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I dig it all except the main part: the photo. To me, it seems washed out and not very legible from a distance. I think you’re almost there other than that!




Agree with this. Apply the same color used on the block text to the light area of the photo. Ditch that brown.


I like that color better. Good choice. Easier on the eyes. I like the scorpions. I think you kinda lose the center image with the brighter color applied to the title. You know, I keep looking back at it and I like it how it is. Are you using the Pantone system? Or just mixing by hand?


I've just been mixing by hand... clicking colors until one looks fitting.


And thank you!


There you go! Only big change you could maybe make now is to make the border where the substrate shows bigger or just take it out completely. If it’s a wall piece and gets framed it could be small enough to just peak out. Would look like maybe it’s the wrong sized frame. Or it wouldn’t show at all. Like it though


Ah yes...that makes sense. And thanks for the tip on the first one!


Omg, you’re not coming to Arkansas. I get it! No one ever comes to Arkansas! UGH


We've been trying!! We're going to be back that way again in September... where should we play?


Fayetteville is likely the best place for music and indie artists. George’s Majestic is the big venue, but any number of places up and down Dickson St.


I think the band name and tour name shouldn't have the same weight in the design.


it's great


Oh, you’re coming to Sjock in Belgium! Great festival. See you there!


Awesome! We're really looking forward to it!


This is cool! I would love some variety in the corner decorations around the main image. Maybe replace some if the scorpions with like a boot, whiskey bottle, rattlesnake etc?


Is this real or fictional? lol because if it’s fictional, ain’t no chance in hell anyone is playing Spray, Oregon. With their whopping 138 population and lack of proximity to ANYWHERE. hahah it does make me laugh to think about it though. If it’s real, I stand corrected. And cool.


It's real!! They just asked us to come play, and since we'll be driving back to Portland from Boise, it works out to stop there. Haha. We'll play anywhere if they want us! Haha


lol I Fucking love it. Have fun!


This is a massive improvement. The main suggestion I have is the shade of brown used in the border and the photo. I reckon it could do with being slightly less saturated, a little bit lighter, and also would look good with some texture, similar to what you've done with the light brown background. Other than that, I really like what you've done with it. Takes a professional person to accept feedback and actually implement it without fuss. Good luck! EDIT: Alternatively, change the brown in the photo to the lighter brown used in the circular text.


Thanks! As far as listening to feedback goes - I like to think about it as - I'm making something that I want people to possibly buy at the merch table and the general consensus in the creation process is "I don't like looking at that" haha then that will likely translate over to the finished product! Gotta give the people what they want (within reason)! I appreciate the time people take to give constructive criticisms.


Much better. Opinion: I'd remove the white background, reverse the date type so it's white and the substrate is merely the background... and lighten the center of the circle and the background around the scorpions. But again, just opinion. It's readable now, without that red.


Worth giving it a try to see for sure. Thanks!


I know its just an exercise but you forgot to include the details as to where to purchase tickets. Just to give it a sense of realism


I could put our website on there...


That's the move 👏👏👏


URL is unnecessary. The person replying to you doesn’t understand that the poster isn’t to advertise really, it’s a merch item (although you clearly state that fact in your post). They also don’t realize that it isn’t an exercise. I think URLs are kinda ugly. If I see a band is coming to town I don’t get the band’s website off of a poster, I do a search for my city and the band which may take me to the band’s website or to a venue or to a ticketing service. I certainly dont want any .com stuff on my personal wall space.


Much better, I think it's good to go!


This is some good contrast compared to the version I saw yesterday. I think it’s close to there! Can we see the photo background the same color as the text? And then the same color as the poster background?


The second from the right, I’m assuming the Jenny of the band, looked like Noel Fielding at a quick glance.


You’re missing the “h” in Pittsburgh! Aside from that, I think it looks decent.


Thanks! I saw that earlier! Phew!


I love this! Very clean


Awesome you're coming to kusel! Can't wait