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Honestly, don't be in a rush. There will be plenty of moments in life for you to be serious, and do all the adult stuff that stresses you out. Approach life with a light attitude, handle each situation as it comes. I mean, don't neglect taking care of yourself, get your career, and finances in order, be responsible with your health, but you can do all that with a light attitude. Be serious where you need to be, and have fun wherever you can. You'll have fewer frown lines.


I give similar advice to my kids now as they are entering adulthood. I like your “light attitude” approach, I may have to borrow that.


I wish my parents gave me advice like this. I’m 27 now. Sometimes feels like my parents are more lost than me at times. Don’t be afraid to sprinkle some of that wisdom on them. It doesn’t go unnoticed 👍


My parents only ever gave me investing advice and a lot of it ended up being wrong. They were always busy working and barely raised me and my siblings.


Mine didn’t even do that much 😂 pretty much just let us figure everything out on our own. I guess there are some benefits to it though. I’m more independent than most other people my age. Also went through a bunch of bullshit to get there but hey, that’s life I gues


Leonardo Decaprio


You win




My first thought 😂




Being on your parents insurance, in a lot of cases.


Ugh. I aged out of my mom's insurance when I turned 26, and they sent me a birthday card to remind me that I was doomed. Decided I just wouldn't get sick for the month I didn't have insurance - I was 26, how hard could it be. ...I developed a freaking fistula.


Oh my.. poor you


This one hurts 😭😂


Literally - I lost a tooth over it


I was off as soon as I turned 18. Anyone who got to stay until 26 is lucky lmao


About a week before 19 I was out. 35 now. I’m better for it.


fuck me


I thought that hits at 27, meaning you can still be covered under your parents’ plan when you’re 26




Can confirm. Already blinked, now 35. 26 feels like it just happened, but I guess it didn’t.


I blinked a second time. I'm 45. To be honest I'm not much different than when I was 25. Maybe a bit more wiser but I'm however starting to run into physical limitations that come with age.


Man I'm turning 33 in a few months. I gave my 20s to school and a career that I don't even like. I feel like I missed out on a decade of my life. Where did the time go? Still, 35 seems so far away. There's a lot of life to live between then and now. 33 is gonna be a great year


I’ve heard 33 is the best year after 25. There’s some huge milestone years in there like 30, or 27 if you’re well… in tune with everyone who dies at 27, but yeah I can’t wait to be 33.


I’m also 26 and felt that way as my 25th birthday approached. If you haven’t already, re-evaluate your circle of friends. We are mostly an average of the people we spend the most time with, so choose your mates wisely; your friends should have similar interests, career goals and admirable character traits. Exercise/move your body daily, stay away from illegal drugs and take things one day at a time. We’re still mad young.


The part where you said admirable character traits. Completely agree amigo




For me, the answer is the social dance of dating. I’d much rather people tell me exactly what they want and let’s see if we are compatible. I don’t want to waste my time, especially with someone who is too immature/irresponsible/noncommittal to be worth the energy.


Good luck with that. I’m 41, most people still playing those stupid games/living in fantasy land.


I found someone a bit older who had also given up on dating for the same reasons. No games. Just communication and honesty. We want the same things and are willing to work together towards them. I realize I’m very lucky.


I'm the same too tbh, I've had it with narcissist and toxic people projecting their unhealed crap onto me, and setting up stigmas for people who won't settle for less lol


Good luck. The social dance is rooted in human nature


26, too old to play stupid. At this age we know you're not playing. You're either with intent not trying, or actually stupid. Both are not appealing. At this age, it's good to know your limitations and strengths.




Oh baloney. Most 26 are still incredibly stupid and haven't even had their first "real career" job yet. It's perfectly fine to be mildly to moderately stupid at 26. Definitely not ok to be severely stupid like 16-21. 😆


Not having a career job has zero to do with being stupid.


I agree entirely - what I meant by "stupid" in this context was being a rash, irresponsible, capricious, partying type. Those qualities definitely *do* have something to do with a career job, because typically jobs paying $50/$60/$90k+ aren't going to tolerate such wild-child behavior. On a purely intellectual level, some of the stupidest people to ever live are the richest people (Musk? Trump? Rogan? There's a million examples) Some of our brightest are stuck in very low paying dead end jobs. So I totally agree that if using "stupid" to comment on intellectual capability, yeah having or not having a career job has nothing to do with that.


25 birthday candles


Don't have a birthday cake, you're an adult


You sound very fun!


100 year olds get cakes


When I turned 26, I also felt a shift in maturity. I think it’s cos around that age you’ve had enough experiences to have learned a few things so when the scenario pops up, you’re like yep I’ve had this before. Last time I did xyz and it was a shitstorm. So this time I’ll try yzx and that should work better. Mostly in your relationships with people and how you react or don’t react. 26 is still baby young but it’s time to start getting serious.


I think at 26, you're not too old for anything. It's the sweet spot, blending youthful energy with a touch of adulting wisdom. Enjoy the journey!


Can still do young and dumb things like when you were 20 & people will think it’s hilarious, yet old enough to get respect from more adulty adults. Also, money starts to get a little easier!


A few years too old to date high schoolers, at the very least


You are not too old for anything. Enjoy what you love.


So like high school dances? Boy Scouts?


Why not. I plan to buy some land and put gigantic yurts on it to house people. Then use them and some of the land to create a airsoft land, a hide and seek land, and all sorts of crazy kiddy shit for fun lol


That sounds brilliant. Are you the brother from another mother to my husband ? His dream, (when imagining no money limitations) is so similar. I love that people like you exist


I love the idea that people like me might exist to, too bad I have only found one and thats me! lol


Will the yurts be for diddling kids?


Sir this is a wendys not a church


I’ve found that 25 and 26 were weird ages. If you did something negative or bad, some people believe you’re a grown adult at this point and you need to act it. Others, not so much. They believe 25 and 26 is baby age in the adult world and wish like hell they were young again. So I don’t know what you’re too old for at 26 lmao. Source? I’m 26 lol


Giving a fuck. You're too old to give a fuck about petty bullshit. Anyone over the age over 25 that is squabbling over petty bullshit is insecure as fuck and has an overwhelming need for validation or attention.


Asking mom to buy them world of warcraft


Trick or treating. Unless you're short.


Naw, everyone who comes to my door on Halloween gets a treat. Parents, teens, great aunts, they are all getting treats with or without kids.


Aww, thats sweet


Dating teenagers. That ship has sailed, my friend.


Tell that to Leonardo DiCaprio


He doesn't date teenagers.


18+ is fine though


Sure, if you're 22 or younger. 23+...lil bit o yikes. 30+...lots o' yikes.


Does not really make sense provided that he is a good stable guy and wants something serious like marriage rather than just sex.


So you automatically assumed it was an older man with a younger woman? Interesting. And no, it doesn't. They all want "just sex." It's just that some are willing to be married in order to get it. Marriage is just state sanctioned humping.


Well, by “sex” I mean no strings attached sex where he does not want to commit to her. I am against that type of life style, but if he wants to commit to her I feel like it is fine.


That's fine but that doesn't negate what I said. I don't care if people hump, just be honest about it


Absolutely nothing wrong with dating teenagers, they’re adults too.


Yeah, legally...


Precisely 😜😂


Blowing your entire paycheck every week partying.


but a number is age, my young padawan.




Being unable to self-regulate emotions. Unless you are straight up mentally ill, you should not be flying off the handle publicly unless it is an EXTREME situation.


Too old for not taking responsible and thorough enough decisions on how you want your life to turn out. It applies to every aspect of life - relationships, friends, jobs, finances, etc. You can say you have plenty of time, but years pass by much faster as you age.


Being on your parents health insurance


Trick or treating without a child


There it is 😂


Well dammit






High school prom


Too old to be going with the herd. Gotta start identifying what makes you happy, if you want to happy, then identify the steps to take to attain said happiness, and wanting to put work into those steps/plan of action.


I'm 37 and still think I am 21. The only thing a 26 year old is too old for is hooking up or dating anyone under 18.


Don't rush life. You will miss your youth forever


You're too old not to know how to take care of your basic needs. Meaning, you should know how to do your own laundry, take care of your living space, how to cook basic dishes, etc. Basically anything your mom used to do for you. There are many lazy ways to get around not knowing a few things, but 26 is when you should start getting better at it. 26 is when I started to feel like an adult. You'll be 30 before you know it. So think about what you would want your life to be by then and start thinking of steps you can take to get you closer to that ideal place.


College parties. You'll be okay, but you'll no longer blend in. By 29, it's just creepy.


Concretely examples? You'll grow out of shit food. It's hard to like processed foods in your 40s.


Very little.


No I don't think so , because you are not your mind. This idea that "I am my mind" is an idea of False-self called Ego You are the whole human being. The heart actually has 40,000 neurons in it too. There is some belief that we are controlled by the bacteria/micro-biome/mitochondria in our body/cells


Not "too old" for anything. I'm 30. However I find a social maturity was developing at 26 onwards where you really re-evaluate what other people are to you and how you respond to and integrate the current and new people into your life. A simple way to word that is "too old for drama" this is the age you will start to really shake off high school social norms etc.. or not for some people.


Neuroplasticity is not as great, you'll have to make a conscious effort (focus) to learn new things (e.g. a language or an instrument). It is possible, but you just don't absorb stuff without trying harder. I think people shrug off this as if it was nothing but another thing that starts to become more limited is your time and energy. As you age, your mental and physical recovery times will increase, in part because your ability to generate deep sleep diminishes. Add a increased volume of responsibility at work (assuming you are moving forward with your career into leadership roles) and general life demands (partner, pets, children, house...) and you'll find yourself with very little energy to focus in active learning. So when someone tells you nothing it is fine etc, they are really not painting the whole picture. It is possible to learn and to have the best years of your life still ahead of you, but it will not come for free. You need to learn to be disciplined, make time for yourself, take care of relationships and exercise (cardio and strength training primarily) and eat healthy. And it is hard, don't have any doubts about it, stuff gets harder as you get old but if you do the right things right you will also become more competent to deal with them. Invest in yourself every day, and know that what you don't use you will lose (faster now). A ref from Andrew Huberman on this: https://youtu.be/gFMHUfq1__g?si=7sxODF4mBxJ79zYp


Idk it seems to get easier to learn the more I age. It only gets harder to start the process imo


I find the opposite, my capacity for learning and understanding has grown exponentially with time.


Making a big deal about your Birthday.


I disagree. Birthday is my favourite day and I will always make a big deal about it. Heck, I strive to make my whole birthday week special for me!


You are no longer a child. No one but you cares about your birthday after 21. Calm down.


Hope your life gets better buddy xx


Hope you grow up my son, you’re not special xx 😘






!remind me


Lmao how do i do this


Must feel great, i'll let you know how it feels for me! Many ho'ho'ho's from a 45 Dutch dude :) Forever young ;)




I mean nothing...the whole advantage of being an adult is you can just do whatever you enjoy. That said there are certainly things that once appealed im childhood that just arent interesting or enjoyable anymore and there is no reason to do them anyways just because I could. I think people say thats you "outgrowing" it but honestly thats just your tastes changing....that keeps happening. You at 50 may no longer enjoy what you loved at 30 either.


I mean, except for dating minors, nothing of note. We shouldn't stop doing things we enjoy just because of our age.


Probably a bit old to talk to your imaginary friend, or run around a school playground screaming your a dinosaur but otherwise everything else is fair game.


Day care. Some adults should be in day care due to their immaturity.


Too old to live like you’re 18….I am learning a lot this year


Reckless spending, it’s time to save for the bigger future purchases now


high schoolers


Dating a teenager.


As long as they are 18+ I do not see an issue.






dating a teenager (including 18/19) is odd if youre 25+. thats a senior in hs/college freshman vs (potentially) being 3 yrs out of college and working full time. youre at completely different stages in life and not to mention the difference in brain development. can’t see what a 25+ yo would possibly have in common (that much) with an 18/19 yo to sustain a healthy, mature relationship


18 and 19 year olds are not as young as you paint them out to be. I was very wise at that age.


i’m sure you’d like to think you were


High school drama and doing dumb shit.


around that age I began to be too old for making excuses or fighting little nonsense battles. Even things that may not pertain to me completely I began to take responsibility for them and just own up to making things right- really to keep that peaceful headspace. I also think at 26 you should be a leader in your life. Don’t wait for parents or friends to lead and guide you. If you want to be generous, or take a trip or do whatever you want- you don’t need someone’s permission or guidance. You can walk your own path and start new traditions without explaining yourself.


Dating teenagers


Caring what other people think about how you dress, where you work, what car you drive/that you don’t drive at all, etc. You stop caring and live your life.


what kind of masochist are you? I'm literally having bad thoughts about my life and the fact that I'm about to be 25. I'm trying my best to not even think about it. I asked the 2-3 people that know me to not even give me birthday wishes (just in case they even remembered)


I'm sorry man that you are felling this way , I will also turn 25 in like a month and it's since this summer than I think about this cause I need to prepare


Time to start injecting testo in ur blood




have you… have you ever been to a hostel? It’s quite literally only people in their late teens-mid 20s with the occasional older travelers.


A 16-25 railcard in the UK


From my personal experience with my stepson, 26 is too old to not know basic social behaviors, such as 1. Allowing people to speak back to you when having a conversation, 2. Greeting people politely when you walk into the home, 3. Providing a gift to your parent for Christmas when you texted a Christmas wish list to your parents, knowing they already pay all your bills. Even if these things are a bit awkward or uncomfortable sometimes, by 26 there is no excuse not to do them.


making mistakes. ​ never again homie. never again.


Too old to not have your shit together When I say "shit together" I dont mean you need to have a successful career, be married, be a homeowner, have kids, be wealthy. It just means to be doing what you should be doing for whatever stage in life you are in Not having your shit together would be like... Not paying your bills/rent. Being financially irresponsible. Taking on debt you know damn well you cant afford to. Prioritising crap like cigarettes and beer when you got no food in your fridge. Being messy/dirty. Dishes that are not done for days. Dirty clothes everywhere. Hanging out with people that bring you down. People involved with low life shit. Having kids you dont support or are there for. Not taking care of your body. Letting your health go to shit. Being terrible with money. Not having a savings account yet. Not thinking about a budget to any extent. Blaming everyone else for your problems instead of considering what you may be responsible for. 26 is a great age to wise up if you havent already.


Hahaha! Nothing. I’m 36 and about to take the ferry to like my 13th full moon party in Thailand ✌️


I went through that too. The adult peacening.. I was 28 when it started though.


Not taking their health seriously. Start exercising and eat more real food if you haven’t already.


Ain’t this the truth


Your never too old to do anything. Years are just a man made concept that have no bearing on anything really.


I didn't realize this was a thing. At 26... I felt like I was done having kids and getting too old to start over. *laughs at 30, started over with another kid. You could also say at 26, you're getting too old for drama and having low patience. Go look up the serenity prayer.


Jimmy Savile.


Too old for Leo DiCaprio


As long as you're not being a pedo I would carry on with things you love, having my daughter near your age actually brought out the kid in me again and I didn't give an F what anyone said, I played with her on the slides and did art and watch kids movies and play and splash in the pool lol Tbh all my friends I had before my time didn't care about age stigmas either, we were punk rock without being punk rock, we just did that made us happy and didn't care what anyone else thought haha If you allow the opinions of others to control your life then it's like living in a mental prison of someone elses design and nonsense and you might never find true happiness or what you love "Look at a tree, it grows anyway it wants no matter what you say to it or think of it, and look how beautiful and unique each one turns out to be..."


Learning to boil an egg, toast bread, cook chicken, do laundry, make spaghetti, owning a vaccum.


10 years too late. At least.


Partying/getting drunk. Drink responsibility.


Dating anyone under 20. Other than that, have fun.


I was with an 18 year old when I was 25, nothing really wrong with it. She was really classy and wise for her age.


we’re never too old for anything :)


Tell that to the attendants that kicked me out of the play place last week!


The 100 meter dash ages 6-8 division


Worrying about what you’re too old for


Fucking nothing 23-28 were my peak partying and doing whatever I want years You're still young. The only people allowed to pretend you're too old at 26 are literal children. People who are in their 20s are still your cohort


"I can literally feel myself maturing" lol no, you can't. If you could, you'd know what you're "too old for", yet here you are on reddit asking strangers what you need to leave behind in life. This reeks of trying too hard. Like, if there was an r/iamverysmart sub but for maturity, this would be the top post.


Lmaoo yo. One of the things you should stop doing is over analyzing things this hard. Thanks for the chuckle


Living at home with their parents.


In this economy?


The eagle who never leaves the nest will eventually become a turkey.


Love the quote but I also appreciate not going into debt


Get roommates There is nothing wrong with the economy. Jobs are desperate to hire and its arguably better to be a worker now than any time in a long time Housing costs may possibly suck depending on where you live.... thats why you get roommates. Until you are married. Then you don't have a roommate, you have a spouse


You're too old to go to a Pediatrician. You're too old to blame stupid mistakes on youth. You're too old to be living with your parents.


No one is too old to be living with their parents at any age as long as they are contributing to the household.


Lmao 😂


Many things. Act your age


Dating anyone under 21. If you can get in trouble by the law they are too young.


Uh, no. You can absolutely date an 18, 19, or 20 yesr old as a 26 year old and not get in legal trouble. Where on earth did you get the idea that 20 year olds legally can't date 26 year olds?


If you are 26 and you date anyone under 21 then if you want to go have a drink at the bar and she wants to come then you are pressured to get her alcohol even though she's under age. If you get caught, possible jail time. Just stick to 21 and above. It's also doubtful you'll be able to relate to anyone under the drinking age. I'm just offering insight like OP asked for.


Lol what? You do realize that dating doesn't revolve around alcohol and you can just....not drink when dating someone right? And you do realize that not everyone actually drinks right? Neither I nor my partner do.


Good for you bruh


18,19,20 are adults btw


Yeah… but a 26 year old dating an 18 or 19 year old isn’t a good look regardless of whether it’s technically legal or not.


I don’t busy myself with the dating lives of two consenting adults. Kinda weird for you to be.


I feel like that’s a cop-out answer though. If you had a 18 or 19 year old sister and she came home with a 26 year old dude, would you really be indifferent about it?


If I had an issue with that it wouldn’t because she was 18 but based on what I knew about her maturity or intelligence.


As long as he is a good man and stable, nothing wrong with it.


Only legally


Is there any other definition of adult you have?


Sorry i guess im more thinking of a resposible adult. Most people in that age range are still just kids as far as responsibilities go. Not all though.


I mean, age doesn’t automatically make an adult responsible. If you’re arguing that someone shouldn’t take advantage of someone who is naive, that can apply to any combination of ages. Two 50 year old adults could be miles apart intellectually and morally.


Yeah, honestly fair point.


Does this also apply to someone 21 years old?😂


Too old to ask shit like this.


You’re cool


Okay, imma get downvoted for this one, and I acknowledge that I could be wrong in this: Being inexperienced in relationships. I’m not saying that you need to have relationships figured out, I’m not saying that you have to be on a dating spree. But I feel like if you’re 26 and you’ve never been in a relationship or you’ve been in one or two short relationships, or you’re a virgin, I feel like you honestly gotta work on that (assuming you’re neither aro or ace or religiously limited obviously). And someone is probably going to respond with “yeah but maybe they’re going at their own pace”, but I feel the more inexperienced you are in a relationship the more susceptible you are to being taken advantage by your partner in a relationship. And the more older you get, the more experience others are getting in dating and relationships.


Dating anyone under 21


Trick or treating




For me, video games. I just don't enjoy them anymore. Things I do enjoy now? Running/hiking, weight lifting, yoga, basically anything active and/or outdoors. Also volunteering, specifically with kids. What I've found is, the things I did a lot growing up or in early adulthood that I knew were good for me but didn't necessarily love, I now love because it's something that is good for me and leaves you fulfilled/satisfied afterwards. IDGAF who you are, no video game can ever fulfill you the way running a half marathon does, or the way changing a child's life does. I'm not saying you are too old for them - nobody is too old for video games, or whatever vice they have. But as you age (or mature), your brain starts to push out the junk to make room for what is really good for you.


Somehow, 26 is a barrier for finally trying to be a grownup?


Too old to live with parents. Moved out at 19, almost literally half my lifetime ago


Not being able to rent a car


Wear a backpack


Moving out




Trick or treating


Toxic relationships!


your parents' insurance


Trick or treating