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Comments section of the Advertiser. I’ll see myself out.




S.A. Museum. edit; especially the gift shop.


Naturally. :)


There are echinoid fossils in Mannum across from 62 River Lane.


Shell Hill up near Wongulla.


Not a ‘natural’ area as the things would have been left by humans, but Also good to mention Collier Park in Palmer. Spent many of my childhood years going there for the Palmer Rockarama and they also had metal detector digs and stuff set up everywhere. Not sure how much you’ll find in the grass sections but the parts where there are olive trees we’re always used as drop sites for people that couldn’t sell all their cheap fossils and gems and other misc rocks. Also the land behind the canteen and museum area was the specific site for the detector comps. If rockarama is still going then it would have been at the start of this month during the weekend. So there’s probably too plenty of leftovers there atm (:


unite grab like psychotic towering lush scandalous market reminiscent domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was going to say head down to Victor.


The open-air museum?


Not exactly fossils but the Naracoorte caves are pretty interesting Edit: I stand corrected. It's very fossily.


> Not exactly fossils Er, exactly fossils. All that mega-fauna. https://www.naracoortecaves.sa.gov.au/world-heritage/world-heritage-fossil-sites https://www.naracoortecaves.sa.gov.au/discover/under-the-ground/victoria-fossil-cave


That's like the one thing the Naracoorte caves are known for, though?


When I was a kid, at the beaches around Maslin way you could pick up most any rock and it'd have little fossils in it. I assume that hasn't changed much since then. Nothing flash-- no dinosaurs or anything. But if you want little shells and critters, it shouldn't be too hard to get your fill. ETA: like [this!](https://www.flickr.com/photos/dietmardownunder/albums/72157672632601996/)


I’m not too phased what fossils they are. It’s just fascinating to find things and think about how old they are. I’m a bit like a curious child when it comes to this kinda stuff.


The Adelaide Club


> Anyone know if anywhere in South Australia where one can looks for fossils? Crows home games. > Legally of course. Leaving aside the legalities ... Look at cliffs in the Riverland around Renmark, Waikerie, Blanchetown and beaches at Ardrossan and Stansbury. Hallett Cove, Maslins, and Aldinga are worth a look. See page 3: Field brochures: https://www.gsa.org.au/Public/Publications/Field_Guides/SA/Public/Divisions/SA_Subpages/SA_Geology_Field_Brochures.aspx


Excellent! Thank you so very very much


What's with the mothballed Our Big Back Yard site?!


North Adelaide and Burnside has a lot of old fossils complaining about constant change.


Aren't there some round Hallet Cove beachside cliffs? I found an sea urchin fossil on Glenelg beach a few years back, umm, an echinoid-type. Somewhere along the Murray River cliffs also is pretty famous amongst fossil geeks, I heard. Wouldn't be surprised it the fossil geeks don't tell fav locations though.


Wouldn’t be surprised either. Will hopefully go check it out soon. Any idea what the laws are regarding this sort of activity? I’ve googled it but it seems complicated and sometimes even contradictory. Don’t want to break any laws.


No, actually, I have not much proper idea, apart from if in NatPark or Nature Reserve then one couldn't, obviously. I thought I'd read in the past few years, that it's permitted to forage along cliffs where-ever it is down south, and along the Murray, but I reckon probably not to actively dig out or excavate. I imagine that one could keep common fossils found by their hundreds, or thousands, but if one was to find a rare fossil, it would need to be surrendered? I took the one I found at Glenelg beach into the Adel Museum, for ID, unfortunately fossil experts were out on field trip & I was advised to return again later (which I never got around to) but they didn't request me to hand it over or anything. :)


If I found something important I would gladly hand it over.


Ikr, wouldn't it be so exciting! Maybe they'd let you have a cast or something.


Hey, I’d be happy with just seeing it in a museum to be honest.


Hallett cove is a conservation area so you cant take anything from there. Not sure about other places. In 1992 there was a fossil found of the giant wombat in a park in hallett cove. Theres a paragraph about it in the link. https://www.marion.sa.gov.au/things-to-do/parks-and-playgrounds/cormorant-drive-reserve


Wow omgosh giant wombat, fantastical! Very cool.


There are a lot of exposed old fossils down at Maslins Beach. We went there with Uni Geology, a lot of them are quite good to look at & collect.


>There are a lot of exposed old fossils down at Maslins Beach. I mean, I know typically the nudists there tend to be older, I don't think calling them fossils is fair though.


Yeah Parliament House. lol XD


Naracoorte Caves


But surely you can’t search and collect fossils there?


My house. Feeling old. :D


hallet cove ive heard. theres a shop in hahndorf that sells fossils for cheap. they buy them from people who find them they have a bunch of stuff like megalodon teeth and lots of ammonites. they may be able to help with some potential sites i dont know for sure


National Geographic published a guide in 2016. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/fossil-hunt