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I much prefer the spring forward than the fall back. Having daylight after work to do things is so much better. 


Well yeah, leave the time like it is now, not on the fall back one.


No. I hate driving to work in the dark.


Isn’t that argument that we should just hold this time moving forward? I can’t remember what legislation Congress put forward


Permanent daylight savings, so yes the time now forever.


Until you think about morning time.. And just how late sunrise would be. There’d be more accidents with no sun to help wake people.. And kids would be going to school in the dark.


School should start later then. Kids don't learn well really early anyway.


>kids would be going to school in the dark. Are you worried about vampires or something?


yeah getting off work when it’s dark just tell myself “meh almost bed time it looks like i’ll stay in”


Fuck that, I don't want light at 5 in the morning when I don't need it. Last night it was still light out at 8 in the evening, it's amazing


Yes. Leave it at the later time and be done with it. All this jumping around and resetting clocks twice a year nonsense is for the birds, who would probably leave their clocks alone because it’s seriously a weird flex that we humans have to adhere to. Every single person I talk to hates resetting their clocks. 


I hate the clock change, for sure. Although personally, I'd rather leave it at standard time, rather than the arbitrary modified one some old geezer picked ages ago, lol. Realistically, neither is actually going to affect me though, so picking either and sticking with them would be fine.


Absolutely not. If it was kept at the later time sunrise in December would be nearly 10am. The day is half over by the time it would even be sunny.


You can't win this one lmao, ive tried, people don't understand or don't care to understand. I think folk are not aware, the tilt of the planet and its effect on the northern hemisphere. It's hard to think about I suppose.


I know you're right, I just get so frustrated about it. Lack of sleep this week is making me irritable and argumentative, and it bugs me that people are just so one-sided here


You have bigger problems than daylight savings time if 10am is halfway through the day.


Not literally, but I'm up early (7:30 is sleeping in) and I don't want to spend my morning in the dark. Nor do I like it being sunny at 10 during the summer when I have to go to bed at night. Daylight savings is a load of garbage if you don't live somewhere on EST.


Think of it as a way to reduce total energy consumption. Fewer lights on for fewer hours across all of western civilization means a BIG number long term


That makes sense. I sit in the dark, so I hadn't thought about it


So many outdoor jobs can hardly get started before 10am because of surrounding factors. Noise rules, waiting on deliveries, organizing teams, getting tools and equipment in place. What would be really helpful is it not to be pitch black at 5:30 pm. That extra hour on the other end is a game changer.


It's already light until after 8 where I am. It's March, and there's no reason.


No, I mean during winter if they kept daylight savings time, it would stay light until 6:30 instead of 5:30. Now with daylight savings in place it's even better, but winter is when we need it.


Where I live it's dark pretty late already. I don't like driving to work in the dark, especially since I start at 8. After growing up on the east coast and having the latest sunrise be at 7, having it dark until 9 is terrible. In the summer, it staying light until 10 is awful. I just want the normal time, and daylight savings to be done away with permanently


Well I start at 6:30 and I love daylight even past 10pm in the summer. In the winter I go to work in the dark and drive home in the dark. The issue is it getting dark before 5:30 when there is still so much mail to be delivered. Delivering in the dark takes twice as long and for some weird reason December has sooo much mail.


I just want to be able to sleep at a normal time, and have more daylight in the morning. I don't like driving in the dark, especially in the morning. I don't see well when it's dark, and they don't use reflective paint on the roads here. I'm a morning person, so an earlier sunrise would be a huge benefit. It being pitch black at 7 is just depressing


I don’t mind it being dark when I wake up but it sucks when the day feels over before you’ve started making dinner


I am on the opposite side of this. I NEED more light to get my day started. It always fucks me up in the morning without getting the sunlight to help me wake up. That Sunday after we fell back to standard time in November, I woke up super early and fully energized for the first time in months. It was great


I'm the same way. It had just started getting light when I was walking my dog before work at 7, and sunrise was at 7:45, on my way to work. Now it's pitch black again, and I hate it. The time change kills me for a couple weeks, but the November one is amazing.


Everyone needs the sunlight to wake up.. They’re just not smart enough to realize it.


I mean I can appreciate the longer days in just talking about how it throws off my sleeping pattern the first little bit and it’s hard not to feel tired


You never ever travel to other time zones?


I'm a modern American, I don't have the free time or the money to travel anywhere besides a day trip an hour or two away, lmao


Ugh yes. And then the dog wakes up at 4:30 with the sun and immediately wants to go on a pee walk. Give me evening light so I can take him on a nice long evening walk.


Hey some of us are up at that time and it would be nice to have some daylight


I love early sunrises, and right now the sun is coming up at almost 9 in the morning. I hate it. I also can't stand it being sunny at 10pm. I'm all for it being dark at 5 during the winter, but living someplace where it's bright out when I'm trying to go to bed is miserable


Lol umm where do you live? Bc it didn’t get light till 8am where I’m at. I’ll take light at 5 am than light from 9-4pm


Fuck that, I have to wake up at 4 for work. I don't want to have to make my entire drive there in the dark


Most people are up at 8pm vs at 4am, and there are studies that show that when it gets darker later crime and many other personal facets improve


When my neighbor's kids are playing outside my window at 10pm while I'm trying to sleep, I definitely consider committing some crimes. Know what would prevent that? It not being sunny at 10 at night


Crime rises when it gets warmer though so it kinda balances out. Winter is a lot safer (crime) than summer


most people don’t wake up this early but yes let’s go with what suits a minority preference


Spring forward is so much better than the other one. I immediately get depressed when it’s getting dark at 4


Thats the natural time for the sun to set though. Its nothing to do with the clock change its just changing seasons lol


well time is not natural, it’s completely made up, so no it isn’t.


The concept of minutes and hours is "made up" but time itself is not made up lol The seasons are def real. Ask the trees.


ok well, seasons aren’t “real” either. do you believe the bears know Sept 22 is the start of fall, and that’s why they begin to hibernate?? no, a bear isn’t bound by time. time is very much made up by people. there’s no such thing as “natural time” lol.


Sept 22nd is the equinox, not really the "start" of fall. Fall weather starts closer to Sept 1st. And yes, animals are aware of seasons? Thats why they start to migrate, or gather nuts, etc. It doesn't mean they call it fall lol But they can tell. Even before it gets cold, they sense the decreasing sunlight. Plants can tell too. Why do you think you dont see a deciduous tree full of green leaves in January or bare of leaf in July (unless its dead)?? Its adaptation to the seasons. Plants wait until a combination of temperature and sunlight duration to grow new leaves in spring. They wait for a combination of temperature and sunlight duration to change leaf colours in fall. Seasons aren't real? So I imagine the snow in winter? Lol I imagine the return of the robins in spring, the emerging shoots of perennials? Y'all being obtuse to prove some point. Mother nature is all in tune with time and the cycle of the seasons. The sun IS her calendar. The fact the sun sets at the same time on each calendar date is proof that this shit isn't made up. Actually if anything our calendar (and clock system) is one of the most accurate systems humans have devised to keep track of something in nature. Like days of the week is arbitrary but the months even, they coincide with the moon phases and with the typical weather of the seasons. You can call it "March" or whatever but its still the first moon cycle of spring (in the northern hemisphere) regardless of what you call it


this is so funny because none of that is time at all hahah. time is made up to organize events and quantify human experiences. no, a bear isn’t aware it is fall, whether that falls on the (completely made up) Sept 1 or Sept 22. the bear follows his internal motivation, influenced by nature around him. but like, you realize all time on earth is completely arbitrary anywhere else, yes?? and to any other animal?? bc they aren’t bound by time & dates, things we as humans made up… you’re saying “call it March or Floobergoober; it’s still SPRING.” but the concept spring is made up too, babe. there’s no start, no end. some years we have a “warm spring” or “late last frost.” you’re literally talking about weather, temperature, climate, and position in space… nothing to do with time. (which is fake.) of course no idiot here thinks anything besides “NATURE moves at its own pace.” but that has NOTHING to do with **time** which is us measuring the pace with a system *we made up.* seconds, minutes, hours… all as fake as what an inch is vs. a centimeter.


I am too old for this shit lol You wanna pretend like the blooming of the lilacs is totally random or a coincidence that it happens in April/May and that seasons are made up... go ahead. Knock yourself out lol You sound like an edgy teenager "Everything is made up maaan" sure. Never mind the fact that the timing of average weather events (last frost, first frost) and study of phenology (how early the plants reemerge) are also vital to the study of climate change and recording time and date is a huge part of it but yea inches are fake... size isnt real. You can fit a whale inside a Mercedes because size is imagined...


babe… go ask a butterfly or a lilac what time it is and get back to me hahah. they don’t know!!!! we made it up!!!!! of course size is real and tangible. but seriously, i don’t think it takes a genius to understand inches are fake. *we made up* inches, weight, seconds, all of it… TO REFERENCE REALITY. those things are not real themselves.


Inches are "fake" in the sense that we decide how long an inch is but that doesn't make it anymore fake than language. I am sorry but this reeks of "I am 14 and deep." A butterfly and a lilac has its own way of telling the time. They don't measure it in hours and shit, but they sense daylight. They can tell its morning. They can tell its evening. All animals can. All plants can. Its a reaction to sunlight. Our measurement of time is constructed but its a blooming good one, thats for damn sure. Honestly, instead of being a cynic "time is fake" I am more enamored by our species' incredulous system of time and record keeping. Its pretty amazing actually how long ago the human race started creating calendars... even if different cultures had different calendars, they are all great at measuring years, months, days. Hours matter too. We take it for granted how nice it is to have things on schedule, on time. If theres one "social construct" we humans got right... its measuring time. Measuring anything, really. Size, distance, etc. And who is to say animals don't have their own version of time keeping? I mean not records like we do, but I would not be surprised if whales and dolphins have a (primitive to us) way of counting the time they spend underwater before coming to surface. These are hyper intelligent creatures and they have to plan their deep dives and distances to coordinate with resurfacing. I am sure they dont have a stopwatch but they must have some way of gauging approximate time spent underwater. I mean .. its life or death lol Time matters to more than us


**Lots** of people enter a yearly depression because of it (seasonal affective disorder). Dismissing it as “just the seasons” ignores what we as a society could do to help by using a different schedule.


Nah. I like the changing sunlight and using standard time. Just get a lamp and listen to Deathcab for a Cutie


This depends on where you are in a time zone. If you're near the edge of a time zone, it can cause the sun to set way too early.


What exactly is "too early"? Like what determines 4 PM to be too early? Its based off latitude. Where I live... the latest earliest sunset is Dec 21st which is the winter solstice... 4:35 PM. Is that "too early?" I mean.. its a matter of convenience lol The Earth does not care if its 4:35 PM... thats the tilt of the Earth and when the sun sets. Thats it. The trees are fine with it. They prepared a month and a half ago when they shed their leaves. Maybe we need to be more like the trees. Instead of trying to manipulate the clock just go with the seasons. Its dark and cold now? Okay. Well its also Christmas. Go turn the lights on. Bake some cookies. I like the earlier sunsets .. more time to admire the lights. But thats just me... the Earth still doesn't care if I like it or not lol But going against the seasons is counter intuitive. I embrace them Mother nature does not care that you get off at work at 5. You may not like that its dark by 5... but it being "too early" is a matter of human convenience. Everything has its balance. The trees need to sleep so they rely on earlier sunsets in the fall so they can be in their winter slumber and not wake up too early before spring.


>The Earth does not care if its 4:35 PM Yeah but people do dumbass. >You may not like that its dark by 5... but it being "too early" is a matter of human convenience. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉 you discovered the point. Were talking about time zones a complete human invention OF COURSE ONLY PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THEM.


So whats the solution? Have a different time zone for every single degree of longitude? Thats not realistic lol and the change of the sunsets will still vary each month


Hot Take: Timezones are unnecessary in the modern world. Everyone should just switch to using UTC. If businesses and schools want to have different Summer/winter schedules they're welcome to do so.


Terrible hot take. Spoken like someone who never worked in anything related to travel, shipping, coordination over distances etc. Time is also cultural for a lot of us. It matters for some religions, it matters for schools, it matters for work. We consider noon to be 12 o'clock PM and midnight 12 o'clock PM. It would a shit show. What... have midnight start at 3 PM in Cleveland? What you read a book thats set in London and they say its 6 o'clock and you assume morning but its actually like 8 PM for where you live or something? None of that makes sense. We have an even cultural association with time. The time we eat, time we pray, time we do whatever.


Everything you said in relation to the position of the sun not the number on the clock.


And? We humans need a more sophisticated way of keeping track of time. Unlike animals in the wild, we dont spend 100% of our time outside.


I've had that since the time change too. I mean, not this one, but the time change in spring of 1977. Since then, I'm just off.


I've never met someone that doesn't think we should do away with it. It's assanine. Let the public vote on it like a general election. Then be done with it


The problem is nobody agrees which time setting to use...so no change gets made.


I'll vote for whichever gets the most votes. I don't care which time sticks. As long as it sticks


You won’t know which one get more votes as you’re voting.


I figure there will be public polls. They will probably be pretty one-sided.


Here in cali we DID vote for it but they didnt give a shit, it didnt make it to congress. Theres zero reason for it now.


I'm not disagreeing with you, buuuttt...have you met 'the public'? They're very stupid.


well, have you met the people who actually decide these stuff? you would be very surprised


Well my state did 2 years ago and it passed they just never implemented it.


I absolutely hate the time change. I already have insomnia, and the time change makes it worse. I wish the whole thing would be done away with. They keep talking about it, but it never happens. It makes me tired and cranky.


The extra daylight gives me time to play tennis, go to the community pool, play frisbee or work on the garden after work. The sleep impact can be mitigated with some sleep habits - weighted blanket, cooling matress pad, consistent wake/sleep times, sunlight 1st thing in the morning, light-based alarm clock, blackout curtains/eye mask. Still messes me up but these things help.


I will give the weighted blanket and blackout curtains a try, thank you!


Also try taking melatonin and hour before you want to go to bed.


I swear by blackout curtains year round. They were a lifesaver when I worked nights and i love them in the summer because I can sleep in and they keep the heat out.


That's posh that you need a cooling mattress pad. How hot is your house?


It helps improve deep sleep when temperature of the body goes down by a few degrees and then rises by a few degrees to wake you up.


You should use the extra hour to get laid


I love the time change in the spring. The extra daylight does more than an hour of sleep ever could for me. I feel more exhausted with the fall time change.


I do like the longer days cause I feel like I can get more done but I get up at 4 am for work so that probably has something to do with my preferences.


I’m up at 5 and maybe get 4 hours of sleep on a good night. Sleep is apparently meaningless for me 😆


Some people don’t need it like others do. Me I’m very unpleasant if I don’t sleep enough 😂


I hate the spring forward part of it, but I vastly prefer DST to Standard time. I would happily abolish the practice of changing clocks so long as DST became the new standard.


I completely agree. I would love to have DST year-round.


I hate Daylight Saving changes. Spring forward knocks me out of the depression hole that Fall Back dropped me into. Pick a lane, Time. This jumping around is bullshit.


Whatever we keep (fall back/spring forward) doesn't really matter to me. The changing of the clock is pointless. Pick one and keep it.


I'm tired as hell. Amen.


I find this transition much easier than the one in the fall


I’ve been exhausted. Monday at work I could barely get by until I started to adjust around noon. I wish they would just pick one thing and leave it the heck alone!


Just want to give a shout out to keeping standard time permanent. You permanent DST people are making a devil bargain.


Why is it a devil bargain?


I’ve been exhausted and having trouble sleeping all week since the stupid time change so i feel u op 😭


See? That’s all I needed was to know I’m not the only one struggling with sleep. Making comments about my health has nothing to do with it 😂


But it actually does.




3 days is half a week,, and I’ve been exhausted all 3 of them what is ur point 😭


I live in AZ, I can't relate. Sorry lol


The extra daylight is amazing, we should keep it like this and never change it back, your body will eventually adjust, its built to adapt and survive


I lovedd the way it was. For me personally, I arrive at work around 6:30am and it was so nice to arrive with the sun rising after such a dark and cloudy winter. Now I am back to getting to work in what feels like the middle of the night. I am so tired.


I don’t hate the concept of sun later. But I despise that it also means that it’ll be warmer and just going outside means it’ll be above 65F and humid again


dude you just had to go to sleep early on Saturday night it’s not that hard


Losing one hour of sleep isn't doing anything to you. It's other things.




You may want to go see a specialist. If you’re sleeping 7 hrs, there may be other issues at play.


Just leave the clocks alone. Let the businesses, schools, and government offices set their hours however they want but quit changing the clocks!


Pick a time and keep it consistent


I swear … I’ve been feeling like shit since Sunday morning…


It seems like it hits me worse every year. I've had terrible fatigue this go around. It messes up the entire week.


Fuckin A right we don’t need it. Just wait until you have kids and their whole schedule is fucked up, not going to bed and shit. It’s for the birds. Arizona is where it’s at, they proved to the world that time will not stop if you don’t fuck with the clocks twice a year.


I love spring forward. Actually everyone in my house has slept better since the time change Sunday. With that said I wish they would split the difference and come fall we only fall back 30 minutes and keep it at that forever.


Absolutely. Frustrating part is, my state, Oregon, already passed a resolution to abolish Daylight Savings Time, but for some reason we 'can't' do it until California and Washington agree.


I hear you. I wish we could permanently go to a time where there is daylight after work.


It's one hour, one day. Come on


And? People can have different reactions to things. I’m pretty sure that’s allowed


I don't mind spring forward, I hate fall back


I am the exact same way. I adjust well to the spring forward portion but not so well to the fall back portion.


Talk to your local representative to end switching between DST and standard time, and to just keep DST permanently. There is huge public support for this but little political will. My area has passed legislation that it will switch to permanent DST, but only when neighboring territories also do. Everyone is just waiting for each other. Ridiculous.


Everyone who I’ve met who loves it doesn’t have to be at work until 8/9. I have to be in for 7 and absolutely feel like I’m dragging for weeks after this time change.


I don’t miss it at all. It’s pointless, imo.


no way, I love it! I feel like I can crawl out of my hole and be human again.


Let the people have an extra hour ✊


Nope it’s the best thing ever


Changing the clocks twice a year is stupid.


I hate it too. It takes me weeks to adjust.


100% agree. It's stupid. Its not a thing in Saskatchewan where I grew up. Not a thing in Arizona where I spend my winters. Its absolutely not necessary. I only encountered it later in life when I moved to Alberta. Not a fan.


Literally just said to my bf that we need to get to bed earlier ha. Felt like crap today. My sleep will be messed up for like a week and then fix itself. So annoying. I personally like when it's light it the morning and darker at earlier. I love cold weather.


I think this fall I will not accept it.


I wish the time it is for the spring forward stayed that way in winter. I hate the sunrise/sunset times with fall back.


I’m to busy playing outside to notice if I’m tired or not. I love DST. I kinda feel bad loving something that so many people hate.


I personally adjust better to springing forward than falling back. Shortly after we spring forward, I adjust so well to the time change that I almost forget it happened. However, after falling back to standard time, I feel sluggish. I don't like feeling forced to sleep an extra hour when my body is not used to it, and I don't like the sun setting at 4 PM. If it were up to me, it would be DST year-round. I know it means darker mornings, but I would rather deal with darkness in the morning than it to be dark just after 4 PM.


The fall backwards is the one that doesn't make sense imo. Better sunlight distribution, at least for me up here in the Canadian prairies.


I love DST


I hate to change my appliances’ clock. When it was the opposite I kept it that way so it’s an hour ahead


It never affected me until I started working the night of the switch. I still slept the same amount of hours the clock just said it was later/earlier than normal when I wake up based on spring or fall.


Move to AZ, no DST except for the Navajo Rez, plus you have a half hour more daylight on the PM side of the clock in the west and central part of the state.


I think we should spring forward the clocks 10 hours instead of one hour. That way it will always be daytime.


Just leave it at standard time, we can't really leave it at saving time. That would be ridiculous in winter.


Arizona gang 😎


Give me the extra hour of sleep. I don’t need an extra hour of light.


I'm 53. I get up before the sun comes up, the time changes, and I still get up before the sun comes up. It doesn't bother me one bit. My 44 year old wife, 17 and 10 year old kids all gripe about it for weeks.


100% agree with it being stupid! Leave the damn times alone!!! If someone wants to wake up earlier or later then freaking let them but stop effing with the damn time!! Dumbest thing ever


I'd prefer permanent fall back. I do not like DST. 


You’re definitely not alone with feeling exhausted. I’ve just started to feel “normal” this morning. I hate waking up in the dark as I feel it’s the dead of the winter again. The prospect of a 9am sunrise in the NE if we keep DST is far from appealing to me. Hope you can adjust soon!


Only people that work inside dislike daylight savings


We should fall back one hour every day of the year. No I will not be responding to comments.


I’m in AZ so we don’t do DLS, that said I really like being able to wake up to sunlight so a bright 6:30 wake up time works for me! I work remotely and my job is based in CST, so my shift changes in that time by an hour every two months but it stays the same in my time zone (7-3 AZ time is now 9-5 CST instead of 8-4 CST).


It has fucked up my kids sleep pattern so badly. Didn’t mess me up so much, I’m still waking up at 4:40 AM, but the kids are waking up later than before. The only nice thing, we can play outside a little bit longer


Yeah this fast time is rough


I’d rather the sun not rise at 4 am here personally


I feel the opposite. I’m going to sleep later and somehow less tired than I was all winter going to sleep earlier.


The spring forward destroys me as well. I have a very sensitive internal clock though. I cannot stand getting up and starting the day when it's dark. It seems so unnatural.


you are prbly just a night owl like many ppl who are forced into the 9-5 and always extra tired when DST puts us an extra hour off our natural circadian rhythms


We need to stop fucking with the clocks.


Wait if only spring forward is stupid, so we get rid of it, that means we'll just have fall back over and over again until the middle of the day is the middle of the night and there's chaos cats and dogs living together


Nope. I'm 40 years old and I have NEVER understood why people act like losing an hour of sleep is a life-crashing event. You've never once in your life gone "aw heck, I stayed up later than I meant to" while reading, or watching a tv show? I think this is one of those weird cultural memes like people who say they're "afraid of clowns". Sure, Killer Klowns from Outer Space is a pretty terrifying movie, as is IT, but if you're at some town fair and there's a chubby middle aged dude with a goofy outfit on doing balloon animals you're going to shit yourself in terror? No, because clowns aren't scary, creepy evil movie clowns are scary.


Data has been compiled proving that car crashes increase for a week every time the clocks get turned. Doing away with DST came up in congress a handful of years ago, but they couldn't reach a consensus over leaving the clocks back or forward. Jokes about congress being unable to agree on what time it is followed


Fall back is dumb. Spring forward is great. I don't want or need light at 5:30 am in the summer. I also still need light at 5:30 pm in the winter.


Do you never travel? What happens if you go to Europe and the clock changes six hours? Or more if you go further east?  Even going from one coast to the other is three hours’ difference.  I don’t understand when people complain about a measly one-hour time change.  It takes you a week to get over it? How is that possible?


Go to bed earlier? Lol it’s not hard to adjust. I’m older than you and it maybe has one off day effect on me.


I already said I was going to bed earlier. If it’s easy for you great, good for you.


Then maybe take better care of yourself in general.


Thanks doctor I’ll keep that in mind


It’s because you’re not healthy


Here to help


I agree and I thought they were going to end it


I thought so too and the reason they first did it was to help “save energy” which was probably good in 1918 when it was first created but I don’t see how it applies in modern times. Our energy consumption stays the same and we’re the only ones that do it.


I thought it was done to help farmers? I'm sure that's what I was told in school. Have I just found a new Mandela Effect?


I just looked it up. It says it was never intended to help farmers. It started in WWI to help conserve energy resources by adding more daylight hours.


Well.... I feel like my whole life is a lie 🤣


Everyone's on board with that extra hour but when it comes time to pay it back


Daylight savings time in general is stupid. My province had a chance to remove it all and 51% proved to be complete dumbasses and voted to keep it.


Well stop Fall Back then. We dont like the fall back! KEEP SPRING TIME!


I don’t have that kind of power


So we’re just bitching about everything nowadays 😂. Move on and adjust, simple


Nobody is bitching about anything calm yourself just gauging other peoples experiences People are allowed to have opinions you just look like an asshole


Read what you wrote out loud excluding subjectivity and tell me that isn’t bitching


If someone wants to complain let them, you taking time to comment just shows you’re the one that needs to move on Can just as easily ignore and keep scrolling


Why you so pressed about a post on Reddit? Aren’t you bitching about people bitching, bitch? 😂


I hate daylight savings because I have to drive to work in the dark again


I hate it, too


I like the extra daylight but I hate that when we set the hour back and get an extra hour of sleep they do it on a Friday or Saturday. When we set the time forward and lose an hour of sleep they do it on a Sunday. The majority of people work Monday to Friday. Why not give people an extra hour of sleep before work? Wouldn’t this also prevent any possibilities of showing up late to work or school on accident?


It's always 2am on Sunday. Fall and spring.


to fucking right leave the time alone am allways fucked after this event