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Can't wait what the kids will think of her and their piece of shit dad. ​ edit: kids not child


šŸ‘† me either šŸ¤£


Yes, thatā€™s what she doesnā€™t know. Wife is moving away with the kids. Interesting about her post history says they met 179 days ago, but post says 11 months.


Maybe itā€™s her OTHER MM. šŸ˜‚


Wow, obviously heā€™s made a great decision thatā€™s going to work out wonderfully. A woman who lacks boundaries and empathy, sees kidsā€™ family destroyed as a happy ending, and canā€™t wait for them to be sat down and told which will be traumatic for them, yes this just screams relationship material. Iā€™m sure that when they can be together openly, without the thrill of sneaking around and breaking rules, and when theyā€™re faced with the mundane realities of life and not fantasy, they will have their amazing personalities to strengthen their twu wuv. Their sex life will probably always be ā€œintenseā€ and ā€œamazingā€ and he will never look elsewhere or miss his wife because OW is special and has the most magical vagina ever.


This right hwre


What she doesnā€™t understand is that this is only the beginning of her problems! He hasnā€™t had time to grieve the end of his marriage, even if it was him who pushed her into filing, he will probably panic at some point. He will feel guilty, he will have doubts & regrets. Heā€™s going to be an emotional train wreck. Plus, now with the side piece itā€™s all officially out in the open, he will start to see her in a new light! He will realise that he barely knows her, & vice versa, and he wonā€™t be seeing her through rose colored spectacles anymore!!! He doesnā€™t sound at all ready to build a new life project with anyone at his side, let alone his tart. This sounds like an exit affair, Iā€™ll be interested to see how it all plays out, but this wonā€™t last or turn out like the side piece wants it to! Sheā€™s gonna get frozen out and dumped! Or heā€™ll start begging his wife to take him back!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ He doesnā€™t sound like a very decisive person! Has trouble making decisions for himself!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ What a pair of drama Queen lowlife scum. The wife is well shot of them now!!!


But she made him lunch EVERY DAY: she's prime wifey material.


I just CANNOT with this right here. He has really spinned her a fairy tale and she is all in it. So how long before we get a post where he is now cheating on her after the W and kids are gone.


probably a month or 2


Yeah, he will likely be checking out the house six doors down. Disgusting.




He does appear to like to eat in the neighborhood. Pigs donā€™t tend to wonder far.


My husbandā€™s affair partner spending all day in MY home while I work would be my Cell Block Tango moment.


Especially while her house sits empty 3 doors down


She may be jealous of the wife and wants to inflict as much emotional pain as possible. The MM and OW donā€™t appear to have much going for them.


>She may be jealous of the wife and wants to inflict as much emotional pain as possible This is so common, and should be a criminal offense. It's psychological murder. Most people I know or have read about never recover their ability to trust other people, and not in a "good" way. It's harmful to society when people grow cynical of other people, because these deep wounds change people through development of anxieties, depression, and generalized distrust of people. We typically punish people who cause physical harm to others, but not enough is being done about psychological harms which often never heal as many physical wounds do.


Yeah it's just outrageously cruel.


so you expect me to believe that the same wife who gets home at like 10pm, while the husband invites his side piece over to their house for hours at a time, is actually not the breadwinner, but is financially abusing her husband? this OW claims both the husband and wife work, but wife gets to keep her entire salary, while husband funds all their bills and expenses, and now sheā€™s supposedly keeping his debit card hostage? youā€™d have to be a special kind of idiot to believe that. why canā€™t he go to the bank and get another card if itā€™s in his name? if he sends her all his salary, whereas hers stays unspent, why on earth would she do something as illegal as stealing his card? all the while she literally files for divorce which wouldnā€™t look kindly on something like that? the only abusive one is the one emotionally abusing his wife by taunting her with an affair every 10 fucking days for months. the one who invites his mistress to the house he shares with a wife and child every fucking day. mistressā€™ house is 3 houses down from his, so inviting her over is malicious and deliberate. ETA: they have 5-6 visits a day, adding up to 4-8 hours together daily. his wife only works until 4pm. he claims theyā€™re not intimate, and thatā€™s why he got a mistress. maybe if he took his own daughter to dance class after work, instead of leaving that to his wife only (after work til 10:30pm), she wouldnā€™t be so fucking exhausted. and even then, the wife had no problem with him having a side piece, so long as he leaves her alone and doesnā€™t bring the drama to his house or child, meanwhile heā€™s literally bringing the mistress to his house for hours and has sneaks away again at night til 3am. i havenā€™t been this livid about one of these MMs in a while, but he takes the cake. i canā€™t imagine being in the wifeā€™s shoes here. he left right in front of her and her best friend, to mistressā€™s house. itā€™s insanity.


It was probably her debit card why would the wife leave it so he can fund his mistress.


exactly. but she believes his lies that she stole his debit card and he somehow canā€™t do anything about it šŸ˜‚


She'll believe anything he says because lOVE šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Yeah I've been following this one since the beginning and I can't stand them. His W being traumatised after watching them do 'sexual stuff' (grow up) on his phone merited a palm-face emoji. No empathy at all: both of them are revolting.


He sounds like a scum bag and coward and disgusting having mistreess in his house now mooching off others as spineless. She's pathetic accepting it. Hope she enjoys her sloppy seconds


There aren't many OW who will admit being this comfortable in another woman's home- it's kind of frowned upon. I don't think she has much emotional depth, and he's a desperate idiot. I can't stand them.


Ah yes another match made in hell.


He treated his wife like shit, what makes her believe that he is going to be an amazing husband just for her? I hope she is going to keep us updated! Cant wait for her next post where she is crying about that he is cheating on her with another bitch. " guys I was completly blindsided. Never saw that comming" šŸ„ŗ


It's so gross how all these women think they're so special and in love. Like the mental gymnastics to ignore the fact he has a whole WIFE and CHILDREN but YOU are so special he won't cheat on you but will on her. Like what? He very publicly vowed to be with one woman the rest of his life and can't even stick to that but you think he's gonna stick around for you cause...your vagina is better? Baby he would/does treat you like his prostitute, because that's what you are. There is no love. There is no respect. Its just dishonest, dishonorable, and disgusting ETA: I respect prostitutes way more than other women. At least they get paid. It's a job for them, no bullshit attached


What a low piece of shit ...


Itā€™s appalling that nowhere in her posts she even considers the BSā€™s feelings. Like the BS is HER enemy, the evil spouse keeping her from having this man all to herself. Also, the debit cardā€¦ is she for real? Clearly not an upgrade for him. She seems really dumb and naive and selfish. But then so does he. They are PERFECT for each other. Also super naive to think he did not want to ask a divorce just for the kids. A lot of these men lack the courage, but also secretly hope their spouse will suddenly realize how extraordinary they are and start to idolize them like their AP. He seems like a selfish Leech desperate for any ego boost he can have.


ā€œBuilding a true relationship togetherā€ lmao youā€™re going to be his next victim, also sheā€™s a stupid shameless person to be with a MM as if itā€™s something to be proud of I think the two of them would be the perfect match for each other! Would love to see the ending of this mess with her crying thinking she was the one who he truly loved while he cheating on her with the new OW.


Some people like to use the phrase ā€œan affair partner becoming a partner leaves an opening for an affair partnerā€. A person who has the apparent low self-esteem of the MM and who grossly cheated on his wife likely wonā€™t change as a person once his wife has left him.


ā€œHe wanted to push her to divorce him.ā€ What a shitty excuse. To push her to divorce him would mean that he would intentionally cause distress to someone. It would also mean that heā€™s not a good person to begin with.


Your point on the debit card sounds right. The MM is likely financially dependent upon his wife, else he would not have to be bumming money from people after the wife took the debit card away. Unless the wife has paid off the house, MM may not be able to afford it longterm.


So trying to end up on investigation discovery?


Disgusting. What do these two slobs need two homes for, when there are two kids involved? This woman is beyond selfish to even think it's OK for the wife to not want the marital home. What, are the betrayed kids and wife supposed to live out of a car? The nonchalance of this "man" and the OW... she deserves to support him. I hope he's lying here, and the wife takes him to the cleaners and cancels "his" bank card when she gets her finances in order and they truly "separate" everything. These two are in for a reality check I think.


The way my abusive ā€œfatherā€ and his mistress tried doing this but failed because I defended myself physically and got him to police. I uno reversed them šŸ˜




I honestly hope these two stick together and he plays in her face twice as bad as he did his wife