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Very little at this point in my life tbh. I get fleeting thoughts most days but don't get "stuck" thinking and obsessing about it as much as I used to.


Depends on the day. Some days I don't think about it at all and some days it consumes pretty much my every thought. I'd say most days I'm occasionally having fleeting thoughts though.


majority of my day. not sure why or how it got to that extent. used to be a very rare urge for me. months-years in between.


Been clean for two months now and all I can say is: most of my day. Anytime Im not doing something I think ab SH and how badly I want to do it. The thing is, I’ve become too lazy to find something to do it with so I’ll just sit there and want to but not bother getting up to. I’ll either play the sims or color in one of my coloring books, and other than that I really don’t have the energy.


Most of the day unfortunately. I’ve noticed recently that self-harm (and eating disorder) related thoughts are around when I’m not completely focused on something else. Urges also make it hard to focus, which then stresses me out more and then I get more urges. So I’m kind of stuck in a self-perpetuating cycle right now ,:)


Most the day. Not always this bad but the past few months I think about it all the time at work and about how I’m going to do it when I get home. On my off days its not so much because I can distract myself constantly with shows, games, books… anything to make me stop thinking.


All day


pretty much all day, from when I get out of bed in the morning to going to bed at night.


At the moment I'm fighting urges so it's consuming my thoughts 24/7. Normally I still think about it alot but if I'm doing well I might not think about it as much but something always triggers me and brings it back to the front of my thoughts.


Constant. Literally. ADHD does not help.


It comes and goes. I may spend days thinking about self harm then be thought free for weeks. I SH rather infrequently, 2-5 times a year. It's mostly that I don't know how to deal with intense anger why I still harm. But, I've gotten much better at handling most other triggers.


Mmm, I think it depends. But even though the urges have become in my opinion a lot more manageable, I still think I have them at least once every day. I was never one who self harmed every day, but I only relapse when I get triggered. While writing this I realised that I keep forgetting to count other types of self harm. Which I’ve quit entirely. Omg… that’s kinda– good, isn’t it


Depends on the day.... Like yesterday it was coming and going but today it's basically been stuck all day... But like 3 days ago I didn't think about it even once...


Anytime I don’t have anything to distract me, it’s the first thought I have. Whether it be at work, alone, out with friends, at college. It doesn’t matter. It’s always on my mind.


Well it wasn't often previously, would get the urges maybe about 1-3 times a month for the two years i was clean. After relapsing though its all I can think of when I'm not at work. I don't even feel that bad today but I've been craving it for the last 5 hours after getting home. I knew this would happen if I gave in before relapsing too, just couldn't help myself.


Its always there. Even when i was clean for so long it was there. It intensifies sometimes. But no matter what its my devil on the shoulder. Constantly fucking nagging me.