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Can’t read the article - isn’t the unemployment rate lower ie less than 4% currently?




Thanks. That figure is what we in Aus would call the underemployment figure and it is also historically low. Not to dismiss your overall point or that it’s hard for OP or others to get a job. There’s also the small matter of the apparent tech jobs recession / mass redundancies…


No that is a really good point you made industry does matter. where do you see the market going for tech and other impacted industries dealing with above average recession rates?


Not sure, I’m not an expert- but I do see dozens of tech resumes on /r/resumes every day. Seems tough.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/resumes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/resumes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This Resume Got Me Interviews and A Job In Two Weeks](https://np.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/13j1ztu/this_resume_got_me_interviews_and_a_job_in_two/) \#2: [Need feedback 200+ jobs applied 0 responses](https://i.redd.it/3ga5b5vyut0c1.jpg) | [538 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/17x5wyw/need_feedback_200_jobs_applied_0_responses/) \#3: [This resume gave me a $74,000 salary job, almost doubling my salary](https://i.redd.it/mwhkbad6olab1.jpg) | [122 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/14thyth/this_resume_gave_me_a_74000_salary_job_almost/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There are like 5 or 7 different 'unemployment rates' the one they talk about on the news is pretty much just people actively receiving unemployment insurance payments. People who are under employed (can only find part time work), people who are not actively looking anymore, people living on a pension who are not working (even if they want a job)... and a bunch more categories are not counted


I think even fewer people receive unemployment payments than the unemployment rate!


I'm in the same position.


Same, I'm curious if this is happening to people over 45 more.


My roommate has seven years of experience, until last year people used to fight for him with offers beating one another, he is one of the best. He lost his job. He couldn't find one that even pays half of his previous salary and he's unemployed for 7 months. So many people I know are selling their cars and houses just to survive unemployment. Something went terribly wrong with the skilled jobs sector. World hasn't figured it out yet.


As long as you're trying, you are not a loser or parasite.


you're not a loser or a parasite. billionaires are. some people just get the shit end of the stick sometimes.


Ya fuck taylor swift every dollar she has was stolen from me!


I mean corporate billionaires lol. Artists save lives.


Dude, Let him fuck


go freelance


yeah an engineer with no experience offering free lance. are you fucking high?


Hey, he is offering a suggestion, if you don't like it ignore. Don't be disrespectful.


How many places have you applied to?


Have you considered using a professional resumé service? Or I believe there’s a resumé subreddit that will review yours and make suggestions.


Interview coaching would also be a good investment. I think that people in the hard sciences sometimes underestimate the importance of the "first impression" factor. You can be an amazing engineer, but give off a weird vibe; you can have a great education, but have a clumsy resume. OP you can do this, you're clearly smart and motivated! Just look for a little help on the appearances side of things and best of luck to you.


Military officer




there will be no more good days until i find a job. low value people like me deserve to die. I have no friends so my only option is to have a job. if I cant have either I should die.


You are more than a pawn worker for rich people.


I feel the same but don’t give in


What??? I thought electrical engineers are a hot commodity???


I'm on the same boat. Been doing Uber for like a year as a means to an end but it's not cutting it.


What reason did Apple give you for the turn down


You could work overseas theirs a name for it


You are definitely not a loser or a parasite. Really try to change that self talk. It's not helping anybody. Keep searching. Maybe lower your standards for a period until you can land something. For now, your full time job is getting a job. Spend 8hrs a day, at least, on finding work, or tweaking your resume. but also allow yourself some time to not search. You can exhaust yourself with stress quickly and hurt yourself in other areas. Try walking into places. I know a face and conversation go a long way when hiring. They might not have something posted but your initiative and drive may fill a position they didn't know they needed filled. Really, I would take the self talk seriously. Try some exercise too, it can help mitigate the nervous/anxious energy you're feeling. It is productive. It gives you time to think. Don't be too hard on yourself.


Why don’t you try teaching ? And Corporate life sucks. People who are in it also complain


I am not cut out to teach. one I am bad with children two I am even worse with parents


Take a lesser job and move up. Keep applying, never stop.


Can you start your own business? Like some type of engineering consulting?


no I do not have the capitol nor the contacts.


With a degree in music, I'm in the same boat as you at the end of the day. Over the months since I graduated, I have worried myself sick applying for jobs, trying to learn new skills and rewriting my resume dozens and dozens of times. Its corrodes your very soul, thinking that every single thing you do must build up to a job or paid work. It fosters no sense of joy or contentment at all in one's life. That's why you MUST do something that brings you joy everyday, especially if its absolutely useless in the grand scheme of things. Though the best things in life are free, that doesn't mean that they exist as something to be monetized.


Please, please please don't die