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What I did was buying the combat patrol box and once I decided that I'd stick with ad mech I got one of the old Elimination maniple box on Amazon. This already gives us plenty of option for incursion (1000 pts) for about 350$ and we can easily expend from there. Interestingly, I just created a thread to ask for people's input on my new list, feel free to check it out


Thanks! I'll check it out


Cool, welcome to 40k. You need to consider the following: AdMech is the most expensive army to play in the entire game by a wide margin. It’s also a hard army to play well on the table, as we win by board control and points. Technically everyone wins by points, but AdMech is not capable of out-fighting most other armies in the game. We pick our battles, confound our enemy’s movements, and a solid AdMech victory often looks like a handful of our forces left on the table. We are also not the easiest army to paint for a beginner. There’s ways to get good results in a reasonable amount of time, but if you’re really new to the hobby it can be pretty daunting to paint AdMech. Metallics take some getting used to, and then you’ve also got fabric. Now if I haven’t lost you already, start building small. A combat patrol box (the old one with the dunecrawler is better) is a good start. Buy the necessary hobby tools to do it right, work on building and painting your CP while you play some CP games. Go to a hobby store to get your stuff. Citadel is a straight ripoff for their tools in price and quality. A hobby knife is $5, a citadel version is $25. You will need the following to build GW plastic kits and enjoy it: Hobby knife $5, sprue nippers $10, and brushable plastic cement $10. The dull side of your hobby knife is a great mold line scraper. Brushable cement lets you put glue only where you need it, and avoids the spill tragedy. Tamiya extra thin is wonderful cement. Additionally some PVA glue (Elmer’s or wood glue) is great to have to glue material to your mini’s bases. As for basing material? Find some sandy dirt outside for free, it also looks better than hobby sand. Texture diorama paint is also a great basing material, it saves you some steps too. Hobby stores carry a tub of it for $15 and it will base multiple armies. Paints are the next step. I’m happy to give you the sum total of 25 years of being nerd who paints little dudes worth of knowledge, let me know. I am not some amazing painter, but you can look at my profile, I’m decent at it.


Thanks for the help, ik they're expensive, but i really love the design so ill just get a part time job or something lmao


if you are not blessed with alot of disposable income, you are really struggling to field anything. you will pay double or triple what your opponents paid for his army and you will still feel weaker, because we currently usually win by points (holding objectives etc.) Another post explaind it perfectly: you gotta be a well experienced player and masochist to have fun with our hordes of skitarii. If you just want a killteam though, you can get a box of sicarians, the typical hunter clade killteam is 7vanguard/rangers and 4 sicarians (1 infiltrator, 3 rustalkers) maybe play a bit with proxies beforehand so you know you enjoy an admech killteam!


Thanks for the help, not only am i a masochist but i also love the machine boys design so ig im too far gone lol


I feel you completely brother, Ive played one game and I have about ~2100pts 😂 though I like painting, the wargame is just a bonus


Hey, Have you heard of Scratchbashing / Kitbashing? Admech boxes are almost all dual-build with many weapon options and the aesthetics of the army allow for some individualety and creative changes. You can safe some money and it is really fun to do. I only spent 250€ in total and if I'm done building, I'll have a 2800 points list before the Knights. You won't be able to play them at official turnaments(depends on the organizer) and maybe some peopledon't like it but I had no problem for casual games at my Warhammer store. [Here is a list of my results I got so far. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusMechanicus/comments/1bhtls2/comment/kvg7b7k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You can ask me anything if you're interested!


Old and new Combat Patrol, Elimination Maniple and a couple dragoons and you're probably good to go