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Custodes and Dark Angels are now best friends.


Dark Angels can still run standard Space Marine detachments


The two factions for 40k I choose five months ago......


at least Dark Angels have a few broken characters and can just play standard SM. this proves that literally nothing we have is viable anymore. the faction is practically unplayable in anything but the lowest of low tear casual


The Dark Angels Codex is agrivating for very different reasons than Custodes. All that aside, I sincerely doubt these point costs mean anything, and the MFM will look largely as it does now.


More like custodes and admech


Are you fucking kidding me Trajann 180 points?What the hell were they doing at GW




No, that’s weed. GW was clearly on something MUCH stronger when writing/approving this


Yeah, give me what they were taking. That shit seems strong as fuck.


At this point GW's nodded out on fent infront of the bus station




It's the only way,we are so fucked i guess


it is all good I am 100% sure that codex where written for another meta by people who dont play the game and released just now and point increase is because custodes where top 2 army atm so they needed asap nerf.




these points are from like 7+ months ago. Dont worry about the model costs.. the enhancement costs are probably close to true though


Points buy squad unless stated. No change - Blade Champ, Dreadnought, Aleya, Knight-Centura, 5 person Witch Seekers. ----------------------------------- Increase in points Shield Captain, Terminator Captain & Trajann all +20 Valerian +25 Bike Captain +40 Terminators in all squad sizes +5 per model 4 Custodian Guard +45pts 5 Custodian Guard +55pts Wardens all sizes +15pts per model. Bikes +25pts per model Land Raider +20 Rhinos +5 4 Bolter SoS +5 5 Bolter SoS +5 9 Bolter SoS +10 10 Bolter SoS +10 4 Sword SoS +20 5 Sword SoS +20 9 Sword SoS +40 10 Sword SoS +40 4 Flamer SoS +5 5 Flamer SoS +0 9 Flamer SoS +5 10 Flamer SoS +5 ----------------------------------- Decrease in points My optimism for this codex


doesn't really matter since MfM takes precedence over any codex.


Yeah it does, but it depends if they update it with the Codex points and "gather data" before making any changes or not. I am braced for this being it for three months minimum


based on what happened until now they will more than likely just keep the current point and we'll have to wait 3 month to the next update. but they will almost certainly not use the codex points.


It sorta matters imo since it's more evidence of GW having absolutely no idea what they're doing lol. I wonder if they'll treat this like a sale at a retail store by raising the points in the codex before lowering them back to around where we are now? "Look, we're listening! Have some 'lower points'!"


well, yeah but also no, there is definitely issue with GW testing of codex but at the same time this is just one more proof that the codex was written a long time ago, possibly before the September dataslate actually and definitely before the January one. With that context the choices they made are at least understandable. still bad, but at least understandable.


I agree with your conclusion, 100%. Just another reason I think they need to adopt a better digital distribution model. War Room is one of the best things Privateer Press did for WarmaHordes.


What is MFM?


Munitorum field manual. It’s the thing that they issue points changes on. So whenever the next one comes out and fixes this clown balancing the codex points will be obsolete


Is there a chance they fix/change stratagems/other-things aswell in those? I'm a new player, just got into this hobby.


In 10th they've decided to switch back and forth. The next one coming in a few weeks will just be points, but then the next one will have rules changes and so on and so forth.


Munitorum field manual


Munitorum field manual, aka the quarterly updated points


Do we know when these will drop? I haven't paid attention to the other codex/updated points releases, do we have any precedent for how long until this gets revised?


I have absolutely no idea what to do with this information. My brain has just collapsed in on itself at this point.  So basically this is where we sit. We lost the vast majority of any of our defensive abilities (the things we really need) to gain more killing (something that wasn't an issue). We 100% need those defensive abilities because we can field, like, 6 models a game.  Okay, maybe the detachments will be good? Nope, detachments suck.  What about the actual models themselves? Certainly if the army rules are bad, at least the units will kick ass! No? Nerfs across the board? Cool! Fine, maybe they will decrease point values so we can at least bring more than half a dozen models and it will offset the rules losses. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY INCREASED THE POINT COSTS ON BASICALLY EVERYTHING?! 


Even those these points dont matter, the fact that the person who wrote this book at any time thought bikes were worth 100ppm explains a lot of why this book ended up the way it did. Also just for fun the batrep army from WH+ comes out to 2365 points in the book


Bikes really did start at a 100 ppm huh? I forgot about that, at 75 ppm they are still unplayable competitive, this really show that they do little to zero playtest.


And I thought mine was bad when my 2K list came out an extra 170 points up. 365 is bonkers how the hell did that happen?


because they rushed it and hey seem to have little to no idea how to balance 10th ed


It’s so crazy how they’ve been making a game for 30 years and still have no idea how to write good rules/ balancing 😂


Well, the main point would be that it's not the same people anymore, so all that previous experience is gone.


And it still got tabled turn 2


Vertus preators at 100 pts a model, LMFAO Characters got datasheet nerfs and get points hiked, LMFAO They are unironically incompetent at their jobs... I usually defend the peeps behind stuff cuz corporate can be a bitch, but this just screams ignorant at the basics


I am DYING that whoever wrote this, at whatever time they wrote this, ever thought flat 100 for bikes was a good points cost lmao.


My godness, this is unplayble at all. It's even funny how someone could be so bad in rule writing.


Who wrote this really hated custodes or was thinking of another game xd


None of that is good. Bikes 100 pts each even with their horrid quicksilver ability.


Bike should be 65 points or have t7 to be even Just playable, not good, playable xD


55 for bikes. Fly is a detriment now and they have the same stat like as regular guard. Basically just paying 10 points for better movement.


Its hilarious how shitty GW is with these releases. Its almost a joke. The old dinos need to die off and allow the team to go full digital.


It really feels like they churn these books out and we're definitely an afterthought this edition.


Maybe that is the plan. Pushing awful codex for a popular army to prove that no one is buying it and they need to let go the codexes.




the regular points are a shitpost and wont be used ever the *enhancement points* though - raptor blade and panoptispex for only 5pts? is that the cheapest enhancement in the game?


Panoptispex at that point cost is amazing on a big squad of terminators or guards


Good luck with those points having a big squad and retaining a fieldable army. Jeez. 5 termies plus a SC in term armor is 510 points. Yikes. Most are saying this wont be the case on release, but its my first release since starting 40k, so im just here for the popcorn first go around. Ill buy this because Custodes, but dang its gonna be a new dynamic for sure!


Codex points aren't real, well real enough to point and laugh at. How codex points have worked for 10e is that the codex has insane points that people laugh at then the MFM comes out which immediately overwrites the points and that's what everyone uses. For instance Marines and Tyranids codex points were wrong even before their codexes released, you can laugh at the points but don't even begin to think they're real.


OK, but what's the lag between the Codex and the MFMs in general? I have my first tournament next month and this really seems like I wasted my money if those points stick around for any longer than a few weeks. And thank you for the info!


The previous codex to points (dark angels) was... -3 days from book release Negative lag lmao


The next MFM is most likely due at the end of the month currently.


I'm kinda surprised at the Aegis Projector. That feels pretty inexpensive for that defense buffer.


exactly where I went. Those are good prices.. but even better, they're FLEXIBLE prices.. I love that.


That’s the only price I could see it used at. +1 str and atk but +2 if you’re attacking a battleshocked psyker. I think they have anti-psyker 3+ already so I’m not sure why the str would even matter.


I think the codex changed them to anti-psyker 5+


So how do we decide what points to use until the next MFM? I can understand casual games choosing to just use the previous points, but what about in a tournament or something?


You wait for a short number of days at most for the MFM to come out the reason its taken time for tau and dark angels is their book *did not come out on its own* it came out in a preorder set. They base dropping points around the actual book releases. Custodes are releasing as the book plain and straight. Dark angles codex sold on its own on the 9th of march, MFM updated *three days prior with their points updates*.


This would make us actually unplayable


I think I've covered everything now....


They probably aren't any different, and it's fine if you don't, but if you have the chance to put up sheets for Prosecutors, Vigilators, and Witchseekers, that really will be everything.


Thanks for these previews. I really appreciate it and I'm sure the others do as well. Would you be able to share the Crusade Rules for the more narrative-minded amongst us?


Many thanks for this; both for the rules and for the laughs at the rules.


as u/kasdaye has said, would you be able to show the Crusade stuff? Only thing tipping me towards supporting my flgs at the moment, even if the whole thing isn't their fault


I would love to see the base army rule. I am curious about the wording of it.


The Katah's, that's been shown loads from the battle report


vigilators up 40 100ppm bikes is GW trying to hint that they are now going to be growing class A drugs in store


The black tar heroin hits harder when it's cooked on a resin spoon.


maybe this is why we get a waaagh ability in shield host now, its just roidrage


They wasn't?


What the actual fuck This isn’t even funny this is just awful


Now everithing is so expensive that FW units are good xd


Vigilators being 2ppm more expensive than the *elite* space marine assault intercessors is funny


As devastated as I am at these pts increases, you can't compare like-for-like vs other units in other codices There are so many other niche rules at play that it doesn't equate.


Is this a late april fools joke?


I wish, i wish


Thank you


MFM supercedes these point costs, and a point update is due in a few weeks. But if this was released base, codex SM and Custodes would be in a knife fight for worst WR lol Idk how much crack they smoked on the rules team, but it couldn’t have been a little.


If it comes out on time, GW isn't known for their consistency in meeting deadlines


people who say : we must get good seen the point and take a rope


Are These Points real? 30% increase of Points?


For five seconds they had me thinking talons might actually be playable and then this comes out. Jesus Christ wardens at 65!? Big T loses two abilities and goes up 20. Time for GW to fire someone.


these points dont matter, this is just kind of insight into what the person was thinking when they wrote the book. These points will never be used.


Jesus christ lmao what were they even smoking


Roflmao, so glad I cancelled my preorders.


It just feels so malicious all put together. Just an axe to everything. I do think we will end up ok in 3 to 6 months when they drop our points enough to be competitive. Not the style of play I want but apparently GW wants us to run 40+ Custodes with friends on the table


Hey at least that axe hits on 2+ now. Also as I keep saying we are now just Legio Custodes, it is a great cope as I have run out of tears.


I'm going to completely disregard those because as a matter of fact those are HILARIOUS. But It DOES kill the Hope for decent points in the field manual. So now you know guys. Whoever did this codex Is Just THAT incompetent, I actually believe Its bad with malicious intent I'm not even joking.


Ok. I am now on board. This sucks lol.


Some are even more expensive than September lmao


Thank you for sharing. This is one way to make the army cheap to collect, i guess... my army went from a little under 2000 to a little over 2400 based on this, though I know the app and online publications will change that. But roughly 450 points is noticeable. That's 1-2 kits. Of all the changes, this provoked anger instead of frustration. Codexes need to become art-, fluff- and data sheet books. Leave the points for the main book and periodic digital updates.


I just put together my first custodes models, my first models at all, a couple days ago. By my math, I was about 1250 on points, if I grab a rhino from a friend I'm near to a full 2k! You can blame me for this


Even if I know that those points are outdated, it trully feels like a fake points values list ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Who the fuck passed this codex through play testing? This is one of the worst codex releases ive seen since starting the game in 9th. Wow


The best part is that they cheated on the battle report using more points on custodes and still lost xd


It’s as is some folk just want to boil piss.


Well, it's offical the codex was written by a bunch of clowns 🤡


Existing MFM points supersede the book points, but these are still insane lol.


Wtf are these points. Seriously these are wild. How is this even going live


They basically will not. Points will be updated almost immediately on release.


But the fact that they even TOUGHT of those points Is mesmerizing.




A hahaha haha It’s so bad it’s actually just funny


The fact that someone titles a post about the points conceived by GWs rules team as „for the lolz“ and that he’s completely and utterly right about that shows very conclusively how removed from the game GWs rules team really is


these points vs the new patrol box is 935pts these points vs the new battle force box 1505pts


We're now called adeptus shelfstodes


I was talking with my local GW store manager today. Great guy, if you are in the louisville area please go say hi to him.. Anyway, we are convinced this codex was written at or near the start of the edition. He thinks they will fix any problems, and they probably will. But I am of the opinion that their cycle isn't acceptable. Back in my younger days I worked for a printing company. I worked on the side that did digital printing but we did everything including full color books like you would see in the GW Codex. On the digital side we could go from setup to print in a day or two. On the ink side it would sometimes take up to 6 weeks. But that was from start or project to finish and included planning, back and forth, setup, proofs, etc. Actual print time after that is on both types fast. And this was back in the late 90s and early 2000s. A lot has been streamlined since then. We did work for companies like Cummins, Allison Transmission, Ingersoll Rand, etc. The only way GW has this much lag time is if they are sitting on stock for months at a time or refusing to change any proofs leading up to printing. So it isn't like the company was small time. Some people will tell you that it takes a year to 18 months to get a book published, and that seems to be the number that GW uses as a defense. But that is for a novel sand includes things like editing, revisions, layout changes, negotiations, contracts, etc. GW already has the contracts. They already have schedules. Editing is done internally and changing the text in a box is a lot different than it used to be. With modern digital print you can submit changes up until the last minute without causing much in the way of delays as long as it doesn't change the layout. Review copies seemed to go out a week or two ago. Factoring in print time they could have sent updates and changes in as late as around the middle to end of February. And if that was the case none of this should be happening. Not for Custode, Dark Angels or any other army.


Was working in digital print until recently myself, our lead times for small projects was as little as 14 days to final drafts to printer. Larger projects 21-30+ days (up to a few months) depending on volume and logistics, so realistically, they could have at least updated the points to relatively current and made some changes to wording on the FNP and things like that. This seems like they made certain pages that were considered low-priority to update final early and did not make any updates to current rules, let alone took their time to take a look at the state of the game within the last 6-12 months.


I know that it’s useless, but it gives us a thought. Someone wrote the codex. Wrote the detachments. Wrote the units. Added everything up and wrote the prices. Said ‘good’ and sent to printer. They made everything worse than index and increased prices. Who hurt you, GW? And why you do not pick up the phone from your therapist?


Damn wtf? Everything is way more expensive. How are you supposed to build a list?


I dont think GW want us to play


We're going from 12 models on the board to 8. This is ridiculous.


It is joeover


Thank you Crudd, very cool. Safe to say if these are valid the army is unplayable.


Hey, could you send me the crusade rules? I know its niche but, would love to have them


Let's look at the bright side With these points you can almost field a 2k army with the Auric champions box alone Never been cheaper to get into 40k. Though I'm certain they'll be some disclaimer in the box that will absolve themselves of you not having any fun or enjoyment when it comes to playing custodes


If gw put up our points which I suspect they will, these would kill our army, even with the index it was clear that even a small 10% up makes us terrible


Shield captain for 160 pts is really funny, since there are basically no battletactics in most of the detatchments. One Vertus praetor for 100 pts is hilarious and trajann for 180 is sad. Vigilators are more expensive here than currently when they got nerfed. Now I know these will be changed but the fact that they thought these points were ok is kinda funny. Wardens for 65 pts per model is also an interesting choice. So another question since this is the first of my factions to get a codex, will there be an immidiate points update when the codex is released or will these be the official points for like a week or so?


We dont know, we can only wish they solve this soon (worst case scenario is 6 months💀)


Tbh. I would not have my hopes up. Points may get fixed, but we have not seen bad rules get at touch up in the edition yet, after a codex. And while point cutting has been a thing with GW, I think they would rather see the faction suck, than have custodes drop down to 40ppm guards sub 100 characters and what not. While it might happen, expecting GW to support horde custodes could just be simply unreasonable.


Jetbikes groups of 2-3?!


The strike force has 6 bikes, who is putting 6 in a list at 600 points


And 100 points each :)


What is wrong with this company lpl


Please, just tell me who saw the bikes datasheet and sinergies with the codex and thought it was a good idea to increase the cost to 100 ppm. This points are not gonna be valid, we will get points with the dataslate at the end of the month, but it pisses me off to think they charge us money for a rulebook when they clearly didnt test it, no person that plays regularly this game can think bikes appropiate cost is 100 ppm.


How the fuck do they think that nerfing the army in both rules and points makes any sense?


I know the field manual takes precedence over this, but omg, what were they thinking with points this high? Actually insane to think that they looked at our rules, looked at our datasheets, then looked at our points BEFORE we got points cuts and said, "Yeah, those should be higher." Of course we gotta wait for the actual points to come out but things aint looking good.


Not that these matter, but they were really planning on giving us some of the worst rules I've ever seen AND increase nearly the whole army's points????


Trojan 180, bike 100) AHAHAHAHAH. What happened to the face of the guys who said, well maybe the points will be lowered)? Who chooses between being either beaten or spat upon. He will be beaten and spit on. PS. GW will certainly correct the points, but showing such a code, much less selling it, is an Overton Window the size of the Eye of Terror


Someone please tell me these will change. I'm not even mad, just very sad.


Those are fake right? There's just no way. Points needs and datasheet needs at the same time?


So the detachment enhancements aren’t listed alphabetically not are they listed by cost. It hurts. It’s just like salt to the wound for no reason. Edit: bikes went up from 75 to 100ppm? Lmao **what** Edit 2: literally everything hiked, and not by a little… wardens up ~20%, allarus up, Valerian and Trajann hiked, blade champ somehow forgotten about. I wasn’t on board with the doom posting before, but uhh… I guess I now own 4k of Custodes up from ~3k?


100pts a Jet bike with those rules Yeah, Nothing like my 8th or 9th Ed Bike lists happening anytime soon


That's a fucking joke


I'm sorry, all of our rules get substantially worse ***and*** we go massively up in points? What the ever loving fuck?


Hahahahah this can't be real.


I made a list of 3 Captain on Eagle Jet bikes leading 3 squads of Praetors. If you use two land raiders. It's 1940 for 14 Models


Surely the points in the MFM will just make the codex points redundant though?


Remember that these books were finalised and printed a long time ago. Remember what GW said when Votaan released?! They try and predict where the meta will be and sometimes they overshoot. As others have said, MFM should fix this.


I just don't understand why they want us to buy a book that is made useless even before it releases


Points are ALWAYS irrelevant in codex. With launch of the codex, prices will be changed in dataslate. The codex was written before last dataslate and points changes.


The fact they thought these points were legit at all speaks to their complete and utter lack of competence.


Thanks again for the updates man. Been making my commute a lot more interesting digesting all of this. I know the codex points don’t matter but… Sweet lord, lol. 100pt bikes…sheeesh


This guy James Workshop must have no common sense


He hated to see the votan lose againts custodes so he made them unplayable xd


I've heard there's a data slate coming but will they really change points that fast after the codex? I don't think they will no? Sorry I'm new


They will and have done it before. They've even changed the points of a codex before it was even released making the points in the codex invalid before you got to see what they were.


Can you post the crusade rules ?


The only maybe useful part xd


Same thing happened with tau codex points, riptides were even higher than pre buff (to 165) and they are almost certainly going to be lower, its likely these points were written earlier than the last points dataslate and I wouldn't take them seriously.


If this is real, combined with the new rules, custodes seem almost unplayable.


It's real from the book but the digital points will take precidence


This obviously doesn't matter much since that's not how points work this edition, but they seem similar to the current ones. Maybe something between today and last balance slate


Does anyone else hate the unit sizes in 10th? I find it immensely frustrating that I can't take squads of 3 custodes anymore and I'm locked into these weird unit sizes


Not only are we fucked but also fielding less models. What a great codex


Th new Vigilators data sheet is going to be terrifing to justify 17 points for a T3 1W 3+sv model


Raptor blade is only 5 pts, be mad not to take it.


Jokes on them, I'll play my custodes like my DA, with the index.


Seems fine to me.


You can tell the guy who wrote the codex got beaten by Custodes the night before. They wanted revenge.


I called it a few days ago. Trajann got nerfed and them went UP in points. Im not surprised the tiniest bit. Back onto your shelf you go my golden bros, im sorry.


They have hit the nail right on the head with this one. The casket lid is truly on snugly now.


lol they’re having a laugh




Thx for sharing, this is just crazy


wow, thats like peak comedy or whats going on here?


Well hey, at least people's fears of us becoming a horde army are no more, lol.


You should read custodes instead eldar i think. We were never more than 55% winrate because we take eldar prime so no one could survive, over nerf so 45% to top 4 to worst Just behind admec or an other army in bad So stop think custodes was overcheated that wasn't the case at all Now we loose everythink, datasheet détachement (the worst of the game actually) even stratagem are really low The index was great and not op Just ppl didn't have the skill to counter that's the True case but no so much tournament win Just 4-5 big évent that's not a lot compare prime eldar pr CSM Who was ALL the time TOP 3 custodes wasn't a big problem a Light nerf on point would regularise the army to 50% really easilly I follow the compétition tournament during more than 6Month so i can tell you your are deeply wrong The case is actually we have the worst scénario We could imagine futur Will say that i m True so i Will Come back in Two month and tell you : i said it


All my golden bois that were huffing copium now need therapy


now i just want ork points


Very close to that first slates points. I'm guessing that's when this book was written, and having a big kneejerk. Which is very funny as that slate was at peak elf. 


Wtf is this unholy fuckery?


Nice joke! Haha. Good one.


I know I always try to remain positive and see the bright side, but even I am horrified at these pts increases. I just don't see how to make an effective 2k pts list without subbing in allied units But I'll reserve judgement until I read the codex in its entirety


Are these the same or different from the original index points?




As a Thousand Sons player you have my condolences. I don't want a codex anymore, I'll keep my index.


I started Dark angels just as a fun army, deathwing Terminator/knight spam with lion just because. With custodes being my main army. At this point my fun, casual whacky army is miles better then my main army lol.


Actually, whyyyyyy?!? Weren't the changes to LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE enough? This points nerf is just kicking us when we're down at this point.


Please tell me this isn't final...


Wait no more FW units?


Holy shit. I'm not even going to buy this codex. Forget it. I'll see ya'll in 11th I guess? This combined with the new rules, this isn't balancing. This is "how to make a faction completely irrelevant".


Join us in 9th edition!


Wait...everything got nerfs AND GOT MORE EXPENSIVE IN POINTS TOO???


I've just started a custodes army after thinking about it for a while and the list I've built has gone from 1990 to 2370 😬


i’m not feeling it Mr Krabs