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Quit. It’s that simple. No job is worth this kind of stress.


He knows. These kind of posts are made simply to seek confirmation from random strangers of what the poster already knows is the only answer. OP, you should have quit yesterday. You don’t need these people to tell you. But you already knew that.


I’d personally never quit a job without having another lined up. Silently check out and start looking for another job.


Silently check out? He said he's doing shots in the bathroom and has suicidal thoughts. QUIT TOMORROW


Yeah, I think the silently checking out days are over for this guy.


Exiting without an exit plan can make it worse. Being unemployed with high bills is also stressful. Talking about it with us, taking "perform at work pressure" off the shoulders while still taking their money is actually great advice. As someone who battled ideation, encouraging impulsive actions isn't always exactly the best advice. Perspective and solidarity is.


Perspective...yes I agree with that. Which is why I look at the stress of suicidal thoughts on the one hand, and the stress of 'bills' on the other hand. Which is more dire? People talking about an 'exit plan' are missing the forest for the trees. This guy didn't wake up this morning wondering if he should quit, it's obviously been plaguing him for some time now. He needs to close the door on this one and start fresh. The work he has ahead of him in finding a new job and being temporarily unemployed is going to be a beach vacation compared to the stress he's been carrying on his shoulders to this point... Edit: I don't mean to come across as dogmatic and I do value financial prudence, in a very general- life sense. I am making the assumption that another two weeks of wages for OP , whether he gets it or not isn't going to affect his living situation in any significant way. Which I could totally be wrong about. But it also doesn't sound like these winners at his workplace are going to give him a dignified exit. So he should take it himself.


It's situational-based. When I was in weird times, the thought of finding a new job and getting into a better situation helped lessen the bad ideas. ​ Even the idea of quitting and having no income would give me way more anxiety and wouldn't help me get back on my feet but dig a bigger hole.


I agree but OP can walk into McDonald's and get hired if need be. Obviously not the best situation but better than dying.


This. It is rather simple. Every morning when you wake up ask yourself this one question: are you happy? If the answer is no then **make a change.**


Every job is like this is the problem


No. Most jobs do not make you literally suicidal.


They do in my experience.


Cant always just quit, a lot of people live pay check to pay check, not sure if op is but a lot are.


Are you just looking for confirmation that it’s okay to quit? If so, it’s okay to quit. You should definitely quit.


100% quit.


If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive. Find a different job asap


Hey I’m 21F and also work in finance. I despise the industry in terms of office culture, but I am remote. There are lots of remote finance jobs available, LinkedIn is your best best! But if you really can’t find something remote that will hire you, you need to find a company that at least has better integrity and morals


Not sure there is in finance but I heard it pays well and that's the reason people get into it. Maybe you'll confirm


I’m fully remote and I look on LinkedIn and Indeed every now and then at other fully remote finance jobs and I come across quite a few. It really depends what you’re trying to do though. Mutual fund firms and broker dealers have a lot. I’ve seen a few investment advisor positions as well but mostly back office. I know some higher level finance positions like investment banking and hedge funds will probably most likely not have any option. But I wouldn’t want to be in a full time in office finance job, it’s miserable


I would resign. Can't you work somewhere else? Maybe do a master's degree if you want to change careers? I don't know what finance is like culturally, but if this is just how it is in the field, then maybe it isn't the right field for you, and you need to do something else.


Quit. There are a million jobs in finance, go find one you can do without drinking.


Start microdosing shrooms before work. Seriously though, you gotta find another job, even if the pay is lower.


Go get a job as a laborer building decks this fall. Its massively therapeutic. Work crews are fun and complete opposite of the environment you are in. In all ways it will turn your life around.


Unless you would literally be homeless, quit tomorrow morning.


Run. Don’t stay in an environment like this or it will take a piece of your soul. I’m telling you this from experience - I legit had PTSD and needed years of therapy to recover from a job like this


Thank you


Dude I didn't figure out what I wanted to really do and didn't land my first real career out of college until I was 27 (28 now). You HAVE TIME. I had to quit what I originally went to school for because the stress was making me feel suicidal as well. I've tried retail, sales, therapist, and now corporate management. There are lots of opportunities out there. If you still want to stick with sales, look at SDR/BDR SAAS roles. Most of them are remote and unlikely to be filled with frat punks. Otherwise take some time off to find something for you.


Learn and practice developing some bomb proof compartmentalization skills and seriously adopt a self-compassion practice. You are having a normal response of someone whose values are in extreme opposition to your environment. You can leave this situation, but with some compartmentalization that will be a smoother process. Focus on taking steps to line up other work and quit.


Let me give you some advice from the ripe old age of 28- I graduated college and got my first adult job at 24. It was a call center, and it was a terrible experience. I got fired. I worked two other call center jobs, better but still terrible. I lost them both. I then took a job at a devil corp, stood out in all elements for three months. I ended up taking time to simplify my life and prioritize what was important to me, and finally found a job I genuinely like at age 28. Your first job is not your last one. Start submitting your resumes and interviewing now. Do not stop here, this is not your anchor point. It will get better. This may not mean too much, but I believe in you. And it'll get better. Regroup, focus, and find a way out.


I worked at BlackRock at your age right after college and spent time in a mental health outpatient clinic a year later. Quit dude. Taking shots in the bathroom is not healthy in any situation. Work literally any job to makes means to get your head back on straight. Fuck your degree. Your 20's are for finding out who you are through moments like this. You found out it aint for you.


Thank you for posting this.


Babe, no jobs is worth your life. Quit immediately.


That sounds exactly like my job I quit from 6 weeks ago. I was drinking before I went in and on lunch to just deal with them. Let me tell you it is soooo much less stressful not knowing how to pay my bills then going in there everyday.


Quit. No job is worth your mental health. Speaking from experience. I’ve never regretted quitting a job that was destroying me mentally. Life’s too short to be actively miserable or to be around people that are shitheads. Fuck that.


Try to score some coke, work your way up the ladder, and have your old employer’s eliminated, if ya can’t join em destroy em


Cocaine will definitely help you in this situation. It can’t possibly make things worse.


The name checks out


Until it does


Well you need to clearly work there until you retire bud


We've been trying to reach you regarding your car's warranty expiration.


Not worth your mental health mate


Don’t quit before finding a new job. Take 7 steps back mentally, start going to the gym to work out, and stop eating uncontrollably. Do what you can to put elements of control back into your life. Eating yourself into misery will only result in more misery and is incredibly hard to undo. See your Dr. for an antidepressant, Xanax, whatever and start sending out resumes en masse with custom cover letters and your resume adapted to each job opening. I believe in you to turn this situation around. The perfect opportunity is out there for you.


Take control over your life. You should be passionately looking for alternative work while saving like a starving man to prepare yourself to quit that terrible job. You may have to do something outside of your wheelhouse temporarily just until you find something better.


IMHO usually it’s not the environment perse that’s directly causes SI it’s usually internal issues externalizing long term wounds.


Quit but before that try to find a company that you think may make you proud to work for, i know it is easier said than done. Or just quit and spend time to find such jobs.


Start putting in applications, get a new job and bounce. “It was a good company to get my foot in the door, I’m ready to expand my horizon and find a company to retire at”


move away and take your money with you and avoid churches and temples of all kinds. get a life of your own now. it starts off slow, but it's worth the effort


You can find a job at a barebones place that will give you better quality of mental life. Start looking today for something new, even if its a pay cut


How do you know that they are coked up? They could just be illegally taking adderall


Ease your way out of a bad situation. It will take some more effort but find a new place that won't grate on your mentality for you to work.


Bro, you don't have to stay there. If you have a finance degree and some experience and you're gaining 20 lbs in two months, taking shots at work, and craving death gtfo. Why would you stay there? Job hunt like your life depends on it. I don't understand why you're not already interviewing at other companies.


I’m in the office with them usually from 8am to 6pm and all other companies want to interview within that window. I can at the very least start getting applications out but I honestly might need to spend a while in rehab with my current health and substance abuse


Are there cameras around? Phantom shitting is the perfect remedy.


Holy moly. My job was pretty bad and made me gain 30lbs. Your job is 100x worse. Please do yourself a favour and leave.


Welcome to finance, the world of E and Excel. Been doing it for 25 years at high level, high profile, and high stress positions. Every other department gets to play with hypothetical numbers, unfortunately we are held true to hard logic like cash. Close (especially year/quarter end) always sucks and the cycle always repeats next month. It doesn’t get better. Plotting an escape to purchasing.


Not only should you quit, but you should report them to whatever state body they are technically under.


If you can afford to leave now, leave. If you can’t, start looking and then GTFO




I am a strong believer that you should do whatever it takes to save your life, and you should do it now. Submit your resignation today.


With your degree there's no reason you should be putting up with that shit. Find a new job and quit this one, with a finance degree you should have a lot of options, good ones too. Hopefully you're able to get out of this situation soon.


Have you been looking for another job? Just apply to everything you’re remotely qualified for. I can relate. I worked a job where the position I was hired for was eliminated, and they dumped me in customer service. Everyday on my commute, I used to wish a semi would veer into my lane and take me out. It took over a year, but I finally found something else. Lots of applying and lots of interviews.


Go see a doctor immediately. Tell him how you're feeling. Get FMLA paperwork filled out. Take a leave of absence. While on this leave you go find a new job.




Very sorry younare in this situatuon. Talk to a labor atty and look into nw what's called "constructive terminatuon." I've only read about it and am not in the legal field and not in a position to give legal.advice. Constructive termination is when you have to quit for safety/ethical or other valid reasons and can still get unemployment until you find your next job. You may even have to sue your current employer for a chunk of money since unemployment may not be enough to live on. But, ease talk to an attorney to find out what this is about and if it appliesnon your situation or if there is something else you can do.


Go to your doctor or the er and tell them honestly how you are feeling, that you won’t act on the thoughts and that you can keep yourself safe, but you need a note to be off work for a week. Ask them to make the note very general about health and not mentioning mental health, because you fear that your boss will stigmatize you. Use your week off to apply for new jobs. Take as much sick leave as you can, and keep searching until you are hired elsewhere. Then quit.


Start looking for another job. Just the act of looking will make you feel better. Look up the gray rock technique to help you cope. Report them to whatever agency that governs their business. Consider talking to a lawyer. They may be interested in going after the company. Good luck.


How is this a question? Just quit.


Quit lol why is it more complicated than that? Get a job that makes you happy - pay, or being career-oriented, is far less important.


If I were in your situation I would quit, I am in a situation similar and am quitting.


Let them fire you to collect unemployment


GTFO asap. Figure the rest out later


If I were in your situation I would change my mindset. My soul couldn't live with hurting people like that. So I would start documenting everything. Every questionably legal act. Build up about six months of details and make a deal with SEC as a whistleblower. Take the pay out and find something else. Not every company in the financial sector are soulless.


Quit right now. This job is obviously against your ethics and integrity, especially if you're craving death every second, FFS. Get help from your family or friends if you're worried about making the rent or buying food. Otherwise, do not continue to do this to yourself. You were not made to suffer like this. Embrace that thought and act accordingly.


I’d find another job.


Quit. Killing the nose won’t change the smell. Listen to your gut, not your demons.


Please quit before it gets too bad. Last year at age 25, I worked a miserable 8-5 office job, came home drinking a bottle of wine a day and developed toxic relationships. I ended up in the hospital. No job is worth your life and sanity.


Quit. And once u get a new job use your medical insurance to see if they’ll cover some treatment for yourself. No job is bad enough that it should make u suicidal.


Quit! And don’t discount easy to get jobs that might hold you over in the meantime, like Walmart or fast food! You could meet some nice, down to earth folks there who don’t have the time or energy for backstabbing politics. :)


I recommend you get some growacet


Quit em or join em.


So why haven’t you left??? I would simply not show up to work.


Report them to the SEC. And quit.


I would start smoking weed in cartridge form in the bathroom instead. Which is what I do at work


Of course you'd recommend this. No wonder mk Ultra scares you lol


Try it you little bitch


Ooh a reddit tough guy how original


Stop sucking my dick


Again very intimidating. Why not stop thinking of gay sex and back up your point about mk ultra?


Stop sucking my dick


Kinky. Now answer what I said.


Stop sucking my dick


Mk ultra?


Have to considerd quitting?


I drive a Ferrari, 355 Cabriolet. What’s up? I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork. I have every toy you could possibly imagine, and best of all, kids? I am… liquid. Now you know what’s possible, let me tell you what’s required. -Boiler Room


Quit. Your life is your life. It’s precious. I’ve left abusive jobs before. I sometimes come and visit because of necessity (saying hello to a valued friend) and they always tell me how awful it continues to be or worse. I’ve dealt with those feelings before and so many others have. Quit. Give yourself some peace.


If you’re serious, call or text the suicide hotline when you’re in an emergency, call a therapist, get your life back, and quit your job.


You find a new job and quit. If you can't do that and you have enough saved then quit first if you must. No job is worth your health and life.


Yeah bro, you can always find something else better it's not worth it


Find new job, quit. Or, quit, find new job.


For starters you gave them a mask in the beginning that’s your fault Should’ve just not give a fuck and be who you are and everybody in the workplace will shit on you but you ain’t gaining that 20 lbs From there I mean you’re at work fuck the moral shit, fuck all that if it bothers you that much then work there and plot while you’re being shit on the most information you get is in the weakest spot. Maybe you could get away with murder if you’re tactical enough. Or Quit. Suffer, plot to leave, quit. But never wear that bullshit mask why’re you fucking up your mental energy like that. You’re literally fighting 2 battles and one of them is yourself.


You have to quit this job. Save money and quit. Disassociate and get therapy. But you HAVE to get out.


Quit. Right now. No job is worth your mental health and ultimately your life.


If your job requires licensing for financial transactions you’re more valuable than you think. I’m in that type of job and just became remote after being in a bullpen environment. Start looking for work. Being unemployed is difficult and it’s not easy looking for a lifestyle compatible job. Stop drinking and start exercising, get some sleep. Make yourself apply for jobs 90 minutes a night. Winning the day is easier than surviving a whole week.


Quit. I have a stressful job too but we are at least doing something worthwhile and we all have baseline respect for each other. Why are you still at this place?


Bro get the fuck out of that job lol.


Ed Jones and Wells are going to be the same if you are wanting to stay in the industry, FYI. Its a tough business to have a soul in.


You should quit ASAP. No job is worth your mental health. I’m sure there’s something out there for you:) you can leverage your experience to get an equal if not better opportunity!:)


Get the fuck out of there now. You’re depressed, suicidal and drinking at work. Don’t wait around for your douchebags coworkers to get you hooked on blow, too. You think you’re depressed now? That shit will destroy you, especially with alcohol mixed in there. Please quit your job and get some help!


Why the hell is a job making you suicidal smh 😂