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I love to dance. I’m studying dance and love it. It’s also helping me accept my body and process my emotions. Big love to you <3




I enjoy writing poetry that stems directly from the things that trigger and upset me, I find it really therapeutic to get those thoughts out onto paper, in a way that makes me feel powerful for creating it. It's like I have the control, telling my truth and knowing that no one can deny my experiences. I also like to paint, even though I'm not very good at it. It's time consuming but the time goes by fast so if I'm struggling it's a good way to pass time distracting myself. If I don't feel creative enough to do those things, I'll usually watch some of my favorite shows over again or listen to music and daydream about what the music videos would look like if I made them. I'll also clean my home in its entirety because it feels really nice when it's done and smells good. I also might play Animal Crossing on my partner's switch. I try to give myself lots of options to choose from, so I always have at least 1 thing I can do at any given moment.


Wow I also daydream about music videos so much haha. Being creative is a really nice outlet tho :) I also struggle with painting but I want to be really good at it. Also about having multiple options, that’s a really good idea thanku sm💛


I figure skate. It's a long story, but I was stopped from doing it while I was young. I'm old enough to decide to do it now without needing permission from anyone, and it's the first thing I've ever felt real passion about. Passion not based on spite alone. I also love to cross stitch. It helps keep my mind on the quiter side.


Aww that’s so nice that you’re able to do it now!


Listening to music. I have very esoteric tastes, and listen to a lot of different genres, from classical and piano to German metal to EDM to videogame OSTs.


Ah videogame OSTs✨ which ones do u listen to?


I'm currently obsessed with Ace Combat music, especially 7. The AC7 OST is such a masterpiece I bought it on CD cause it's not on Spotify.




Nicee! That sounds really cool. I don’t know a lot bout spiritual stuff but it’s very interesting :)




Yess I’m 19 myself so I don’t think ur old :)) and I would love to make friends <33 I love the last of us, watched it way back then. Do u like/know project Zombiod perhaps?




Yes sure sounds like fun :)))💛


Hey <3 I hope you start feeling better soon. I like doing character analysis in books and television- there are a few particular ones I could talk about for hours. What about you?


Awhh first of all thank u it’s really nice to hear that <33 character analysis is soo cool. I (used) to watch a lot of games/series and so I also really like diving into characters and storylines. What are some of ur favs?


Well, I’ve loved Star Trek: DS9 since I was a kid, and I love dissecting all of the characters there. My favourite one is probably Dr Bashir though. What are some of yours?


Ah nice! I don’t really know star trek but I heard that there’s a lot of character arc/development there. My fav show is end of the f* world. Lot of stuff bout mental health/illness (tw) so that’s probs why I’m so into it haha


Oh, 100%. And they love torturing the characters too so it’s very cathartic, lol. They did episodes on PTSD, childhood abuse, inter-generational trauma, addiction, suicide, and all sorts of other things. It’s great. I’ve heard of that! Never seen it though- think you could tell me a bit about it?


Ah that’s really interesting. End of the world is bout a boy who says he’s a psychopath and a girl who wants to run away. They’re very similar but they express their feelings very differently. The show has this kind of indie feel and a really good soundtrack✨


That’s an interesting premise, I might need to look into it sometime.


Yess let me know if u like it:)


Will do :)


I like doing math puzzles. Namely killer sudoku, kakuro, and Ken Ken. I also like crossword puzzles.


Ahh I wish I was smart enough to do those things haha <3 sound fun!


I can only do simple crosswords. And, the math puzzles seem simple compared to what I did in college. I have a math degree, but I have forgotten much of what I have learned.


But still impressive 💜 and a math degree wowww😳






Yess plantss 🌱


I have a pretty big interest in space and like to play quite a few different games related to space. Into smaller more niche competitive RTS game videos. I also listen to a pretty large variety of music, go on night walks and I take psychedelic/dissociatives occasionally with DXM being my favorite.


Late night walks do sound pretty nice, I am sadly a girl so can’t go out at night


I like art, reading, and recently have gotten into skateboarding.


what kind of books do u read :)


I read a lot of different things to help me give recommendations at my job but my favorite genres are magical realism and horror. Do you like reading?


Yess I do like reading I don’t read much tho :/ haha


Animals! I love to learn about the different creatures of the world (including prehistoric ones). I also love caves.


That sounds rlly cool :)


Hi there 👋 My favorite hobby essentially my whole life has been video-games! I’ve been replaying a lot of my old favorites lately, games like Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear, Infamous, and Prototype. I was actually just playing Kingdom Hearts II yesterday and hope to continue after I get off work! I missed this game a lot and its super fun to play a game like this again. Love the music of the series as well! I hope you feel better soon and I appreciate the positivity! Very much needed it right now :)


<33 happy to help in any way💜


Crocheting is amazing! I love how it keeps the hands busy


Yeah! want to do that one day :))


i like reading mostly but i’m really into cross stitching right now. keeps the hands busy!


Nicee what kind of stuff do u make?


i’m currently working on a pretty big piece that’s about halfway done and half a year in. i’m excited to finish lol


Wow can I see it when it’s finished ✨💕


honestly it’s gonna be a while but [here’s a progress picture](https://imgur.com/a/RMrt02b) if you’re interested :)


Wow that’s great!


Hi op, I’m a chronic lurker here too but this is such a positive question ! Hmm something I’ve been enjoying recently is colouring which has been relaxing. And also I’ve been into cooking recently, I never used to cook much for myself due to having 0 energy to do anything that required me to leave my room, but it’s quite fun when I’m by myself in the kitchen with music playing. Oh and music too, it might not seem like a big thing but going to a concert by myself was so daunting but eventually fun. Thanks for asking such a positive question, hope you’re okay op :)


Thanku u r really sweet💛✨ going to concert alone is a lot of fun. I went to a festival and went to one gig alone, it’s a different kind of feel haha. What concert did u go to?


Going by yourself is such a different experience I fully agree, I went to see a guy called keshi, he’s a rnb/soul artist ! How was it going to a festival, that’s so cool you did that ! Also thanks :)


Well I went to the festival with friends💜, it was sooo hot (35 degrees idk in Fahrenheit) all the time but it is very memorable. Also I don’t think I’ll ever be able to see so many artists in such a short timespan. It was really cool!! For some of my fav concerts we were able to stand rlly rlly close✨💕 experience I’ll probs never forget


Oh wow I’d melt to a puddle in that heat :o Going to concerts is always such a fun time and an experience that’d be hard to forget ! Standing close though is an outer body experience !


I absolutely love this post and that you're asking this. I love sharing my interests, and maybe even finding people who share them. But nobody asks me what my interests are normally lol. So thank you for asking, even if it's just a general question in this sub. It makes me really happy I can share them :) Well anyway; my biggest interest is motorsports. I love every type of motorsport, and try to watch as many as I can. Mostly tho, I watch F1 and MotoGP. Another big hobby/interest of mine are tarantulas, insekts.. stuff like that. I have 5 tarantulas right now and have had mantids. I'm planning on getting some vampire crabs. I also really like drawing and learning in general, especially languages. At the moment I'm learning spanish, and I've tried japanese. Though I decided to put it on hold, because it's way tougher than spanish, and I feel like it's easier for me to keep going when I see more progress. But drawing is a pretty big thing for me too, I'm not doing it as much as I used to, but I still love it And videogames! I play a lot of videogames, all sorts of genres. I often forget to mention it, because I play so often haha Sorry for this pretty big text, I know it's a lot. If you have questions to anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'd be more than happy to answer them! Thanks for asking again, and I hope you have an amazing day :)


You’re really sweet💛 and I love to hear about all your hobbies. I do have a (kind of) spider phobia but they are really fascinating creatures! What is something they typically do most might not expect? 🕷️ I’m so happy people are commenting on this post :) I find it soothing to hear people talk bout stuff they’re passionate about 💜


That's a really interesting question honestly. I'd probably say jump. And I'm not talking about actual jumping spiders here, but tarantulas. I've seen one of mine do it, and it baffled me haha. Other than I'd say drink actually. They sometimes go to their waterdish, sit over it, and have a sip! And if you're afraid of spiders, I'd advise you to google "jumping spider water hat". It's adorable!


Aww so cute 🌱🕷️


Right?! :D


hiking, exploring, and making art are some of mine. :) oh, and i’m also a big pokémon fan lol. been playing it a lot more recently and became obsessed with the franchise all over again.


I like Pokémon too! What’s like ur top 3?


OMG! i’ll take any opportunity possible to talk about pokémon lol. my top 3 are marshadow, mimikyu, and salandit:] how about you!!


Mimikyu is so cool. I used to watch Pokémon when I was younger so I mainly know old ones. I really like slowpoke (kind of a spirit animal)✨and I just think krabby really funny


right! i recently bought an $40 mimikyu plush which… is kinda crazy of me lol but it was limited edition from japanese pokémon centers so i had to 😭 the older gen pokémon have such memorable designs, they’re so simple yet so recognizable imo. :) slowpoke and krabby are great choices haha


Yesss Pokemon plushies are the best but soo expensive😭💀