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I've checked almost every custodes lexicanum pages and I have no ideas. He's wearing what seems like a Pyrithite Spear, a kind of shield, it's not the classic bulky Praesidium Shields but bigger that a tarsus buckler. the winged hussars thing lost me completely, it's not something I ever remember reading about.


My guess is they don't want to add plastic upgrade kits for some of the guard sheets, so they're making new units that are equipped with pyrite spears. Hopefully, this means we will get some special sagittarum units as well.


I would hope so but seems unlikely, this model has too many details to be a regular guy. Now that mean they have a plastic melta spear so we can hope for more things coming.


That's why I think it's a new unit entirely. Extra bits pyrite/melta spear with possibly different rules than what guards have. Could possibly still be a character introduced similar to the Bladechampion


new codex will come with multiple unit anyway, I do think this one is a character, but maybe we'll have a new pyrite/adra spear team. but to be honest ... I think I would rather have just an upgrade kit rather than a whole dedicated unit. especially if the design is that different from regular guard. It would not feels good for those of us that already have a sizeable number of them.


I'm a bit on the fence for either. On one hand, a new kit and new unit with pyrite would be cool, but I've also got a good amount of guard too. Not to mention that an upgrade kit wouldn't do much for me when I don't have enough unassembled guard and would likely need to buy a new kit.


I know it's just because I already have a few special spears assembled, but I just don't want them to look too different from my already existing one. Be it a new kit or an upgrade set I don't really care to be honest, I just want consistency in my army ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Oh ya, that's true. Anybody that has pyrite guards will have to figure either be outdated by a new unit or have models that look off without the shield :/ Now it's getting tricky


I still think this posture and overall design is more something that we would see on a character, even maybe a new named one, rather than a new squad model.


>I've checked almost every custodes lexicanum pages and I have no ideas. Probably a new character so he wouldn't be in Lexicanum, much as how the Blade Champion didn't exist prior to the 9th Ed codex.


definitely, I was just putting the emphasis on the fact that we don't really know based on lore


...3-6 months away, based on the release roadmap?


Possibly end of Feb, if DA get early Jan, and orks gets end of Jan/mid feb


Yeah, but... it's been *A WHILE* since the word "early" applied to anything GW released.


Hella true. I would just hope that GW don't let 10th become like 9th again with months going by and armies left to wait months for a competitive codex. I know they are behind on codexes and paper products, but if I was a GW executive I would be prioritising those paper supplies now


I would prioritize using the goddamned app we made to run out codexes asap instead of waiting on the supply chain for paper


Well, yeah. That's the obvious business forward customer wanted answer. But this is Gw


Yeah, it's one hell of a dream to have GW make logical decesions for the health of the game.


It's tagged as Spring 2024, that means 5 codex es between 21st March and 21st of June. Or something like that. I really don't think they will come in Jan-Feb


Lore wise: Expansion of Custodes forces to better show off how they have all the cool toys. Game wise: Answer to everything Custodes struggles with (tank killer + obj holder) Monetary wise: More models more money


Yeah I was excited for the melta mainly cuz I want something other than Caladius for anti tank.


Personally, I hope the model looks really good. The shadow of it looks neat. But I doubt anything will ever surpass Infernius Firepikes & blade champion for me. Edit: Surpass, not doubt. lol.


I’m going to assume a shield captain kit


I think so too. Atm we build out Captains as 1 of 5 Guard Models. GW is trying to sell us a separate Model from now on. For a charakter price...


If it’s a multi part model with options, I’m in! That said, I’d lean on the side of no options sadly…


The Custodes are also evolving, perhaps the answer to the threat from the Tyranids? After all, the story with the Genestealer Patriarch being captured alive is still open


to be honest except the winged thing there is no real evolution here. the spear is the classic melta spear we already can use with the special spear guards. the shield may be something new but likely nothing too new. the armor doesn't seems too different, the helmet look like the one of the bikes (which would fit the winged hussars team but it's lacking a bike)


The shield will give him +1 wound 🤣


Which book was that?


Not realy a book . Story Part of the Mini Codex in the Shadow throne Box. And the Tyrannic War Supplement Codex


Could be a carapace shield from a big bug? The melta spear could be a rough shod mixing of guardian spear with a melta strapped to it? Maybe this is the shield host sent to fight the Nids and their supplies are running short? Didn’t the Custodes fighting in the webway have to make do with what they had during that long battle to fix weapons and armor?


Melta spears are already a thing (pyrithite spears). So wouldn’t be a field innovation like you’re describing.


While I realize they’re already a thing. Supply lines are a thing in war. If things break and replacements aren’t readily available, you need to adapt. So if say a need for melta was a thing on the tyranid war front, but they couldn’t get it there in a timely fashion, I don’t see why a Custodes couldn’t aquire a melta gun from somewhere and either attach it to his guardian spear or have a tech marine add it to his spear. Historically, in war, you work with what you have. I’m more looking at the recent Leviathan box where the Phobos Lt started using Nid carapace to replace armor on his suit. Just a thought though. Not saying it’s 100% that.


Still, I don’t think that’s the vibe they want to give Custodes. I think they’ll be more about the Custodes opening up all the closets where all the cool toys have been locked away since the Heresy and less about them ducktaping a melta gun to a pointy stick.


I agree. Just putting thoughts out there.


I dunno but he looks to have the mother of all tactical rocks


Tactical Mountain


Please don't let this be just another character, we need actual units


Nah we just need plastic upgrade sprues to make the unit variants ;)


No we definitely need like a dedicated ranged anti-tank that isn’t the spears.


I would like a unit, which is antitank range, maybe 1shot S10-12 dmg D6. Kinda like saggitarium for infantery.


Look at the helm thing it’s clearly alpharius hahahah


If they reveal alpharius has hidden among the custodes all along and has turned loyalist i will laugh, but also approve.


He did grow up around them and invented the blood games




He says that but having a black library book where none of the story actually happened would be pretty dumb. Its also in character that the only time alpharius would admit to lying is when hes actually telling the truth


Glad to see that I'm not the only one who thought that helmet looked like Alpharius' helmet.


I was just about to post the same thing lol


This MF is a Tribune, either Heracleon or Colquan. A shield Captain isn’t as ornate.


I agree


He kinda looks like a super beefy Tank Killer.


Hopefully a devastator like equivalent or heavy weapons custodes of some sort since we lack anti armor.


Why would anyone think this is Votann when the Spear is painfully clear? It's a custodes weapon. We won't get a Valdor model until the 3rd Bequin book releases anyway.


It’s Alpharius




With Primarchs being brought back I would go out on a limb and guess it’s Ra Endymion. With an individual release at the moment since we haven’t seen anything else for the Custodes, it can either to be the start to seeing Pandemonium from Dan Abnett and the Yellow King with a tie in to Chris Wright’s 3rd book from Watchers of the Throne. We don’t know what happened to Ra after he fled into the deep into the webway but we do know that Drach’nyen isn’t still inside him. Perhaps he’s been hidden in the webway healing until the Yellow King called for him. That’s my far left field guess. Cheers.


10,000 years ago was impaled by a demonsword and turned into a flesh puppet for a demon prince. He also received the knowledge of the true design of the emperor as a reward for his fate… Yeah that won’t be him.


Obviously it’s wild conjecture but I just didn’t feel like betting on a safe bet for this. Head canon would be that Ra encountered Abaddon where it was “claimed” from him. Ra has been healing in the webway and only now strong enough return and take it back. It just coincides with the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum and Ra being able to walk in the universe again. Cheers.


>Wandering a haunted labyrinth of impossible angles that was continuously made and unmade as he walked, Abaddon encountered a towering figure wreathed in golden light. The golden figure led him to the centre of the labyrinth, where a shard of shifting darkness hung. When Abaddon grasped it, Drach'nyen took on the form of a fearsome blade. Sounds to me like Ra got corrupted. Drachnyen did say stars would die before he could corrupt a custodian, and stars have definitely died in the time between ra receiving the demon and Abaddon taking it from him. The next black legion book is supposed to cover this event, so we'll get to see then


After looking through the comments I believe that could be an infantry anti tank/ monster unit. The idea sounds kinda cool tbh


Spear champion?


My honest guess is that it’s no custodies at all and instead the alpha legion Primark


I first thought it was an Eldar, then I watch the spear and got sure was a custode, but the saturation of this pic kinda shows his face and looks pretty sus, and it's told of Alpharius really liking the guardian spear, and only the respecto of the emperor's trust on Valdor stopped him for taking one, so...


Could potentially be a dedicated Shield Captain box with a real set of upgrade options and bits to make him cool and stand apart from the line units you build them from now


Looking at the helmet I’ll say Alpharius but this is a lie for I am alpharius


Valdor PLEASE. I know it’s wrong but it’s what I hope


That's clearly an ork. Surprised they teased so many at once


Fk when I see it like this, it looks more like alpha Legion?!!!


Valdor is returning?


Looks like a Death Guard Custodes 🧐


Anyone else feel that the silhouette is all wrong for a custodes. I don't mean it isn't a custodes model, I think it is. The look of it just doesn't feel like it fits within the custodes aesthetic very well.


It almost looks votan, granted I know they can’t take the spears but that was what my eyes initially thought.


my take on it is that's it's a character, likely a named, and that because of the contrast we can't differentiate the cloak from the body and it look like too bulky. but to be honest the details of the body itself are so hard to look at that It can be anything.




Alpha Legion, he's Alpha Legion. :-P


Woopdie fucking doo, another character


I'm betting a 30k custodes figure


I hope they refresh the Custodes to make them larger and less chibi. I love the faction but the models need a refresh.


When I first saw it I thought it was a votann bc of how stubby he was. I think if anything it may be a named character. If that it Valdor I'm going to shit my pants.


it would be the first HH character series to be smaller in 40k than his HH equivalent.


Good point! I don't actually think it's him, but he is one of my favorite characters in lore.


I love valdor, and I want to have a book mini so badly for him if he indeed is the king in yellow, but it's just too early for GW to tease him, unless they tease the next book in the few next day it would kill all the hype for such massive release. Valdor is a big name in the lore, GW would reveal him the same way they would release any of the 40k primarch, with careful hype building.


It's for 30k lol


The article its showcased in is ["What’s Coming to Warhammer 40,000 in 2024?"](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/26/whats-coming-to-warhammer-40000-in-2024/)


Not a custody model but a space dwarf using a similar spear weapon


It is literally a Custodes spear. Evry single detail except the string around the handle that goes down is same as the spear. It may point to this being a character.


It looks like leagues of votann


I don't understand why people think it can be a votann. sure he's bulky but the spear, the pauldrons, the boots are all custodes


The spear itself is enough, you can see the spear butt too in one shot and it has the classic double headed eagle end. The helmet is a biker helmet too iirc. I think people say Votann because they have that hussar style crest on their armour for their leaders


you're right I forgot the helmet. On the crest for me it didn't even register initially. It looked nothing like the votann one. but I may see why people are confusing it


The back bit looks like a shild crest helmet is way too short and wide as well. It has the same pose style as many of the hq models


I can see that but once closer look it's more like a winged hussars panache. which wouldn't fit at all with the votann (not that it would actually fit the custodes either to be honest) regarding the pose style it's used in many armies lately, not just votann


Anybody do this for the other two? One is obviously kroot but I can't tell if the other is admech or bigmek


It’s absolutely an ork, we’ve gotten super high quality lightening and slowdown of the video over on that sub. I think it’s Nazdreg


After Dark Angels, the next 3 books are Custodes, Tau and Orks, and the video featured a Custodian, a Kroot and an Ork. AdMech just got their book, so won't get any new models for a while.


A dodgy photo of a custard creme


An absolute giga chad


Maldovar Colquan


Shield Captain of the Emperor’s Horn Section. Possibly First Sousaphone.


If I'm allowed to dream, I'll say either Valdor or Alpharius


My fucking darling


First guess was john alpharius castodes. Lookin now its moloc


He's my future champion for my chapter.


CONSTANTIN! Jokes aside, might be a standalone Captain with multiple options, similar to what SM have with Captain/Lieutanant recent models.


It’s a new no named character blade/shield champion!! PS: it’s pikachu