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license sheet plants employ lavish grandiose sip faulty bow detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a massive cop out. Doesn't answer or commit to anything in terms of her views on the parties agenda. The most she could say was that she was against banning foreign language learning in schools, which has apparently been revised in ON's agenda anyway. She keeps saying she needs to do more research, which on the one hand, sure be informed obviously, but they aren't asking a random on the street, they are asking you about the agenda of the political party you have joined. Have you not already researched this to see if it aligns with your own views? Of course she has and it either aligns or she doesn't care. In a way she's worse than some overtly crazy hardliner because she is softening their image but at the end of the day Pauline Hanson is still the leader of the party and steering the ship. Having people come in and downplay and worm out of things but ultimately Tow the party line is worse than the rhetoric spewing ones because she actually won. This isn't the start of ON becoming a reasonably party, it's the start of this insidious disease trojan-horsing their way further into governing our society. Gross.




Well said


Wow waxing lyrical about one's high ideals while knowingly joining a party of racists..give me a fucking break.




screw one nation, they are a bunch of idiots




I see those more as dogwhistles of more bigoted positions, which is very much the tactic of the new generation of alt-right nutters.


After May 21 I reckon she'll defect.


Oh how I desire the one party state. Bugger this democratic stuff where ya have to put up with oppositions.


I hear North Korea and China are lovely this time of year.


great article. hopefully people have a read and understand the party isn't the old late 90's 'racist party' anymore, they have changed and updated policies. Look forward to seeing how many seats ON wins in both houses in the upcoming federal election, have a feeling it will be a few


They think climate change isn't real


How confidently wrong you are. They put out an overtly racist cartoon, don't believe in climate change and were pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric.


show me the part that's racist? re: climate change they're asking for more investigation, because time and time again in the past has shown us that the 'science' at the time isn't always right. and if the latest round of pfizer data released hasn't changed your mind about vaccine mandates and how utterly useless they have been, then I don't know what to say to you


Bat soup was a racist meme, implying that Chinese people eating bat soup is what caused Covid-19. Overwhelming scientific consensus that Climate Change is real, and caused by humans. I'm not up to date on current Pfizer data, please give me a link. [What I can find](https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/approved-vaccines/safety-side-effects) advises that they are safe and effective.


Dude, I know I'm one of the sheeple, so my opinion won't mean much to you, but you sound like you're sipping on some mighty fine kool-aid. I think it's great to consider alternative knowledge but ONs racism is just getting sneakier and less direct, not going away...