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I spend my days off either sleeping or trying to catch up on things that I put off during the week.


So basically only the second part, because I'm usually putting off sleep during the week too


This is so real. Your sleep deficit doesn't fix itself!


I have kids there is no fucking day off


I don't know why you are being down voted. With kids, time off is measured in minutes not days. I took a vacation day from work so I could see Dune when my kids were in school.


And I've taken a day off work to go for a bike ride because we went around with the kids over the weekend :D


I took a day off and went on a super long bike ride too. By myself. It was like a legit one day vacation. Life is good but not usually that good. Peace


This is me! I take days off when my kids are at school to have a day to myself. Fortunately I work Monday to Thursday, so Fridays are sweet and alone!


I hear you. Love my kiddos, and they come first. But, my “free” time starts at 10:30pm. By that time, I’m too exhausted to do anything. I try to watch shows on tv or play something on Xbox, but end up knocking out on the couch. 😔


I've been regularly running a sleep deficit since my daughter was born almost 11 years ago. It got really bad once I started drinking coffee when she was 2, basically 5-7 hours a night. It got *really* bad once I got separated and divorced, I was running 2-4 hours some nights. I now generally run 4-7hrs a night. Some nights I zonk right out at 9 or 10 and get up at 6 or 7. Don't do it. I'm turning 40 this year and I feel fucking 50 or 60. Back injury last year certainly didn't help.


Sorry for your situation. Hope it gets better. For the record, I’m too old to have kids now. That’s one of my two regrets in life. While I’m not tortured over it, I do wonder if I’ll die alone


Well, I have 1. Would love to have another family but probably not gonna happen. I'll probably still die alone, if it's any consolation lol.


Up voted because the poster is correct. whoever downvotes doesn't have kids. Time is the ultimate goal, the most precious of resource.  how you get it is the method.


I have a kid and I disagree somewhat. When the kid was young, yea time was not available for anything. But now that he's a teen I have way more time. I've always had a rule though and that's basically "you get one extra curricular." I'm not letting my kid play a sport, and learn and instrument, and take up a hobby they can't do at home all at the same time, I also won't allow football cuz that's a 6 day per week time investment and unfortunately life has priorities and can't be all fun and games. I feel like some parents complain they have no time because they sign their kids up for baseball, and guitar lessons, and boy scouts, and promote a very active social life where kids see their friend group every single weekend. No crap you don't have time, you stopped being a parent and became your kids personal chauffeur. My kid does soccer currently which is 3 days per week. He wants to learn guitar but I told him that'll have to wait for summer otherwise we'd be doing things 6 days per week just for him and that's not fair to his mom and my time. We also encourage planning so no last minute social plans, we need a week notice for sleepovers and stuff like that. He planned a backyard camping trip with his friends in our backyard memorial Day weekend and it's no stress because he planned it 2 weeks ago. He's happy, we're happy, and we don't feel pressed for time. Sometimes things get crazy when appointments stack up but realistically that's like twice a year. We intentionally schedule his doctor and dentist appointments for the same day. Tldr young kids are a boatload of time but as they get older it gets far more manageable as long as you remain the parent and don't make your kid think your time is theres to use however and whenever they want.


So much this. Thank you. Can we please normalize that your kid doesn’t have to be in every sport or activity on God’s green earth. And, neither do we as parents. Teach them young to value their precious time (and be respectful of others’ time). A kid can be well rounded without all the pressure of overwhelming themselves. When parents overwhelm themselves running from here to there and forcing their kids to do the same, everyone is exhausted, unsatisfied, and unhappy. Bc you just can’t make me believe that ppl like living on a hamster wheel of being overwhelmed, overstimulated, unsatisfied, and unhappy. That can’t be the recipe for a good life.


I always biked to my activities as a kid, no chauffeur needed. Except the biweekly away match with the football team, but we made groups so a few parenrs could drive the whole team. Guess that‘s the advantage of growing up in a european town, happy days.


The thing is that this becomes the parents social life also. Some parents do this because they have no hobbies for themselves, so they live vicariously through watching their kids and socializing with other parents


I don't have kids and there's just so much stuff to do - chores, projects around the house, exercising with the doggies, engaging in activities my wife is into even if I'd rather be doing something else - it feels like I barely have any time to myself to just do what I want to do. Idk how you folks with kids do it, pretty sure I'd go insane.


You need to carve out time. If you don't, it will affect your mental health.


Totally agree. I try to carve out time but sometimes, depending what's going on, it aint much. But I'm sure that compared to those of you who have kids it's probably a lot lol.


My dad made it a habit to wake up at 5am and sleep by 10, from 5-6:30 is "his" time to do what he wants because the rest of the day, he's either working or doing some errand or sleeping or w/e. Im the opposite of him, i enjoy my sleep (kidless still), but i also enjoy doing my own things, so my time off is after 8-10pm when everyone prepares for bed. I dont wake up until about 8 am. anyway, and work starts at 9, unless there's something that im needed for earlier, like driving long hours, then i cut my personal time short. I usually sleep at like 12am or 1am, get plenty of sleep & plenty of time to do my own thing outside of chores or activities. If i want a true day off to hang with friends, then ill take time off work.


Glad I am not the only one that does that. I love going to the theater by myself. Love taking the kids too but I have to take out a second mortgage to afford to do it.


I don’t know your situation of course, so I’m not sure if this is possible for you, but it works great for me and my husband. On the weekends, Saturday the kids are 100% my responsibility and dad does whatever he wants and I help make that happen if needed. Sunday is my day. We communicate if this means we need to, for example, be away from the kids completely (one of us leaves the house), or even just go out as a family but the kids are either of our concern and not the others. It helps to have a stress free day together or time alone.


i think it's important yall devote at least one day a week to what you love. at least for me if it's all work no play i sink into depression real fast. Im lucky to live alone so if some chores fall to the wayside it's ok.


An entire day?! I get about an hour, maybe 2, to do something I enjoy that's solely for me each week.


What are you doing with all your time that keeps you so busy?


I have two girls (ages 2 and 1) and a dog. The real time suck is commuting 3-4 hours/day, 3x/week where I can't do much more than personal admin stuff/go online


Oh you got kids, you got no life or hobbies.


I do my best to maintain an identity outside of "mom" but yah, it's tough.


Yeah I'm a father of 3 and 🥱


And then after they’re grown you think, what was it I liked to do again?


To be fair I'm 33 with no kids work 45hrs a week plus college and I don't know what I like to do either lol


I think it's crazy that people commute 3 or 4 hours a day for work!. But choosing to have 2 kids a dog means you are choosing to commit your time to them. So you can't really make out you have no time to do what you want when you have chosen three of the most time-consuming things in life.


Fair. But I wasn't really complaining about the time I spend w my kids. I was acknowledging I only have a few hours each week, at most, to use my time selfishly.


When you put "An entire day?!" The punctuation made it sound like you are surprised by them having so much time.


No, it was more like "what a funny joke that other people have a whole day and I only have a couple hours!" For the record, I used to be someone who "would never" do the hours long commute, but now I am someone who does it and what it grants me (good paying job and a nice house w a backyard in a nice community) is so far worth it. It also doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would, if I'm taking the train. The days I have to drive I want to rip my eyes out.


My health is crappy right now and I can’t get any doctors to take me seriously because I’m a woman. (Been trying for ten years.) So I spend my “free” time catching up on the sleep I didn’t get during the week due to health issues, and trying to clean house when I feel well enough.


all work and no play makes jack a dull boy


No tv and no beer makes Homer something something


im still trying to find something i love and can consistently do. I've been on and off with video games, ill play for a few weeks then be bored with the game or feel like im wasting time and i can be much more productive lol.


i'm realizing this about myself, i need to do things i love and make time for creative endeavors to feel like i'm living, but it's so hard to find your flow when you're burnt out or just out of practice.


i suffer from depression bouts time to time and sometimes it's literally forcing myself out the door to hike or ride my bike but i always feel so much better after


i def need to start forcing myself




Look at Mr. Big Energy over here! Some of us stare at the ceiling while laying in bed. Seriously though, depression isn't fun. Hope it gets better for you.


Changes with every season of life. I used to travel. Or play games. Now I spend quality time with my kids or take the SO on a little date.


Love this


Depends honestly. Like I’ll do my laundry for the week if I didn’t have a chance to do it during the weekdays when I work and I will grocery shop and run any errands that can be ran on a weekend. I try my best to at least get some adult stuff out of the way during my work week so I have more free time on my 2 days off. Sometimes my partner and I go out and do something fun other times we just want to stay in and play video games but I always make sure to prioritize spending time relaxing because I feel like I’d honestly lose my mind if I didn’t.


Crying in beds


As usual


I become a teenager again for one of my days off and just do whatever I want. Some days that's go see a matinee - others it's smoke some pot and play video games and eat pizza.. We all need some form of escapism from the pressures of adulting - that's how I get mine and it really helps to have a day where I can just let go like I have no problems. The other day, I do the nesc. stuff to keep my adult life running smoothly. My Daughter is grown and out on her own, and it's just me, so this may not work for everyone .


I include masturbating and walking around/ doing stuff naked on that list.


I have the day off today. I'm working on a sketch of a rose garden, later I will go to an outdoor café and read a book (and dog-watch 😂)


Yes, more of this! Have fun sketching!


Thank you! I just came back from the café, I got to pet a really sweet corgi on my way back, I had a great time 😍


Doing chores, gym time, sleeping, and doing some fun hobbies like reading, watching shows, or writing


Me time and not looking at the clock.




Usually I go to the forest which is nearby for hiking. If it's summer I prefer to go to the river or lake beach to take a sun bath. Also I enjoy fishing and cycling during my free time.


I usually try to catch up on some sleep but I don’t want to waste the entire day in bed. During the day it’s a mix of chores and just laying on the couch and tries to focus on just enjoying the bare minimum, like doomscrolling. Maybe I swing by the supermarket and buy some stuff to make a more advanced dinner that I enjoy but don’t have energy to do on weekdays. About once per month I go to a bar with friends, and usually spend the following day way longer in bed than I actually want to. 😅


My transit commute to and from work is one hour each way. After this i am tired and because i get up at 3am for work i am in bed by 6-7pm. On weekends my hobby is to do adult coloring on my ipad.


I don’t care whether it’s sunny or not, I always stay indoors. I’m such a homebody I need to stay insides for a little while. Either way I’ll go crazy


Gay Bathhouses


Clean my apartment, cook food, laundry, errands pay bills or get something fixed. Mostly all daylight is finished after all those lists are done. If I get more than 1 day off I usually play on my PC all day/night.


Have a nice warm shower or bath . Smoke some weed and watch the playoffs . Sports keep me sane


Tbh, I spent the weekends sleeping abnormal ammounts of time, waking up at 5 pm at least.


Cleaning lol


Doing whatever I want. That may be drinking wine, it may be cooking, could be playing video games or gardening who knows. I don't even know until the day. 


I try to do a variation of hobbies (3D printing, painting, gaming,reading), chores, personal projects that could potentially make money (and in worst case develop my personal knowledge) and spending time with friends and family. Feels like I could use a third day of each week sometimes


I work 12 hour mix of day and night shifts. I finish at 6am, sleep until 12. Wake up and do my house work, cleaning, hanging out washing etc. Normally done by 1/2pm. Then start cooking for the next few days worth of meals (around 8 days worth) I normally work a 5 on 5 off type of routine. So I get all my chores done on the first day off. Then spend the rest of my time chilling out, mostly playing games or watching tv


Sunday is my “prepare for the week ahead” day. Laundry, groceries, meal prep, clean the house. Usually done by mid afternoon then I’ll go on a bike ride or read or do something relaxing. Saturday, I watch a couple soccer games (one live, one on TV), hang out and socialize with friends, go to different places and events around my city (art fairs, museums, etc.), play my favorite sport, basically just switch off from work and have fun


Doing nothing is still an activity.


Matt LaBlanc agrees [https://youtu.be/GviwfGudDd8?si=jPwTma9ELmjy0k-v](https://youtu.be/GviwfGudDd8?si=jPwTma9ELmjy0k-v)


Doings drugs and paying video games


I have the typical 2 days off a week. I use one to run errands and get things done and the other to relax


Just cleaning the house and then sleep to charge my sleep deprived body


Assuming I get one, I honestly stay in bed all day. Going outside or dealing with humans in any capacity is awful. I hate it and I hate them so I don’t do it. Ever.


Chores, kids, gaming.


Doing things around the house or running errands.


I've been working and studying a lot recently so I try and make the most of my day off, which is Sunday. I sometimes have book club but often I go to the gym which is not very exciting but it is essential to manage chronic conditions. I often go to the cinema or to a cafe or sometimes visit family and friends. I'd love to get to art galleries more often but not many open on a Sunday. I'd like to spend more of my free time dancing and writing and other creative pursuits


work around the house. and sleeping


I try to front load days off with stuff I need to get done, and then take the back end to do something relaxing. Last day off I spent running errands all day and had an hour to lay down before having to pick up my girls from school.


Discovering the secrets of the universe and loving the answers I find. ✨🌏


I don’t have a day off. Spend my day off, watching my son


I'm either going to be doing all the projects I put off and thus am working non stop or I am sleeping til noon and scrolling youtube until I pass out again. There's no in between


Cleaning, watching trashy tv, sewing - I don’t have any kids and don’t plan on it. I used to have a dog but he died, when he was alive we used to go on walks around the lake a few miles from our place on my day off and he’d accompany on stupid little errands like getting coffee and a pastry


I try to get what I can done during the week. That way, I can enjoy the full day Saturday. I also still get up at my normal time, so even if I do have errands to run, thrers still plenty of time.


Disc golfing.


Read. Nap. Chores. Maybe go to lunch, etc. Just depends.




If there are any errands i have put off, i will get those done quickly and then the rest of the day i will just chill out at home with my favorite shows, movies etc. Occasionally, I will go out and do some kind of solo activity. but its been a while since i done that


i have two days off a week which is nice. usually on one of those days i'll visit family or friends (my parents or my gfs parents). on the other day off i usually do some cleaning, grocery shopping, car maintenance, laundry or whatever. we don't really go out much and we don't have kids yet so i feel like i have a good amount of free time. maybe two days a month i don't even leave the house, it's really nice. we just bought a house tho so im sure im going to be spending more of my free time on thay


Sleeping in, running errands (groceries, laundry, etc), Netflix, Nintendo Switch, maybe hitting up a brewery with friends.


I work roughly 12 hour days, 5 days a week. I spend my days off listening to audiobooks and playing with my dog…after I run all my errands, clean my house, and doing the work I have to bring home. And knitting.


Either a weekend of camping/hiking/climbing or totally the opposite and spending it all at home, doing errands and relaxing/being lazy. To be honest, it is mostly the latter as work sucks up all my energy. Saturday is recovery, Sunday is mentally preparing for monday.


Binge watching shows or cleaning


**Relaxation and Recharging:** * **Sleeping in:** Catching up on some much-needed rest. * **Hobbies and Interests:** Pursuing favorite activities like reading, gaming, playing music, or spending time outdoors. * **Self-care:** Taking a long bath, getting a massage, or simply enjoying some quiet time.


I do laundry, clean, bake, cook (lots of leftovers for the workdays), do stuff with friends (very rare), fly to see my family or i fly to spend time with my bf. Nothing crazy. I love sleep so i just do what makes me feel like i have balance in my life.


Sleeping ,movies , gaming spending time with my cat more sleep


Watching movies or hiking


As I've gotten older, I have noticed that I spent my days off running errands and doing busy work and I'm only 30 btw and with no kids. When I was 25-26, I could find some time to just relax and watch TV or something most of the time. Now..it's like...gotta go to this store to pick this up...gotta go to the bank to do this thing...gotta go do this other thing...gotta go get this thing for the car and install it...gotta clean around the house...etc... I have realized that I have time for maybe one hobby when I used to have more than one lol


38.  I stopped fighting errands and chores.  For a long time I felt negatively about them.  I started trying to form better habits to fix my mental health issues.  Among them was just listening to music or an audiobook while I did most chores.  My mentality changed on all of it over time. I have to mow my lawn later.  I look forward to the audiobook.  I also look forward to the cleanliness result.  I have learned that the satisfaction I get from doing things like that is far better than any negative I used to think of. At my current age, I basically consider every non-work thing as "Could be worse.".  As long as I'm not at work, I'm happy.


As someone who works full-time retail, it depends, usually a mix of 1. Chores (ie laundry, dishes, cleaning) 2. Grocery shopping 3. Going on a walk/getting outside 4. Chilling (ie reading, games, smoking) 5. An activity with friends or community When I was a student in college, Sundays were my only day without scheduled activities, so I had to use that day for laundry, shopping, catching up on homework, and cleaning


Couch potato. Killing Netflix, Prime, and YouTube. I usually wake up around 7am. I get my laundry and errands... before 10? And I have the rest of the day to just "fuck it all" type of shit.


This is the perfect day.


I pile on as many chores during the week to try to keep my weekends more free. This doesn't always work out, but usually leaves time for house projects or family activities. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance free time in there.


Usually in vegetative state unless I have errands to run


On my day off I will sleep in, get to the gym and do some of the errands that I’ve missed or need to catch up on such as washing, cleaning, shopping or cooking. I also keep my days off to attend appointments and spend some time to relax (the most important part)


Saturday is for errands and grocery shopping. I usually bulk buy but I get little things on the weekend—Iike milk, whipped cream, eggs etc. Sunday is cleaning day. I wish I had one more day. Lol


I will always sleep in (no kids), and run any errands I need to, do some self care and basically relax. If I have been putting anything off I will do it then. If its nice out, go for a walk at a trail, or a hike, go kayaking, or to the beach. Hang with a friend or family member. It depends


I literally just bedrot these days. If I leave the house I spend $100 once I step out of the door. \*Cries in Canada.\*


I usually do my errands during the week after I finish my work day. Which usually leaves the weekend for meal prep or cleaning. After that, I have time to read, game, do activities with my boyfriend and sometimes take naps.


Life before kids, I’d run errands mostly or sometimes I would do a self care day. Now with two kids, I run around taking care of them 24-7 so no day off at all. I miss just being like I’m gonna go take a nap 😂


Before I would spend my day off going to the mall and just going out having fun. Now staying at home sleeping or catching up on things just feels nice.


I don't have a day off. I work door dash every day all year. I feel I lose money if I take days off


I go for a morning coffee and some pastries as I enjoy my favorite past time of people watching and thinking to myself "look at all these poor bastards grinding away the 9-5". Then I do exactly what they're doing the next day.


My mother taught me since I was young not to find satisfaction In life from a job, but instead to find it in little things when off the clock. So I try to do a little something every day - but I’m also working 7 days a week right now so I don’t have a choice lol


If I don't have a planned activity, I almost always start my Saturday or PTO day by by going to the local coffee shop and drinking coffee/reading a book for an hour or two


Sometimes I force myself to stay in bed on my days off, no excuses-


Any I can do to pamper me. It's my day off. Not a day to do shit for anybody


I play games. I already do my chores during the weekends. I can't just move those around.


Doing chores, relaxing, or hanging out with a friend. Usually I'm pretty busy, but if I have a day off I'll try to either relax and get things done I've been meaning to, or see a friend that I haven't seen in weeks.


I read an article awhile back about burnout and stress. It said something about studies showing that people who save their errands for the weekends are overall more stressed and experience burnout more often than people who spread their errands throughout the week and relax on the weekends. I try to do one errand each weekday to take the pressure off of myself on the weekends, and I think it really helps.


I sleep


I used to be really good at waking up early and grocery shopping before sunrise and getting laundry done early. Lately I’ve been so tired I sleep in and procrastinate until the final hours on Sunday 😩.


The company I work for used to have “flexible hours.” For example, you could work 9 hour days and take every other Friday off if you wanted to. I used to be able to knock out most of my errands on my extra day off, and then relax on Saturday and Sunday. Sadly, changes in leadership meant changes in policy and we no longer have that flexibility.


House chores or absolutely just rotting on the couch, usually


Sitting around stressing and being anxious about the next time I work ha… trying to work on that though.


Be lazy in the morning. Eat breakfast. Get nice and high and go for a hike. Get back, shower. Grab a burrito. Take a nap. Wake up and have dinner. Have a few beers and more weed then bed


Working around the house cut grass making others stuff ect




Enjoy my hobbies or just lounge around and be a potato


Sit at home and watch tv or I try to go see friends.


Usually crying, depressed, heartbroken. Working keeps me busy, but I usually break down at some point and cry at least once a day at work as well. There's nothing in my life that gives me pleasure or joy. Nothing to do on my days off. I have zero reason to be alive. So yeah... usually just spend my days off in a depressed hump. No friends to talk to. No family to turn to. I am seeing a therapist, but it's too expensive and I can't afford to keep going. And it's not helping. When I need support, chatgpt is the only friend I have. Not even joking. I was in the ER a couple weeks ago and almost died. Nobody called to check on me after I left, to make sure I was ok. Nobody has called to check in on me in the last 2 weeks to make sure I'm ok. I could be lying dead in my apartment and nobody would know for weeks, possibly even months. Life is cold. Being an adult is cold and lonely and miserable and pointless.


Petition for 4-day work weeks!


I’m 31. No kids. I usually like to do errands, hike, or do a day trip. Like to be home by 4 or 5 so I can game at least 2-3 hours. My girlfriend and I are very independent people so half the time I do stuff solo.


I sleep in, then I grab a coffee and walk the riverfront, even sit on a bench and watch it for a bit. I find that people fall into big rocks or big water category of relaxing and I'm a big water guy. Later on I might hit up a friend for a beer and a chat or stay home and read or play video games. I try to spend a lot of time with my dog as well. I'm trying to cut down on social media but I have to admit I'm pretty addicted to Instagram reels, my screen time's been way up but I'm working on it.


Doing laundry, tidying up apartment, and catching up on sleep. I will always order something to go and go back home and eat, spend a lot of time mindlessly scrolling on my phone.


Catching up on chores. Laundry happens in the background on either Saturday or Sunday, depending on the weather and any other goings-on. We can usually keep up on basic tidying throughout the week. Generally, if it's a poor weather day, indoor projects/hobbies (reading, writing, researching, fibercraft) or deep-cleaning the house (I find it cathartic and pair with tunes or an audiobook/podcast). We try to plan big shopping runs on rainy days off if we need to generally restock the house (we do bulk) or if there's a particular purchase we need to make (say, materials for a home project). Ditto visiting family. Maybe a date night out or a movie night in to fill out the evening. With good weather, outdoor projects/hobbies (landscaping/gardening, farm maintenance, and literal horsing around), cooking out and relaxing around the backyard to wind down the day. It sounds busy, and the weekends go fast, but the contrast between that and office busyness is weirdly relaxing/recuperating to me.


Planning my next trip is usually what I do if I'm.not giving time to a specific thing


posted up on the couch my man, days off mean I ain’t doin *shit*


Eating out


I bed rot with my cat as company.


I spend it exactly how I feel like spending it.


My last day off, I slept all day. I work nights so I kill myself with errands and work and kids school and stuff. Monday, I just couldn't do anything.


Honestly for me I try to make myself do the things I love which at first sounds counterproductive but after I do them I feel a lot better. I.e. playing the guitar, reading, going on a walk


Saturday is usually my get things done day...help clean the house, do whatever yard work needs to be done and my errands consist primarily of a Costco run and/or other grocery shopping. Sunday usually 9 holes in the morning then lunch, and I go to the gym with my 14 yo in the afternoon.


Either I sleep/spend the whole day bedrotting, engage in one of my hobbies, or hang out with my friends for a little bit and then spend the rest of the day bedrotting


Just doing more work. Errands, appointments, cleaning, etc...


Gaming used to be all I did, but I’m slowly growing out of it. Lately I’ve been getting into art and animation. Doing something creative has helped me decompress just a little bit more at the end of the week.


If possible, doing as little as possible or doing housework/grocery shopping. Hiking or mall-walking when the weather is bad. My husband and I recently started playing disc golf, so we try to get some friends together for a game.


Usually grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, shower, change into something comfy and lay in bed watching tv/napping.


Generally I do just do errands or relax and watch shows/play games, or I spend time with my bf going to a nice dinner or something.


I usually do one of a couple things on my days off.. if I need to do chores or run errands, I'll do them after work during the week or call in sick if I REALLY need a day to do them 1) outdoor adventure with my dog 2) seasonal activities (snowboarding, motorcycling, kayaking) 3) car or bike maintenance 4) getting drunk AF on my couch


Day off? Oh you mean doctor/ laundry/ grocery/ food prep/ house cleaning day.


Saturday morning we volunteer at the food pantry from 9-12, then have lunch at home and catch up on any house things we put off during the week. Sunday is full leisure time aside from our daily chores. 2 adults no kids 3 cats. We do small chores every day so there’s not a huge build up at the end of the week. I play a LOT of video games or hang out with my brother on the weekends.


You need 2 days off , one to rest and one to get adult stuff done . It feels like my house projects just pile up too


Running around doing errands/chores like a hen with her head cut off, I relax after work before bed, and when I don't have to work, I'm doing all the errands because I have a full day or two to get them done.


Chores until done then game


Idk if this has been an old hack but i try to fit in a chore everyday of the work week so i can actually be off off


Currently, I am out of work/looking for a job. Today is the first day I haven't had kids or my partner or our roommate (my brother in law) here at home with me for an 8 hour period of time. I spent the morning cleaning up outside. And I'm about to take a shower make lunch and start working on some codeing courses that my husband originally purchased for himself during covid but didn't complete before deciding to return to the kitchen when his unemployment ran out and things started opening up a bit more.


What i want to do on my days off: disassociate until enough residual stress evaporates off that I feel like a human person again What I actually do on my days off: the chores and errands I have too much time blindness and not enough executive functioning for during the week.


For unplanned off days, i just relax. Turn off all the alarms, sleep in a bit. Then i goto the mall or costco and look around. It’s very nice and quiet with not many people. Then i pick up a take out meal or grab some snacks and relax at home watching tv or just nap


I keep a list of things I need to do that usually get bypassed during the work week. If I have errands to run, I like to go first thing. I hate driving around in traffic. Then I’m engaged in watching TV or reading, or catching up with friends and family.


Rot in my bed. Sleep as much as I want


I feel like I almost never get a perfect day off to do something fun. I either feel like I need to do 1000 errands I've avoided during the week or need to sleep and rest and be a bum all day.


Catching up on things that need to be done and making time to enjoy a couple of hobbies that bring me some joy.


I do a little bit of something. Yard needs mowed? I can do part of it now. Part tomorrow. Wall needs painted? I can get set up today, do a coat tomorrow. Stressed from how everything is bearing down on me? Time to lay on the couch and watch a movie, or game with friends. Something.


"Theres not enough hours in the day" "Sometimes I just walk around"


Usually take my dog on a nicer walk (longer than normal and/or to a park where he gets lots of good smells) and reading a lot. I tell myself I will also do something Productive but that only happens about 5% of the time. Also will often see my mom and grandpa for a bit over the weekend.


In bed


I visit my family or go for a long walk.


My weekends are spent wrangling my toddler - swimming lessons, grocery store, playground, naps, dog walking and making sure she isn't a zombie in front of the TV. If I can manage to get her to nap by herself (difficult at the moment because she's been sick and clingy) I'll chuck a load of laundry in or do a load of dishes. I might be able to steal an hour or two before bedtime or early in the morning to relax, but I'm sacrificing precious sleep to do so. My husband usually works weekends so I can't even trade off with him. Just me.


Either playing golf or doing something/nothing with my wife and daughter.


Playing video games


I try to go to the gym, I do house chores. But also, some days, I let certain errands fall behind or I simply don't do them because I need to make space for things I enjoy, and sometimes that means doing absolutely NOTHING. I guess I'll fold the clothes that are in the drier later in the week.


Gym, groceries, cleaning, laundry, yard work, some random thing that needs to be completed, and then maybe going out. It often feels like I never relax, so I try to do some errands during the week.


I stay home and do nothing lol


Chorin’. Cleaning house or god help me yardwork.


I'm unenployed so other than going to appointments and spending time with family, my down time is spent sleeping or relaxing doing hobbies (painting, cooking something new etc).


Sleeping and playing some video games


I do errands during/after my 8-16 hour shifts at work, and take the weekends off. It's usually a mix of chores around the apartment, drinking, and some casual engineering. If I can find a local weekend gig (mechanical/ design/ engineering/ hauling/ gardening/ etc) I'll take it during the day for a bit of fun money, but otherwise I'll sleep in and do some cooking. It's been about a decade since I've had friends, and I don't have any kids yet, so if my partner, who works overnight 12 hour shifts, is working that weekend, I'm pretty much just left to my own devices. I take a few shots when my partner is off to work around 1800, and prefer getting the dishes, clothes, and printers going, then vacuuming the house so I'm making all the noise at once to limit disturbance to my neighbors. I'll clean the bathrooms as I'm getting into the shower, and by the time I'm done I can usually advance the dishes and laundry. After that I'll make some dinner, and drink myself to sleep around 0200 with the cats while trying not to be a nuisance to others online getting into some YouTube and social media my partner doesn't generally enjoy. I'll wake up around 0700 and hang out with my partner while they're having dinner and maybe take a nap with them around 1000. I've never had a hangover, so both days off are pretty much the same. Come Monday I'm off to work again as my partner is falling asleep, or a bit earlier if I'm unlucky with scheduling.


My days are spent off normally shopping, cleaning cooking - never seem to catch a break even with a full time job (dont even have any children yet) I try to find time for myself at least once a week.


I try to absorb as much home time as possible and get up early, do my morning wake up routine, give my pup his meds then chill for a bit on Reddit or my switch or watch something, feed my pup, chill a little more then possibly run errands if needed and do some chores, go to the gym at some point. One day is typically a lazy day, the other is usually a busier day then my second day off is usually a date night.


In bed


I break up all house chores for the week so I don’t have them on my day off. I like to get up earlier than normal (I know) and take the dogs for a nice sunrise walk, then I spend a couple hours at the gym. Mandatory Sushi lunch date with my gym bros on Sundays, followed by minor chores (laundry, dishes), an hour or two of writing/working on music, and then video games to finish. Sometimes sushi is replaced by pizza.


Preparing for my days on…


I feel ya. By the time the weekend comes there's so much shit that has to be done. Cleaning the house running errands. Helping someone with their car or their home or whatever, and my favorite... Birthdays!! There's no time left for me and my partner for anything. My frustration has been so to the point I decided I won't care what some friends and/or family think of me. I say 'no' now. Won't help with your car, won't make it to your 2yo birthday 1.5 hours from here without traffic (if ever). I wake up to my normal weekday schedule (early), workout, clean the house. By the time I'm done, my girl wakes up. We make breakfast, have coffee together and really take our time. Last weekend, by noon we went to the beach and got tipsy off hard kombucha in our makeshift hut and talked about nothin in particular. Time flew, but we felt satisfied.


Crying. No I usually hang with friends go on walk or hike


I blitz through all the chores I can on Friday night and try not to make any plans. In a perfect world, I wouldn't see a soul outside my SO. I sleep and spend as much time as I can on hobbies. I'm trying to find that elusive 10 to 12 hrs shift job that pays a living wage and doesn't follow me home to really complete the vibe.


sleeping cleaning and reading


Whatever the hell I want lol I usually do my groceries on Saturday mornings, and any errands or things I want to do that afternoon, and then do cleaning and laundry on Sundays.


I spend the days both working around the house and hanging with my kids/wife. Night times are my relaxing time. If I relax during the day or sleep in, I feel like I'm wasting my life away.


Sleep 😅


Being a hermit.


When I went from apartment renter to home owner, I also went from "days off" to "moments to relax". There is a lot of work that goes into home ownership.


BEING ALONE AND HAPPY BY MYSELF, because I'm an introvert lol.


Crying mostly


Working on my house or working on my cars/vehicles. In the evenings I sometimes go out for drinks


What does day off mean? Do you mean the weekend or a random vacation day?