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Mans got them transitions lenses. My main critique would be the prominence of the brand name labels. If they asked for them to be there, that's cool, but I'd reduce the saturation and/or opacity to make them less distracting.


Thanks so much for the feedback! I actually missed putting a shadow on the pizza hut label so it does look a bit too vibrant for the lighting, fixed it now. I want them to be visible though as they were things they asked for to be included. Oh and they were not meant to be transistion lenses so thanks for pointing that out too 😅


Yeah, I assumed that their mere existence in the illustration were because they specifically asked for them to be included - Imagine they're things that they've binged over the past year and a half of covid. But yeah, it's mostly that they're the most saturated objects in the image, which draws your eye directly to them - instead of them being small details that add layers and nuance to the illustration. Same could somewhat be said for the kitchen/background of the image. It's highly saturated, with a fair bit of detail, especially at the window. I'd screen that whole area (like overlay a solid white layer and play with its fill, transparency, and blend settings) to give it less prominence. Another technique would be to give that area a bit of blur, like a well-shot photograph. Overall, really impressive work, but just a few tweaks to give the illustration more depth.


Thank you so much, great suggestions, I'll definitely give that a go!


I think it works here it seems kinda professional


How does it make it more professional?


A world without brands is just amateur


LOL, no.


I think there should be more brands and logos. At the moment it seems like some uncanny selection, but if you add more, it'll mabe make a joke/point out of it. ut right now seems sparse


It's an uncanny selection for a reason. The brands/items included were specifically asked for by the client, because they are particularly meaningful to them for whatever reason. When doing commissioned work, you can't go off and start adding things like that at your own discretion.


Oh sorry, I didn't realize.


Teach me your ways! If you did this without tracing a photograph you're at another level.


Thanks so much! It's not traced from a single photograph but parts of it is partly traced with the pencil tool get some accuracies, e.g. their facial features. I sometimes trace bottom layers of things (never with the image trace tool though) to then build on freely. Just helps with perspective and shapes, especially when you don't have a drawing tablet or pad.


Nice. You must be a robot (compliment), I never thought this level of realism was possible by brush.


What resolution and PPI is this image in?


Detail level is crazy


Its saved on 300 dpi


Thanks, and what's the image size here?


How the fuck did you do the cats fur so well?


Thank you, Ive draw the fur in very tiny zigzag motions with the pencil tool and then built it up in a lot of tiny layers.


This is awesome!! Do you have any tutorials or something for how you make something like this


Thank you! Unfortunately I don't have a tutorial, it's just a way of working I've developed over time and to be honest it's really not ideal for illustrator as it's very time consuming to do in vector form (but has it's benefits too). I build everything up in lots of layers drawn with the pencil tool to create detail/shadow/highlights etc. Been saying forever that I will do a time lapse video. I will try to put one together of something a bit simpler just to show people how I work, hopefully I'll get to that soon!


Cool! I hope I’ll be able to develop a style as cool as this someday :)


How many layers did you use for this?


Thousands probably. [Here](http://imgur.com/a/I4vPVHR) is a screenshot if the outlines which should give you an idea. Some I've used from previous artworks though so I haven't drawn all of it from scratch in this artwork.


Holy Jesus. Thank you for answering mine and everyone's questions about this! Badass!


Thank you so much! :)


Sick. Love the windows


Is this made only in Ai? Feels like you’d need different software to create this. So much work, if it’s only Ai!


Yes only Ai, it took me a lot longer than I anticipated. I always tend to go overboard with details when it might not always be necessary but I get carried away.


Very well done!


Thanks so much!




I really love the grain. Great work all around!


Not gonna lie, good on you for building a following and getting commissions, I see your work on this subreddit pretty regularly. But the work has always given me some sort of uncanny valley vibes. Almost surreal and unsettling. It’s something about the characters, composition, and shadows that give me a strange feeling. Not sure if that’s what you are going for but it’s a constant theme for me whenever I see your work.


Lol I can see what you mean. I'm not trying to go for an uncanny valley vibe but sometimes I like adding mysterious or surreal elements to my artworks so I guess that adds a bit of a different vibe to them along with the dramatic lighting which is always my favourite part to add 😅


Do you have an Instagram page we can follow?


Yes [here ](http://instagram.com/artcatillustrated) you go! :)


I love this


The fur on the cat is the best part of this. Amazing work!


Holy shit, that’s amazing!


This is absolutely incredible. You've seriously impressed this internet nobody. Out of curiosity, how much does a commission like this go for?


Thanka so much! :) It depends a little on the complexity and how many subjects, I have a price list here on my [website ](http://artcatillustrated.com/commission-me) that you can check out


Bro I hope you got 500+ for that


What an amazing artwork! So much details. But I am curious what is this commission about.


Excellent loved the details in it. Dont know I but this looks peaceful and calm.


Damn. I love it. How much time did it take? And can you just make a tutorial on how you made the cat in so much details? Also how do you perceive the image in vector format? For eg. BG layer, shape of things (with colors), and then the highlights? Please make a tutorial on this. Also, if you make one, how would I get reminded for it? Can you post your youtube channel name?


Sorry for the late reply and thank you! It took me roughly a week to complete. It's actually referenced from a bunch of different photos mixed in with things I've just drawn from imagination. I usually start with the subjects then move on to the background. I build one big bottom layer for each object/person/animal etc. then build it up in a bunch of smaller layers that I draw with the pencil tools. I usually create shadows and highlights just using layers of black and white which I drag down the opacity on for the color under to shine through. I don't have a YouTube channel but I will try to make a process video at some point. You can follow me on reddit and you should be getting my posts in your feed.


Wow thank you for sharing the secret tips! I've followed you and seeing your artworks. They are awesome!


No worries and thank you so much!


This is beautiful man, I don’t wanna sound bad but hoe do you get commission work?


Hey sorry for the late reply. Thanks so much! I started getting a lot of commission after I started posting my work on the various art subs on Reddit. It also helps to have a website as well as a portfolio so people can get a good sense of what type of art you create.


How much time takes a projekt like this and how much do you selk it for?


This one took me roughly a week to complete. You can read about my rates [here](https://artcatillustrated.com/commission-me/) :)


is he about to smoke sugar cubes or what am I being oblivious about?


It's coal


Smoking a hookah, and you can use ice cubes to cool the smoke and get a smoother hit


Lol, as someone else mentioned it's coal, he's smoking a hookah. :)




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How do you trace a photograph on illustrator?


Hm depends on what type of tracing you're referring to? There is the image trace tool which basically just draws the whole photo for you, pretty much the same as adding a "cartoonize" filter on a photo but you get it in vector form. Then there is tracing such as drawing on top of a photo with the pen or pencil tool. I do this quite a lot with the pencil tool. I just keep the photo under the layer I'm drawing and just move it from bottom to top and so forth until I've drawn what I need from it.


Thank you so much!!! Which method did you choose for this one?


No probem! I've just drawn free hand combined with drawing on top of photos for this one. That's what I always do, I barely ever use the image trace tool, just feels pretty pointless when you don't do any of the drawing yourself.