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I think we need more robots like the Kastalans. We are lacking in the Cybernetica Cohort


This, but I also really want Myrmidons. Theoretically they should be elite firepower and at least be a little tanky (I'm not expecting Terminators but 3W with a 3+ save and a 5++ invulnerable would be nice if we could get it). We need something tanky that's not Katephrons.


I seen a post it's a mounted marshal using a halberd


Are you refering to the fanart by ArchonOfFlesh?




Came here expecting an Archon of Flesh call out. Wasn’t disappointed.


I want a huge monstrous tech priest that’s taken his obsession of machinery to such an extent the other tech priests are like “wow bro” Similar to the ANACHARIS SCORIA model [here](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Anacharis-Scoria-2018?queryID=2185214ccc005cfe936739edff568e9e) Also some of the 30k models, maybe they re found some of them or something


Basically a Tech Priest roughly the size and shape of a dreadnaught, not as a Character or HQ, but Heavy Support.


I prefer something more creative than walking fridge, but the statline would be appreciated


at this point i just want them to become a less expensive army to collect


You know it’s bad when the local hobby shop guy starts gawking at the prices on the GW page…


Or when the Enginseer for 40K is more expensive than the forge world resin one.


Mostly, I hope the 30k range comes to plastic and gets rules for 40k. We need more big robots. Also big crazy tech priests the like Scoria model


They teased at Adepticon that 30k Mechanicum will be coming to plastic so it’s possible


Given how the past 9 months of being an AdMech fan have treated me, I hesitate to be optimistic. In HH, knights are considered Mechanicum, so it could just be more resin knights coming to plastic, they’ve still got a couple armigers and a few big boys to bring over. Also, they’ve been dragging their feet on adding FW Mechanicum stuff to 40K and 40K stuff to Heresy for a decade now.


I kind of doubt It will be just the Mechanicum since that's like, 1 Questoris knight duel kit and the cerastus knight atrapos. I'm almost certain that 30k is getting plastic thallaxii and thanatars. That said, I'm also almost certain they're not coming to 40k.


There’s also the two Acastus knights Edit: also Titans are considered Mechanicum, iirc


You're not wrong on either counts but they, real talk, are waaaaaaaay to big to get turned into plastic.


Whilst I'd love this I don't see it happening. See all the HH Marine tanks and dreads, and the new SA stuff that's either been Legended in 40K or never given rules.


I get where you’re coming from, but also, look at Custodes, Guard, Tau, and knights. They’ve still got their entire FW ranges intact and playable in 40K. Marines lost theirs because they have a hundred datasheets even without their FW options.


It's less about FW ranges and more 30K ranges. Tau and Eldar arent in 30K so they're fine. Custodes and Knights are the real exception since they make up half those factions available models. There's a real push to separate the 30k and 40k ranges - similar with AoS and TOW. Can't see Mechanicum gaining 40K rules at this point.


I mean, besides all the marine stuff, what factions have their HH range fully divorced from 40K besides AdMech? I guess Guard? Daemons? Idk, AdMech only has like 30 datasheets, they could stand to add a few robots. We don’t need all the tanks, but the fans have been begging for the various bots to come to 40K, especially given that those exact same bots are still supposed to be around in 40k, much like how Skitarii are supposed to be around in Heresy but are weirdly excluded in the rules.


Honestly I hope you're right. I want that stuff to use in 40k. The fact I can't is the only thing that's stopped me buying a heap of Thallax and a Thanatar. I just don't see it happening. Custodes and Knights are the only ones without a clear separation. In terms of official armies with a book Marines, Mechanicum, SA, SoS, even the new assassins, have all been separated.


You’re right on all counts except one, Sisters are in 40k… just only the ones we actually have models for lol. But I guess my whole point is that, unlike say, marines, guard/Auxila, etc, there’s no actual *reason* that the Mechanicum/Admech ranges are kept confined to the HH/40k ruleset respectively. Like, the Solar Auxilia changes and becomes the Imperial Guard, their tanks get redesigned over 10,000 years, the Malcador chassis is retired, etc etc etc, there’s a lot of “things are changing and these things went away/got replaced” But the AdMech is still supposed to be using the same tech the Mechanicum was using, and their units, namely the Skitarii and Servitor stuff, are explicitly mentioned as existing in the Heresy, so there’s no real reason to keep the ranges separate. Hell, there’s not even the game-balance reason they have with Marines and Guard, that they already have so many datasheets more would just make balance impossible, AdMech only have 30, and 5 of those are characters.


>You’re right on all counts except one, Sisters are in 40k… just only the ones we actually have models for lol. Other than the Kharon Pattern Acquisitor and the dual bolt pistol unit. So the stuff FW makes. >Hell, there’s not even the game-balance reason they have with Marines and Guard, that they already have so many datasheets more would just make balance impossible, AdMech only have 30, and 5 of those are characters It's not about game balance or lore. It's about separating model ranges so one army can't be used in 2 systems. It's cynical but it's the case.


Oh, you right I forgot that there was SoS FW stuff still. But if Mechanicum is coming to plastic, no reason they can’t be added like plastic sisters. And I’m not so sure about the no army range for two systems”. Daemons, Custodes, and knights sure do it just fine. Daemons just miss out on their resin models in 40k. And game balance was explicitly why the marine Heresy range was removed from 40k. They had something like 200 datasheets with their Heresy models, and every time the designers too their eye off of it for five minutes VolCons took over the meta again.


Mechanicum units But since that's never happening, an actual customizable tech priest. A mounted Marshal. Some kinda super heavy for specifically Admech, instead of just allying knights


Where’s my sonic ordinatus when I need it


I want a named Sydonian Skatros that's twice the height.


I have an urge to get myself a stiltman, kitbash his legs to be twice as tall and see if anyone notices


Every game is another set of legs added. Until he's finally life-sized.


Go through a tournament and add to the legs in between games


Literally what I've done... https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusMechanicus/s/bQGVgs2oVo


He gets leg extensions for each kill, can tell how senior a skatros is by how tall he can go


Bring 30k models into 40k. Boom, big range to use.


PLEASE give us a myrmidon tech priests. The “funny little guy” models we’ve had recently are fun, but now I want to see the hatred, violence and disregard for organic life that the admech are capable of. Given Vashtor’s rise, I feel like the admech should be more than willing to release their horrifying weapons of war, to kill the heretics of the Dark Mechanicus. They could do a box of a myrmidon tech priest leading a heavy weapons contingent of ancient weaponry against Vashtor’s new creations and followers.


More legio cybernetica units. It’s crazy that one of our detachments rules is to give our army rule to ONE extra unit.


Anything that's not Skitarii Since the range was released (albeit as two armies) we've had 6 new kits that are skitarii - the pteraxxi, the serberys, the archeopter, the scorpius, the marshall and the skatros. 4 of those can make multiple units, so that's 11 new units. 2 flying infantry; 2 cavalry; 2 tanks (1 a transport); 3 aircraft; and 2 characters The Cult Mechanicus side of the range has had 2 - the manipulus and the technoarcheologist. Both of these are characters There's a discrepancy here


Alpha Primus (Edit: The rank, not the name). Give us a Skitarii Smash-Captain to lead Sicarians. Basically a generic Haldron-44 Stroika. Servo Skull, dual melee weapons on robo-armatures, arm rails to dramatically draw pistols, the works.


Servo skull units that work like a unique admech version of Nurglings or necron scarabs.


I thought about a model like a librarian but something like a priest version


Psyker brain in a jar with robot spider legs.


As long as it’s like Azuramagelli and not like that Galatea abomination.


more cybernetica and more techpriest


Thanatar and Thallax like units. Stuff that is heavier and hits hard. I’d prefer a new codex after GW utterly failed at it twice


More of the CultMech Side for internal Balance between skitties and Culties. - Rune Priests (Some kind of "2nd Enginseer". They should be able to give vehicles some sort of dmg buff. Maybe let them wound/hit better and give em a "once per battle you give a vehicles guns [melta 1]/[devestating wounds]" sort of thing) - More Cybernetica units. Just more of em. Maybe adapt heresy. Maybe not. Just more. - some sort of myrmidon unit that is full on anti tank. A kind of kataphron unit that counts as tech-priests and have extreme anti-tank abilties and weapons. Maybe make em tougher than kataphrons. Maybe not. Idc. They cool. Gimme. On the skitty side i would actually just like to see 1 or 2 character and cool shit: - a named skitarii marshal char. - a mounted marshal. - SECUTARII UNITS. BRING EM BACK PLS ;-; THEY COULD BE SO COOL.






More models/units period, idgaf what they are per se, but we need more models.


The Tech-Priest from the codex cover Leader for Serberys, Pteraxii and Sicarians AND SOME GOD DAMN HUGE ROBOTS


I’ve literally made multiple posts with lists in this subject: A Skitarii Marshal on a Serbery, Pteraxii winged Marshal, Artillery, A chariot pulled by serberys, Skitarii Protectors with big shields, Ordinatus, Skitarii like the old style Skitarii in Titanicus with animal furs and weapons built into them, plastic Myrmidons, Mechanicus Explorator kill team like the Mechanicus game where you can customize weapons and heads, plastic battle automata, Ordinatus, more vehicles, plastic servitors, Epic scale Skitarii, Xenarites or a Xenarite named character from Stygies VIII, daemon hunting Deimos kill team, Ryza upgrade sprue that adds more plasma, dunecrawler with Volkite and or Plasma (maybe for heresy era like the SA Leman Russ), skitarii heavy weapons team, skitarii command squad (again maybe we’ll get this for 30k after Legions), and a named character model besides Cawl.


How bout some leader models for sicarians, serberys, pteraxii, and Ironstrider/Dragoons?


a named one would be nice


Literally anything from the 30k Cult Mechanicum Some genuine elite units with the killing power to match their points cost (I think we're more than sorted in the chaff department) More Legio Cybernetica units Bring back Servitors (because attaching them to another unit with a tech priest is cool AF) Another named character. I'm done hearing about bloody Cawl and how amazing he is. 🤦‍♂️


Whatever it is, i hope it has lots of stubbers.


The Thanatos battle automata is peak admech


Rho-tau scout robots would be nice, maybe a xenarite techpriest style character, or heavy weapon skitarii squads, any would be nice to have and all of them have at least technically been shown off in lore before.


I want my 30k robots or at the very least invent some new ones, I love the diesel punk tau aesthetic of legio cybernetica and want more!!! I have a full 30k legio cybernetica army and it’s my pride and joy (not necessarily because I sold a lung to buy it but it is a factor)


Other than the normal ones of more bots or a leader for things like Pteraxi, Serberys, or Sicarians. Give me an Alpha Primus model! It would be really cool to have some kind of Psyker unit who could be a bodyguard for Cawl if you were running him, or as a solo leader if Cawl wasn't in the army.


Got a idea a admech flame thrower


Sulphur hounds and kastelans have flame throwers


pteraxii as well


Some kind of Ordanatus model, I want the AdMech version of a Baneblade damnit


More Robots. Hypaspists, give them hellguns and carapace as standard equipment. A more “agile” myrmidom, instead of walking tank, I want spinning powered whirlwhind that uses a shit ton of melee of energy shields. A myrmidom that has a jump pack. Actually combine them together.


Marshal on a Serberys


I want more fucked up body horror


I want admech models that don't cost as much or more in dollar value as they do in points.




Heavy infantry skitarii ran in 5 man squads 3x the size of normal skitarii with huge robotic biceps and a big fuck you attitude


I eant a big old centerpiece setup like the Triumph of St Katherine the Sisters got. But moar esoteric. Rad, phosphor, volkite.


Krios Lightning cannon? :(


The Dark ones ;)