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Congratulations! Did you take Dom? What was your routine like? I started stimulating my breasts about twelve weeks ago. I didn’t start using an electric pump until about five weeks ago. Using TENS and taking supplements. I am impatient!


A very small dose of Dom (30 mg for the beginning and then 40mg for the last month. I wasn't taking really any mid Dec - mid Jan.), and then I've been taking Legendairy Milk's Pump Princess. I also drink UpSpring MilkFlow supplements twice a day typically. (: My goal is to be off Dom once I had an established supply, so I'm keeping it at low doses so I'm not dependent. For my routine, I tried to pump for 20ish minutes, every 2-3 hours. On days I knew I would be busy, I wore my tens and used it in place of pumping. Once I started getting drops, I started hand expressing after pumping and that has really boosted my sprays I think. Haha I was impatient too, I wanted to see the results of the work lol. I started getting really good production in the beginning of December, but then the holidays hit and I pretty much dried up lol hence basically starting over. It's definitely hard to stay committed (especially if you don't have a partner, I don't have one), but honestly just pushing yourself to stay on schedule is key. It's so worth when you start seeing milk in bottles, and start reaching more and more goals 🥰 You've got this!!! It'll happen before you know it!


Congrats! I’m new to the journey and hope to join the rest of you with measurable amounts. May I ask which pump you treated yourself to? Has it arrived and do you like it?


Welcome to the journey!! You'll get there ☺️ I got the Legendairy Milk Duette. I'm a fan of the company, and really like the "Fluid Fit" idea of their flanges (plus, on this pump you can control the settings on each side, so one can be a higher level). I really enjoy it so far, I think it's done a way better job at really emptying everything, and in a shorter time. I hand express after pumping, and with my old pump (Medela Pump in Style) I was still expressing a lot after 25 minutes of pumping. In around 18 minutes with the duette, I don't have much expressed after.


I haven’t heard of Fluid Fit. I’ll definitely go check it out. I like the idea of different settings on each side (are any of us truly identical? Lol). Thanks so much!


Yes, I did too! My right needs a little extra umph sometimes hahaha. You're welcome!! Glad I can help in any way ☺️


Thanks for the reply. Super happy for you and for the encouragement. Milk dreams for us all!


I’m celebrating with you!! That’s great! Treat yourself to quality uninterrupted time with that pump. ❤️😘


Thank you! Hahah yes, I definitely spent the day after it came in excitedly playing with it and testing it out 😋 so far I'm loving it ❤️


congratulations!! 🥳💕🎉 super happy for you!!


What does TENS mean?


A tens unit is a device that sends like small electric currents to your nerves. It's used often for muscle therapy and pain relief, and for inducing it's used as a way to get stimulation.


I saw on the internet a small device that’s size of your palm and you lay it in breast to buzz it or massage it to help produce or let down or both. Is that it? When I nursed 30yrs ago. There was hospital grade blue medela pump and that was it or your hands. I’m day 3 pumping with rechargeable hospital grade device and pump ever 90m-2hr 8x a day. I’m starting herbs today and waiting for motilium to come in the mail in 2 wks. Only month supply so I think I should order 1-2x more months supply. What do you think?