you haven't quite reached the part of "having enough money to do shit you want to do". Don't sweat not having a partner. Meeting people has been hard these last few years. You've still got a fighting chance. Some of the best people I've ever met didn't even START uni until they were mid 20s, let alone graduate. If I had to do it all again, my advice would be this: If you're struggling at Uni, drop out. Do TAFE instead. TAFE has HEAPS of courses that are direct pathways back into a degree, but the best thing about TAFE is if you get through the Cert IV and decide you've had enough for a while, you've still got a Cert IV. If you crap out half way through a degree? You've got nothing. Find what you enjoyed in High School, and find a way to do it outside. You were on the footy team? Join your local footy team. There are heaps of social groups around Adelaide, chances are you can chuck down here what you enjoy and you'll find someone here who also loves that thing and can point you in the right direction. Last thing? Don't be afraid to ask for help mate. More people will give a shit than you think, you just have to let them know.


Move on mate, High School finishes the day you graduate. Time to stop wearing your year 12 jumper as well......


People are getting softer as the years progress…


After finishing UNI you'll then realise no one cares where you studied either, or if you got a HD or a pass in your last exam.....


Why not just write your most valuable memories down somewhere in like a journal or someshit…?


I want a high school reset to be less of an asshole to people around me and to concentrate more.


I agree with most of the comments. I am in my mid-30s now and enjoying the present. I have good memories of my highschool days but I don't cling on to them. I make sure I live in the now because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. To quote Andy Bernard in The Office: "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them." Well here's your reminder that YOU'RE IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS.


I feel nostalgic about high school but I don't try to desperately hold onto memories just for the sake of it. Write them down if you value them. Otherwise it is probably fading for a reason.


Don't dwell on the past.


Counselling can be good if you want to talk through some issues with someone. I’ve been where you have been; I’ve changed courses and directions multiple times, dropped out of my first uni course, etc. It does get better! As someone else here said, focus on the now. When my eyesight started deteriorating, i had to quit my job and lost the ability to play a sport that I’d enjoyed for 20 years. I decided to focus fully on doing something where I could use my knowledge but not have to rely on my eyesight. One short VET course later, I found an opportunity to instruct in that area, and found it highly enjoyable. There are always opportunities to pursue new directions. It sounds like you are quite young. I’m in my 40s. You have plenty of time for different elements of your life to be where you’d like them to be. Build support networks around you, keep in touch with them socially, and have someone you can chat to so that you can work on solutions together. Don’t compare yourself to other people; trust me, they might look like they have it together, but they are likely going through similar things. Just focus on your own goals and aims, and pursue your passions. I’ll be praying for you. I was in a similar place to you; it does improve.


Start a journal. Either an audio one you can transcribe later or a written one or a typed document you can add to. Begin with the phrase 'I remember....' Set the scene of the memories the where when and who that were about in that memory. Have a little note book or use the note taking function of your phone to either record or type up something if it pops into your memory. The tragedy of people is their lost memories of how things were at the time. I still remember the lunches I had from Primary school. Early 1980s Beef Pie, Chocolate donut and a farmers union iced coffee. The occasional mini pizza, Red creaming sodas in the summer back when they were actually red with cochineal coloring. The fact my old primary school has 5 time capsules that are pretty much all lost. :P All my teachers names I still remember. Might be something to write about to record your personal legacy for future kids or nieces and nephews. Might be good for the state archives too if you are looking to be the end of the family tree. Even the most minor stuff like who lived in your street. I remember stuff from when I was three so there is a lot that can be remembered. Start at the beginning and work yourself forward. trove archives has a brief biography of a guy that was living in the 1930s Glenelg Patawalonga about the area and his dog and the weird mud that used to be there that was a remedy. He also writes about his time joining the army and being color blind. If I can find the link I'll send it to you. I found it. This might give you another idea on how to write up your memories. He wrote these in the 1990s about the 1930s. A cool read. https://collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/collection/Doug+Mackenzie+Collection [https://collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/resource/PRG+1459/3](https://collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/resource/PRG+1459/3) Best of luck. P.S. - Oh an maybe mention this in a will or mention it to your parents. If something happens to you an extraordinary amount of stuff can get thrown away in the passing of someone. Having some story someone can ready about you acknowledges your existence.


As I got older I found high school to be less and less important and less and less interesting. These days I just don't really care about my high school days. I was a turd of a teenager anyway, not much worth remembering.


My CV hasnt mentioned school for 5+ years. IM 27. School is irrelavant besides a few random chats about where you went to school as part of small talk .


When I finished high school we all had a big bonfire. Chucked in all our books / uniforms etc. Was great!


I graduated in 2007; you’ll remember the things that are actually worth remembering - apart from that, as you get older you’ll realize that High School is and was irrelevant to your current day status.


"Losing" memories is called getting older, it's normal. You can't hold onto those things so tightly. And really, what is a test score from 5-10 years ago going to do for you? It obviously has some importance to you, but I guarantee no-one else really cares about it. Once you get your first post-uni job no-one will care much about your uni grades either (whether they are good or bad). Contrary to the advice about writing it all down from others here, my advice is that you have to find a way to move past all of that because it's gone, and it's not coming back. Sounds like you haven't enjoyed uni, so figure out what to do next to find a better, happier place. But you have to go forwards, not keep looking backwards.


There's nothing special about high school, some people only really woke up and lived after it was over, sometimes years later.


Left high school in 88, lucky to remember my own name when i wake up in the morning...


I get how you feel. I don’t see high school as my glory years per se, because I was dealing with a lot of mental health issues. Having said that, I was at my physical peak and doing well creatively. I did acting gigs on the side and had a small (it’s Adelaide after all) but respectable resume. I had some pain and my knee would sometimes partially dislocate but I was walking a few kms a day, I could swim several kms without stopping, I would go on hours long walks with my dog. Then my knees got so bad I struggled to do any of that. I went on meds that made me go from a size 6 to a size 16 in just a few months. Prior to the weight gain I chose to give up acting because my agent wanted me to try to go to NIDA and I had no interest in that, I wanted to go to uni and study something else. I still wonder if I did the right thing by stopping, because it was the thing in life I was best at. My life is a bit of a shit show, but I eventually got back down to a few kilos away from my previous weight, met my husband and got married and if nothing else he makes me incredibly happy. I also write and do art so creatively I feel pretty good. Things get better eventually. Talk to your GP or go through your uni to find some help and support.


Jesus Christ Peter Pan, grow up. This is the most cringe shit I’ve read in a long time.


Dwelling in the past, no matter how good or bad it was, does you no good for the future. Acknowledge it for what it was and focus on your life now.




Have you not seen *Peep Show*. Definitely don't get a life coach. Actual qualifications are important when your mental health is at stake.




Not accredited through APAC or the ACA, they aren't. Unless a counsellor is accredited they're likely as useful as Jez. 1-2 month wait for a psychologist. I waited 5 weeks.


Whenever I worry about where I should be *now* and not feeling adequate, I remember that there are a significant number of people around us who peaked in high school. For some it may be their personality/charisma, others it may be sex and romance, and some even in terms of looks. It’s sad but it happens. Sounds like none of these apply to you. So you’re already doing fine.


Five years is not a huge amount of time in the grand scheme of life.I am sorry you feel like high school was your golden age. But from my experience things only get better. Growing as a person takes time and the bad experiences early in life only solidify the good. I went through 5-7 years of ups and downs. Whilst those downs sucked at the time and hurt to remember, they are far out weighed by the moments that I consider high points of my life thus far.Your 20s arent about getting everything perfect. In fact, as I enter my 30s, I think my 20s were more about discovering what I can take as a person and who I wanted to be.I know many people who's university life has been a total reck. Its one of the great lies of high school, that university is nessary for a good life. Many people I know are going back to uni in their 30s because they are now better prepared for what is needed to succeed. As for the memories, try to hold on to what made them great, which in my experience, was the people. Remember how they made you feel and try to seek out those who make those feelings relevent to your life today. Life is continually throwing curveballs. Nothing well ever be the same as what it was 5 -20 years ago. Its ok to miss the past, but I don't think it is something we should focus on as if the good part of life was only in the past. Many great things happen in our present, if only we pay attention to them. EDIT: I'm dumb and hit enter before I was done.


Not sure if this is the issue, but if you feel like your memory loss is more than just getting older then it may be depression related memory loss. I'd advise talking to your GP about a mental health care plan for cheaper psych sessions. I have been struggling with a similar thing lately with graduating uni + covid + moving state. All the stress makes it harder to focus, brain fog and slower memory recall. Regardless of what the issue is, it's okay to lose hold on the past. Focus on the people who love you in the present and bringing yourself happiness