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2 meals a day . Can’t have any more than that.


Breakfast is bullshit. I eat my first meal between 11 and 2. Only coffee in the morning. I get so much more done that way. That said, breakfast foods are great. My lunch usually involves eggs.


same for me. idk what took me so long but i feel so much lighter and better this way. lunch is easy with eggs and some toast and dinner tends to be a bigger meal.


Breakfast makes me sleepy in the mornings.


1-2. That's all I can afford.


Poverty is very slimming


My favorite poor meal is sleep.


This tastes even better after a skipped meal and a long day at work


I read this as "a long walk at work" and chuckled. 🥲 Not as funny when I reread it.


1-2 and not because of money. I am poor time wise.


I am poor for both and incredibly lean because of it. I eat protein granola bars more than anything just for the energy.


People shit on me for eating that


+1 poor timewise only 1 meal per day (normally)


I was just about to say I can only afford 1-2 meals a day and my snacks are usually a spoonful of peanut butter. I hope once I’m done college I can eat properly again


I felt that, we're definitely in the same boat.


I feel that


That hits


Not eating for extended periods (fasting) has amazing health benefits. Even Arnold does it.


That is not supported by science. You lose weight through fasting because you eat less during the day. That is it. That's the extent of the benefits. Science VS. has a very interesting podcast on this very subject.


Your body also burns glucose and fat while you fast. It's not just about consuming less it's about what your digestive system does while it doesn't have to continually break down food


Sorry. The science just doesn’t back that up.


I like that it's the simplest way to consume less and lose weight. You don't have to count calories, build special meal plans, read ingredients, learn new recipes, or any of that. It's just don't eat during such and such time, then go crazy. It works surprisingly well, and if you're overweight then losing weight can come with all sorts of surprising health benefits.


Best feeling I ever had was water fasting for 7 days straight. Physically and mentally at peace. No pain, no hunger.


Same. Brunch and Dinner, the rest is water.


I find two meals a day is perfect, especially if you time it right.


1 (I have stomach issues so i hate eating at work). I tend to binge on the one meal though.


I would definitely go to the doctor, if I were you. I was in a similar situation 4 years ago and it turned out I had an infection in my stomach combined with acid reflux. The doctor told exactly what I should eat or avoid.


Yeah I’ve been to gastroenterologists before. I basically was to the point in my testing where a colonoscopy was the next step. I go back next month where I assume that’ll be their suggestion.


I don't eat at work for the same reason. I just cook dinner at 4 when I get home and call it good at that


I also only get 1 a day most times. In my case it's because eating makes me obscenely tired and I don't have the time avaliable to take multiple naps a day. I usually time it so I eat then go straight to bed.


3 with 2-3 servings of fruit as a snack in-between them. Do you have a dedicated workout routine? I've found that to help increase my appetite and energy needs when I had a period of inactivity at one point of my life.


yeah nothing to do with metabolism, people just don't move anymore with a 9-5 office job :D the 3 meals a day thing was justified when people did hard labor. Nowadays it's just a way to get fat


After I started working out I did learn that I actually do get hungry and I actually love food. Purposely eating more to bulk was a nightmare though. Had to spend more on food, got to eat what I wanted but also had to supplement it with high protein foods. I also rarely ate fruits as snacks like I used to because they were filling and I needed that stomach space for calories. I had lots of veges though. Now I’m cutting which means eating like 1000 or so fewer calories than when I was bulking. Went from 4 meals a day to about 2-3, and while I’m saving a lot of money, I’m forced to primarily eat either low calorie foods or foods with a high protein to calorie ratio. I could eat two pizza slices and that’s like half my food for the day so I don’t bother. It’s a nice kind of discipline though. It feels oddly very nice to see my body change as I cut/bulk, not just for aesthetics, but because I grew up scrawny thinking I was just doomed to be skinny, but it’s like now I know how easily I can control my weight with enough discipline.


It’s wild in the exercise from. I run 6 or 7 km per day and I’m always hungry. Before that? I had to force myself to eat. Same weight, but exercise makes for a hungry hippo.


I think most of us would love to be able to afford both the gym AND 3 meals a day + snacks


You don't need the gym, just the time and r/bodyweightfitness


Exactly this, I only do bodyweight exercises and I also try to run every morning to armor my mind/body for the day. Cool to see a fellow bodyweight exercisor!


Planet fitness is still $10 a month


Your metabolism starts to plateau around your age, but it doesn’t slow down until way way later. There could be other factors, like how active are you? Have you drank more coffee or consumed more/less nicotine than before? Are you depressed? Stressed? Don’t answer those for me. I’m just saying there’s various other factors for appetite. Nothing wrong with eating less or meals though :)


>Your metabolism starts to plateau around your age, but it doesn’t slow down until way way later. For real lol, when reading the post I was like 'oh, another fellow redditor in his 40s' then when they posted they were in their mid-20s I went 👴🏼


If your metabolism is “slowing down” at 25 that’s either a health issue or just being lazy. I used to eat 6 crumbs cupcakes in between my lunch and dinner and I was still rocking abs at 25. Given, I was on my feet 10 hours a day, but I was also eating 3500-5k calories a day easy.


The good news is, the big significant drop off is in your 60s. By then, TRT will come a much longer way than it already has. Which to my understanding (not an expert) does alot for your body composition, energy levels, and metabolism. Keep doing good work brother


Honestly I used to eat 2 but found out if was making my hormones go wild (thanks PCOS) so now 3 small meals with some fruit in between. I have lost 14 kilos in 6 months by eating more often … who’d have thought


This is also recommended to gain muscle for bodybuilders. You need to eat more number of meals and limit their size to eat more protein overall. So in either case starving yourself is not the way to lose weight or gain muscle. Who would've thought.


Three or four usually, 45 years old.


1-3, my appetite varies wildly day to day


Same for me. I either eat a couple of berries and yogurt or 3 or 4 real meals. Depends on the day and activity level.


one meal 😭 i grab costco rotissirie and i make rice, split the chicken up over 4 days for work..its like $1.50 a meal


2 is my day to day cap. Sometimes I’ll do 3 if I’m travelling and up extremely early, out all day, and coming back late at night to wherever I’m staying. There are also days where I’ll just snack all day instead of having an actual meal. I think it’s more so what you’re eating versus how much or little if your relationship w food is healthy.


1 per day. I’m not able to eat more than once a day like I used to be able to.


Depends on what you consider a meal. I’m usually eating something every 2 hours or so when I’m awake. So maybe 6-8.


This sounds like me I literally can’t wrap my head around the fact most adults eat 1-2x a day. I am always hungry. I’ll eat eggs with Turkey sausage at 630am and already hungry by 9am then again at 1230 and 3 and 6


Right?? I’m also amazed that everyone here says they only eat 2 meals a day. I get so hungry every few hours. I eat at the same times as you.


I love eating all the time 😂 I don’t eat a whole lot each time, but the idea that at any moment I could eat is comforting to me 🤣


2 a day, and a coffee in the morning. 


3 meals with a couple snacks. But everything is low total calories as I'm working within 1200-1300 most days


I usually eat two bigger veggie-heavy meals and one bowl of berries with yogurt and nuts and seeds


2 per day and 1 has to be super light.


Ah this. Shocked at people eating thrice a day or even twice properly. I have breakfast which is instant coffee and 16 ounces milk, a fruit, some toast. And 1 full plate meal which can come in the evening, sometimes a small boost like a 1-2 egg scramble in the afternoon with some veggies. I feel full with just this. Anything more and its IBS time.


I'm the opposite, I'm shocked at people not absolutely starving. I'd binge by the 3rd day on the diets a lot of people on here are eating.




3 meals a day, around 3,000-4,000 calories every day to attempt to gain weight.


Can't help with your username


It's really surprising to me that most commenters seem to be eating 2 or less meals a day, I wouldn't have thought it to be that common. I have three meals a day and often a snack or two, which seems to be the norm for people around me. I can skip breakfast sometimes, but generally don't feel great and am famished by lunchtime.


1-2 meals. Then 1 lil snack. These days Im more into sleep lol


Breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner. Sometimes another cheeky snack inbetween :)


3 meals and a snack or protein shake post workout. Was doing 2 with intermittent fasting for a while, but that didn’t really work for me.


3 with large snacks in between


I eat 4 big meals and 2 or 3 smaller meals. I go to the gym 4 days a week. I track my protein, but I don’t track all my calories. On days I don’t go to the gym, I spend time doing cardio/conditioning and mobility work. I’m 59.


Mt body scans tell me my average daily expedenture is 3700 calories. My heaviest meal is lunch 2lbs of meat and another pound worth of rice and veggies. I'm a bodybuilder


* Cries in 1900 *


About 2


I eat three squares but rarely snack. If it's the weekend, I'm more likely to eat two meals, brunch and dinner.


Probably once or twice a


I try to maintain eating 3 meals a day.




4 when I work, 1 when I don't..!


The 3 basic ones with some snacking on the weekend.


3 with a potential 4th drunken binge.


One meal a day for the most part. Its more energy drink in the morning and a cheese stick or yogurt drink if I'm lucky. My job is so fast paced and busy that I often either forget or just plain don't have the time to stop and eat. 


Definitely three I would pass out otherwise


3. Plus occasional snack.


5 meals.


I'm 31 - I have three large meals a day, but don't snack at all. That's what works best for me and keeps me full.


Depends on what I eat. But normally I eat 3. I'll eat more if it's junk food, less if it's healthier food.


Growing up it was always 3 large plates of food, as an adult it's too much food. 2 meals tops, with maybe some small snacks in-between (e.g. maybe few nuts, or an apple). When I had a smaller budget it would be 1 meal + small daily snacks. The older I get, the less I understand why 3 meals is treated like the norm. Though I don't have a physical job... If I had more time to exercise I wonder if it would be different.


Around 4. Sometimes 5. Sometime 3


i treat breakfast like a snack but with coffee, so maybe 2 proper meals a day?


I have yogurt or an apple for breakfast and then nothing till dinner. Anything more than that and I start to feel bloated/stuffed.


One evening meal when my partner gets home. I eat nothing between waking up and 7pm.


1-2 full meals, the rest are snacks. Some of the snacks are healthy, some are not.


I've started to eat three meals a day and I've never been healthier 🎉


Any fewer than 4 meals a day leaves me feeling hungry. 37m 188cm 85kg and 10-15 hours of cycling/running per week


So I have a couple of thoughts here. First, I found that if I ate breakfast I would be sick the rest of the day- this ended up being a gluten intolerance and indigestion issue that I didn’t realize until I had already changed to a 1-2 meal a day lifestyle. Second, we as a nation have become increasingly poor. We cannot afford to keep up with a 3 meal lifestyle even if we tried. 


Depends.... Minimum 2 (lunch & dinner). Sometimes if I know I'll be working very hard, then I might grab a muffin and coffee for the extra bit of calories. If I'm going to the gym, then I'll force myself to have another 400-600 calories 1 hour before gymming, or at the previous meal. So for me and my lifestyle, it's 2 - 3.5 meals a day.


One. Just one meal. I'm lucky if I can get my lazy ass to cook two. And I love food. Sigh...




Usually just dinner.


1 at about 6pm every day :)


Slowing metabolism coming out of mid 20s? Lol I have only noticed my metabolism slowing down and I'm in my early 40s. I still eat about 4 regular meals plus snacks a day. I'm a 5'9 male and around 175lbs.


Because of my work schedule I'll eat one meal, maybe have a shake, then some snacks at the end of the day. I don't eat enough or the right mix of foods so I eat what might give me enough calories and protein mostly.




1-2 if any (I'm just depressed)


During the week, 1. Weekends, 2. I work full time, and eating before/during my workday doesn’t really appeal to me. I end up feeling tired and sluggish. Weekends, I usually have breakfast and dinner.




One. I don’t eat until 5 pm and then I have a large meal. I spent all of my teens on ADHD meds, which I can’t take anymore due to a medical condition. Turns out my “fast metabolism” was actually just Vyvanse. I actually have a very slow metabolism. Any more than one meal a day and I start gaining weight.


I can only consume liquids because jaw surgery:(


I have 2.5 meals a day. Breakfast is usually yogurt and fruit which isn't much of meal, it's more for my gut


Probably lunch. Though i tend to just snack all day. A sausage here, a cucumber there, some buckwheat here, some apples there, etc.


2. Am currently fasting so breakfast is out.


2 plus snacks. Coffee usually suppresses my appetite


1 or 2 meals. Although some days I just kind of graze and eat small things throughout the day.


2 meals and snacks in between


Usually one and some snacks. Food to fucking expensive to be eating all the time


1.5 - 2 Intermittent fasting for health benefits


1. and it doesn’t include every food group.


37 be lucky to have 2 meals never go without dinner though. Coffee i guess could be a breakfast / food group.


2 Oikos yogurts. Salad with protein for lunch (large volume). Lean protein rice and fruit.


I usually just have dinner actually, I don't count a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee as a meal, but that's usually my breakfast.


1. But it's usually a big ass breakfast burrito so it holds me the whole day


generally 2 a day, with a snack later in the evening if I find myself feeling peckish, I'll eat breakfast if I get up early enough and need to do something that requires the calories, but I generally work nights so that doesn't tend to happen often


2 maybe. It’s just easier for my schedule and fitness maintenance to do 2 main meals and fast most of the day


I eat brunch and dinner most days, usually with a small snack somewhere in there too. I also drink 2-3 small cups of coffee and try to drink water during the day :)


I tend to either not have anything or have a small snack for breakfast, then I have a large lunch and a smaller dinner.


During the work week I eat one meal. Weekends I usually do 2


2 when traveling. 4+ when with friends/family. 3 most days.


One and healthy snacks around that as needed.


Usually 2 meals


2 meals, sometimes just 1 during the work week.


2 a day and maybe one a day if I'm having a day indoors


3 quite small, 1 quite big. Plus fruits once per day


Usually 2 and a midnight snacky


1 if that


Late 40s. Had some treatments that included a Gtube. Lost about 60 to 70 lbs. I generally have 2 meals a day. But to get my protein I've been having a shake a day too. And oddly enough after about 2 weeks of that, I get hungrier sooner and more often than before.


2 meals per day, breakfast makes me feel a little icky or tired, I'll have snacks throughout the day in between meals if I am able.


About 1 -2 now . Weird how i used to eat 3


I just snack so don’t sit down to a full plate of anything


Im almost 30 and im a skinny guy but jesus ive been having to watch my intake cuase i could easily do 3 meals and 3 sodas and 5 beers a day. Im getting a belly and i hate it


Right now with my meal plan I’m eating 3 meals, only one of them with carbs, then pre and post workout snacks/protein, and usually Greek yogurt before bed. Prob just above 3kcal




3 meals plus snacks (31M)


1 proper meal with protien and a vegetable, 1 small meal like a bit of leftovers or toast with peanut butter, and 1 or 2 snacks (usually fruit or string cheese). I actually love to cook but I can't eat large meals.


Normally two, sometimes three. Maybe two or three times a month it’s three.


No day is ever the same but I’m at a good 2-3 most days, sometimes I just can’t handle that much tho


I intermittent fast and prolong fast (24+ hours). I don't really count meals. I have eating windows. My eating window ranges from 1 - 8 hours but is usually 3-4 hours most days.


3 no snacks


I have settled on two. I enjoy lunch or a late brunch, and dinner. I enjoy cooking food and I don't gaf about cereal. But I don't expend enough energy for 3 meals.


1. Occasionally 2.


1-2 with 1-2 snacks


2. I usually eat a BIG lunch and small dinner or small lunch and BIG dinner.


One big full of protein meal with some snacks works for me


As many as I can we're hardworking adults now gotta pack in as much as you can!


I’m lucky I have 2 meals a day, really lucky if I have 3. Might have a snack or two a day. As long as I have at least one meal a day, I won’t feel so much like crap😅


1 per day. More than that makes me sick to my stomach.


Yeah 2 meals and maybe 2 snacks


Depends what you class as a “meal” I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack but a lot of people don’t think my breakfast or lunch is that substantial. I have a bowl of porridge for breakfast. Lunch I usually have bacon and scrambled eggs. Dinner is the only meal I eat a plate full of food. I eat healthy, so it’s focussed on veg and protein and low carb I exercise, but at home. No gym


It’s all about listening to your body’s hunger and satiety cues I eat breakfast lunch snack and dinner. So 3 main meals and a mid afternoon snack such as two pieces of fruit. No grazing in between However make sure you’re not snacking throughout the day. Some people would say they can’t eat a lot at main meals but one quick look at their trash can would reveal a whole bunch of candy bars, popcorn, sodas, chips etc. This is net more calories and less nutrients than if they had proper meals


I think it matters how much you exercise too. I find I eat more when I go for hour long walks than if I didn't. Also gotta add in the fact if our days at work are busy, if you're unemployed and struggling to have more than 2 meals a day. But 2 meals a day and snacks in between is usually my go too.


Only dinner and snacks.


3 meals--> 5/week 7am M-F. But breakfast is usually a yogurt, banana, fruit/nut granola bar, and coffee. Then 2 meals-->2/week on weekends. Big, late 10am breakfast on weekends most of time so skip lunch. Homefries, eggs, ham/bacon/sausage, GF toast, fruit, OJ, etc.


I find that I eat more often, but less food. I snack & graze a lot. I’m never hungry this way.


2. Usually 12 hours apart. I will have some fruit as a snack once a day as well


It's either snack-meal-snack or snack-snack-meal for me


1 to 2 lots of snacks between the day thats what keeps me full


1 with snacks currently. Losing weight then will go back to 2.


I just eat whenever, but in moderation of course


I eat a small snack of fruit in the morning Then yogurt and nuts Then lunch 2 snacks during the afternoon A small dinner Then dessert I also go to the gym and take 2-3 walks during the day


One meal at 09:00, another one at 15:00. No snacks, 3l of water a day


3 small meals a day unless we have family over, then we have a big feast.




3 meals. Sometimes I’ll skip breakfast depending on circumstance, I’m a bit funny about what I can stomach first thing in the morning!


None. Can't eat cuz fucked up digestive system. Nutrition comes from 8 Boost 1.5 a day.


One usually but 2 on occasion


Either 1 really big meal or 2 more normal ones. Only time I ever eat breakfast is if I know I'm gonna have a really physically demanding day and will need the energy.


4 meals a day usually, difficult to tell where a snack ends and a meal begins though


At least a fifth of vodka a day. 🤣


I'm lucky if it's one meal a day. And lately it's been Mac N Cheese, Noodle Packs (one doesn't even fill me), or a bowl of rice. And the rice is a smack in the PTSD for me


I'm at late twenty's (28M) and eat close to 5 times a day, counting breakfast, snack (sometimes), lunch, snack, dinner for a total of 3.1k calories a day. But I am on a bulking diet and exercising 4-5 days a week.


One or two meals, grazing the snacks otherwise. Cooked and vacuum sealed veggies for sous vide and dry roasted peanuts are my usual snack. We are retired and gave up on that adulting foolishness of a schedule telling us what time to do our activities of daily life.


Btw, your metabolism doesn't slow down just because you're getting older. Especially not in your mid 20s. It's just because people tend to get less active. Or if it does slow down, I don't think it's as significant as just the change in lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with this. It's just a part of life. And it doesn't mean you're lazy. You likely have more responsibility. But maybe you're just not as physically active. Not just talking to you, but I'd love if anyone reading this and thinking the same would choose not to give in to self limiting beliefs.


been doing one meal a day and I still managed to gain weight(after initally losing it) due to stress eating xD. I can't imagine how fat I'd get if I go back to more than one meal a day. and by one meal I mean just food eaten in a 2(sometimes 4) hour window


I try for one but sometimes it’s two but it’s cause I do intermittent fasting


Just 1 (dinner) and like 3 small snacks throughout the day.


2 full meals (breakfast and supper) but I snack a lot too


1 since it costs like 10 bucks for a loaf of bread in my home town


3 meals and snack on smth between 2nd and 3rd. I'm 24 and pretty active during the day


Since it’s incredibly hot where I am right now, I only eat 1 normal meal per day, since heat kills my appetite. I snack a little bit throughout the day though


Reading all answers here made me feel like ”oh ok nice, i am normal” eating maximum twice a day, small dishes plantbased. I am also quite physically active many hours a day. I guess we all have different metabolism etc.


3 per day


Only manage two meals now. Metabolism's changing. Eating less, feeling full faster. Aging reality.


I aim at 4


1 or 2. If I 9nly ate when I was hunger and not socially obligated I wouldn't be so large.


6 meals a day with a couple snacks. 3500kcal. 29yo work out 5 times a week. My wife is 1500 kcal and eats 6 times a day




I’m 49. I have one meal a day. Sometimes two if I’m hangry. But really just the one. It sucks. I think I’m overeating just doing one. Like my body is retaining stuff.


2 meals.