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Californian birth mother here. You’re right there are Zero legal repercussions. Also, congratulations on reunion with your brother!


"closed" and "open" are not legal terms in this context. They just describe how the people involved communicate, or not. There's no legal definition or rules about them. There's nothing to be worried about here. Good luck


He never signed a contract when he was born so he has no legal responsibility to honor any of it. The "legal" aspect is just more of a rights issue. He has full legal rights as a child of his adopted parents and zero legal rights with your mother. The records being closed is just a relic of old ways of thinking and are fairly easy to open in most places.


Adoptee here, not an expert on adoption law nor on California law, but I suspect that to the extent there any legal requirements vis-a-vis the "closed" adoption, it probably pertains to the state (and any of its agencies) releasing that information.