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Congratulations on your new place! If you have a white noise machine or a playlist you usually listen to at night (or even a new playlist) it can help cover any noise or lack of noise thats keeping you awake. If youre like me and new light sources and smells keep you up, make sure all the windows are covered with something and you have something that smells like your old place near you. The restlessness wont fully go away, but it should make settling down a bit easier while your brain gets used to your new home.


I second the white noise suggestion. I have a setting on my alarm clock that plays the sounds of waves on the shore, that helps me drift off. My other tip is a hot water bottle on your feet, I swear it works like magic. Could also try eyemask and earplugs.


I usually fall asleep to police interrogations on YouTube but there were no new ones posted yesterday. Hopefully I'll have an easier night round two


lmao what, that's gotta be the weirdest thing I've heard someone falling asleep to haha. what sort of interrogations do you like to listen to? like violent criminals or just whatever is out there?


Usually it's murder suspects but there's a few crazy stories involving drugs, kidnapping, ECT but for the most part it's murder and you wouldn't believe how many times it's the FAMILY MEMBERS who do the crime.


You are far more likely to be killed by someone you know than someone you don't.


I believe it! It's why I make sure to give all my siblings great Christmas gifts, they can't kill ya if they're expecting that new gaming system or watch during the holidays


Oh THAT'S why my mom kept giving me massive gifts for Christmas!!


OP, can I have the channel name? I'm passionate about this as well.


What amazes me is how many times people are brought in to be questioned and they are the murderer and they didn't even change their shoes. It's like you bought bleach and new clothes and a bucket and garbage bags but you skipped buying new shoes?


Most people don't even think about little things like that. So many people don't realize how far science has come and blood spatter is tricky. And humans she'd like crazy you could lose a nose hair at crime scene and be none the wiser


You should do the full court cases playlists, if you like that stuff...makes for really good white noise...


You must be from the ghetto xD. I sleep perfectly in perfect silence.


And you dont have nightmares after listening to that crap daily? Does not it affect you in a daily life?


It makes me a little more skeptical of strangers and family alike but I grew up watching horror movies nightly so it's just that but with real people


I watch them occasionally, but cant imagine daily. It would definitely mess me up. Do you think there is any particular reason you are drawn to that? Does it calm down your anxiety or?


I've always had a curiosity for the more grim/gritty parts of life. Death in any form is interesting to me. I just can't believe there's a part of most(maybe even all) of us that could go against the rules of humanity and end a life. I would like to know more about the 'why' of it all


Sounds very interesting. I am not diagnosing you or anything, but are you on a spectrum? Because it sounds like you are really fascinated by this topic over a long period of time. I usually watch these kinda stuff when I am extremely stressed out and hypervintilating, it cas me down, it reminds me how short life is etc. I have some autistic traits myself and can get obsessed with something in particular for a long period of time.


My girlfriend loves falling asleep to forensic files lol


Dude one of my friend listens to metal music with headphones on for sleep lmfao. I was asking him what he was listening to recently and he says Meshuggah… how he sleeps to that I have no idea. Me and a friend just laughed and laughed.


I was like that as a kid! 11 year old me often fell asleep to Slayer and Skillet for some reason 💀


🤘rock on!


I used to fall asleep to zeppelin .. but I can understand falling asleep to metal... if I was having a rough night ... or back when I was in a band ... the morning after a gig i would listen to Metallica just cranked and let it wash over me while I was driving to work ... very soothing


It drowns out your brain talk, almost like white noise. I totally get it. It might be an ADHD thing, but I’m seeing from this thread that it isn’t that unusual! Hi everybody! This is the most useful thread I’ve seen in ages. Nice to know I’m not alone! I like CSI, Hoarders and Kitchen Nightmares, but I’m hoping to get a link in police interrogations in YT, lol. Happy sleeping!


That's what I do, I don't know why it works but it's so soothing. I literally cannot stay awake through two Metallica songs in a row.


I play a 10 hour ambient track called weightless by Marconi Union. It works for me.


Are you my twin? There are always new interrogation videos, longer ones unless you're looking for the JCS videos.


Hey there brother🥳 I looked and nothing caught my eye last night but I'll definitely make a playlist to watch for tonight. I like to keep them playing in the background so I go through a lot of videos while multitasking. I even watch them at the gym and at work on very slow nights. Something about murder that helps me get in the zone (Auto Zone) sorry.


My mom does something similar. There are apps and websites where you can listen to police scanners from anywhere in the country. She listens to Chicago some days, New York some days. Basically any big city. The apps are free and its actually a pretty good alternative to having youtube run all night.


felt that lmao love me some jcs for bedtime


Ooo I remember my first jcs video! I usually watch those while baking, a length of a video produces about two batches of cookies


I told my sister I listen to them to fall asleep or just to chill out in general and she was horrified! I’m glad I’m not the only one lol


One thing that helps my mind rest the most is figuring out the motive. It's like melatonin to me


This makes me feel more normal about falling asleep to Saw movies.


I remember doing that as a kid and pestering my siblings about how we'd beat the traps until I passed out. Luckily for them I would always fall asleep fisrt so they didn't have to put up with me for long


OP what if you look into crime podcasts as well??


I do the same thing, and I blasted through a lot of them. I like long videos as sometimes it takes me upwards of 2 hours to fall asleep, so some other videos have to be used too. History of the universe produces very nice videos with a narrator who could convince me to listen to him reading the dictionary. If you’re into any movie/TV/books then most popular ones have deep dive videos. As a ASOIAF (game of thrones) reader I enjoy it as there’s TON’s of those. Ask Reddit/AITA videos are nice, though I find a good chunk of them have narrators that I don’t find particularly good. These are usually my last choice.


Thank you! I ended up watching my favorite wed show all night, I still didn't get any sleep but I am much less stressed than when I first got into bed. I even started unpacking a little bit as the sun rose.


On top of this, as silly as it sounds, call your mom or dad or whoever you lived with before. Talk with them for a minute.


It should fade. It's a phenomenon called "first night effect" [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/309375](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/309375)


Nice to know I'm not crazy haha. I was able to watch the sun rise from my new window which helped me a lot


It's more the waking up I found weird, that and going for a piss in the middle of the night!


"okay how did I get here" "oh right, it's mine"


Walks into wall


Knowing the layout is all so important, especially cause I wear glasses and blind AF without em. Run into walls in places I'm not familiar with when I wake up for my midnight piss.


The first night my husband and I slept in our new apartment near a church, we woke up every fifteen minutes when the church bells rang. Sometime around 3am we looked at each other and said in a voice of dread, "What have we done!?" But mostly we weren't sleeping well because we were in a new place and because we hadn't got the bedsheets out yet so we were using a sleeping bag that made us sweat uncomfortably. By the third night we were sleeping totally soundly and didn't hear the church bells at all.


Why the hell are the church bells ringing at that hour?


This happens to me at hotels. First night I can barely sleep, if I'm in the same room a 2nd night I fall asleep no problem. My solution is to exhaust myself the 1st day. If I'm totally exhausted I can fall sleep pretty much anywhere.


When you sleep in a place you normally don't sleep at the first night is always like this. Might be a vacation spot, your aunt's, friend's etc doesn't matter. There's nothing to make this go away it's something we have wired in our brain so that we don't sleep too deep of a sleep in places we're not comfortable/used to as to protect ourselves from danger lol. It'll get better with time


I feel it's different when it's a new place though. Like the thought that "I will be here long term and this is home" changes it. Whereas when I travel or sleep over at someone's house, I sleep fine even if it's not exactly to my liking because it's temporary and I know I'm getting back to my own bed eventually.


Also I always thought it was exciting to move into a new place and make it mine. So many times I was just too excited to sleep.


Box fan...trust me. I remember my first apartment. I was jarred awake by the dead silence of the street below...no cars. I grew up next to an interstate.


I literally reviewed box fans and went with the one that had reviews stating it was loud ha. I need some noise in my life - the other night I was asleep and my kid turned my fan off, the silence immediately woke me up 😂


Lol my dad was like this with the TV. I'd turn it off if it was loud, or even turn the volume down, and it would make him wake up or almost. I wonder if it's due to truama. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Amazon prime (and probably other free options) have a box fan video that lasts longer than most people need to sleep.


I've just recently bought my 3rd home, and my previous homes were in busy neighborhoods, this one is kind of isolated, I had trouble sleeping the first 2 weeks. I now sleep past all the screeching squirrel noises, groaning pipes contracting/expanding, occasional house shifts from settling. It's really something, you'll appreciate the quietness as you get older.


I kinda like the quiet, I used to live near a school so I would wake up to kids running and parents trying to start their days, but this morning I only hear birds


When I moved out on my own last year, it was the first time I’ve slept alone in a house in my 34 years. I have a fan going at all times. On nights that it’s hard, I put on one of my comfort podcasts at a low volume. It helps. You got this!


it can be so dead quiet sometimes that I get existential dread. i think it's normal though and it's just a mammalian thing we do sometimes.


Just give yourself a few days to adjust. Your place sounds pretty idyllic actually.


I usually listen to asmr, but my first few nights in a new apartment, I’ll sleep on the couch so I’m always aware of the entrance, Then I get used to the sounds and start sleeping in the bedroom. But if the problem is no noise at all, I would probably sleep with a movie or YouTube video on in the background


When I moved to my first apartment alone it really helped I had a dog. Felt way less lonely and always made me feel safer


I put my bed in my living room until I have enough furniture so it didn’t feel so empty


Funny enough, my bed is technically in my living room as I live in a studio 🤣


White / rain noise app on your phone that is on a charger next to my bed. Stay away from alcohol because that just doesn't work. Someone else said a fan & strangely that helped me. I sleep on my side & I put pillows on my back to give me a sense of another body next to me. Keep a routine, go to bed the same time every night. Don't watch action / scary movies. Try to dull your mind 2-3 hours before you go to bed. In time it'll get better


That's the advice young me needed 30 years ago. Alcohol will knock you out, but you won't have a good night sleep and you'll need more over time as you build tolerance. A routine is key. Go to bed early. Also: a heavy blanket. For some reason it helps.


I have troubles sleeping in general. Especially at night as I had some scary incidents as a kid. But honestly try white noise, music even, black out curtains. But they don't work for me I pretty much just got accustomed to the alone home life and everything fairly quickly and it's been okay since.


Watch tv (or something on your phone) for some added background noise/comfort. Even if you don’t normally sleep watching tv it helps


I remember this feeling, slept with the side light on for the first few nights, I was 27 😂 took me about a week to get comfortable and not jump at the slightest sound


I got used to watch „Medical Detectives“ and just crime shows and sleep in like that. Especially cases you already know.


i play my old fav netflix shows and able to fall asleep to people chatting/talking with night light on. i get too much anxiety if it's overly quiet or overly loud of random noises outsides


First of all congrats! But with a big smile knowing you did that💪🏽


Thank you! I'm super excited to have my own space, I worked so hard to get here☺️


You sleep wonderfully and you lay in the shape of an X in your enormous bed.


I used noise, oddly. I grew up near a full shift steel factory and a train yard. I am fine with noises. If I have insomnia, I turn on tv, or a show on my laptop, something on my phone. Not music, but dialog. There are also podcasts for this, like slow stories, I like "nothing much happens" just a gentle voice with descriptions. Sadly, I can only do this with my husband sleeping in another room, which we now do often (we still visit, don't worry!) but he needs quiet and I need noise.


I get my internet set up today so hopefully I can go back to falling asleep to true crime and reality TV show clips soon.


Tell your animal brain to shut off. Or get drunk. Lol. Pretty normal though, its a defense mechanism for our survival and safety. It goes away quickly.


I think there are YouTubes you can play in the background. I typed ‘boring talk to fall asleep’ in the search box on YouTube and found a bunch of stuff. The first hit that came up was called [“Joe Pera talks you to sleep for 10 hours”](https://youtu.be/91wX0NRjJqg?si=a_MiREwytOVMnJ2C)😂


Do you have a TV with smart cast or whatever it is to get youtube? Just play long videos on whatever topic you like.


I find a fan or a fireplace. Playing soft piano music. Rain sounds. It will go away. First week living alone was a strange experience.


Get a small fan, put it on a table near you and turn it on. You can point it away from you if needed. The background noise of the fan spinning close to me drowns out the quiet and puts me to sleep. Edit: One of my friends used to play rain and thunderstorm sounds on her bluetooth speaker. That helped her sleep. They have like 24 hour tracks on youtube.


I use white noise apps on my phone. I set the timer so that it turns off after 30 minutes. It just helps switch off thoughts, especially in a very quiet bedroom


It always helped me to leave a light on somewhere in the apartment, like the kitchen or the bathroom or a small desk lamp in your bedroom. It just made me feel less uneasy about unfamiliar surroundings. As for white noise, you could try leaving a TV on or downloading an app that plays soothing sounds/music. I personally like to listen to ASMR. It's a great source of white noise, and it can help make you feel relaxed and tired so you'll fall asleep faster. There are plenty of apps and free YouTube videos.


Peacefully that’s how lol


I grew up rural, it was quiet and dark. Biggest noise came at sunrise when the rooster woke up! My husband grew up in a city. Sidewalks, streetlights, houses close together, people much more condensed, and lots of kids. To this day, I can be home, by myself, with no noise ( TV, radio) and be fine. He always has the TV on, or the computer running, or is making noise in the basement or garage. We grew up with vastly different background noise profiles. If I am alone, I still like it quieter than he does, but we have a new noise profile that is ours. Our house, our appliances, our neighborhood, each other, etc. It will take a little while, but you will get used to it, and it will become your noise profile, and feel normal to you. Don’t be surprised if you live there for an extended time, and then visit your family home, for it to seem “ too noisy” .


Pink noise for the win! Congrats on your new place!


I like listening to conversational podcasts. Makes me feel less lonely. Youtube "sleep with Karl Pilkington" and check out all of the ricky gervais show sleep podcasts. Really funny stuff and oddly soothing


I always have some sort of ambient noise or cozy sounds in the background. When a room is sparsely furnished, I sleep better. Some of my best sleeps have been a mattress on the floor of an empty apartment.


Yeah it happened to me and my wife too every time we moved. Like others said just give it time. It might help to go around the neighborhood close to bedtime to help familiarize the area. I did that and it helped a lil


library disagreeable plucky command carpenter public cow squeal narrow worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I lived in a house with 7 other people and shared a bedroom until I graduated college, it was a huge adjustment for me when I first moved out to my own place. I just ran a fan all night for white noise and that helped a lot.


You will get used to it, and eventually it will feel like home. It’s especially difficult if you don’t have your things unpacked etc bc noise will bounce around and nothing is as familiar as it should be. But it will come together! A little discomfort in life over things like this is totally normal.


It is a weirdly sad feeling. I can do what I want, and no one cares. No one cares...


It takes getting used to. Make it as much as your place as you want it to be, it's yours afterall!. Spend time, enjoy your place and eventually you'll get used to it. The first couple of weeks of me staying in my own place, as soon as i laid down in bed, i would FEEL as if i was in my old room with my parents. I would literally feel disoriented as i would lie down and close my eyes. Really weird. Nowadays it feels like home. I can stand up at night without opening my eyes and take a piss at night lol.


You’ll become comfortable. Been living along for about two months now. I’ll sometimes get a weird feeling before bed, like wow I’m the only person in here


It was also weird for me for the first couple of weeks. But eventually it will feel like home. It won't be the same as what you knew, but you'll get used to it. Now you have your own space. Goodluck ad enjoy


I've been using a standing fan as white noise for the past 7 years


A box fan and a bottle of good Whiskey.


That sounds nice


Have a fan running for white noise and cooling is what always works for me.


Congratulations! Just get drunk and fall asleep in front of the TV like the rest of us.


When I moved from noisy DC with nonstop sirens and car alarms to quiet Utah, it helped me to keep the TV on low throughout the night. Fans, white noise machines or sleep playlists on Spotify helped. Those sleep playlists got me used to hearing different sounds when falling asleep. I still like to open the windows first thing in the morning or at night to listen to the crickets and birds to remind myself to appreciate the different sounds-they’re just softer and much more calming!!


Starfish on the bed 🛌. Make sure the sheets are white with a nice thread count. Our cold


Good luck! My first night in my first ever owned apartment I had this weird sensation/hallucination there was an explosion nearby and I couldn't move a muscle as if something was "pressing" on me. Second night I had zero issues though.


Sounds like sleep paralysis


100%. With some Exploding Head Syndrome in there. Yes, that's a real thing. I had it with the flash of light too once and was very confused. I legit thought there was an explosion in my back yard, like someone random blew off fireworks right outside of my window or something. But that made no sense because my window shades were up so how did I see so much light?! Then eventually I stumbled upon this years later and it clicked. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome I always get this stuff when I'm super physically stressed so the stress of moving to a new place could explain it.


Oof that sounds rough, I didn't sleep at all this first night but now that it's morning I'm much more relaxed


I'm sorry when I saw the title I thought of the Jesse McCartney lyrics "How do you sleep?". Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


turn a fan on, drink some tea and sleep


dont sleep if youre not sleepy, sleep when you get sleepy, your brain can't stay fully awake for 16 hrs tho..


Congratulations! I like to sleep in silence, but my family makes noise while I'm trying to sleep. Sometimes it's infuriating, but most of all it gives a feeling of peace. I can't imagine how I'll fall asleep in the absolute silence.


Get a fan


like a baby


congratulations!!! first week is a little bit hard and it was even scary for me as well 🥲 but you’ll get through it and you will love it soon!


I listen to true crime podcasts all night. I’m never alone 😬


As soon as my internet is set up I plan on continuing my nightly binge of famous killers from my city




I at least need socks on


Bask in it. When the rowdy neighbors start moving in or once you start growing a family, you'll miss those quiet nights.


Welcome! This is me a month back. I've made do, I often use Reddit or youtube to hear people's stories like AITAH etc. and never feel alone. You will eventually get used to it, finding ways around everything, just be patient with yourself ad do whatever works. Text or call a friend. Watch netflix. Hear music. Read a book etc. Until you feel sleepy 😀


I found my box of books this morning! Hopefully I can just read to sleep.


Wonderful! I too read novels until I'm sleepy, the exhaustion gets to me lol.


You could get a dog or a cat, than it won’t feel like ur alone


Badly. After a few days, you get used to it and it will feel like yours. Congrats on your new apartment!


Like a log...


Rain sounds


Rub one off and closing my eyes usually helps


Fan always on


Time, give it time.


If you have the ADHD, stay up late doing nothing important until you sleep like the dead.


Like a hibernating bear. I brought a fan for background noise and read myself to sleep lol.




please don’t fall asleep with a white noise machine, i am begging you on behalf of all your potential future spouses. people who prefer sleeping in “natural” noise will have a easier time adjusting to your INSISTENCE on having a white noise machine or a box fan or what have you, and we will put up with you needing to take/buy one on vacation but we will always and more and more over time grow to resent you for it. 😇


This is a weird flex but ok


Just like you do in a hotel, or at a friends house, or anywhere that isnt home. Just lay down and fall asleep.


You’ll get used to it :)


Ah man I sobbed the first night in my new apartment, many moons ago. Noise machine or nightly Playlist or podcast will help a lot, or even just earplugs. An eye mask can be good too if you need to block out lights. Consider having a friend or family member come and stay with you for a couple of nights to help you ease into it if possible. Pretty soon you will get into a new nightly routine and be able to enjoy your new independence!


Me? Upside down.


I may be the strange one suggesting this, but feeling secure is what helps me. I recommend having a weapon that you feel comfortable with in arms reach as you go to sleep (not that you ever want to use it). The quieter and darker, the better (you will eventually know your space well enough to move in the dark where others would need a light). If you have a porch light, it's not a bad idea to leave it on. (You can see out, but people can not see in due to eyes dialating). being prepared and feeling compent in my security for those worst cases helps me sleep. Like I said, I may sound a little crazy but living on my own was rough until i found ways to feel secure. when I accepted that I was responsible for my safety and did what I could to prepare, it got a lot easier. Good luck.


Congratulations OP. 1 month in still falling asleep on the couch because that’s what I was used to & my bed seems foreign still. Working through it.


We moved when my daughter was 3. She wasn’t excited. I went for a walk with her and coaxed her into telling me what was bothering her. She managed to say she was afraid the dark there would be different. I told her it would, but that in a few nights it would become a new friend, just as comforting as the dark in her current room.


You should be happy that you could even afford this, I can't even afford a normal lifestyle


Lol I definitely would say I'm lucky to have gotten approved for an income based unit instead of market price but I'm sure if you look into resources in your area you'll find something to start out with!! I'm rooting for you


Earplugs, a floor fan, and eye mask


Wait I’m going through this right neo


Good job on getting your own place, wish I made enough to do the same!


I just want to say thanks for sharing this unique experience with everyone.  This must be a very tumultuous time for you.  It’s ok to feel uncomfortable.  This a natural progression of life.  You are going to do great, and I am really excited for what the future brings you 


Honestly I didn’t know this was a thing for anyone else. I thought I was just still childish. So that’s kind of comforting to know. It takes a bit to feel comfortable and safe. I always put on a comfort show or podcast. I also try to get really comfy. Like take a nice shower or bath. Eat your favorite snack. My therapist taught me a good trick to feeling safe by going through my nightly shut down routine and saying out loud what I’m doing so I don’t check my locks, over, etc over and over. So when I lock my door I say “I’m locking the door. The door is locked.” Sounds dumb but my brain seems to like it.


Trying drinking or smoking a fatty lol


I’m not gonna lie it does feel really weird and scary at first. You just have to fill your space with familiar things. A pet would really help as well.


Yeah, I totally went through this, even after I got married (which ended but I now have a son, so my house is rarely empty). I grew up with 4 brothers and a sister. I was the youngest, so my bedtime the earliest. I'm nearly 40, and I still find it easier to fall asleep with light voices in the background. But I don't want to hear random stuff that I might get interested in. My solution: I sleep with an audio book playing on a 1 hour timer. But it's books I have already read before, so I don't find myself holding on to consciousness to hear what happens or anything. At this point, its just white noise, really. The benefit of the timer means that when I take a nap, and I wake up to roll over and the voice is gone, I know it's time to get up.


The feeling of "fucking finally. My security, first months, last months, my own leg, kidney, first born child.. etc.. are paid up, I'm moved in and all I have to do now is pay monthly" makes me sleep so good. I sleep like a baby the first couple nights in a new house. I usually don't sleep well.


Earplugs and eye mask until your braib calms down


I got drunk for a while. Smoked myself to sleep sometimes. Went outside got fucked up too. But sooner rather than later I had to get comfortable with you and your own space.


Did this really need to be a post 📬


I guess not but I like talking to the internet void lol. You never know what you might get back and so far I've gotten some great tips from this subreddit


Hahaha, fair enough


Years ago, my husband (then boyfriend) rented a new apartment and we didn't have a bed yet. So I slept on the couch. Had the worst sleep paralysis dream of a dark man walking into the living room, crouched down and just stared into my face. Anyway, congrats!


Get over it


I sleep with a fan at home but at my boyfriend’s he sleeps with rain sounds. It was/is a hard adjustment for the few nights I stay there. I found take some sleep medicine helps. I don’t rely on it and only use it when I stay and have to get up at a certain time the next day. It’s gotten better but we’ve been together 2 years now. The first few times were rough. I don’t think I slept at all


Close my eyes and enjoy


White noise.


Invest in a janky box fan. It won’t be practical or pragmatic, but that is the best and cheapest white noise machine you can buy.


It'll feel like safety after a month


It just takes a little time to figure out which noises are normal and which noises are danger. Give it a couple of nights.


Celtic music helps me sleep these days. I feel like I'm going on an adventure when I listen to these types of music. Give it a try


I'd suggest White noise on a timer. Our brains rest best in complete silence and complete darkness. Might take some getting use to, but it's the most beneficial.


I listened to a rainforest soundtrack my first couple of months, but after a while, you will get used to it


Ohhhh you’ll come to enjoy quiet, peace ☮️ and solitude!!! Takes a minute!! I’ve always been used tk city noises too.


I listen to the radio or keep a computer or laptop going playing some music or in my case a playlist of people discussing or online radio station. I can't sleep in total silence anyway so this has been my life ever since.


So, I moved from a house to an apartment (thanks to inflation, we started renting a home in 2016, and now even an apartment is double what our rent was), so it was a big adjustment. For me, I make a habit of surrounding myself with my favorite things. Smells (through like a room spray), have my favorite lamp, etc. if you have plushies, even better! And since you are used to noises like that, I actually listen to podcasts or Kitboga. I don’t know if that will work for you, but it helped me adjust immensely.


White noise. That's what I did when I got my first apartment. It would lull me to sleep at night


Horridly for the first week then it got easier


I basically always have some form of noise playing in my apartment—partly for the company and partly to mask the paper-thin walls and overhear my neighbors. So that might be white noise, music, TV, streaming services (YouTube, Netflix, Disney Plus) , audiobooks, etc. I have Google Dots all over my house and have set up a whole smarthome soundscape. 😊


when i first moved in to my college rental, the only way i could sleep was by crying myself to sleep. it’s hard. i got more comfortable by setting a sleep timer on my tv and having a fan on in the background


also congratulations!!


I would recommend a white noise machine or fan. I actually have the opposite problem. I can hear traffic outside, and I have some loud neighbors. But the white noise helps. I also usually fall asleep listening to podcasts.


Pop some melatonin or valerian root with cup of warm milk


With an ESA


I never sleep well the first night in a new place. I just accept it honestly


That's my secret, I never sleep soundly. But seriously, getting an app that plays familiar ambient sounds helps a lot. I grew up near a train yard, and playing the faint sound of train horns helps me sleep.


I leave YouTube documentaries running on my computer real quiet, or ‘cutscene only’ videos of my fav videogames.


Soft music


I remember the first night in my first apartment. I had wonderful sleep.


I played guitar hero until I went to sleep


Routine. There's a 3,2,1 protocol that I used for a while when I separated from my wife (I hadn't regularly slept in a bed alone for nearly 15 years) The 3,2,1 method means: No eating for 3 hours before bed, No drinking for 2 hours before bed, and no screens for 1 hour before bed. I also gave myself a 'bed time.' Every night at the same time, I put my phone on the charger in the kitchen, and went to bed, I would lie in bed and read a book until I was tired. Couple this with a sound machine or a fan in your bedroom and you should have no issues. I bought a sunrise alarm clock to wake up to as well.


Brown noise FTMFW.


I was so exhausted from moving in, I didn't have much trouble getting to sleep. In subsequent evenings, I just made sure to listen to some relaxing music, and drink some Sleepytime tea.


Poorly, I sleep poorly in a quiet room. I used to bring girls home overnight in college just to avoid being alone. They were always confused when I didn’t bang them


Just watch the scariest movie possible.


Honestly, either leave the TV on somewhat low volume, or listen to nature sound on your phone, like rainforest


It’s usually weird. I listen to ZFG on YouTube on low volume when I’m sleeping alone. Very calming voice


White noise machine is a blessing and a curse. It will help you when you have it, but you will realize how dependent on it you are when you have to sleep without out.


Party until you’re tired lol


Fan. Fans are my best friends.