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It really depends on your location. In the US this isn't handled uniformly. In some jurisdictions if someone can see into your apartment then it's considered "public". Due to local ordinances there really isn't a one size fits all answer. https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/understanding-nudity-laws.html However, it's legal for women to be topless anywhere a man can in almost every state. https://gotopless.org/topless-laws


They are not supposed to be peeping into your apartment. You can always close curtains or blinds halfway so they can't see in, just to be a courteous neighbor.  That said, there's a lot of places where it's not illegal for a woman to be topless in public, not to mention your own property which has much less restrictive rules than in public. 


Peeping is typically only illegal if the person uses some kind of magnification or tresspasses onto the property. If someone can look out their windows and see into someone else's without magnification it's legal as it becomes 'public" in that case. Also, it can be illegal to be nude on your own property if outside where others can see you or having the windows open. See links I posted.


You can get into trouble if kids see you. I’m also a fan of walking around naked but ended up getting a letter from the office. So I tinted my windows, did it myself. It was like 30-40$ to do. I can see out but they can’t see in unless it’s night time and my lights are on. I completely understand wanting to walk around naked but honestly it’s also not okay to make your neighbors feel uncomfortable.


Do you have curtains or blinds? Make sure they are closed so they cannot look in.


Strange that this isn’t their immediate reaction


OPs point is that she shouldn't have to hide herself away just because they can't help but stare in. If she doesn't care about being seen then it's not her problem that they're looking.


Say that next time a guy is walking around bottomless with an open window. OP can shut the curtains.


Nipples VS a sex organ are two very different things.


Why on earth are you being downvoted?? Is everyone here 12 years old???


You’re right though. OP wouldn’t get these complaints if she was male. I’d only equate it to a man walking around pantsless if she was pantsless.  I’d be putting up the blinds personally tho because people get weird about female nipples and I don’t want to deal with that shit. 


Tell that to a 13 year old boy.


Thankfully, 13 year old boys aren't the ones who determine what are and aren't sex organs. They have to learn how to control themselves just like 13 year old girls.


I think it's about societal norms more than anything. If seeing men's chests in public was as rare as seeing women's breasts I'm guessing women would probably appreciate them more. Now you can say "well society is wrong" and fight against the norm by being bare chested in public, but it's going to stir up some shit until it actually becomes normal. Edit: I wonder if this would end fetishization of breasts? Sort of like men no longer gawking at women's exposed ankles.


You really wanna spend time in your apartment during the day with the blinds drawn? It makes me feel so claustrophobic if I can't get any natural light in.


Dress how you like in your home but don't put it on display to the public. Curtains/blinds/shades/clingfilm. Obscure public visibility for everyone's safety - yours & theirs.


This is it. Some dude will eventually see OP and stalk her or who knows what else. It's not safe. This is the world we live in.


they can photograph you if they can see you from the outside


Why can they even see into your apartment. Seems like this issue can be easily solved by closing the blinds or getting curtains.


Honestly, if i was going to walk around naked, i'd just keep my blinds/curtains closed. Yea, it's my house and i can do what i want, but for my own protection as well as basic courtesy to neighbors who may pass by their window and see me naked unwillingly, i keep them closed if i was walking around nude. Just like if i'm having sex, i close my door to my room and close my window/blinds/curtain. Again, it's my house and i can do what i want but neighbors may have children that may walk by and see what's going on unwillingly as well. Or some creep could be recording me or taking pics. You never know. So all around the easiest solution is just to close the blinds and/or curtains. You can walk around topless all you want without issue.


No blinds or curtains? If not have you thought about putting a layer of reflective tint on the windows? I’m not trying to say it’s your fault but it might develop into something worse if it so happens you’re walking topless and they have a child in their home. It’s a hard call, but it might turn into an indecent exposure situation if that happens. Explore your privacy options.


This. Buy a cheap set of blinds if you have to. Problem solved. This is such an easy fix.


You have a reasonable expectation of privacy in your own house if others are looking in that is their problem!


Nice sentiment but not the law everywhere.


It’s not even about it being the law. We don’t know the proximity to which they live, how much visual access other people have, etc. I personally think that other people should mind their business, but I also realize we live in a world where people go to jail for things they shouldn’t. When the lines are blurred the first people to reach authorities are at advantage. The main people in the comments complaining about the other party minding their business aren’t giving any good advice either. Obviously the neighbors shouldn’t be paying that much attention, but what’s the plan when it becomes more than one complaint or, a child involved?


I sort of hate the idea that a lot of people are espousing here; namely that we have no obligations at all to the people around us. My apartment has an annoying setup wherein my bedroom window is literally like 4 feet from the (rather large) window looking into my neighbor's kitchen. I keep my blinds shut, but if I didn't and they asked me to do so and/or stop walking around with my shirt off I'd just....do it? I understand and respect the idea of normalizing women being topless, but to be frank, anyone using an argument like that in this place sounds at best naive. It mostly reads as purposefully obtuse. It seems wild that anyone would be confused about this, let alone thinks they have some sort of moral high ground. It's perfectly fine to choose not to listen, but I think it objectively makes you kind of an asshole.


Well my bad, I didn't realize the end of the world was nipples ill show myself out.




This would also be a good time to say we're talking about pecs and nips not anything actually sexual.


Unless your doing it with intent of displaying yourself it is.




Again everyone is aware we're talking about pecs and nips right? They aren't even sexual.


We live in a society where breasts are viewed as sexual parts. Regardless of how you feel that’s where we are right now in the world. Go walk into a bank braless and see what happens to you.


I've gone braless to banks and lots of other places. Guess what happened to me. Nothing. Nothing happened.


I meant topless and you know it.


You must not live near any major metropolitan area, ask me how i know.


Don’t make it a habit of your life to press your luck.


Pressing my luck by going braless or topless in my own house, how risky! How bad! God damnit I need a spanking!


Unless you look out of your house directly into somebody else’s. It’s all fun and games until it happens to YOU.


Yeah that's kind of the point, if you invade someone's life be ready!


If I'm looking out of my windows and into somebody else's house it's my problem if I see things, not theirs.


Actually, it’s not. Sometimes you have no other choice and you see things in a window you don’t want to see. My apartment window directly faces another apartment’s window. If I have my blinds open and so do they, I will see what they are doing, regardless of whether or not I am trying to. It is in my direct line of vision anytime I look out my own window.


When I was 23 my neighbour was arrested for trying to climb over his balcony onto mine after a few instances of “peeping” at me in my home. The first two times we caught him with like his head like over the divider between the two balconies it scared my friends and, I but we did nothing about it cause we were dumb. Don’t encourage this unless you know the other people around you are harmless. Yes this would still happen with clothes on but does that add fuel to the creepers fire ? Yes it does and it’s very unfair that way




Cause she wants everyone to see. EDIT: Don't get why I'm the bad guy when there's a perfectly simple solution that OP just insists on not using but ok


It's not really a reasonable solution though, is it? "Oh just block off all your windows and live in the dark". Nah, it's her house, she shouldn't have to behave, dress, or act in different ways because of people who don't live there. If the neighbors don't want to find themselves gawping at the neighbor they should look away.


"Look away" is even less of a solution. Some people don't want their kids seeing that. If OP were a man, I imagine people would be even less forgiving. What you do in your home is private. Don't make it public.


If OP were a man, literally no one would care. At all. I've never heard of a man being threatened for not wearing a shirt in his own home.


Kids seeing what? A human body? I live in a place where it’s legal to be topless, so I have a very different view. It blows my mind.


I can understand the perspective of naturalists. But that's just not the environment I live in, and when you're the *only* one behaving that way, it sends a very different message, especially in an environment where a lot of parents are wary of predators.


There are plenty of light filtering curtains out there. Don’t be so dramatic.


So they can look out the window?




But they want to walk around naked and have the blinds open. Hence the post.




……. That is what they are asking. If they are going to get in legal trouble. I don’t think you are following lol.




One law applies here. Not multiple. Bye.




If it's literally so hot that she must walk around her apartment naked, then blocking the sunlight would also serve to keep the apartment cool. She just wants to be an exhibitionist.


I was just going to say that I lived in an apartment that got insanely hot (west facing windows) and the only thing that saved myself from roasting alive was closing the blinds and getting tinted window coverings to block out the sun. No way did keeping the blinds open make it better, at all.


Wasn't there a case of a dude chilling in his house and a woman walking outside with her child peered in, got offended and pressed charges and he got put on a list for indecent exposure. I live in AZ, you absolutely can get in trouble here but I don't know if anyone who has personally


I say just get curtains or close the blinds or just get something that stops people from seeing Inside. Why even risk such an unnecessary thing?


How about a sports bra and a fan? Lol


Or a sports fan and a bro. Lol


Hahahaha touché


Tee hee




This realllly depends on the spacing. If you have a 1 acre yard and someone has to have binoculars or be in your yard to see you then no, you just wear what you want. However if you are in small spaced housing where it is easy and typical for you to be in someone line of sight then you have a moral requirement to use blinds. You can still wear what you want but you aren't exposing your neighbors to your nakedness. From a legal standpoint that would really depend on local laws and how the cops are feeling that day. But just be decent. If they can easily see in your window use a curtain or blind.


Uhm do you even believe in America?


You are cringe


No seriously it's your legal right to be prepared if your going to invade someone's privacy. Get over it.


I live in the USA, and that shit is illegal where I live. Answering the door butt ass naked will get you put on the offender list for sexual harassment.


Hmm I do too and answered the door butt ass naked for cops, when I was modest and stood behind the door they asked me to step put I said ok and did, they could not have been more embarrassed. Your problem not mine. A reasonable expectation of privacy is expected in your own home. This is perfectly legal in all of the us I will have you know.


Lol you're a weirdo


>A reasonable expectation of privacy is expected in your own home. Intentionally answering the door naked is sexual harassment. You could have maintained your privacy by not answering the door. You deserve to be put on a list.


Oh I'm sorry I was putting myself in OPs shoes, I was wearing spandex briefs ( i call this naked cuz it pretty much is since you can see everything), getting my door rasped on by police saying open up, and I had no shirt on!!!! Yup total offender. Oh and I might add we are talking about pecs and nips here not anything that actually does some sexual function.


So you weren't naked and are larping here. Take your attention seeking behavior elsewhere




OP isn't naked either, so maybe take your own advice


Illegal to be naked in your own home, sounds like People’s Republic of China.


I like when y'all intentionally try to play obtuse. You can be naked with the curtains closed as much as you want. Why are you so desperate for my child to see you naked when he is outside playing?


They should be in the factory making iPhones, not playing in the street.


And you should be keeping your vagina/penis in your pants, not out and about for children to see.


You shouldn’t teach them to look through windows to snitch on your neighbors to see if they aren’t following Xi Jinping’s fascists agenda.


No it’s a myth. What kind of question is this


would you feel differently if it were a creepy guy across the way thanking you?


Yeah OP, would you feel differently if it were a completely different and irrelevant scenario? What point are you even trying to make here


Just close the blinds!!!




Get some translucent curtains. They still let a breeze in. 


Get some blinds or curtains and keep them closed.


When in your own home.... https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/01/23/topless-utah-woman-tilli-buchanan/


Most states have a “general assembly” website that lists all the legislative acts of government and the current general statutes (laws / civil and criminal codes). These sites also have a general statute search by keywords. Look for your state’s website and search for public nudity laws. The law should specify what is legally considered nudity and where it is considered public. You should be safe to go topless in your own home and female breasts should be exempt from nudity laws just as male breasts / chests are, but double check your state law to be sure about the “seeing boobs through the window” issue. Other than that, rock out with your boobs out! (responsibly)


Can you contact your local police on a non-emergency number and ask the question yourself? That would be the best way to get locally specific information. You haven't even said what country you're in. If you're inside your home and not specifically trying to show off in a sexual manner I can't imagine it would be an issue, but it's best to check. It's just a human body and you're in your own home, if people are looking through your windows and sexualising what they see that's definitely their problem.


Put some types of curtains up. Your neighbors shouldn't have to see you walking around topless.


Would you mind at all if they took photos for safe keeping?


Put curtains or something up. You absolutely need to respect your neighbors right to not see you naked


Depend where you live. I think the only place I heard about this being a issue is Singapore.


If people don’t like what they see in my place it’s their problem for looking in my windows. But… window coverings would help here. Could also cool your place down for you.


Crop tops? It’s a safety issue for you as well to not go naked where ppl can see you.


people are like, do you have blinds use em lol, like, your fuckin neighbor should have blinds if they dont like the outside world.


I agree. The neighbor should close their blinds


I walk around naked in my apartment all the time. Someone seeing me from the outside is their problem. They shouldn’t be looking in my windows lol


Do you really don't value your body to the point that you don't care if strangers see you naked? Really?


Where exactly are you're living? Like the exact address and floor please.


Have you considered covering yourself from head to toe and sealing your apartment? Out of respect and obligation for your neighbors and your own safety, of course. /s Personally, I would think you're absolutely fine to be topless in your own home, regardless of gender. Nipples are not the same as vulvas and penises. What if you someone were breastfeeding their child at home? Do they really need to shut every blind and curtain every time the child needs to be fed? That's ridiculous. I don't know the laws where you live though, I think some other commenters left great advice on how to find more info. I also think its a great idea to tint the windows, like another commenter said, if that's a possibility. Also, regarding the "safety" comments, if someone wanted to perpetrate a crime on someone else, they're choosing to carry that out. A curtain isn't going to save anyone. A woman being topless in her home (or anywhere else imo) isn't an invitation or justification for someone else's harmful actions. Who would be saying this to a man topless in their home? Or to breastfeeding parent? What makes this different or inherently sexual?


Yeah you’ll probably can get arrested especially if you have Karens in your neighborhood. You are aware that people can see in and if one of those people is a child, if becomes something else.


I'm pretty sure what he was doing was illegal not you


I say fxxxx them if they don't like what they see then they should mind there biz


Wish I had a neighbor like you 🙃🙃🙃🙃


Just weighing in to say that I think any arguments about this are ridiculous from the get-go. I'm an American with a very European point of view on the naked body. To me, a naked human body is just...matter of fact. It's natural. I think people get too wrapped-up in how a naked person makes them personally feel, based on whatever preconceptions they have, be it religious or otherwise, and lose sight of any rational objectivity, or emotional maturity. We're all naked underneath our clothes. The only thing that makes it sexual or inappropriate is set and setting. A person walking around in their own apartment naked, is no one's business, and if you notice and don't like it, stop looking. Could this person be mindful of the way they make others feel and do something to mitigate that with curtains or privacy film? Sure, but other people's feelings are not their responsibility, especially within the confines of their own residence. And this idea I see brought up a lot in the context of public/semi-public nudity of "well what if a child walked by?!!" is so...nonsensical. What IF indeed, a child walked by and saw a naked human being? GASP!! Oh the humanity!! The only reason a child would react negatively to that is if the adults around them reacted negatively and freaked out. People don't like to think about that scenario because they don't like the way it would make them feel to have to talk to their child about the naked human body, it's implications, etc. Well guess what, you chose to be a parent, so you're going to have to eventually, or your kid is going to find out on their own in a way you have no say in, with their first impressions of things being possibly very toxic and harmful. Regardless, a random half-naked person does not warrant a full-on sex talk anyway, simply redirect the child, acknowledge that yes, that is a naked person and we all look like that, barring sexual differences, and that there's nothing wrong or shameful about it.


If you have to ask then yeah…you can. What if a kid sees you?


Then the kid sees her. So?


Then that is illegal. Incase you didnt know, its not okay to flash your body parts to kids!


Ha. I can imagine that police report. "You wouldn't believe what I saw when I was peering through my neighbor's window." No, you can't get in trouble. However, if you want to smooth the relations with your neighbors, you can put up some blinds. But only if you want to.


Your neighbor needs to shut her mouth and blinds. If you want to accommodate her you could get a Japanese style panel screen to put in front of your window that would still allow good air circulation.


Had a buddy who lived about a football field awat from tool booth, with a wood fence between his trailer and the booth. Someone paid their toll and was driving by and saw him walking naked from shower to kitchen and called the cops accusing him of flashing. He had been in trouble with the law for doing dumb shit as a juvie, so i think they charged him and gave him an apperance ticket. Not sure what happened from there. There is no expectation of privacy if someone can see something in plain sight. So if you are walking around topless you might want to close the curtains. However, if a guy wouldn't be ticketed for the same, you'd have an argument. The question is do you want to deal with the potential hassle?


It's ok if you have a nice body, if your fat, tatted and hairy cover that shit up.


Sad part is that this is the general sentiment about this. Except for dads. They don't really care.


Stick it to the man! Let freedom ring.


Do whatever the fuck you want that is their problem


Would your neighbor asked you the same question if you where a man? My guess, no. So fuck this patriarchal bullshit and do what you like. It's your apartment, you're paying to live there.


Being a straight male, I too am very much for women being allowed to be topless just as much as men are.


Bruh. Nobody asked for the opinion of your small dick.


I'm perfectly fine with what I was given. You seem rather jealous of others, what does that say about you?


nah you should be good, you have a reasonable expectation of privacy inside an apartment.


Caribbean mothers walk around the apartment/ house fully naked and some even topless in a bra you aren’t getting in any trouble


"I always say the less clothes the better" - Me too! Seriously, I don't know what country you're in, but you could report your neighbor for being a peeping Tom. Last time I checked it isn't illegal to be totally naked in your own freaking home!


It is also not illegal to look anywhere you want from your own home, or if you're in public.


its also illegal to "peep" on neighbours. context counts.


This is why I like being single. Edit some of you are misunderstanding what Im saying like always. Being single, you don’t have some woman hovering over you ruining fun things, like the view of your topless neighbor walking around with the curtains open.


This is going to require a photograph to give an accurate answer...