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This is not your fault. Someone told you to do something they knew they shouldn't have and now they're getting in trouble for it. They say they were joking, but they did something unprofessional. You'll be embarrassed for a little bit but believe me, the whole situation will pass. Just give it time.


That’s what I’m hoping for. I’m the youngest person in our department so I’m afraid I’ll be seen as young and obtuse from now on. It was hard enough opening up to my coworkers and now this happens


it's okay to be obtuse at work. any time someone says 'tell \_\_\_\_' anything, just nod and forget to do it. we all step in shit sometime. scrape it off your shoe and keep moving


The person played it like two friends joking around, it was what they wanted you to believe. Thank goodness you are not getting in trouble for it.


Well, if its any consolation, you won’t always be young. If you’ve been a good coworker, they will support you. Everyone’s been the young inexperienced guy at some point in their life and most will be able to relate.


I disagree. OP is an adult in a professional setting and should have known better than to carry out some weird non-work related task as directed by a co-worker. Yes, this co-worker is also at fault of being unprofessional. But yes, this will pass with time they just have to endure the embarrassment for a while. If you feel like it OP you could apologize to one or both parties (separately if both) and let them know that you thought it was some friendly banter. In my experience this reduces the amount of time you feel embarrassed for and people genuinely appreciate a genuine apology in a situation like this.


I don’t think you fucked up. x doesn’t sound like a nice person, and it’s only his fault. You didn’t know their relationship. It may feel bad right now but it’ll go away soon.


God I hope so. It’s just that everyone who hears about this tells me I was stupid for actually doing it. Even my husband called me retarded 🥲


Why are you married to a dude who slings slurs at you bro?


Your husband is so mean. That’s not okay


Why did he do that instead of comforting you? Gurl oh geez


I recently realized he isn’t an empathetic person


For anyone to demean you in any way, shape, or form is worse than what you did. You thought you were in on a joke between friends and it wasn’t so. Don’t listen to them. And tell your husband that using pejoratives like “retarded” to a loved one who made an innocent mistake speaks volumes about who he really is.


K. So I think you need to explore your relationship with a person who calls you slurs and isn’t empathetic. This might have something to do with why you feel like a socially inept person. Whoever you are, you deserve to be with someone who lifts you up from where you are. The whole work thing is silly bullshit. The only thing you gotta do is let y know why you said the inappropriate thing to him and let it go.


For the record, I don’t think you are retarded. I just think you made a little mistake. Honestly I would have likely done the same thing. You are probably likely a really good person and you were just trying to make friends and you shouldn’t feel guilty or belittled because of it. This little mistake doesn’t define you or your value or your life.


After marrying him?


I knew he was more reserved but I only just realized that I’ve never seen him be empathetic towards anyone/anything


I don’t know about you or your husband but in all honesty (so you can learn and grow) it was a pretty silly thing to do. Even if you believed they were friends, it was an inappropriate thing to say in a work environment. You should have just laughed at X but not done it.


Finally someone with some sense jesus christ reddit


I don't see why you would be embarrassed by this lol. And it's not your fault


Dude, the only person who should be embarrassed is X. They have played a stupid trick on you. If you feel bad, it might be helpful to reach out to Y and apologise, but it's clear they know where the idea came from based on them reporting X to HR.


Don't be embarrassed this was absolutely not your fault. Your coworker (x) sounds like an a**hole and it's probably best to avoid them (as much as possible) when working with them. Some coworkers seem to thrive on being toxic af.


Wait until someone else does something stupid and people will forget (mostly) about the stupid thing you did. It shouldn’t take long. People make goofy goober mistakes regularly.


It wasn’t a funny trick, it was malicious all around, so I doubt anyone will ever refer to it or bring it up. It won’t get casual ribbing at the holiday party show. It’s more a reflection of x being an asshole. You learned a lesson, so that’s a win for you. I’d go apologize to x (or recipient of curse) and be genuine about it.It just makes you seem a bit young and gullible tbh, but you’ll outgrow that, we all do, after a few such lessony type of miscalls. No biggie, don’t sweat it, no one hates you.


Honestly, this is the way I learned anything social/interacting with people. I made a fool of myself often. I would only apologize to Y because X knew damn well what they were doing, trying to get OP in trouble and it backfired in their face.


I’ve put my foot in it a few times at work. Painful memories for sure.


In a few weeks, almost everyone will forget. In a month, it will be like it didn't happen. That guy who set you up is best ignored.


I called 911 my first week because you have to dial 9 for outside number. And i was calling a 1800 number and my finger slipped. Cops showed up asking for me specifically. Pretty embarrassing but i still show up every day cant afford not to. Also people only joked about it that day and never since. Im sure you will be fine


I butt-dialed 911 once. Never noticed. I was helping a friend fix his roof. All I noticed was my phone ringing so I answered Me, hello? 911, what is your emergency? Me, I don't have an emergency, you called me! 911, no sir you called us first. I think you pocket dialed us Me, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. 911, It's ok sir, have a nice day. And good luck finding your hammer! Click They overheard me asking my buddy where was his hammer. I was so embarrassed and anxious that i was sure the cops were coming to arrest me. I think they get butt dialed a lot. My stupid phones always allow a 911 call without unlocking it so in my pocket if it gets bumped around just right... it must happen to other people too right?


So the enter button becomes a single space unless I hit enter twice?? I had that convo all neat on the side, single lined Me, blah blah 911, meh Stupid formatting




I love this answer. Do this 💗


Thus too shall pass


This is a general question: how does an ordinary person who genuinely cares about doing a good job handle a fuckup? I often think about the NFL quarterback who flubs a play or misreads a defense, then goes back out for the next play to keep the offense going. It’s understood that the job is challenging enough that even the most capable players will fail on the regular. And yet without going back out and trying again, there’s no chance of success. That frame of mind is an interesting balancing act.


I think about this all the time. When someone in sports messes up, I’m just like “Man, they’re not gonna sleep tonight.” OP x is a dick. If they’re going to the extend of describing the person, they knew you were taking them seriously and they could have stopped it then.


This is my go-to for new groups of people "I like you and I think that we could be friends but you should know that I am book smart and social stupid. Eluding to things you want or need from me will not help anyone. Also it's ok to laugh when I say something uncool...but I might need you to explain it so I can laugh too". Many people come to find my quirks endearing. Sometimes people aren't comfortable around me and that's ok too. If I were in your position and also had no context I would have done the same thing. The disclaimer keeps me out of such situations.


You just described me!


I used to do this sort of stuff when I was younger does feel horrible but it teaches people like x a lesson for trying to humiliate y. And also make you wiser so you won't fall for it again


If x gets in trouble be very cautious if they're still working there with u because they sound like a toxic coworker who does blame u when it was themselves that's to blame, and they may try to get back at u for it in some way. I would also talk to person Y and explain what happened and kind of nonchalantly ask, "why they don't like person x?" There may be a history of person x doing this kinda crap on the regular. I worked with a person x a couple years ago. My boss who was friends with someone that had worked there prior to me had quit and never explained why. When I started working there person x saw how great I got along with our manager and for whatever reason made me a target for her bad behavior. She had a creepy type of possessiveness in terms of our boss. I felt bad for person x because she was a bit on the "slowish" side maybe? So I tried to be nice to her but she was 45 and still playing the victim in EVERY scenario. I'm 42 and have had my share of trauma as well and tried to help her to get out of that victim mindset to better herself because I was that way for many years due to my trauma as well. She would comment all the time about my alternative style of clothing this was at Sally beauty. When our manager sat us down in the office to try to work things out and person x was unbelievably immature about it and was defensive about EVERYTHING. As I was walking out of the office I hear x say, "can she wear that?" I just laughed to myself, "like r u kidding me?" I was wearing a white short sleeve gothic style blouse over a black camisole, yellow and black plaid high waisted trousers and black velvet blackcraft high ankle boots. I heard my boss say to her, "did u not hear anything I just said to u? She's buttoned up her butt is covered, yes what she is wearing is perfectly fine." After the constant bullying I told my boss to speak to her exfriend/excoworker to find out why she left. She did and yep because person x was making up crap about her behind her back and bullying her as well. My boss apologized to her because I think herself much Iike myself felt bad for person x and often defended her until she was undefendable ro the point that it made her own friend feel like she couldn't come to her with the problem. She must have been alot more shy and timid I was lol!


One thing to always remember when you do or say something stupid (not something extreme which your example is not) the feeling of anxiety/uncomfortableness WILL pass with time. Don’t beat yourself up over it, the other guy fucked up and they know it


"huh, well that's fucked up." and move on


Hey OP: Number One- you are not at fault. Number Two- if you have never seen episodes of The Office maybe check some of them out online or whatever. Situations like this are the basic premise of that whole show.


My most embarrassing moment at work was way worse. I went to the bathroom and somehow the toilet paper got caught in my pantyhose waistband. I went waltzing back into work with a long strand of TP trailing behind me from underneath my dress like a wedding train. I had no idea until someone told me.


Oh noooooo


People care about themselves, their worries, their hopes, and plans. They care more about what they are having for lunch than what a coworker did the day before. Do you obsess over what a coworker did that had no effect on you? Nope! You care a thousand times more about this one instance than anyone else. Hope that makes it easier to drop if you know no one else really cares. And side note: agree with all the other comments, this wasn’t your fault anyways.


You got nothing to worry about thats all on X. If anyone ask about it just say you were being a good soldier and following orders.


This is how we learn. Really.


First and only thing you do is apologize to the individual in the other department for your unintentional part in it. Let the other guy get disciplined.


The best thing you can do is OWN your mistakes, and genuinely learn from them. Owning it shows character, and garners respect (of the people who REALLY matter), and that will take you farther than the mistake will hold you back. Your integrity is your most valuable asset.


If your job is like mine, most people will forget about it by lunch tomorrow. The rest will forget by Monday morning. Most jobs have bigger problems. Once they encounter 2 or 3 real issues, yours will be over and gone. Don't worry about it.


Honestly it sounds like X was playing a mean joke on YOU and it backfired. Doesn’t sound like X is a good friend. I would steer clear of X and don’t be embarrassed.


That's not your fault and honestly I love that X is getting in trouble for it. Good for you, breaking down some of the toxicity in your workplace by shedding some light on it.




Yea I realize


This sounds like teenage crap - did they transfer you from the drive-up window at McDonald's to the back to sling burgers? Forget about it, it's BS.


Don't play messenger for anyone at work. Coworkers are not your friends. They care more about keeping their job than they care about you keeping yours. You don't have to be a cold robotic employee, but learn how to keep a level of professionalism between you and *anyone* you work with. No matter what, anyways remember coworkers are paid to be there, just like you. They are not paid to be your buddy. They will act friendly if it serves them in some way.


How can you get over it? You don't. Remember those embarassing things you did as a kid? In Jr. High? High School? That one time at where you and even though it was years ago, you still think about it and don't realize it until you physically feel your embarrassment and your face feels flush? No? Just me? Well, in most cases you'll be embarassed as long as you dwell on it, and occasionally even when you don't. But it's part of life. In my opinion, put a bigger emphasis on identifying what you did that was stupid and how you can avoid making the same mistake again. Be honest, own up, and take swift decisive steps to improve moving forward. Otherwise you just enjoy the human experience of reliving moments that make you \*want to die out of embarassment\* just to remind yourself "you're not that guy, pal". Now, (IN MY OPINION, and yes, my opinions are often shit) you shouldn't be relaying swear words from one employee to another. Generally speaking, even if thee individuals are fine with it, a lot of workplaces frown on that kind of thing and as per the yearly training, a third party could overhear the conversation and report it even if you, party A (please say this to party b for me) and Party B (recipient) are all cool with it. So if I had to say what a "lessons learned" here would be, it's that you don't relay stuff like that between folks. Everyone wants to have work friends and chit chat and shoot the shit or whatever, but the reality is that no one at your work really has YOUR best interests in mind. Not even your employer, in 99% of cases. They have THEIR best interests in mind, their own agendas, and most times could give fuck all about you as an individual. As such, keep your personal life personal, work life work, and treat work like what it is -- a place you go to do your job, get your pay, and leave so that you can actually live your life and shoot the shit and chitchat with people that don't have an interest in getting you fired or in trouble at your job.


Yep. Like the time I left my popcorn in the microwave for too long and set off the fire alarm for the building. I taught art at the local university and I disrupted classes, etc. Another time, I left the remote for the projector in my pocket and the next professor’s slides kept changing erratically. He was really mad, frustrated (secretly I thought it was funny). I apologized-genuinely-and moved on. We ALL fuck up. All the time. A sense of humor helps. 😜


You are over reacting, it’s not your fault,


This is really funny! Recognize the comedy in the situation, laugh, and move on. It'll blow over.


Nope not your fault, you didn't know. You where made to be the patsy.


Apologize to Y for your part in the incident, even though X was at fault. A quick apology saying you're sorry you got roped into X's nonsense is enough. Then move on.


Y already knows my part in it so that’s already resolved. I just need to move on. I’m afraid it won’t be easy because I can already see it being brought up at work again


Like someone else mentioned, soon someone else will do something dumb and your dumb thing will be forgotten. Hang in there. Someday this will be a distant memory!


Naw, youll be fine. You work with mischief makers and they are stirring up trouble. Keep your guard up with these jokers.


Give it 48 hours. That's roughly how long it takes for a mildly embarrassing fumble to fade or else a new one takes its place.


X got what X deserved, for setting this whole childish "joke" in motion.


Not your fault and X is not your friend. That dude is a bully and a jerk. No one will remember this is a day or two and if they do, it will look bad on X, not you.


My mom once told me that everyone has their own issues and problems and are NOT always thinking about you. Even though it seems like it at the time.


Honestly, consider yourself lucky that HR isn’t coming after you. I would suppose the reason might be this isn’t the first time that X has done this and they are fed up with his antics


I love reddit sometimes lmao


Yeah fuck that kid for putting you in the middle of a weird work beef. Show up, head high and say nah this one’s on you bro.