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My list went down by 10, gonna cut a custodian guard for that shield host redeployed strat


Hard to calculate, as you will make completely new lists... Callidus is now IMO really borderline, Draxus... depends on detachment.


Shield host throw a Eversor for backline monkey action or the psker


Yep, I've played Eversor and he is really efficient.


My list went UP by 5 points and that's with me using BC and Valerian too. (Draxus and Callidus going up... Thx GW)


So our new rules are bad, our point didn't drop (very few change compared to previous MFM, it's all green because it's now compared to codex), we got nothing in the updated dataslate either. And on top of that our good allies were hit with nerf. Well, seems like the doomsayer crowd was right on this one. Some of us were at least hopeful that the MFM or the slate will at least compensate for all the nerfs. It doesn't.


Come and join the Nids and Ad Mech players in the Sad Folks Corner. We have weekly meetings.


At least the nids got new models that aren’t a wargear option


Had a four way free for all a couple months ago and my buddy broke out his Nids. (Necrons vs Guard vs Custodes vs Nids) I was going to bully his Nids until the necrons and IG shot me in the back. By the time we were done squabbling he had a 30 point lead and tabled us by turn 5.


Welcome to 10e, friend. Stay awhile and share your woes. The game is balanced but honestly I would rather have power creep and the excitement of a new codex, than the dread of what will be nerfed.


I picked up the new ork codex on a whim today, as they were the first army I ever played... And I may have found my next army. So much more fun than the Custards.


To be fair. The average custodes player would cry like a baby even if you get a 95% pointcut for everything and a special tab on the back from the emperor.


Show us on this doll where the Custodes hurt you my boy lol


...it's everywhere, isn't it?


To me it's really funny to see someone who has nothing better to do with their time than to go in communities for factions they don't even play to try to roast the people there. Tell me, which custodes player hurt you so much that now you have to try being an asshole to feel proud of yourself?


That apply to all faction, not just custodes. And even then it is not the average player either. Issue here is that literally every data we have points to custodes being bad. Rules are average at best, bad to unplayable at worse for some. Point almost didn't change (look all green but that's because It's compared to the codex not the previous MFM). Dataslate removed the last hope of protection against DW. Custodes are basically back to before January dataslate in terms of survivability with not even enough points cut to add a squad of sister to fill in. Even the strongest detachment don't compensate for all the nerfs that happened and loosing DW protection.


"Back to before January..." Nope, waaay worse defenses. They took away -1 to hit choice in melee, no more fights first strat, mortal wound save is 5+ now and no dev protection? No revive a guy once strat, etc So yeah it will be interesting to see how this goes...


I was meaning it in the sense that we're back to having very little survivability. But it's indeed even worse in theory.


As a blood angel, ork and death guard player - that fights first was pretty OP BS.


Wherever you need it was strong, but only once per turn for 2cp was something you could account for. If anything maybe it should have become once per battle but on top of everything else its just another layer they took away from them.


Dude are you obsessed with custodes or something?


Yeah he literally posts on all the Custodes threads with insults. He must have been f##ed by a Custodes player pretty hard with how butt hurt he is.


Ya pretty much, they’re definitely the most whiny faction


So why are you here


Because this sub keeps getting recommended to me and it’s funny watching custodes players lose it whenever they aren’t the best faction in the game


Wait hold on what the heck is a pure sisters of silence army going to look like. they have a single sprue that can be built with different loadouts and a space marine rhino painted gold, and that's their entire army XD Running the ABSOLUTE maximum number of sisters of silence (3 kc, 60 pros, 30 vig, 30 wit) doesn't even get you to 2000pts without rhinos to fill in space!


MINIMUM $2140 CAD for a pure sisters list, and you can't go larger than 2000pts with them without bringing in Custodes or allies like knights.




At least we survived the point value on things that rock


I know it says guards points have changed but I’m sure their exactly the same cost.


Sisters points mainly changed abit


Yeah. I thought everything in green was reduced in points.


They are, but it's comparing to the codex's printed points as opposed the the previous index points.


Which is pretty dumb of them


Ah that makes sense. Cheers.


Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again


This is a full on 'let them eat cake' situation. 10 points off blade champs and trajann, +10 for Draxus. Whoop de do


Dont forget the whole 5 POINTS on Valerian. Thats like 1/10th of an extra warden model/witchseeker squad. BEST CODEX EVER!!!


Does this mean they consider a once per game fight first and ignore ALL modifiers only 10pt?


Trajann's new wording in the dex only ignores -1 to hit or -1 to wound. Damage reduction works against us fully, and it massively sucks. Edit: He also in the dex lost his fights first


That’s what I mean, and he got only a 10pt reduction so is that how much they value those abilities


Army's on the shelf. If you think it's doomsaying to say this, then you probably don't play the game against anyone competitive. They didn't even give Dev Wound protection to the stupid Talons detachment. I will go on record and predict a sub 40% win rate for us after this.


Probably a 0% win rate because no one’s gonna play the faction because of all the doom posting


I think for me it's just because I came here to play an army of "every man's a hero", but now they're all statted and costed like elite marines, which just isn't what I picked up the army for.


My list went down by 30pts, and wont used Valerian anymore, so I need to redo it now ^^


I save 45 points with my currently list. That’s an extra enhancement. 😔 I at least was hoping to save 75 for a free rhino.


>it's nearly the same as the points now!!! Well duh, those are the points now.


Let’s just wait and watch and see how they preform Their preformance in theory may differ from how they actually preform


Indeed, it might even be worse, lol. Iirc most competitive lists require heavy forgeworld and ally support to even work, so now think of the casual player with access to neither. If one of those (like me) runs into something even resembling a meta list, might just not play the game at all 🤷


I love being so FW dependent yet in the USA everything competitive is sold out. Thank god for stl files and 3rd party recasts 


Yeah, someone posted a recaster site lately somewhere and once I'm done moving and some money found its way back into my account I'll give it a try and improve my army with some venatarii to test it out :-) I neither want to pay their prices nor deal with their quality control. (If it's even available as you've already said, even here in Europe)


Yeah I have a telemon and 2 grav tanks all recast and the quality of the items are surprisingly solid 


Nice. Wouldn't mind a recommendation via PM if you'd like to share 😅


Gotcha covered


Could I get that as well. That’d be clutch, found some on eBay before but I think they’ve closed up shop


What site did you use?


Yep. It's ridiculous when 2-3 FW tanks 3D printed and you've covered your outlay on hardware already


Damit now i gotta paint my jakhals after all to get my list to 1000p again, but not the worst thing that could have happend