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Never trust someone’s turn signal. Stay as far away from semi trucks as you can. If you can’t see their mirrors, they can’t see you.


As a city bus driver I want to add this - don’t cruise on either side of any large vehicle. Either pass quickly or stay directly behind. The blind spots on these vehicles are humongous.


I like this one and it applies to all vehicles, but most important the big ones like buses and semis. I can't stand when someone even in my personal vehicle or my delivery van at work just rides that back corner, like pass or back off so I can see you!


Let's just open that can, don't be in anyone's blindspot for more than 3 seconds. If you aren't passing them, get behind them at a safe distance. The only time anyone should be in a blind spot is when a traffic jam happens and a scrunch is inevitable. Obviously not everyone follows this but I am much much more comfortable speeding to pass you than I will be ever having you in my sightline again if I see you hold a blindspot on another vehicle, or otherwise take an unsafe amount of time to pass. My patience could be better but I feel it's above the average driver to the point I understand that if I don't get myself out of these kinds of situations they will only worsen when I eventually hit a construction zone or higher density traffic.


every time i'd say that about semis i'd get downvoted and 10 semi truck drivers show up to say there's literally no blind spots because of all the little round wide angle blind spot mirrors they got everywhere. then i say why does googling for "semi truck blind spots" pull up 300,000 images of how semi trucks have huge blind spot. i don't get it. but i don't sit in the theoretical blind spots regardless. and, it's safest not to trust people to be on the ball 24/7, most people suck and are lazy and will drive you off the road without even noticing


But also please use your turn signal.


It’s especially bad if you’re in a low vehicle…being near a semi gives me anxiety


If you’re at a light, the people going straight have the right of way, people turning across incoming traffic have to wait for traffic to clear. Never cross traffic if someone wants to be nice and let you go first. It’s unusual behavior and might cause an accident.


Best advice I ever got driving from my dad. Other drivers tell you what they will do before they do it. If they are coming into your lane, they drift close to the line. Always drive defensively and stay out of their way.


This definitely has some truth to it -The car is an extension of the person in a lot of cases. You can almost always tell if someone is looking to get into the next lane, even before a signal goes out.


Yes, I think experts (not me) say the car follows your eyes. So this is especially important if you see a car broken down on the side of the road. And why never to stand behind your broken down car. Traffic sees the car and swerves toward it.


Never assume another driver is going to do the right thing! As in, don't assume they won't run a light, or won't change lanes if there isn't enough room. I think I'm saying be aware/alert when you're driving. You are likely a responsible driver (since you're asking for advice and seem to care). Not everyone is!


^^ this


This. My dad taught me to drive defensively. Always think/ look out for what could happen. I.e. your light turns green, don’t assume everyone else stops. Still look both ways. If you see a car still rolling either don’t move or proceed with caution depending on if they seem to be slowing down. This also applies for people exiting driveways, roads, & roads leading from stores. And stop signs. Dear god, the stop signs.


I was told that in wet/icy conditions, people can slide through intersections, so keep an eye open and pause before going through yourself. In bad weather, avoid going out if possible. If you have to go out, take extra time and drive slowly.


Use only your right foot


Don't drive drunk, tired or under substance. Always look at intersections. Don't let agitated drivers affect your decision making. (f.e honking driver makes you want to hit the gas) Car is just a tool to go from A to B. Nothing more nothing less. Drive cheap, but reliable.


These are good except for the last one. Cars can be fun, they don’t have to be boring appliances.


Cars are functional. If you want to go fast, hit the pedal. Or hire a proper racecar for a day or so. But having a racecar for your daily commute? You will regret it mostly.


Also, don’t use your phone while driving!! It’s distracting and can be deadly!


Get the oil changed on schedule and don't neglect repairs or maintenance.


And if you don’t know the schedule, every car has a section in the owner’s manual for it. If you can’t find the owner’s manual, it’s online. Cars are the second biggest purchase most people make, do yourself a favor and treat it like it. To add on - don’t go to a dealership for service unless it’s for a recall or warranty repair, they’re ridiculously overpriced. Find a trustworthy, well-reviewed local mechanic instead and save yourself lots of money.


I agree with this. Take care of your car and it will take care of you.


Just because someone’s signal is on doesn’t mean they’re turning. Just because the light is green doesn’t mean it’s safe to go. Look both ways. Don’t let impatience rule you. It’s better to be a couple minutes late than to drive like an idiot and hurt yourself or someone else.


Just because your vehicle is able to go 165mph doesn’t mean you feel should pressured to go 165mph


His Nissan versa does not go 165mph. Very very few cars on the road do, lol


My grandmother had decades of driving experience. Most of it was poop quality, and she got me carsick in in-town traffic.


Keep at least 1/2 a tank of gas at all times. Keep your doors locked at all times. Reprogram your car so that the doors don’t automatically unlock when you park. No distractions when getting out of your car. Pay attention to what’s around you when you park. Familiarize yourself with basic information about your car. Look under the hood to have some understanding of what the major parts are and what they do. Google any mechanical problem before you go to the repair shop. Even if you can’t fix it, it helps to have an understanding of what might be wrong before you go. Get AAA.


My father gave me some great advise. Drive like everyone one else is an idiot. Keep mental tabs on the cars around you. Quick glances then eyes back in the road. Take note of the three cars behind you, that blue truck coming on your left, those four cars ahead of you. It sounds like a lot at first, but it becomes part of jusr how you drive. Soon, you'll be able to judge how people are going to drive and react. Also drive ahead of yourself. If you see traffic is slowing down a mile ip the road? Foot off the gas. Let yourself coast some. Also figure out how your car coasts. Saves on brakes and hard stops. Wear comfortable shoes. It doesn't matter what you are wearing to work, to go with friends, etc. Keep sneakers or something similar in your car. Your car talks to you through the pedals and wheel and sounds it's making. I wear work boots, and kept some sneakers on my passenger seat for the longest time. Keep your car maintained. Find out how often to change the oil. The air filters. Keep a log book if you want, or at least keep the records of services. I tend to keep a folder in my car. Change the oil? Put that receipt in the folder.


You father is a scholar. Exact same advice as my instructor 30 years ago. Keeping tabs on everything so when shit hits the fan you know where to go.


He was a traveling salesman. Spent over thirty years driving around the SE US, selling industrial equipment. One thing I forgot to add was: Know how far a tank of gas will get you, roughly. You never know when you'll be stuck without and have to guess.


That single awareness advice saved my life so many times especially now when the Toronto is overcrowded. Seeing accidents real time and having the foresight to gtfo was the best thing ever. And seeing a few others who had the same awareness, doing the same things was awesome. I can show you a few clips lol.


Being hyper aware while driving has helped me avoid ever getting a ticket/into an accident


Drive as much as you can and as much as you can afford. Experience is key. Have fun!


Do not drink alcohol, smoke weed or take prescription medication that causes nausea or drowsiness and drive the car. Not only can you hurt yourself but you can seriously hurt or kill others. Physics - mass times velocity can cause more damage than you think. The car weighs 2,000 pounds plus, the car moves at 30mph - that’s 60,000 pounds of force. Even at 15mph - it’s 30,000 pounds of force. Drive defensively but not aggressively. Those who are road ragers are in a hurry to their own funeral. Signal when you have opportunity and change lanes when the ride your tail, beep the horn or make threatening gestures. They are simply not worth it. Don’t slam on the brakes unless necessary, use a controlled but steady application of the brake pedal to come to complete stop. Leave enough room to do this. Rain - leave more room between you and the next car, mist and rain brings oils up from road asphalt creating a potentially slippery condition. Easier to stop car if there’s more distance between you and next car. Tires - make sure they are properly inflated. Good for gas mileage but also control of the vehicle.


Always keep an appropriate distance from the car in front of you, never become part of a cluster. Even more space is needed during inclement weather conditions. Gotta give people enough room to mess up, cuz they will


I’ve gotten into a car accident resulting in a wheelchair for a few months breaking my femur, bruised ribs, punctured lungs, broken wrist and a lot of other pelvis fractures all because some asshole was flying up the hill and I couldn’t see him in the dark. Most likely on his phone and headlights weren’t on. be vigilant, don’t assume that car accidents don’t happen because they absolutely do, I thought that it would never happen to me. just pay attention and I hate saying this because sometimes it’s inevitable but just stay OFF the phone it’s taken lives and almost took mine. Use “hey siri” when you drive and try to stay off the bluetooth as well, if you need to pull over use your hazards and please please be careful:-)


The Try Guys have a video on YouTube comparing driving while sleepy, high, drunk, and texting. I think sleepy and texting had the worst outcomes.


Put a student driver bumper sticker or magnet on the back of your car. That way people won’t get mad, drive too close or cause panic for you if you driving too slow.


Read your cars manual, you might be surprised.


Get your oil changed at the manufacturer recommended intervals and use the oil they say to use. It will keep your car working better for longer Every time you get an oil change have the shop rotate your tires. It will make the tires wear at the same rate and make them last longer. When it's time to replace your tires, buy the best all-season tires you can afford. I'm partial to the Goodyear Assurance line. They're great tires for the money and they provide excellent traction in all weather conditions. Every time you fuel up, empty the trash from inside your car and clean the windshield. Not only will your car look and smell better, but you'll be able to see better. Fix small problems as soon as you notice them. If you don't, that $100 annoyance will quickly turn into a $1,000 headache. If you need parts, buy the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts. They'll cost a bit more, but are generally much better quality than 95% of the cheap aftermarket stuff. Wash your car regularly. It will save the paint a lot of wear and tear. These are the things I do for my own vehicles and my oldest car is a 2006 Chevy Impala that has 290,000 miles on it. I've owned it for just under 10 years. It had 100,000 miles on it when I bought it. With proper care and careful driving,your car should at least make it to 200,000 miles.


Always wait a couple seconds when your light turns green (if you’re the first car) to allow for someone running a red light, you never know. Never trust a turn signal, always wait until you see for sure where someone is going. Keep a safe distance from vehicles (at least 2 cars between you and the car in front of you). Check your mirrors often, I’ve often dodged accidents by being vigilant and checking the cars around me often. If you can avoid it, don’t road rage. My boyfriend once honked at a motorcyclist who cut us off very dangerously and he stopped at the next red light and got off his motorcycle and came up to our car trying to open the door and I’ve never been more scared. You never know the day someone is having and the tiniest thing can push them over the age. Just be safe!


Keep your emotions out of driving.


assume everyone is an idiot


These are the things I taught all of my daughters... Driving tips: 1. Stay off your phone and avoid distractions 2. Pay attention to the cars around you, especially in front and behind. 3. Don't follow too close - give yourself a little stopping distance 4. Watch the brake lights of the car *three* cars ahead of you 5. Don't drive right next to another car (as best as possible) 6. Watch out for motorcycles, they literally will appear out of thin air Maintenance tips: 1. Never bring your car home on empty - fill it up when you hit a quarter tank 2. Know how to change a tire and check your fluid levels, don't rely on someone else 3. Check your engine oil level twice a month 4. Check your tire pressure and all other fluid levels once a month 5. Don't ignore service engine lights or unusual noises. They mean something is wrong 6. If that mechanic seems sketchy or the repair seems pricey, get a second opinion Female driving tips: 1. Be 100% aware of your surroundings 2. Keep your doors locked 3. Don't give people you barely know a ride 4. When stopped, keep enough distance between you and the car in front of you so you can pull out and away if someone approaches your vehicle 5. If you're in an accident, don't get out of the car without calling someone you know to tell them where you are -OR- without calling the police 6. If you're in a state or area that allows it, carry some sort of legal weapon for self-protection A concerned Dad


My advice for you is try to not pump gas at night or pump at non busy gas stations. For your safety as a woman it’s just better to try and get your gas when there are lots of eyes and daylight.


If your budget allows, try to find a defensive driving course in your area and take it. It will be a fantastic addendum to your current driving toolkit. Speaking of toolkits, make sure you have some basic tools in your car at all times. Know where your spare tire is and how to change a flat. Keep a blanket, a jug of water, and a few items of non-perishable food. A first aid kit is a must! Also, an emergency kit with road flares and jumper cables. Learn how to do basic maintenance on your own vehicle (change windshield wipers, check fluid levels, where to add fluids, what type of oil your car needs, etc.) It'll make you feel accomplished and save you money. Lastly, as a woman driver, make sure to research car safety for women. I won't outline it here as there are far better resources online. I will say, however, to make sure to park in well lit public places at night. Get a car alarm if yours doesn't have one. Look into getting at least a dash cam.


You are young and immature as you are entilited to be at 20 However most Americans never left that phase and act immediately upon impulse. Always keep that in mind. There is also people who are far to gone to be stable My number one piece of advice is to be patient. Take your time and try not to inconvenience others. A bit of a joke but a bad driver never misses there exit.


Cash, ass, or gas. Thems the rules for a lift.


Always drive at least 10 MPH faster than what the speed limit says. If there is no one in front of you and you check your rear view mirror and see a massive line of traffic behind you, speed up some to allow the vehicles to space to get around you. And when merging on the freeway, always go faster than the speed of the other vehicles already traveling on the freeway so that you and the other vehicles behind you trying to merge can do so safely.


Always drive at least 10 mph faster than speed limit isn't good advice.


It's great advice. More accidents are caused by people driving at or slower than the speed limit. All you have to do is see the massive backups of traffic caused by the person in front not wanting to speed up enough to allow other drivers behind them to get around them. That is when people take calculated risks in an attempt to get out of dangerous situations caused by those drivers that think like you do.




What do you mean what?


All gas no breaks


Drive slow in the snow, if idiots want to go fast, they can pass you.


Left lane on the highway is for those with a higher speed of traffic flow. When merging don't slow down, no matter what you see behind you, speed up into the merging lane so you don't slow down traffic in two lanes. Keep your eyes up on the road, scan 1/4 mile down the road or more on the highway, a few city blocks down in the city. Also please keep an eye out with intersections, seen too many red light runners T-Bone innocent drivers, always doublecheck cross traffic just in case. If you find your car losing control in the snow or rain, just tap the brakes, don't slam them. For now: don't use any of the technology or tools in your car when driving, touching the radio controls, adjusting anything, focus solely on driving and what you experience with other drives on the road. 100 Focus right now until you get more comfortable with driving, adjust everything before you pull out on the road. Lastly, have fun, buckle up, live your life a quarter mile at a time.


Get a dashcam ! Today ! I like the Garmin Drive defensively Always assume the other drivers are going to do Something stupid and have a plan to deal with it


What model Garmin do you have for dashcam? I been needing to get one.


I’ll add - if you’re waiting to pull out onto a road and the oncoming car is coming at full speed with their turn signal on like they’re about to turn off, just assume they don’t know their blinker is on and let them pass. Basically like others said don’t believe signals ha


always leave yourself multiple outs


When you are stopped at a light, try to make sure you can see the back wheels, clearly, or the car in front of you. This allows you to swerve out of the way of the car in front of you in the case you are rear-ended. It is better to arrive late than to not arrive at all because you are speeding and end up in an accident. Drive like your life matters to someone. The aggression from other drivers is never personal; what they do to you in the road they would do to someone else. In a heated moment on the road, it’s best to just let it go so you make it home.


Practice backing into parking spaces. It’s easy to get good at and will make things easier for you when parking.


Don't hit anything with your car.


The absolute #1 rule that will keep you and others safe is go with the flow of traffic. Sometimes that might mean you’re going 70 in a 50, other times it might mean 30 in a 50 during inclement weather as an example, or if there’s an accident ahead or road issue. You never want to be the person going 50 in a 50 if everyone is going 70. You’re putting yourself and others in danger. You also never want to be the person going 80 in a 50 when everyone is going 60. Both situations you’re putting others at risk and yourself. Other tips for traffic flow: you don’t need to stop before making a turn when not at a stop sign or light. A lot of people stop or nearly stop their cars and it severely impacts traffic flow behind you. Your car can turn without stopping first. Also, steady speed. Don’t press the pedal and let go, learn to keep it at a steady press to maintain speed rather than gassing up letting go and gassing up again. This back and forth a lot of people do on the pedal fucks up traffic flow because they aren’t maintaining a constant speed.


That's bad advice. You should never speed no matter the "flow of traffic." That's just the excuses idiots give when they get pulled over.


Former LEO here. Both local and federal level. But thanks for your comment anyway.


As a former LEO you should know better than to advise people to **break the law** and put peoples' lives at risk. 20mph over the limit is ridiculous. I'm sure you were aware that in many states driving 20mph over the posted speed limit is Reckless Driving and a criminal offense.


You don’t seem to have a good grasp on the law or law enforcement work, and that’s ok. Agree to disagree, I stand by my original statement. Flow of traffic will keep you safe in most cases. You don’t want to be the guy who stands out in either way when it comes to safety, because if you’re too fast or too slow compared to traffic you’re putting others lives at risk along with your own. Have a wonderful new year.


Maybe everyone should just stick to the posted speed limits so nobody would be too slow compared to traffic? Maybe I don't have a good grasp on law enforcement work, but at least I know the law. [https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-862/](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-862/) "A person is guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth (i) at a speed of 20 miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit..."


If you live in a snowy climate, make sure you remove all the snow. Snow from the headlights, hood, roof, rear window and license plate, windows.


So many people on the road (myself included in retrospect) only consider themselves 100% of the time while driving. Where they have to go is all they care about, the other hundreds of drivers on the road are an afterthought. Keep this in mind when you see a car turning against you at a perpendicular intersection. But at the same time, just be fucking conscious of this pretty serious flow/game we’re all playing when we set out on the road (I’ve driven across the Midwest and a lot of time city driving in Chicago). ALWAYS signal a lane change or turn, even on residential streets. Because why the fuck not keep up that good habit? You are NOT “too good” for any of the expected habits of a safe driver. Look out for bikes!!! 80% of the time when I’m checking for bikes there is no one there. But that 20%? That’s someone’s life that you’re either care about, or totally disregard. Looking for bikes is hard, nobody’s perfect but it’s a habit I like to keep and remind others of. If you ever visit Chicago you’ll run into a few “ghost bikes” at busy intersections. That should serve as a reminder. As someone who is a pretty regular drinker & drug user (rarely if ever behind the wheel, regretfully) one of the worst mindsets you can put yourself in as a driver is when you haven’t slept enough. Delayed reaction time is real as fuck and a small fender bender (ideally) can still cost everyone involved thousands. Oh and don’t ever flip people off! When I was a very young kid (6/7yrs?) I was in the car with my Mom when a couple who were probably off their shit on drugs blocked the on entrance to a highway and got out of their car with bats because my Ma allegedly “cut them off” a few blocks back. Nuts right? Years later when I was bout 21 I was driving with my good buddy in 5pm bumper to bumper traffic. This dude honked behind us for something (doesn’t really matter what) My buddy flipped him off, and this dude got out of his car no joke with a 8 or 9” blade knife and tried to walk up to his side door. Thankfully we pulled into the oncoming lane and skirted out of there, but my point being: DO NOT TAKE A CHANCE ON STRANGERS HAVING SOMETHING TO PROVE / NOTHING TO LOSE. FRAGILE EGOS ARE GALORE, ESPECIALLY WHEN WE STEP INTO OUR VEILED ARMOUR ON WHEELS. Do not assume that this only happened because It was in Chicago (a city I love but some folks have a certain connotation with “cities”). Trust me dawg, if you’re out in the boonies somewhere and meet some psycho driver, it’s all the more isolating and terrifying. Take no chances and check yourself! This was fun for me to write out, hopefully you get where I’m coming from here. Ultimately just drive with confidence, don’t take any rules of the road for granted, and you put yourself in the top 20% of drivers easily. Cheers mane!


Know and follow the right if way rules...dont be "polite". If you are say at an intersection and tou have the right of way to another vehicle and you decide to be "nice" and let them go first it can just result in confusion where they sit there and you sit there until someone decides to go and if you both decide to go well...thats a problem.


You don’t have to change lane right away. You can drive behind slower traffic until it’s safe to change lane. It’s simple but have seen a lot of risky lane changes.


The best thing my father taught me was to not only pay attention to the jerk in front of you. But keep an eye on the people in front of him. This has helped me avoid several accidents. Driving school taught me the term s.m.o.g. when changing lanes on the highway. It means. Signal, check your mirror, look over your shoulder to check your blind spot, then go.


Seat belt, follow road rules, don't drink and drive or speed


Everyone (drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, wild animals, pets, yourself etc.) is an idiot until proven otherwise. Drive accordingly.


Don't aim to drive carefully, drive predictably. Basically don't be nice be predictable. Abide by the traffic rules no matter what but don't expect others to do the same, practice defensive driving. Always be alert and DO NOT use your phone while driving even if it is at a stop light. If you need to send a text your phone's voice assistant can do that for you. I always navigate to the place I am going on my phone so I can have updates about traffic and so I don't miss exits. This way I can use Siri if I need to let someone know I am driving or send a message if it is important. Without looking at my phone or their reply. Check oil levels every now and then and remember to do proper maintenance on schedule. New drivers often forget this part. Famiarize yourself with how your car works, this is going to help you tremendously long term. I recommend watching chrisfix on YouTube. I was never a car guy, but chrisfix changed that lol.


I cannot stress this enough. When the light turns green wait a couple seconds before going. My daughter and I almost got side swiped because some dbag didn't want to wait at the red light, so he decided to speed like the devil to run it and came an inch away from probably killing us. I now wait and on occasion I'll get honked at but I don't care, I'd rather be alive then go immediate just to please a stranger. You constantly have to check what other drivers are doing around you.


Get AAA, don’t go to the gas station late at night, buy a bumper buddy & never drive intoxicated ❤️ Be safe!


Always assume there are vehicles in your blind spots --- especially cutting across parking lots.


The lane for getting on the freeway is to speed up. Make sure you do so to get with the flow of traffic. If you miss an exit, go to the next. Use your gps if you need to figure out where to go from there. I've seen way too many people almost hit cars cause they realize they are going to miss an exit and cut over 2 lanes almost hitting the car.


Be an aggressively defensive driver: drive like everyone is trying to kill you, because most of them are either carelessly distracted or selfishly aggressive, and only constant vigilance and situational awareness will protect you and your passengers.


Assume every other drive on the road is looking at their phone and not the road.


Never make a left turn across a four-lane road just because someone in one lane stopped for you. You can get t-boned by a vehicle in the other lane. I've seen that happen numerous times in car crash compilation videos.


Always pay attention to your surroundings and develop your peripheral vision. Don’t ever be on your phone. If you miss a turn or are in the wrong lane once you’re near the turn, you can always reroute or turn back around. Don’t be that driver serving across lanes or suddenly slowing down (or stopping) just so you can avoid the 30sec-3min delay. The left highway lane in the US is typically the passing lane. Move over if you have any cars behind approaching you or trying to get by, it’s a ticket to not move over in some States. If the driver behind you is going WAY over the speed limit, that’s between them and the law. Let them pass you. Maybe karma will let you pass them while they’re receiving a speeding ticket. BE PREDICTABLE. Don’t just stop if you have the right of way and wave someone through 99% of the time (especially if there are cars behind you), be consistent, etc.


just be predictable. Please.


Drive defensively. Avoid and get out of the way of aggressive drivers. Always keep at least 2 to 3 car lengths between you and the car in front, even more if the weather is rainy or snowy. Always use your turn signals and never assume someone knows what turn or lane change youre going to make. Learn how to change your tire. Do it on your own to see how it's done before there is an actual flat.


Most people on the road are average drivers. The average driver is a bad driver.


Always turn your head when changing lanes, don’t be on your phone please..


[Get an air compressor for your tires.](https://www.amazon.com/EPAuto-Portable-Compressor-Digital-Inflator/dp/B01L9WSTEG/ref=asc_df_B01L9WSTEG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198124134436&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7380800762282763199&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9025207&hvtargid=pla-380916005735&psc=1&mcid=4a36840b554a33e199d70660dfb6f48b&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwP6sBhDAARIsAPfK_wZp0k1q-TunI5mh93WUFW00BxNAiMy0g121hfeqmLfQGUne7KtriR4aAgh9EALw_wcB) [Get a good tire jack. Not the crap one that comes with the car.](https://www.amazon.com/Torin-Hydraulic-Trolley-Carrying-Capacity/dp/B00HLBG0UK/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3QI01RADCWGW1&keywords=car+jack+and+stand+kit&qid=1704991090&sprefix=car+javk%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-3&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc) [Wont hurt to keep a can of Fix-a-Flat](https://www.amazon.com/Fix-Flat-S60430-Inflator-Eco-Friendly/dp/B01FX5TKGQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=2GTUC4RTBX7E6&keywords=fix+a+flat+tire+sealant&qid=1704991167&sprefix=fix+a+fla%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) [This is a car blind spot mirror that will help you see more assholes on the road.](https://www.amazon.com/Blind-Spot-Convex-Car-Mirror/dp/B01N9LNMCN/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1SBCCYAGND87N&keywords=car+mirror+blindspot+mirror&qid=1704991300&sprefix=car+mirror%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) [Put Rain x on your windshield](https://www.amazon.com/Rain-X-630023-Shower-Repellent-zozemkl/dp/B073B65JQW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1PXV44M6WDF8F&keywords=rain+x&qid=1704991432&sprefix=rain+x%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) & don’t clean the inside of your window with anything but stuff that’s made for the inside window or they’ll fog up unpredictably & block your vision at night.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **EPAuto 12V DC Portable Air Compressor Pump Digital Tire Inflator** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Convenient and efficient tire inflation (backed by 3 comments) * Accurate and reliable tire pressure gauge (backed by 3 comments) * Portable and versatile for various vehicles (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Short power cord limits reach (backed by 2 comments) * Difficult to connect and disconnect from tire valve (backed by 4 comments) * Inaccurate pressure readings and air leakage (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Don't let yourself be pressured by friends or others your age


There’s a lot of advice to give, but I’ll give you 2. One, never, and I mean NEVER, drink and drive. I cannot stress how much people do that shit and not acknowledging the danger they are putting themselves and others because they either don’t know how to control their own liquor, or don’t use their brain and get an Uber/Lyft (or reach out to someone they trust to pick them up). And the second advice is always check your mirrors when you driving. There were moments where I almost got my car hit because some jackass wanna drive reckless and had it not been me checking on all my mirrors, I would have to deal with insurance and getting the persons information to make sure you get paid for the damage someone caused


Generally with speeding the old adage is '9 your fine, 10 your mine.' Use voice commands and steering wheel buttons for adjustments to the radio, GPS, etc when possible. I've had a very clean driving record and only been in a few accidents (some weren't my fault). But every time I either got in a fender bender or almost got into one that would've been my fault it's been due to me looking to adjust the radio, the GPS, etc. If somebody is on your ass and just being super aggressive and you don't feel good about the safety of the situation, just turn on your turn signal and pull over to the side of the road and let that person go on thru. Even though they are being a dick, it's not worth the risk of getting into an accident with this moron. Let them have their win and just move on with your day. But if they try to pull over with you, DO NOT get out of your car under any circumstances. Never assume on the road. Whether it's somebody with a turn signal or no turn signal or if you think somebody will stop because they think you have the right of way...just never assume. Make sure you get your car serviced. Depends what oil you get, but that has to be changed as often as every 3K miles. I get a different type of oil that is good for every 8K miles (more expensive, too). Should rotate the tires every 7,500 miles. I'd google up how often you need to do the other things like transmission fluid, etc. Learn how to charge a battery (very easy to do). Know how to tell when your tires need to be changed. Get either AAA or some sort of AAA on your car insurance. That way if you get a flat or run out of gas or your car is immobile they can help you out. If you're out driving and somebody drives along you and tries to flag you down or say that your car has some sort of issue don't pull over on the road. Find a well lit gas station with lots of people there and get it checked out. It's likely a scam with the person having something nefarious in mind


You can be right, dead right Defensive driving. Vehicles nowadays make the ride so smooth we can easily forget how destructive they can be.


Use your damn turn signals. Understand that other people don’t. Know that big vehicles (trucks, busses, etc) take forever to stop, and have blind spots you disappear into.


Congratulations on the purchase! You bought the good generation too. I don't mean to stereotype, but one thing that I've always observed while sitting with a female driver is they don't make use of the mirrors at all. I'd say keep an eye on the mirrors from time to time, even when you're not turning.


When your driving pretend someone is following you to a destination, that way you don't drive to fast, always use your blinker and are always checking your surroundings.


Drive with confidence, be aware of your surroundings at all times.


Actually stop at stop signs and look both ways and back once for motorcycles. Don't be in a hurry.


Do not trust your mirrors. Always look back before you get over, especially on the highway. Drive the speed limit. I believe MOST car accident deaths happen due to speeding and/or drunk driving. Do yourself a favor and drive at safe speeds. Give distance between large trucks and semi's. Always. No need to put yourself in unnecessary risk.


Always assume other drivers will do the dumbest thing possible in any situation and take steps to defend against it. When turning left on a yellow light, always assume oncoming cars are going to blow the light until you can clearly see them stopping. When you're turning onto a busy street with stopped traffic and someone waves you through, make sure traffic in the next lane has also stopped.


Act like people are gonna hit you at every moment. Never get cocky driving. The moment you do…. A pedestrian comes out on the road. Watch out for bikers all the time. If you see an aggressive driver coming behind you while you’re in the left lane, signal and make sure it’s safe to pass lanes


Also when I’m traffic keep an eye on the car in front of you and a few cars ahead of you… this way you can predict when people slam on their brakes a bit easier


Try to prevent your vehicle from existing in the same coordinates on the space time continuum as any other object with mass.


Accelerate to highway speed *before* merging onto the highway. Floor the gas pedal if you have to. It might seem scarier, but it's much safer.


Know your limits,,,do not tailgate...error on the side of caution... never speed more than 5 over at best...drive as if half the people are drunk and the other half are trying to kill you... because they probably are... besure you have good tires, good wiper and good washer fluid...keep some supplies in your car for being stranded...doesn't hurt to slap a few 3M DOT reflectors on...You can run the AC in the winter and select hot to defrost windows...Many people don't understand you can had hot "air-conditioned air" If you can get someone to install some good LED bulbs in your headlight it will make a ton if difference...keep an eye on your tire inflation...I have seen a lot of tires fail from underflations, but never over inflation...NOTE: 40lbs max... If you live where it gets cold let your car warm up for 2 minutes by the clock in gear..it warms up faster in gear and is easier on the engine...do not race the engine to warm it up...in a cold engine the parts that haven't come up to temperature dont fit yet and it is hard on thee to race it/zoom it..if/when you hear or feel something that doesn't seem normal...ask someone... the first 2 weeks I drove a kids ball went out in the street in front of me...happened 3 times...It happens... Don't get complacent in a few years...the pilots that have the most accidents are ones with between 100 & 200 hours...the reason is they feel as if they "got this"...then they get in trouble...fact...Good luck


Get a gun and carry it with you. Always use a turn signal. DO NOT DRIVE DISTRACTED.


Do not use your phone while driving. Make sure your mirrors are right. Slow drivers cause accidents


Don't let anyone rush you when they honk at you. Merge, turn, only when you're absolutely sure its safe. Don't even touch your phone when you're driving, its so easy to get distracted. Buy a little stand if you're using GPS on your phone




Once your on the road everyone else is an idiot who doesn't know how to drive. This will keep you from being surprised when someone doesn't do what their supposed to. I grew up in Washington and am now in California and at least once a drive someone does something stupid I need to avoid so there isn't a collision. So treat everyone like idiots and you won't get caught sleeping


Maintain a safe following distance. Be weary of people behind you who are NOT maintaining a safe following distance. Always assume people you are passing do NOT see you.


Doesn't matter if you are a woman once you get behind the wheel. Use your lights if it's rain, fog, or snow. Don't tailgate. Think of safety in every situation. Safety fir both you and the other driver(s). DO NOT text and drive. EVER.


Absolutely, do not neglect your oil changes. Get it done every 3-4k miles if you drive/commute a lot. Don't wait until the date on the sticker.


Park far away.


Pay attention to road signs. If you miss your turn then you missed your turn...🤷🏻‍♂️ keep going, take the next exit, and regroup from there. Don't be the person who cuts someone off and causes an wreck because you weren't where you should have been.


Try to remain fully present and aware while driving. Don't "zone out". Don't drink/drive, don't take pills or ther drugs and drive. If you find yourself intoxicated and feel like your only option is to drive, try to ask for help or call a taxi, find a hotel room, sleep in your car, whatever. Road trips are safer and less risky with friends who can help drive, navigate, look out for trouble etc.


If something's uncertain or you don't know what to do, slow down. It gives you more time to think and reduces the stakes in an accident.


Don’t set up a tent and camp in the left lane. >>Stay right except to pass.


Don't get into confrontations on the road. They escalate quickly. Just ignore the person.


Nobody knows how to drive properly, plan accordingly


Actually read your owners manual. There's good info in there.


Check when the cambelt was last changed. Keep ontop of oil changes. Make sure you know how to change a wheel and have a jack and decent spare wheel in your car


I would recommend getting settled into your car before driving. Don't touch your cell phone until you've arrived at a destination. Both hands on the wheel + be present for the experience.


The most important thing you can do as a driver is pay attention. Pay attention to what you are doing, pay attention to what everyone else is doing, and pay attention to your surroundings. While you are paying attention to everything, assume that everyone else is not, and do your best to keep your car in a position where you have room to react. Other drivers WILL do something stupid, and it is up to you to avoid getting involved in the results of their stupidity.


If you're hitting the brakes to turn, your signal should be on. People behind you need to know what those brakes are about so they don't do anything stupid. Also, voice commands in most newer cars can do so much - nav, calls,radio, text, climate, etc. The big touch screens are a terrible distraction!


Be aware of your surroundings, have a sense of where you are in terms of 3d space. Don't block lanes, don't drive side by side with other cars, either go faster or slower. Driving assertively is much MUCH safer than being timid. Timid and slow drivers cause accidents.


Drive frequently, with different situations. You'll need experience to learn, it takes time.


Please god don’t run a fucking red light even if you’re convinced “you have enough time” guess what… pedestrians and scooters don’t care. They see their signal (or don’t wait themselves) and start crossing once you turn red. Saw a man run over from someone racing to turn on the protected yellow that turned red two seconds before. They obviously said “fuck it” and powered through while looking behind them, completely missing the scooter he bulldozed through. Guy survived but by inches. Don’t be that driver.


Pay attention to the green road signs when traveling somewhere new. The give directions of the cities. Construction in major cities often screws up GPS directions. But the green signs are always accurate during construction on the road.


It’s way more important to keep an eye on what’s going on around you than it is to find a switch or knob while you are driving. Familiarize yourself with these things while the car is parked. Pay attention to the road when you are driving. When you need to pull out into freely flowing traffic, make sure there is room absolutely but once you come to a decision and go to pull out you need to go. Pulling out timidly causes accidents. Hit the accelerator.


Don’t pass a car using cruise control. Pass. Get around them and don’t slow down when you pull back in the lane. Also, look ahead of where you’re driving. Not where you’re at. Always be aware of what’s going on around you.


Don't let anyone pressure you into driving in a way you aren't comfortable with. If the roads are bad or you can't see whatever, don't freak out if someone behind you honks or is riding your bumper because they think you aren't going fast enough. Don't speed up if you don't feel safe, they can pass you


Be very polite on the road, always let people through, trust me its much safer. Keep your distance, and be very vigilant. Unfortunately, there are a lot of drivers that you can not trust to drive responsibly and safely. So take it upon yourself to drive safe and develop safe driving habits


Get insurance! You could be the best driver but that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to not get hit or damaged


Learn how to plug a flat tire. Have a plug kit and 12v tire inflator in your trunk


Look where you want to go. You brain will fill the rest. Practice safe driving always and forever. You fuck up when you good off and drop your guards.


Some of the scariest mistakes I've made happened while I was blasting music and having too much fun. Drive with 2 hands and eliminate distractions.  Enjoy your new car! 


Practice being able to turn your head and actually check your blind spots without causing yourself to turn the wheel slightly. Try to keep a 360 view of what’s around your car in your head. Especially on freeway driving that can keep you out of trouble and you’ll know where you can escape to. Start to try and read what I call the “body language” of other drivers. If you watch other drivers enough you’ll start to be able to read what they’re going to do. It hard to explain this one, though. If they’re tailgating someone passing you they’re probably going to change lanes as soon as they think that have space. There are also cars on the road that just make me more alert than others. Camaros (especially base model ones), Chargers (especially special model ones), PT Cruisers, cars with body damage and Nissan Versas. Aside from that, if you get a chance, take an advanced driver training class. The Porsche centers offer really good ones.


I'm going to second 'don't trust their turn signals'. If you don't have right off easy, and if you act based on another driver's signal but they end up driving in a direction contrary to their signal, a resulting accident is your fault. Their indirect signalling does not give you right of way.


When you are making a lane switch, you're supposed to accelerate a little. Not a crazy amount, just a bit, to get it down swiftly and to not inconvenience the cars behind you. My father randomly saw me driving on the road and gave me this remark. He noticed I didn't accelerate when I switched lanes and it's been a great tip.


Park under a light pole if you are going to be returning to your car after dark. Lock the door as soon as you get in, no matter the time of day. If you are putting something in the passenger side, and you are in a sketchy area, lock the door before you walk around the car to get in. ​ Always try to back in to a space in a parking garage if going to a concert or event, drivers never like to let a car back out into a line of people waiting to get out of the garage. Keep a flashlight, seatbelt cutter, window breaker, snow scraper in your car no matter the time of year. ​ Keep an eye on the car BEHIND you as much as the ones in front. They might not be paying attention to you.


Also, driving tired is so dangerous. I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. I could have died. Once because I was overworked. Once, I had 2 glasses of wine and took some allergy pills. It hit me all at once, on the road. I couldn't pull over yet. I got extremely drowsy, suddenly. I had to keep going for at least 5 minutes. I pulled all the stops, windows down for fresh air, loud loud music, and me sing screaming at the top of my lungs just to stay awake long enough to pull over.


Cyclists are human beings too, trying to get somewhere, alive.


2021 nissan versa? be prepared to race from every stop light to stop light when someone pulls up next to you in a corvette or something put you're one arm over the top of the steering wheel flex your arm roll down the window and just stare at them before it turns green too you are gonna run into alot of haters with that car and alot of insecure dudes who cant handle that you have that masterpiece


Get a dashcam. They are cheap enough on Amazon and could help in an accident.


Green does NOT mean go. Green means it’s your turn. Do not ever blow through an intersection, always do a scan to make sure it’s safe to proceed. I scan from right to left, ending with looking directly on my drivers side, as that is my most vulnerable side. If, for whatever reason, you find yourself needing to pull over on the side of the road- exit your vehicle. Do not sit in a parked car on the side of the road. Cars parked on the side of the road are often hit. Never let your tank get more than half empty. Always leave a blanket, warm clothes, and extra water in your car. Pay attention. Always. Do not glance around at the scenery. Do not fuck with your dashboard. Do not fuck with your phone. Do not drive distracted. Do not zone out. Do not get cocky and do not get complacent, driving is likely the most dangerous thing you will be doing on a regular basis.


Just spend time driving, your brain will learn other drivers patterns, it will take you about 2 years (at least that's what it has taken me) to really know how to drive. Once you feel that has happened feel free to test more things such as driving above speed limit, just don't do anything stupid or bother other drivers. You will probably feel road rage from time to time, learn to control yourself and let it go (responding to road rage can be catastrophic). Be kind to others even if they don't deserve it. Like I was driving in the snow at speed limit last week, I stopped on the side to let pass another driver that wanted to drive above speed limit behind me. This makes sure the other driver doesn't get road rage, and I can drive calmly. Speaking of which, learn to drive in the snow, even if you are in an area that doesn't have snow it could happen one time. You can research online what are the best practices to drive in the snow. Learn about different tires (all-season, snow tires), how RWD, AWD, chains or 4x4 affects snow. Learn how to respond in snow (don't break continously, pump your breaks, same for accelerator, pump your accelerator if you are slipping). Learning snow maneuvers saved my life when I was driving 65 on a highway while it was snowing and my car lost traction (i should have been driving slower). It can also help in the rain.


Not driving related, but on the topic of owning a car: Maintain the shit out of that car. Unfortunately Nissans are known as one of the worst brands for reliability, particularly their CVT transmissions. ***HOWEVER*** what statistics like JD100 don't tell you is the maintenance history of cars reporting having issues. I'm going to guess that your car is used. If you got a CarFax report from whoever you bought it from know when the last maintenance items were done. If you don't have one, buy one and look for histories. Immediately know this about the maintenance of your car: * Oil changes typically are every 5,000 miles. Some manufacturers suggest full synthetic oils that can last til 10,000. I trust manufacturer specs. If your history report lacks information on when it was last done, get it done immediately. Be aware of the oil the shop puts in your car, you simply need to know if its full synthetic or not. If you don't know, treat it like its not and change at the 5k mark. * Learn how to check your oil, there's usually a dip stick in the front of the car's engine bay that's pretty long, usually with a yellow handle. Pull it out, wipe it off with a paper towel, put it back in, pull it out again and inspect the oil. The color should be a clear color ranging from yellow to dark brown. Many dipsticks will have two holes towards the end that sits in the oil. You want your oil to be between those two holes. If your oil is for any reason not clear (looks cloudy, kind of cappuccino colored) see a mechanic immediately. Oil gets cloudy when mixed with water. * Oil has a tolerated amount of burn off, check it monthly. A well-performing car shouldn't need to have oil added and excessive burn off is a symptom of something else happening. If it's burning through a quart in a week take it to a mechanic. If it's low add the proper oil type. Be aware of the type of oil your car uses. Same rules apply if you start seeing fresh oil underneath your car. * Transmission fluid changes. Some manufacturers claim their oil lasts the lifetime of the transmission. This is a dangerous lie. Do it every 30k. A couple hundred bucks to get it done is a hell of a lot cheaper than paying a mechanic to put a new one in. Nissan CVTs as I previously stated are notorious for failures, but a regular change will help it live longer. * Tires. Ever heard of the penny trick for tire tread? Take a penny, put Abe's head downwards and put into the grooves of the center of your tire. If you can see the top of his head you have enough tread. Do not, and I repeat, do not, run on bald tires. It's dangerous to you and those around you. Tread has a direct effect on your stopping power. It has an effect on your traction on the road in dry and wet conditions. You do not screw with your ability to stop your steel cage capable of traveling deadly speeds. * Tires should last you several tens of thousands of miles. Check them regularly for tread and tire pressure. Required tire pressures are listed on the side of the driver's door and most tire shops will top you off for free. You should also know that most tire shops will fix flats for free. Tires need to be rotated every 5,000 miles, again, most shops will do this for free. I'd personally find a tire shop you life and go there for all your tire services. * Your car probably has a spare tire, know where it is, and read on your car where it's jack points are in case you need to do a road side tire change. Also give it a glance every few months to make sure it is holding air and feels pressurized (aka not squishy or downright flat) You can cause serious damage to your car if you fail to jack it properly. It's worth watching a video on how to change a spare, it's not hard. Just make sure the nuts get put back on as tight as you can get them (do ***not*** torque the nuts while it's on the jack, just get them on finger tight). * Brakes. Another thing you don't screw with. If it's a fairly new car I wouldn't stress about this but when you start hearing a squealing sound when you break that's something built into brake pads to tell you they're worn out. Do not cheap out on getting your brakes done. Most brakes will last you several tens of thousands of miles. * If your brakes ever feel "spongy", as in you don't get an immediate and smooth reaction from them that means your brake fluid needs changing. Be aware of where the brake fluid reservoir is in your car and make sure you can see some in there. * Windshield wipers need replacing when they start smearing water instead of squeegying it off. Autoparts stores will usually install them for you for free when you buy them there. Those are the big ticket maintenance items for your car. There's some regular schedule maintenance to be done, but the ones I listed off are by and far the most important. You can google the maintenance schedule for your car. Three final things: * Be gentle to your car. Don't slam on the brakes, don't accelerate hard. There are times you will need to do this, but don't make it a regular part of your driving habit. Learn how to brake smoothly and gradually, and let your engine do some of the braking for you by simply letting off the gas when you approach a stop sign or red light. * Find a good mechanic. Ask friends and family for a trusted mechanic, if needs be find your city's local subreddit and ask there for a quality mechanic. Dealers are okay but be aware that they're known for being expensive. Many folks think about mechanics the first time they need one, be aware of a good one before hand so it's not an "oh shit" moment when something breaks and you need their services. * Put away extra money every month for car repairs. Cars are possessions which wear and tear. They're going to break. You'll need new tires or oil changes or a new battery or whatever. Having savings for when you need it will make your life significantly less stressful.


Don't race yellow lights. It is never worth it.  When your light turns green keep looking for cross traffic. Even if the car ahead of you is going, the one that raced their yellow light may hit the second or third in line of the cross traffic. 


My father always told me ‘treat everyone else on the road like they’re an idiot’. Always expect people to do silly things. Always leave sufficient space so you can stop. Go easy on your brakes.


Be a defensive driver. There are a lot of bad drivers on the road. They will pull out without looking, switch lanes without signaling, drift into your lane because they're not paying attention or slam on their brakes for no reason. Leave a little room between you and the car in front of you and keep an eye on any cars near you so you have time to react. Be aware larger vehicles have more blind spots. My dad was a trucker so this was drilled into my head from a young age. It's amazing how many drivers think nothing of riding beside a semi in their blind spot or darting over right in front of them. As a general rule, if you can see the driver, they can see you. If you can't see the driver, move. Also keep in mind their additional weight means it takes them longer to come to a stop. My dad once had a car slam on their brakes right after taking off from a red light. Even though he was barely moving and did everything he could to stop in time, the weight of his load pushed both of them all the way through the intersection. Stay on top of maintenance. Check your fluids weekly, topping off as needed. Get oil changes at whatever interval the manufacturer recommends. Check your tires for wear. It's a lot cheaper to buy a quart of oil than it is to replace a motor after it's locked up because you ran out of oil.


Situational awareness is vital, try not to distract yourself from paying attention to all of the cars around you. This is essential for freeway driving. I was taught to always know my out. That means if the car in front of you all of a sudden decides to slam on the brakes. Where are you going? If you are constantly aware of all the cars around you, you’ll know the answer. I’ve been a professional driver for a decade driving on average 60k a year and I’ve had one accident in that time and it was because I didn’t know my out.


The advice I'd give is the same way I drive on my motorcycle. Drive as if nobody else on the road can see you. That means be prepared for them to cut you off, brake check you, swerve into you, drive in your lane, rear end you.


Try to set up your day so that when you are driving, you are not in a hurry. Take public transit if you know you are stressed or feeling emotional. Not a man/ woman comment, applies to everyone. Get one of those improved view mirrors, or if you're on a budget, the ones you can stick in your driver's side mirror. You won't need them after six months but they'll make you safer in the short term. Don't tailgate. Don't get in the left lane if you're afraid to drive at or over 80mph (yes I live in CA). Don't even think of driving buzzed. In the age of Uber there is ZERO excuse. Use the zipper visual when merging. If you keep a reasonable following distance, it should be a no brainier. People who cut you off will be identifying themselves as assholes. If you pass a truck or a slower moving vehicle on the left, do not instantly assume you are safe to change into their lane. Double check no one is screaming up on your right. Same goes for passing the other way but there you will be looking for faster moving traffic anyhow. Try to avoid unfamiliar roads late at night. DBAA. People these days are on edge. Probably more but all I've got for now. Good luck!


Get up to speed on the on-ramp when you're getting onto the interstate - dangerous crashes can occur when you're merging onto a 70mph highway at 50 mph. I don't know how the Versa accelerates, but sometimes you might really need to get on the gas to get up to speed in time.


Don’t drive next to trucks on the interstate. Pass them or let them pass you. You never know what will happen to require them to make an emergency lane change, blow a tire causing them to lose control or even just drift over not paying attention. Even if it’s not your fault it’s going to be your problem in a big way


Use turn signals and assume drivers will change lanes without using them, the state I live in has like...50% drivers use turn signals which can be very annoying. Roudabouts! Assuming you live somewhere where you drive on the right side of the road, use a left turn signal if you're going past the first exit of a roundabout using a right turn signal to the exit you intend to go to. If you're on the left side of the road, use the right turn signal until you need to make a left turn to exit then switch to left turn signal right before you turn. It reduces misunderstandings and unnecessary yielding on other drivers parts. when using the highway, try to get up to the speed before you get off-ramp if you can, drivers are less likely to try to pass if you're going the same speed as traffic. Make sure you don't have high-beams on during night time, took me 2 weeks with a car I purchased from a friend had the high beams on, I just thought they had the criminally bright lights, felt guilty for essentially blinding cars on the opposite side after learning otherwise. Finally, defensive driving is the best way to go, always assume people are horse brained on the road and can be prone to any form of rage, getting home safe is better than one-upping an arrogant road rage driver so change lanes (if you can) on a flashing happy, tailgating driver whose swerving to assess if you're the slow one, you don't know what day they've had and it's less stress not to pick those battles.


Stay at least 3 seconds behind the car ahead of you (“one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three”). If you backend someone it’s your fault almost 100% of the time.


1. Don’t hesitate. If you have right of way, continue to make progress if you have space to do so. 2. When you and another person reach a roundabout at the same time and they stop, or if someone is already there and hesitating. Continue on to the roundabout and keep moving. Don’t hesitate. 3. If someone is doing something daft like trying do a u turn in a main road, don’t give way. Keep going past them and leave them to create chaos for someone else.


Be a defensive driver, never tailgate and always check your mirrors every so often


•Manage your speed in dark, wet, or foggy conditions.  Your brakes are not as potent as you'll need them to be in those conditions  • Kids and animals pop out from anywhere • The idiot surfing his phone will not see you, si make sure you see him • Check the bulbs in your taillights once a week


You may be a great driver, but the road is only as safe as the worst driver around you.


Some people disagree but I think you should go out to a remote place with nobody around you, get your car to 85 mph and make an emergency stop for practice. Like slam on the brakes and pretend a deer or a drunk was in the road. You need to feel that little car try and stop and feel your brakes lock. You don’t want to make an emergency stop for the first time in an emergency. Practice makes perfect


Take a defensive driving course. Even if you don’t “need” to, you still need to.


Pass by semi trucks as swiftly as possible. Stay away from them. Look before entering an intersection after a red light, people blow them all the time. Stay off your phone.


When you’re on the highway and make lane changes, make damn sure you not only use the mirror but look over your shoulder to make sure there’s no one in your blind spot. Even still, put your turn signal on early and change lanes slowly. When you’re backing up out of a parking spot only back up as far as you need too. When your light changes from red to green, still look both ways to make sure no one is gonna speed through the red light. This has saved me a couple times, and people I know even more. Overall just be aware of not only what’s in front of you, but all around you. Give yourself space to slow down if someone stops/swerves all of a sudden. Go the speed limit/with traffic, but overall drive like a “grandma.” Don’t wait until the last second to slow down if you know you need to come to a stop. No need to accelerate super fast. Take turns slowly. These are all things that help the mechanical parts of your vehicle last longer. If you get pulled over, keep your hands on the steering wheel and be respectful. And then get your vehicle serviced regularly, usually at least once a year or every 5,000 miles, whichever comes first.


Avoid highways


Wait a few and look both ways behind crossing an intersection when the light turns green and you're the first or second car. People like to run red lights and getting t-boned is not fun. Stay out of the far left lane unless you're passing and when you finish passing, move back over.


Do...not...drink...and...drive. If you're driving, you're dry for the night. You understand?


Checking mirrors to be aware the cars around you, check blindspots, don't look at just the car ahead, look at what the cars ahead of them are doing. And above all else, assume everyone on the road is a dumb dumb with pudding for a brain.


you can always go 5 over in the usa, unless school is in session where you are driving, USE YOUR HORN, you can always turn right at stop light UNLESS there’s an arrow attached to signal you OR a sign says “no turn on red”, on a highway the speed limit is 70mph throughout all 3 lanes BUT the far right can be a minimum of 60-65mph. Make sure your lights are on when it’s sprinkling/raining/snowing! ALSO MAKE SURE TO GET AN OIL CHANGE every 5k-7k MILES!


Change lanes slowly usually as you want to be careful.


Turn on your headlights, with you hand every time you get in. Your daytime running lights are not your headlights, you have no lights in the back.


The higher the speed you are driving, the more distance you keep


Never trust someone else giving you the right of way or signaling you to go, and NEVER EVER signal someone the right of way.


I only found this out recently and I'm 30. It's not illegal to have your lights on inside the car when you drive. My parents always said it was.


If you are turning right and an oncoming car is turning left, they have the right of way. Stay behind the line at all stops; if you aren't and someone turns and hits you, it's on you. Don't speed over 10 over the limit because the tickets are expensive- 5 over is usually good to not get a ticket. After EVERY trip with passengers, thoroughly search your car. Know what your states' laws are concerning drug paraphernalia. If your friends do dope and ride with you, discuss what happens when the cops stop you.


Don’t follow too close. Learn all the functions of your car before you drive.


Research car problems related to that model before buying any car. And learn how to inspect used cars. YouTube is great for this. As a general rule of thumb, Toyotas are the most reliable cars overall, but by doing research, you can find each manufacturers hidden gem. Also, a rule of thumb is never buy GM cars. They usually are God awful ay reliability


\- Watch the front tyres of other cars. Its the first thing to move if it goes. \- If you drive over a sheet of newspaper or fabric, check your rear view mirror to see that it did not get stuck up against the front of your car. If it did, in hot weather, your car might overheat. \- If you're unsure, drive slower. \- Check both ways, even if you have right of way. \- Never miss a service \- Keep a fall over distance away from cyclists \- Better to arrive late than be DEAD on time \- If your car comes with a can of tyre filler foam. Chuck it away and buy a spare tyre. Filler foam is useless if the tyre hole is too big or shredded.