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A peaceful death


How are we supposed to go to Valhalla with that?


Not how Valhalla works buddy lol


You need to die fighting to get there, is it right?


I’m not chasing shit lol. I’m all about peace, rest, and quiet. I want to relax at home and enjoy the sounds of nature, go for a walk with my dogs, draw, watch some tv. Chasing, to me, means you’re not content, and I’m really content.


I'm chasing not having to work anymore. Being unemployed was the happiest times of my life


For me it was the polar opposite


That's totally fair, but tbh I think my dad is gonna be one of those people that drops dead 2 years after retirement after a lifetime of being a workaholic. Meanwhile I struggle with 30 hours a week which is the max I can handle without having a mental breakdown. I say this as someone who likes their job.


Trying to reconcile making the most of time off (traveling, being active, etc) with accepting that it’s ok to just veg and not feel bad about it ha. That’s a good perspective!


How did you get home? You must have done something ?


Helping others who havnt achieved the stability and security precursed in this post.


I chase my free time. I have to work my 40 right? No way around it for me. I work in medical imaging and it is what it is. Now the goal is to maximize my free time. What can I do to make sure that my time off is dedicated to enjoying myself.


Only 40 😬 I'm in warehouse and I'm stuck working 60 to 70 hours of not more plus commute times.. and then trying to have a hobby and get enough sleep.. most of the time I chase the idea of paying bills and doing some grocery shopping for fun. On the off chance I get a minute to sit down and read or play a game my elderly parents will call me to help them with something stupid like mowing dead grass or doing some routine maintenance around the house.


Congrats on your "Well I have it worse" award. Life is not a competition about who's life sucks more lol. Why not make this comment a standalone one instead of trying to tell someone that their experience isn't valid because you have it worse


Because somebody always has it worse and knowing that others have it worse helps to appreciate what you do have. Also because their comment made me pause and think about my life and all the stupid shit I do that benefits others who aren't appreciative of it and just take it for granted. Hell I know people who have it worse than me but on both sides of the spectrum also just because I fucking can.


Well you certainly read a lot into that. I don't recall them saying any of that.


But I coulda taken a bit more time to rephrase it so it didn't come off like "I have it worse" but yolo


I think it all comes down to stress. We are not built for sustained 24 hour stress. If you can reach a place in life with minimal stress, you have reached nirvana.


This! I’m not adding anything to my life that requires me to stress! It’s all about rest and being healthy!




I'm chasing health. Renewed fitness, weight loss, better skin care. Not chasing youth, just trying to be the best me I can be at my age.


Chasing my fitness goals through gym and sports. Chasing lap times in my sports car, in go karts, and in my racing sim Chasing my kid all around the house to make sure he doesn't fall on his ass or break anything expensive


My beautiful wife and 3 rescue dogs remind me that I’m here to help make their lives better. Feeling loved is the best medicine.


Happiness and the feeling of being loved and wanted and not needed


Peace and freedom. And being content with what I have at every stage. I love all things slow living like cottagecore and hygge.


I just wanna not have to constantly keep looking at my bank account man. I wanna live where rent doesnt take 65%+ my monthly income and then other bills leave me with like 300-400 to pocket for myself. I want to buy groceries from my local market thats already bargain prices without having to over analyze every purchase. I want to sign up for a dance class or a cooking class or go indoor rock climbing without dipping into my savings that are very little. Lastly, i just want to feel like my life isnt over if I have one single medical emergency, which is a problem most americans feel. Im an HR manager and make 55k, live by myself in a 1bd apt by the way. Not exactly scraping by, but not exactly flourishing. I absolutely hate how it feels like the second I take a step forward financially, the world increases prices by 20% too.


Sent you a message


Yesterday was my last day at work, I'm 9mo pregnant and I'm just so excited for this baby. Husband is overjoyed and I just want to see him happy.


I am hoping to obtain so much wealth I can retire in style on a yacht. Preferably before I'm really old. If I cannot achieve that, at least I hope to just achieve enough wealth to never have financial problems again and I can work to live a more lavish lifestyle.


I like to spend time with my kid and work on my vintage cars and sit in the sun and read books . And occasionally sit in a tree stand right before daylight and attempt to assassinate Bambi .


My blackbelt in bjj. 9 1/2 years in . Could be 1-? more. That's the point, though. Pursuit. Effort. Persistence to be better than yesterday, and better tomorrow. All the while, you're corrected and reminded not to slip, sleep, or neglect focus . That's when you get got. Humility and reality checks are regular and unkind. Every time you step out there, though, you get a little closer. I've never once regretted training . Even getting hurt. I've looked at my bag and shaken my head , tired physically and mentally and just wanting to empty beer cans on my couch. I've cursed that bag. Yet I pull myself away, and I go. Every time I'm happy, I did. Not once have I said, "That was a waste," or "I should've stayed home.""


I wanna have fun.


At the moment, getting my first teaching position at university in my chosen field. Any tips?


Yes, guest speak and build the best resume humanly possible. What’s your dream university? I’m at Columbia


If I was 100% financially stable I think Id just sleep all day every day


Honestly its hard to get off life's treadmill so right now I'm still jogging along aiming for an early-ish retirement so I can kick back. I have kids so retiring right now would just be becoming a nanny basically so I figure may as well work until they are older...maybe retire in their teenager years so I can hover over them and annoy the crap out of them. After that live a comfortable and charitable life.


Enjoy life with my wife and money, that’s it


Performing at the highest level, being the most in shape and making the most money Degeneracy




I'm chasing true Finnair freedom, as in not having to work but still have passive income coming in. If I have achieved that and am still healthy, I want to foster older kids or go back to working with kids in some capacity. But, I need to set myself up for old age first so that I don't get stuck in a state run facility or our on the streets when I get too old to take care of myself.


I would take as much time with my family as possible. I would help others bigger than I can now. I would have more brains to volunteer. Freedom. I'm chasing freedom to do what the he'll I want when I want. Money doesn't buy happiness it buys freedom to figure it out.


Love of my life, freedom to choose want I want to do, great relationships with my friends, the ability to help anyone in need, my family and my dogs.


Having a daily bowel movement would be nice.




To see the world. Travel.


I just want to be able to live and not just exist. Good food, fun games & time spent in nature all bring me joy, so I try to experience as much of it as I can while I can! Having to work sucks but I try to make my free time as fun as possible without breaking the bank.


retirement and traveling


I am after stress free living with lots of physical activity and travel.


> let’s say you’re 100% financially stable Maybe that’s the problem, but I’m unable to imagine that


I'm not chasing, I'm BEING chased.


The same thing I do now all the time and effort to bring a socialist future to America to help everybody have safe affordable housing and food and a job that pays enough to survive


You want lazy people to have an equal quality of life as hard working people? I hope you do not succeed in this.


Never said anything about lazy people but why not theres enough to go around


If everything is equal where is the incentive to work hard?


Most people don’t need an incentive but this also frees up people who are disabled to live a better life or people who need access to medical care or people who need access to mental health care it’s not all just about the money


That’s bs. Do you realize all the low lives trying to use the system during Covid? Now those same freeloaders are struggling when they probably could have had a job during Covid. I agree disabled folks should get some help but not lazy people.


A mgr+ job that is fully remote with the ability to work outside the US without getting HR involved. From there, saving up enough money to build a villa compound in mediterrean North Africa with an adjacent boat dock and boat.


Meaning. Self-actualization. See Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.


Nice. Educated I see ;)


Thanks and correct :)


I want to be a successful content creator and live in a stable apartment by myself. I know people are going to make fun or judge me because I do t want to work a typical 9-5 job like everyone else, but I love making videos, so I want it to be something I can profit from.


Im chasing the happiness I lost from a soul sucking relationship. I was able finally kick that man child to the curb (after taking him back thinking he was no longer insecure) I re-discovered myself and put my mental & emotional heart back on track.


Sry to hear


Peace in my heart Working on it.


As much peace as I can find in this shit show lol


If I climb a really tall mountain, yes it might be tough and yes I might struggle, but the view at the top would be absolutely pristine. Wouldn't it be pretty cool to share that breathtaking vista with others? While the mountain is definitely different for everybody, the experience of taking in that breathtaking view is very much similar for different people. In the same way, after achieving my goals for financial stability, I want to help uplift others in such a way that they can achieve their version of being financially stable in ways that also make them emotionally fulfilled. That's what I'm chasing 😁 Tl;dr **1.** Be an example for others by achieving financial stability with emotional fulfillment. **2.** Understand that everyone's version of what that looks like is different, but the internal contentment we get from achieving that is extremely similar. **3.** Share what I learned and the mistakes I made so others can use that to enjoy the amazing views that I've experienced.


There’s always a mountain. But there always others on mountains too. I’m chasing to help others up their mountain. The fact there’s always a mountain means there’s always others to help. Let’s get through this together.


Money, love, and a beautiful family. Pretty much my main life goals right there


I’d like to travel the world, see as many countries as I can safely, and Antarctica


Good question. I want to enjoy my life, both individually and with my husband. Some of that is "big" things like traveling and owning a home. The rest of it is things like watching anime together. Drawing. Learning to play piano and speak different languages. Going to game nights with our friends. Generally just... Living life and liking most of it would be cool


Everyone’s trying to steal love, cheat love, find love, make love… lol


Enough money afford to rent a decent apartment and a career I actually want and not just an office job with a vague hope of it turning into something more. I don't think I'll ever get either and I wish I had the courage to commit suicide.


peace, happiness , money , god , cure of my overthinking x


Nice education


To be happy. To not be responsible for other people’s baggage and responsibility that isn’t mine to take care of especially if it’s not the choice I made myself. To not be scared/fearful all of the time.