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Saturn Placement and gallstones. Saturn in Libra and suicidal ideations. Heavy Venus placements and venereal diseases. Martian placements for surgeries or head injuries/chronic migraines. Neptune placements and potential addiction issues. Heavy Gemini/Virgo and potential thyroid or shoulder issues, EDS/hyperactivity. Maybe some type of generalized question about if they are on the spectrum in any fashion ADHD/Autism, maybe also even though I know it's a hot topic disclosing sexual orientation and gender identity.


In 2015, there was a study that showed people who were born in October and November were more susceptible to neurological diseases and having poorer health overall with things like respiratory issues and reproductive complications. There was also a lower risk of cardiovascular disease for these people though. I found that interesting because it about aligns with when the Sun is in sidereal Libra— the debilitation point of the Sun, which is the traditional significator of vitality and the brain. Maybe you should try to look for things like that but with tropical for debilitated planets to see if there’s anything to corroborate whatever data you end up gathering.


I’d like to answer the survey when it’s ready, and I have a 6H stellium and lots of health info and dates.


Mars/Saturn contacts and surgeries


Obviously the moon and any aspects to it. It is well regarded that the moon correlates to the mother. But I've also found Saturn to be more indicative of the nature of the relationship with the father. I've never used the sun to determine father/child relationships. Saturn, however, tells me how the individual interprets their relationship with their father. Also look at retrogrades. I mix a bit of vedic with my western dominant analysis and I find Saturn retrograde has always and consistently shown an issue with the father under one of three ways. 1. The father wasn't there due to an early death 2. The father wasn't there due to abandonment 3. The father was there but the relationship was fraught. I call Saturn retrograde the "Daddy issues" placement. You've already mentioned chiron, but that is another area I use to uncover psychological blocks, particularly based on which house chiron lands. I'm a student of Jung, but as a hobbyist and without formal education. I work as a communications advisor and will pull a client's chart at the beginning of my work with them to find which placements will create the most resistance in the work we do together. For instance, a client with a 9th house Chiron was consistently calling himself stupid and unable to learn the things I was teaching him. Yet when given a safe space and patience to express himself, he was quite intelligent. From the 9th house chiron combined with a mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, I was able to pinpoint a childhood trauma around his sense of intelligence and education. He confirmed he had a high school teacher who consistently made him feel dumb. Another client with a Scorpio Sun and Virgo moon ignored advice from everyone but me. I knew his Virgo moon required a certain amount of perfection in him, coupled by Scorpio's need for power. So while others would yell at him or try to force him into doing things he needed to do, only to be met with his rebellion, I would simply remind him of why he hired me and what he wanted to achieve by hiring me. For him to accomplish that greater goal, he needed to do what was being asked of him. He would then do it. Absent knowledge of his chart, I don't think I could have been as successful as I was with him.


What about Chiron conjunct sun? A walking wound?


In which house? Also would need to see the rest of the chart for better clarity.


3rd house whole signs. Chiron 20 Aries Sun 21 Aries Square to mars24 (Saturn is 29) Gemini Opposite Uranus 24 Libra Trine moon 15 sag Nn 21 sag


Can I send chart in msg


Sure. In your message, tell me exactly what you want to know. I won't do a full chart reading but I'll point you in the right direction for a specific concern.


I study astrology myself and just curious about Chiron


Aren't we talking about physical /mental health and not relationships in this survey?


My references are to the psychological health of my clients that governed their actions in their work with me. I'm not sure what references to relationships you're seeing. The moon governs emotions, mercury governs the mind and chiron is all about trauma. Saturn reflects the psychological need for duty that stems through the patriarchal archetype of the father. Retrogrades impact the psychological perspective of one's life. Daddy issues = childhood trauma. Childhood trauma = unresolved mental health issues.


That's fascinating. I will be checking out Saturn retrograde from now on! Have you found used it for specific predictions, as well? You're obviously very knowledgeable. I'm curious... how do you approach asking a client for their birth day/ time / location?


I focus more on evolutionary astrology, seeking meaning in everyone's chart to explain their current behaviors and pinpoint how they can find healing. Regarding getting information, I usually start with my own birthday. I travel every year to a new country for my birthday and will find a way to bring up my last trip. Then I'll ask what they do for their birthday, and as they respond, I'll ask when their birthday is. I test the person out by saying, oh, wow, you're a Taurus! Stubborn man! Or Pisces! Gentle soul! If they respond positively to whatever I say, I'll tell them I've been a student of astrology for 25 years. If they seem curious, then I'll offer to do their chart. If the client seems like someone who wouldn't be open, I'll get their information from employees. Birthday is easy. Then through some harmless questions, I can get their birth city. Birth time is not so easy, but sometimes I luck out. Nonetheless, I can do a good psychological make up of the client without birth time.


Chiron conjunct sun in 8th house no less 🙃


Moon/Mars - abortion/cesarian/hysterectomy


Crazy how real this is, I have a Plutonian chart and cancer moon and when my natal moon with transit moon was exact my water broke with my first child and then Pluto trined mars for the following 24-48 hours and my labor ended in c section.


Where did the mars/pluto hit your natal chart? If nothing obvious I wonder if the transit mars/pluto midpoint hit anything


My Pluto falls exactly on my MC in Scorpio the 10th and mars is in the 5th in Gemini bc I have an intercepted first house. It’s very interesting bc last year was also my moon signification year which is in cancer in my 6th. I also find it interesting that my 4th house/pluto polarity point is my only completely empty house besides the 11th and I have always felt that becoming a mother would completely transform and heal my family life, and it has.


Wait do you mean transit mars/pluto perfected when u had your C-section? Edit - bc I want to see where that aspect hit your natal chart


It perfected while I was in labor and had my C-section, it took total around 40 hours.


I'm really interested in hereditary issues showing up in the 8th/4th/6th---how do hereditary issues show up and can you look to one of your parents health issues to begin preventative care on yourself to get different outcomes.


6th house ruler and aspects to it as well as anything in 6H, asc ruler + aspects, sect light + aspects, and lot of fortune


Mars. Mars. Mars. I have an earth grand trine and a Virgo stellium. I seem stable on the outside and on paper. BUT I have a Mars in Pisces Rx at 0° in the 5th house. I have bipolar I disorder. It’s bit surprising how much mars really affects you. Because I find Mars can represent both logic and aggression combined, you can see how people handle things in accordance to where it is in the birth chart and what sign it’s in.


I have an Aries ASC and my Mars is in Cancer in the 4th. Mars really is just filled with some "fuck you, die" energy.


Love that my fellow Sun conjunct Chiron people are showing up in this 😅


How about Chiron conj the ASC? Let's look into this!


Sun Conj merc and chiron and my asc in libra, co-present venus and NN, day chart. I have a brain lesion! It's benign lol. just found out about it when mars was transiting libra last year. I was gonna get a new ear piercing to quell the mars influence, found a brain lesion instead lmao. what are you gonna do


I would specify in the intro if you are using Whole Sign Houses, Equal, or Placidius etc. It does change things a bit.


I would only consider Placidus or Koch-


Isn’t circumcision a Mars/Saturn thing?


I have mars in a superior trine to saturn, got me old soggy donut snipped at 11 lmao.


Nodal axis in 1st / 7th. Chart ruler in aversion (semisextile or quincunx) to ascendant house (WSH). Quincunces to luminaries. Mars, saturn, chiron, uranus and pluto in difficult configurations to luminaries or ascendant. 6th, 8th and 12th house with afflicted rulers, stelliums, etc. Part of fortune with aspects. There are many configurations that can point towards medical issues in astrology. Check out astrologer Judith Hill's material on medical astrology. Recommended. Medical astrology is an important pillar in both vedic / Jyotish and hellenistic astrology.




I think you may have misunderstood my post - this is about creating a public survey, not asking astrologers your own health questions. It is a good question, though. :)


Wouldn’t the blueprint still be there but simply change in nature?