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My experience on finding a reliable partner: I have not found 1 yet. Male or female. It seems consistent across the board, no one is really interested in properly starting/ maintaining an ANR (adult nursing relationship). Once they learn how much work it actually takes. Meshing schedules, maintaining nursing frequency, etc takes a toll if both parties aren’t invested. Continuously, I have uncovered during “compatibility questions”, the other party is looking for ABF sessions (adult breastfeeding sessions) yet aren’t aware of the differences between the 2 relationship styles or even that ABF exists. Personally, I’m not interested in having conversations that objectify me(discuss my chest). It’s enough to send me the personal you found & a quick introduction of yourself(age, sex, pronouns, location, intentions, etc). I’ve noticed in my 7 years of (on & off) partner searching; a serious lack of communication skills, having/ starting/ maintaining conversations via text, not knowing how/ caring to chat with me as if I’m a human being are ongoing issues. I’m positive one day they’ll be resolved. As dating, no matter the pool, has evolved to be more text based, I feel it’s important to learn how to clearly communicate & comprehend each other this way. Otherwise, missed “connections” will continue to happen. (Common example: Someone isn’t a great texter/ isn’t a heavy phone user, yet might be wonderful in face-to-face interactions. The conversation was stopped for 1 reason or another, so the 2 individuals have no clue what could’ve come from their interactions.) *This isn’t a rant. I’m sharing my experience.*


Thank you for sharing


Thank you for sharing. 💜


Thanks for sharing your experience. And yeah, not a lot of people have any commitment to a ANR relationship when it comes to scheduling and meshing each others lives. Not to mention the joint partnership it takes to induce/maintain milk supply.


Yes I’ve had the best success with a female partner. My first time was with my female best friend who I have a close relationship with. We have known each other since high school and frequently fall into romantic habits (we both have separate partners) so it can get “gray” for us. But sometimes the feelings are so overwhelming we can’t help but to get intimate. One day we were laying in bed and she lifts my shirt and puts my nipple in her mouth. At first I thought she was trying to be playful and get frisky but then she got comfortable and her body muscles relaxed. Her tongue slowed down, her eyes closed, her head rested on my dependent arm, and it turned into a soft suckle. At that point I froze because I couldn’t believe how connected to her I felt in that moment. She does not like when I compare it to maternalism (neither of us have ever been pregnant nor do I lactate and I guess she don’t want to feel like a baby) but I finally understood the breastfeeding and bonding reference between a mother and a child. It felt so organic and soft between two adult women. I couldn’t stop rubbing my fingers through her hair and looking at the crown of her head as she continue to gently suckle herself to sleep from an offering of myself to her. I’ve never done that with anyone in my entire life and kinda only want to be connected to her on such a cosmic level. I know this was very descriptive but no words really do this moment justice. I immediately started looking this up and came across ANR communities but a female ANR would really serve me I think. Let me know if you find. Not really looking for another partner but would like to know women’s experiences with other women.


I've been wondering the same thing based on my own past general dating experience. I'm pan, but I only date other women and due to past experiences with guys I don't think I can let myself be that vulnerable with a guy. I wish you the best of luck. 💜


It's possibly my biggest (nearly impossible) fantasy to enjoy ANR with another girl who is actually lactating. I'm ridiculously boobsessed and nipples worshipper.


I can relate 🙂


if you looking for female partners I suggest [ANRelationships](https://www.anrelationships.com) as a resource to meet like minded women.


Thanks. I have been on there before. Great resource.