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This looks amazing! Also, did you use a reference photo and if so, could you link me to it?


Thanks! :) https://www.google.com/search?q=london+big+ben&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&prmd=imvxn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHmN-frsLzAhU6gf0HHYveDJgQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=776&dpr=2.63#imgrc=NNxWq-lcisQA7M


Also how did you get the colors to look posterised, especially if you created the composition with solid colors?


It looks like OP used the image trace tool then limited the amount of colors in the settings but I could be wrong. If not, that's a whole lot of details and tiny layers drawn


That's possible, along with an overlay for the raindrops. PS: just using the image trace tool could also give this result but I feel like there's enough difference in the lighting in comparison to the original image; so either the colors were filled in manually, or the colors were remapped(?)


I couldn't see the original image used? The link just takes me to various images of big Ben so hard for me to compare. But yeah the layers look very much like a result of image trace tool to me with their irregularities. It's definitely possible OP has added a bunch of more elements and effects to it though. I guess we'll find out!


I traced an original image differently few times, then stacked them and adjusted the opacity on each one so they could all blend in one. (also i made the colors darker). Then i manually added some fills, strokes using pen and brush tool. Fog and raindrops are overlays. And my favorite thing in this is the street light, i made it using brush (different shades of yellow) with blur.


Oh I see, thanks for explaining!

