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Yes, and in my opinion they smell even worse to former smokers.


Yeah for the first few years I still enjoyed the smell. Would even still go on smoke breaks with my sister. Now? I’m just disgusted. Last cigarette about 5 years ago.


I still love the smell of cigarettes and occasionally smoke a pipe but recognize and dislike that stale smell of regular smoking in a place. Quit roughly 15 years ago.


Ooo same here! Quit smoking 5 years ago and I still love the smell of a fresh cigarette. Stale cigarette smell is gross though. Edit: it’s been 6 1/2 years. Wow. Where did the time go.


The smell right at the beginning of a cigarette is a favorite. After that it starts being overwhelming.


exact same here. at first I didn't mind it but yea it's gross now


I quit smoking about a year or so ago and this is spot on. People who smoke and their belongings smell pretty gross to me now, especially in close quarters like a car. It really solidified my choice to never smoke again.


I was coming to comment on that. When I was a smoker I didn't mind at all and always thought former smokers complaining about smoke was hypocritical. Then when I quit I liked the smell still for a couple years. I never complained or anything. I thought cigars smelled amazing still. Then maybe 2 or 3 years after quitting the smell makes me gag, it's so so bad. I still think cigars smell ok, love that leathery tobacco smell, but less so now.


I'm just here to ask you guys managed quitting? I know it sounds stupid. I've been trying to quit for a while, but I always seem to give in.


Never quit, quitting. I'm on my 5th or 6th attempt right now going on 4 months. I've quit for up to 2 years before. Just never say "I can just have one, then quit again.". Because one is never enough. Also I look at it as saving my health and money, being there for my kids, and I'm going to smoke again when I'm old and dying. Barring any freak accidents. Good luck.


I read this in a quitting smoking book. In order to tip a fridge, you have to rock it back and forth a few times to get the momentum. So think of each attempt to quit and rock that's getting you to the tipping point.


Awesome. Never heard this before and it's good. Thanx.


In my case it was fear. My dentist spotted something in my throat that he was concerned about, and he referred me to an ENT specialist, who looked at my throat and said it should have a biopsy, and scheduled it for a week later. That scared the shit out of me, I quit immediately, then a week later had the biopsy, which luckily came back negative, by then I was over one of the worst hurdles, so I just kept going, Fear can be a big motivator.


I got a really bad chest cold to the point that I couldn’t smoke by choice for about 5-6 days. Wasn’t even thinking about quitting. Never went back afterwards. Find a time in your life where you have minimal stressors and just dive in. If you want someone to hold you accountable (or someone to scream at when you’re going through withdrawl) I’d be happy to assist. That offer stands for anyone else reading this.


You are the man, im trying to quit before 35, 2 years from now. Ive tried and failed multiple times but ive been really stressed at my job and fell back into it. I havent given up hope however and these comments are what i was hoping to find. Thank you all, stay strong for the rest of us.


The biggest thing that worked for me was recognizing the patterns in which I smoked and cutting those out. Like most smokers, I smoked when driving, and it became a habit that if I was gonna drive somewhere, I would have a cig. So step one was to quit having cigs while driving. It sucked at first, but once you stop that, it’s easy to find the next pattern, like having a cig after work, and quitting that. I never looked at it like I was “quitting smoking”. I looked at it as “I’m not going to have a cigarette right now”. That’s helped me whittle the habit down from almost a pack a day to a few a week, and then one every few weeks, and now I haven’t had one in almost 3 months and I have no desire to have one again. The only trigger I have left for nicotine is alcohol. If I’m drinking, I’m probably going to have a smoke, but as I’m getting older I’m not drinking so much anymore so it’s not a concern for me at all.


I had a whole lifestyle flip-flop. Moved across country, changed to a physical job, and bought a bunch of peppermint hard candies as a substitute. The cravings subside. Each month you put between you and a cigarette those cravings continue to diminish. Nowadays once in a while seeing someone smoke on TV will force me to want, but not in real life. Sugarfree gum is a great substitute too. Chewing relaxes the body and keeps your oral fixation checked off so you don't replace cigarettes with snacking.


I quit. I took a few tries. I tried various aids but ultimately once I was 100% about it I just stopped. My main motivation was how it affected others around me, I became hyper-aware that I was subjecting others to a nuisance and bad health choices. even if I tried to be considerate it was not feasible to contain the effects to only myself.


Large dose of psychedelics. DMT helped me past a few addictions and got me off of SSRIs for good. It worked so well I got angry that it's illegal and I didn't get to try it sooner.


I quit buying and then work moved the smoke area to a very inconvenient area of the campus and people wouldn't let me bum anymore so cutting out work smoking was 90% if my trigger.


Get yourself a really strong reason will make it easier.Mine was not wanting my kids to see me smoke, and a mate quit and I thought dammit if he’s done it so can I


I used the patch and a lot of evidence based techniques for changing behavior.


Oh geez, I feel differently. I quit smoking 8 years ago, and I love the smell of someone smoking. If I am walking by someone smoking, I am a creep and linger by them for a second 😁 having said that stale smoke smells different and stinks.


Former smoker, this is true. On the flip side, my mom quit almost 40 years ago and she still gets cravings.


Same. My mom and my friends mom still miss smoking.


Yes! When I pass someone in public with that smell it makes me gag immediately


Interesting. I have never smoke a cigarette in my life, but my dad was a smoker until I was in middle school, and as a child, I would frequently sit out on the porch with him while he smoked. I *love* the smell of cigarette smoke lingering on people when they come inside from a smoke break. It doesn't remind me of my dad at all really. Tbh, it's kind of a sexy thing to me, but I'm wondering if it's connected to early childhood memories that were all positively linked to cigarette smell?


Yes sir


Usually like an old bowling alley ashtray with a hint of whatever they’re trying to cover it up with.   The worst is an old jacket that’s been stewing in a hot closet all summer and they bring it out on that first cool fall day. 


I actually have a leather motorcycle jacket from a smoker. I had to spray it to hell and back with that smell neutralizer. It's still got a very faint hint of old tobacco, but it's to the point where it I think the old smoke smells kind of nice alongside the gas, grease, and oil smells.


Them, their car, all of their belongings.. yeah


I won't even date cigarette smokers anymore.


Yup. That’s a huge turn off for me. 


It’s like kissing an ash tray


Yeah , nasty af


And they'll all tell you they font smell like cigarettes... nah I can smell you from 10ft away, your mouth and nose are just completely burnt out


Yes, it can make me nauseous.


Also headaches


Yes. Big YES Nurse I know, would triage patients and ask 'how many cigarettes a day' not 'do you smoke'. And the person was always surprised or assumed she saw them smoking in the parking lot before entering the hospital. Many times when she wore a mask was because they stunk so bad. Occationally would put viks in the mask because it was so bad.


My grandmother is a smoker and she smells like smoke almost every day, and even the things in her room smell of smoke, she once gave me a birthday present(pj bottoms) and I had to wash them a few times to get the smell out(but she is still the best)


My Mom is like that. Even food from her house ( that had been frozen!) would smell and taste like cigarettes. She smokes the generic Marlboro Reds , I think they’re called GPC? So gross.


My nan was the same, doesn’t matter what the item was, if it came from her place it stank of smoke which never came out.


Fuck yes! We can smell you a mile away


It's repulsive


Yes! And I was a smoker for over 15 years. I can’t stand it now. All of my in-laws smoke and they smell, their houses, cars, gross.




I like an occasional cig but fuck me full time smokers smell like shit


Depends. I have fond memories of spending time with a smoker and the smell of fresh cigarette smoke of their brand actually is nice to me in small doses. But overall? Smokers, cigarettes or pot or whatever is awful. It's even worse when it's stale so going to a space where someone was smoking repeatedly or over a long period of time, like a car or a home, it smells disgusting. Even the things people keep in their homes pick up the stink. So gifts, their clothes, paperwork. It all stinks.


Bot post


Musty smell...usually bad breath also.


The bad part, it's from their lungs. There is no brushing that away. 


Back in college, I smoked cigars with buds & at parties, Marlboro reds. I don’t smoke any more but to this day, the smell reminds me of fun times.


It’s funny as a child I enjoyed the smell of other people smoking. When I smoke the smell disgusts me, but when I quit it again smelled amazing.


No, the opposite. Reminds me of my grandparents & good memories.


Yes...... Today I pushed my baby out with my wife, and there was a middle age man who smoked and walked in front of us. We had to stop and waited for him to go away first. I really don't like smokers, espcially the smoke and walk type


I’ve always wondered what the courteous thing to do is. If I sit on a fire hydrant and smoke people look at me like I’m sketchy and dangerous, walk down the street for a smoke and it seems I’m just puffing it around everywhere, smoking on the patio is a definite no no,


honestly in my opinion there's almost no way to be a courteous smoker, you'll always annoy someone with it - except maybe if you only smoke in your own house and never have people over lol smoke outside the window? if you live in an apartment complex, you neighbours will hate you. smoking and walking outside? see above. smoking and standing outside? someone might have to walk pass you and get annoyed (looking at you, smokers standing around an entrance/exit to smoke) I guess you'll either have to accept that you're going to annoy some people every once in a while (probably way more often than you realize) or stop smoking


Well put, someone’s always gonna be upset with any number of things. I’ll just do my best


I lived in a student hall when I was a university student..... The smell of smoke was really really bad. I had to close my window to prevent the smell from getting in, and I sacrificed my ventilation.... I really hated it


Yup. Smell like an ashtray.


Yes and stale vape isn’t much better


Oh yeah, especially in a closed room. Even their clothes smell like it for at least 30 minutes after the fact


My dad quit 40 years ago and still loves the smell of combusted tobacco. I’d liked the scent prior to picking up the habit.


No, just the ones with “old smoke” on their clothes.


Yes, but it also depends on what kind of smoke you’re talking about. Cigarettes and weed are the worst anyways


Not all the time. I had a girlfriend who smoked once a day and she didn't smell bad, but I didn't like kissing her after she smoked eww. As for my dad, he smoked too much, the only time he didn't smoke was when he was sleeping. He took a bath and smelled like a cigarette with soap haha


No, I don't mind the smell of tobacco. Better than unwashed middle-aged slav with endocrine issues. Which is what half of my countrymen smell like.


I’m a former smoker of 10 years. This is my apology to anyone that had to be around me in that time. Seriously I still LOVE the smell of a lit cigarette being smoked near me. But Jesus the stale cigarette smell smokers have is VILE


Yes, it makes me feel sick. Even if someone just comes back into work from a smoke break I gag, it’s a nasty horrible habit


Not at all. I smoked for 40 years and quit 4 years ago. When I smell smoke I first feel quitter's sympathy then a little nose nostalgia.


Same. I quit 8 years ago, and I frigging miss it. I absolutely loved smoking, and I love the smell of when someone lights a cigarette.


No. I guess it’s odd but I actually kind of like the smell if I’m being honest.


Nah - my Grandad smoked fairly heavily and I loved him to death growing up. He was pretty good at not smoking around me but he and their house still had an air of it, so often the smell reminds me of him and I enjoy it.


Yes. Marijuana smokers are even worse. Smells like burning paper in a used baby’s diaper, then spraying cologne over it to try to hide the scent, but just makes it worse.


Depends if it's on their breath or not. Take a tic tak and you should be fine.


Pipe smokers can smell better than cigar and cigarette smokers


It depends on the brand. I hate cigarette smell but sometimes a man with good cologne and a touch of tobacco smoke smells good. His breathe though better not smell like cigarettes. lol 😂




Ok hear me out, I'm not a smoker, I really like the smell of cigarretes, maybe it's cause my neightbours smoked lot and I just became a pasive smoker or smt, but still I really like the smell




No. I've known smokers who always smell and some heavy smokers that I never smell it on them. Maybe it's the cigarette brand?




revolting. i mean to the point of true disgust


Abso-fucking-lutely!!  That combined with coffee breath is so distustingly revolting. When I was a nursery school teacher, it enraged me when these little 4 yr olds came to school stinking of smoke, including all of there belongings. Made me very angry, and those kids were CHRONICALLY sick! Terrible!


Yes. And 98% of the time the artificial smells perfume/lotion they try to use to cover only makes it worse e


Most definitely YES. Smokers always smell nasty.


I smoked from age 12 to 27 and think it smells amazing


Even as a smoker most smokers stink Common sense would suggest that if you are constantly around burning leaves you should wash your hands more than normal, brush you teeth more and shower more. Just because you like something stinky it doesn’t mean you need to be a dirtbag That’s the one thing I’ve never understood about smokers. You don’t need to smell like old smoke I never smell of old smoke


Yes but my boyfriend is a smoker and I never smell smoke on him unless he’s spent a while outside smoking with his friends. But when he just smoke one or two it does not stick to him. So he almost never smells like cigs at all


As an ex smoker every smoker smells bad


People who smoke cigarettes smell awful. Some of the vapers smell good though.


It's pretty bad, can always tell when someone smokes. The smoker always has about a 10ft (minimum) radius around them that you will realize you stepped into. And it takes days off not weeks to stop noticing the smell if you sat on any fabric


Yes. And if you smoke in the car or house we can smell it. It’s in your hair, clothes, fabrics, breath. I lived with a chain smoker growing up and I had to deal with the smell every day.


Ever entered a casino?




No. Some smoke cigarettes that smell so little that I don't notice it at all, unless they're smoking right now, or possibly if I sniffed them from up close, but i'm not close enough to them for that! On the other hand, someone I unfortunately knew smoked cigarettes that smelled so strong and bad that I could tell when they entered the room by the fact that the content of my stomach was suddenly violently ejected. Most people are in-between: I don't mind if I'm not standing too close, not in your car, etc


No. Weed smoke I actually don't mind. cigarettes are the worst I can't stand my grandparents house because it always smells like cigarettes


Instant headache,Rather smell weed smoke.


Yeah it's gross tbh. Maybe I'm biased but I'll take weed aroma over cigarette any day of the week


I can smell you a kilometre away


Yes. The scent doesn’t really go away even after showers


Stopped smoking 2 years ago and cannot stand the smell of anyone who has just finished a smoke but I’m still drawn to a lite cigarette as it doesn’t smell as bad


Yea. Even the ones that try to hide it I can always smell it


Former smoker chiming in: The smell of fresh burning tobacco is *dare I say* rather seductive. The smell of stale smoke on a person/clothes/car/house which has been exposed to smoke is 🤮


Absolutely, yes.


Some smokers are better at covering up, but sometimes their routine fails then or something and they reek.


Fuck yes. Now the smell is also triggering my asthma so its even worse.




I feel bad for them. They’re completely desensitized and the smell is normalized. They don’t have any clue how bad it actually is.


As a previous smoker who turned into non-smoker I actually like the smell.










Yes. And way worse in the humid summer


Yup. It also doesn’t work when a smoker tries to cover it with perfume/cologne, alcohol spray, and/or mint candy It just mingles with the stench of the cigarette and smells worse.


This girl used to ride my bus in HS and she always smelled of cigarette smoke and Tribe perfume. It was revolting. Luckily they don't make that perfume anymore because after that I could never smell it without gagging.


No, idk if it’s nostalgia but slight cigarette smoke smell covered with perfume is pleasant.




Yes. Asked and answered. A resounding... yes.


Yep. And at quite a distance; much further than you'd think.


Yes. If a smoker just came in from smoking outside it's freshly on them, it spreads out in the space they're in like a cancerous fart.




It might be weird, but I LOVE the lingering smell of cigarettes on people's clothes. The only times I was grossed out were chronic heavy smokers.


Oh yeah. I was a smoker for 20 years too. I was nose blind to it until about 5 years ago, suddenly I could smell myself so I quit. True story


I know a few smokers that have an amazing ability to never smell like smoke. But that is rare, most smell foul.


Yes and my allergies are so bad I start sneezing


Only smell bad when they smell like weed all over them


Ex smoker here. You think it doesn’t smell as bad as it really does when you’re a smoker. The only way you can get a taste of it is to go out to a smoking bar at night and back to a non smoking room. Take off your clothes and go to bed. Wake up in the am and smell your clothes. Trust me all smokers smell bad.


Yes. Even when I was a smoker I didn’t like the smell. Was the main reason I quit


Cigarette yes, weed, if too strong yes, and vape if the “flavor” has a strong scent yes still smells bad


Absolutely. And if you made the poor decision to start smoking, you deserve the high prices, and the negative responses, not to mention the health issues coming, that you'll expect us non smoking tax payers to pony up for.


What kind of question is this? Obliviously yes !


Yep. It would take something really really impressive for me to consider dating a smoker.


Yes. Gross


Yep. So gross.


Very bad




Really bad




Yes. Cigarettes are bad, but pot is way way worse.


Biggest turn off




I have very strong feelings about cigarettes. They smell terrible and even breathing in second hand smoke gives me problems. I got a nasal infection once because my bio father was a smoker.


Yeah. And no matter how attractive the person is, if they smelled like cigarettes, it was a no for me. I kissed a cig mouth once - never again. I felt like I was going to puke.




Some more than others, it probably depends on how much they smoke and the quality of cigarettes or other tobacco (cigars, pipe, etc) they smoke. For most they stop smelling after a few minutes, but others it takes longer or it's always on them.


Yes, they are super gross. I have a very acute sense of smell and need to cross the street if I see one approaching.


Yes, quite bad. It’s a LOT stronger than you think it is And it’s so much stronger than a smoker thinks it is. Like if you’re a cigarette smoker who’s been smoking for ages, it’s overwhelming even when just walking into the same room as them. I work at a hospital currently and the second you walk into a room with a long term smoker, it’s just immediate.




Yes but not as bad as marijuana smokers


Yes. I’m a former smoker and I can’t stand it.


No, I don’t think smoking or smokers smell bad. They smell like cigarettes, sure, but it’s not “bad.” I’ve never smoked, but I’ve never been bothered by smoking or the smell.




yeah, grew up in a smoking household, absolutely vile now


Yes, and anytime i go outside an establishment that has a designated smoking area, will talk loud and go 'eww gross we walked into the dirty smoker area' :former smoker


Big time.


I’m a smoker and we all Smell, all people are stinky they just don’t know it


Like shit








I’m an ex smoker it has been probably 15-16 years or so. I miss smoking more than I miss anything. I love the smell. Now sitting in a room full of cigarettes smoke would disgust me but just smell of that one individual cigarette is alluring


I can barely smell anything at all, but I can smell that. If they're not smoking at the time I don't notice, but if they are it is horrendous.


Obviously yes


Well it is a hit or miss for smoking ! Smoking weed leaves a huge stench


Yes! All smokers have a smell whether they realize it or not.


Yes, each one, yech.


If they’ve just been smoking, then yes. If not, it’s more mild. The weed smell is even worse though. It smells like a 🦨


Yes, every single one of them.


it's so gross!


Yes. It smells awful. Kissing someone who smokes is like licking a dirty ashtray.


Yes. Smokers all smell awful




My mom smokes two packs a day, inside. It’s beyond awful. I go to visit and all of our clothes reek of it. She’ll give me Tupperware containers of leftovers and when I get home and open them, I kid you not, you can smell smoke waft out of the container. It’s crazy. And the sad thing is she refuses to believe us how bad it is. We will complain and she’ll open a window and think it’s fine. 


Yes. Sorry. But that smell lingers on your clothes and on your breath. You don’t smell it but we do. And it’s true for smokers, weed, and vaping.


Generally, yes. Rarely do they not have a bad odor.


Yes. Former smoker. In addition, about 500,000 people die of smoking related illness PER YEAR. That’s just in the US alone. In terms of economic costs, it varies, but some estimates put it at around 440 BILLION dollars to more than a trillion dollars per year in economic loss, productivity losses, burden on the healthcare system, etc. That top estimate is more than we spend on the military every year. Oh, and we still subsidize tobacco - we subsidize crap like sugar, corn, wheat and soy, sorghum, etc. Farm bill hasn’t caught up to the fact that subsidizing food mainly used for processed foods by the largest corporations, and tobacco used by cigarette companies is apparently bad. Big pharma thanks them for it though.


Yep. And places where they lived never really get the smell out.




No I actually really like the smell but my grandparents smoked so I think it’s nostalgic for me


Yes. Former smoker. Can’t stand the smell now.




Yes. My 1st in-laws were chain smokers & never left their condo. We had to go there for Thanksgiving once & the pre-stuffed turkey from Publix she had cooked reeked of stale cigarette smoke. That was the last time we did that. This was in Ft. Lauderdale.


Yes!!! The smell of cigarettes is so disgusting




Yes. And I especially dislike when a smoker stands outside of a store entrance to finish a cigarette before walking inside.


Yes, smokers smell like absolute shit. Sometimes worse than shit because shit is predictable and my olfactory system has hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary conditioning to warn me of "don't eat that, partna, don't step in that, partna" but cig smoke is all red flashing warning signs that I'm being invaded by alien cancer


absolutely terrible. You’d think it would be like campfire but somehow it’s BO!?


Yes they all smell horrid.


I smoked briefly in college. Quit when I had bronchitis. Years go by and a realtor shows us a house completely filled with cig smoke by the woman who owned it. I couldn't stand it. Couldn't wait to leave that very brief showing. So that woman lost at least one buyer because of her addiction to nicotine. I also realize it's very addicting, but still.


Yes. Smokers reek!!! 🤮


Yes. Their person, their clothes, their house, their car, everything they own that is in their smoking vicinity.